Only 17 monsters in Iceborne

>only 17 monsters in Iceborne


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>it's real

>17 new monsters is somehow a bad thing


new my ass


New to MHW, friendo, but since you're an autistic nintendie:
>only 17 monsters, both new and returning from prior games, that were not in Monster Hunter World prior to iceborn.

>new monsters
>a bunch of recolor

>Still no source

>no zinogre
The fuck

wait, for real?

bonus points for assuming he’s a toddler

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Subspecies were literally ok until World did it.

is this including the subspecies?

You retards are getting baited. Nothing has been said or revealed.

got em

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>Ruiner Nerg
>Viper Tobi
>Coral Pukei
>Nightshade Paolumu
>Shrieking Legiana
>Ebony Odogaron
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Yian Garuga
>Acidic Glavenus
>Fatalis (maybe)
that's 21 in total

Also, the new siege fight, they confirmed we have a new one, so that's 22


Trailer when?

didn't they also confirm that there would be a few monsters that wouldn't be revealed prior to launch?

And don't forget more monsters will be added in updates after launch.

look mom i posted it again

look mom i am seething again

what about the wyrm?


I cannot wait to infinitely stagger more monsters so I can be free to focus on farting into my own asshole.

I want more original monsters