Seen multiple threads where people claim to have played a game for more than a 1000 hours

>seen multiple threads where people claim to have played a game for more than a 1000 hours
I can BARELY play a game for 100 hours, the fuck is wrong with you?

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I have over 2000 hours on multiple games. 100 hours per game is the bare minimum.

Stop playing weeb shit

there's like 10 different games that I played for more than 1000 hours on a single save, and you can probably bump that to ~100 games if adding up replays

and 150-300h on a single save goes in the hundred of different games as well

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What games?

Is every fighting game is full of tryhards to you?

Maybe try and find some actually good games then

For me I either play a game for 3 hours and drop it or it catches my autism and I put 1000+ hours in it

Think this way, how many hours have you spent on this site?

Good game of choice, user.

I play mobile games, thats how

God dammit

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UT2004 and AvP2.

>timer says 1000 hours
>actually spent 75% of it idling in lobbies, chatting, and browsing Yea Forums

While I've never actually got the 1000 hour mark yet, there are a few I've come close with.
Rainbow six siege is one, and is a multiplayer game that I found really engaging for a couple of years so that's plenty of hours of fun to be had.
That said I'm now at the point where the updates kind of spoil the original feeling of the game for me and I also have fallen out of practice due to other life shit so I don't see myself properly getting back into it.

no adhd.
some are not like chewing gum, losing their flavour in an instant.
maybe it is your shallow taste that only allows you to play games that are easy to forget.

Imagine spending over 100 hours of your time devoted to repeating the same tasks over and over again in some colourful glorified corporate slot machine and paying for the privilege.

99% of games and gamers are bottom of the barrel drug addicts. It's like being a high functioning autist, everyone leaves you alone because technically you're capable of taking care of yourself but they still look down on you.

You bastard

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That's really specific bro, are you ok?

8000 on Garry's Mod and counting

>maybe it is your shallow taste that only allows you to play games that are easy to forget.
Oh, i remember the games that i play quite well actually. The thing is they're usually 10 hours long at least and 30 at most

I actually enjoy gaming, I just find most gamers justification for being addicted to games a massive cope.

I have friends who try to be streamers or to make it in gaming in some way or other but it became increasingly obvious that the end goal was really just to justify more escapism.

I depends on the person, but really you just need to find a game that you enjoy that also has a ton of replayability potential. Mods work wonders too, reason why so many people have thousands of hours in something like Skyrim.

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I’ve put a thousand hours or more into every Monster Hunter game, except MH1 and Tri which were about 600~ hours a piece.

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Even the chaddest of chads play LoL for over a thousands of hours

>chads play LoL

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Try playing something other than shallow, cinematic theme-park garbage.

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Just in case these are the series i play:
>Megaman (every sub series)
>Ace Attorney
>Ape Escape
>Sonic pre 2010
I ocassionaly play RPGs like TotA or FF7

I like some video games a lot.
Doesn't really happen as often as I'd like, though.