How can valve compete?

How can valve compete?

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I know right?

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We'll see when the first exclusivity deals run out in ~4 month.

it seems to doing fine by doing nothing at all

They have chosen not to. And apart from throwing some chinese money around, epic hasnt really given them a reason to do anything

By doing nothing and letting them shoot their foot repeatedly.

>The lights are too bright
>I'm so goddamn sweaty
>Who even is this woman?
>I want to go home to look at my knives and eat snacks
>Who's this Sweeney guy who keep sending me emails and talking about me on social media, what does he even want?

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>when asked, his response was literally "it's great that our customer has more choices"

Based Gaben

Valve just has to do absolutely nothing, other than watching it burn.
Epic are fucking themselves over pretty good without external help.

#Epic Gamer Moment

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I only have it installed for the free games and Detroit Become Human

The fact that you bought Detroit Become Human means they won

>Epic started up their antics late last year
>Now August
>Steam has at most referred to them as "another PC store" once.
>Timmy is only sniping indies now and had to up the free games.

It was literally 4 bucks.

The result of EGS existence is that now devs will look good just by putting their game on steam

What's a king to a God?

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Be glad he at least paid 4 bucks for 1/3 of a good David cage game and not the other two.

It's telling when announcing your game won't be epic exclusive is a marketing point.

Is that the lady from Battlestar Galactica? Damn, she's so fine.

Only the woke kind is constantly vocal about what choices they make and those all jump on EGS given the chance.

No idea, possibly?

>Somebody was actually so fucking butthurt they took the time to make this strawman comic.

Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit and I wouldn't buy it" Ooblets game anyway? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear of what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?

Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?

If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.

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150 social credit points aren't just lying around, y'know..

Cringe, shill.

Either they start paying for our games or else our savior Tim will win

>>Somebody was actually so fucking butthurt they took the time to make this strawman comic.

You're right, that'd be pathetic. Good thing Steam drones never did that.

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I for one thank Sweeney for making the chinks ensure sales to western developers so I can pirate those games with a clear mind and contribute not only to my own enjoyment but to money draining from chinks to western economies.

>hover hand

You know what would be even more pathetic? Editing this comic and reposting it at every turn. Now that would be absolutely pitiful.

Halo MCC on PC will use Unreal Engine for the menu hub, Epic gets money anyway

>These are the kinds of people on Yea Forums that tell me to hate Epic Store*

*Not pictured: Fat Sterling and Mongoyea

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Not from their shitty store, so I don't care.

Nah it isn't hoovering

Except Sterling likes Epic.

You're right, shills like you did that.

ugly and rational people are of higher value than beautiful and rotten people

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Imagine trying to buy Halo MCC as a "fuck you" to Epic Store and then putting money in Epics pocket anyway

Nice protest skills, bitch

Having a shopping cart.

>Look, mom, I posted it for the FOURTH time since my SHIT thread got pruned!

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By doing nothing and continue selling adult only games

Fortnite won't last forever

Not in his latest video about Ooblets

You're on par with Fat Sterling, congrats

>Nice protest skills
It sends the message their store can fuck off, so yeah, literally.

>Fortnite won't last forever

You guys predicted this when Apex Legends came out and already got BTFO

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OH NO! how is timmy going to defend this one

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Unlike both of you, I'm not a cuck.

Hey, you know what Jim Sterling also likes to do? Breathing. You should do something against it, cuckboi.

Except Fortnite is heavily in decline to the point its main babysitter switched sites to squeeze some money out of it.

By doing nothing? Steam still got worthwhile exclusives without spending a dime.
Mostly japanese games like Sekiro, DMC5, and MH.
Why does none of the jap devs go to epic if Steam's 30% cut is too much?

forever has already passed? infinity isn't what it used to be.