Are you ready to enter the Digital World, Yea Forums?

Are you ready to enter the Digital World, Yea Forums?

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Hell yeah. Slept on Hacker's Memory so I'm down for this. Cyber Sleuth was great.

PS4 version is superior

Cybersleuth runs at 1080p which is hardly difficult even for a docked Switch. Portable mode will make it better. Hacker's Memory isn't worth playing so it's not worth talking about.

Would rebuy on PC if the missing DLC is included

Attached: [L Subs] Digimon Universe Appli Monsters - 45 [AEAD015B][720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2017.08.13_18.55. (1280x720, 128K)

Wait, so Applimon and Digimon exist in the same universe?

In a psuedo-way. Appmon did a 20th anniversary episode that featured an Agumon from a game called Digimon Universe which is based on Adventure.

Attached: [L Subs] Digimon Universe Appli Monsters - 45 [AEAD015B][720p].mkv_snapshot_14.00_[2017.08.13_19.00. (1280x720, 156K)

There's never been a digimon game worth playing. So no.

Someone's mad they couldn't beat me

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Already did on PS4.

Wish Next Order came to Switch. Monster raising games are best on portables. Beat the original Digimon World on PSP a couple times over the years.

Attached: Digimon-World-Next-Order-Análisis-PlayStation-4-1-de-1.jpg (750x422, 79K)

If Cyber Sleuth sells well enough they'll probably port NO too

Yes because my copy of Cyber Sluts is in moon. It was one of those games I never expected to be localized after seeing what happened to Re:Digitize and the Adventure PSP game.


Is it actually a good game?

Translation's kind of shit but otherwise yes

Is this game standalone or part of a general story?

Doesn't this come out in like October?

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It's alright which means it's a great Digimon game. Lots of Digimon options but the game drags on way too long and there are alot of sections with exposition dumps by the blonde detective. Cheap translation makes playing the girl MC pretty funny. If you like Digimon and don't mind tons of grinding (without using the PlatinumNumemon xp boost) it's not a bad time waster.

and? i want to play it on a switch wherever i want

Cyber Sleuth is standalone
Hacker’s Memory is a side story that takes place during the events of Cyber Sleuth but is otherwise standalone.

>Monster raising games are best on portables
most monster raising games are older and easily emulated, or are already on the switch.

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So if I've never played a Digimon game before this is a good starting point?

Yeah, you don't need to know anything about Digimon to play Cyber Sleuth

Pretty much, I'd always say to emulate Digimon World (PS1) as it's my favourite but for a classic style JRPG Cyber Slueth is pretty good.

Does it play like digimon world or a more traditional jrpg or what?

Wonder if they'll do another series with CGI evolutions

Attached: Digimon Universe Appli Monsters 45 1080p.mkv_snapshot_20.26_[2017.08.12_12.03.41].jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

It's closer to a Pokémon/SMT affair

If you want something like the original Digimon World, check out Next Order

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But I thought these game don't let you enter the Digital World only cyberspace

At the end of Hacker's Memory you do actually enter the Digital World

Please stop taking pics of digimon butts. You make them feel very uncomfortable.

you don't need to feature the digital world to be a good piece of digimon media

not that cyber sleuth wouldn't have benefited from more environment variety

Digimon World: NEXT Order on PC and Switch?

Is that better?

Attached: [L Subs] Digimon Universe Appli Monsters - 23.mkv_snapshot_12.28_[2017.03.26_01.08.50].jpg (1280x720, 100K)

But op asked if we were ready to enter the Digital World if there's no digital world to enter why should you be ready for it?

Because it's not video games and anime any more, kiddo

We're going to the real thing

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>Here We Go starts playing

exactly,there's NO soul.


I'm ready to enter the Digimon.

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Yes but there's been a shit ton of new info for Digimon

>Cyber Sluts Complete Edition coming out soon
>Digimon Survive coming out next year
>Untitled Digimon game with supposedly every Digimon is in development
>New Digimon movie announced
>3 days ago was August 1
>its currently the 20th anniversary of Digimon
>20th Anniversary digivices got a english release and already came out
>Pokerefugees looking for alternatives to Pokemon

Attached: Literal shitmons.png (1000x667, 614K)

Oh yes!
Cry more, faggot.

So digimon poop, that means they have a anus

At the bare minimum you can have anal with digimon if for some reason they weren't programmed with genitals

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>So digimon poop, that means they have a anus
jumping to conclusions

So where does the poop come from?

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is this game fun? What do you do in it?

the digimon

Maybe it's excreted from all over their body like sweat.

It's a JRPG, you catch and raise Digimon which serve as your party members like Pokemon and SMT, and you can evolve them into a variety of things depending on their stats. Random encounters, turn-based battles, sidequests, boss battles, all that shit.

Its a JRPG, its essentially SMT lite but instead of fusing demons you evolve AND devolve your Digimon into what you want.

Do not slitfuck your digimon



Yes and hopefully we get Next Order too.
Yea Forums tournaments when

Yes bro but where the fuck are the pre-orders

Pre-order's up on Amazon, I assume it should be available everywhere else too

Maybe if enough people ask? Pretty sure they said something to that effect.

How would we do that?

Is Digimon like a Pokemon game?

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I have no idea, I'm not well-versed in social media shit or contacting and the like. Maybe ask Bamco's Twitter what would be the best way for people to show their interest in having Re:Digitize/Next 0rder ported? Wasn't there a petition for that some years back? Maybe show that or something.

More like SMT

>Cries in the corner...forgotten.

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already beat the games on ps4 after finding copies in the bargain bin so only plan on picking up the PC release when they are on sale and there are remotely decent nude mods

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>go to watch Digimon Adventure in Japanese
>first movie OK
>first episode OK
>literally cannot find the second episode in anything but English and Portuguese

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This is stupid. These are Sony games, the fact they are releasing them on switch is blasphemy

Fuck off tripnigger
Digimon needs all the love it can get even if that means being released on the switch.