It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
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based g
That's not Skyrim.
1&2. That gritty setting, only Eurofags and Slavs are capable of this. Americans cant comprehend
Aren't you done with your viral marketing campaign for Elex, since that bombed terribly? Why are you still making these threads about a literally who RPG of yesteryear?
Nobody ever actually cared for Gothic
That's not Labyrinth of Touhou 2.
It's a boomer game
oh and I forgot to mention don't forget to buy our new game Wolfenstein Youngblood!
What is this?
Skyrim at the lowest settings?
Based BOOMER Gothic all zoomers get buttblasted.
Close boyo, but still wrong.
based and slav pilled
I love it so much!
So much this oh my god. My dad always tells me how he used to play this game. Like what do I care about some caveman video game lmao!!
That’s not Ace Combat 4
Half the zoomers on this board don't even know this game...
Morrowind threas?
>haha le funny confused nigger! xd
this game kills zoomers
the controls will end the zoomer's life in an instant
not an argument
I'm gone.
I don't need one since there's nothing to discuss.
A shame, really. People should know about any obscure eurojank, Gothic, Allods, Konung, you name it.
to this day, nothing has even come close to g1/2
I am losing hope, was it really the peak?
There's tons of better rpgs, buddy.
yeah the ubisoft/bethesda garbage open world design can't be stopped now , nothing like gothic will ever be made again
They even turned wolfenstein into generic bethesda open world garbage
Great b8 m8
>Gothic 1 and 2
>Deus Ex
>No One Lives Forever 1 and 2
>Doom 1 and 2
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>Rome Total War (and Medieval 2 with EB2 mod)
>Mass Effect 1
>Star Wars Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy
>Star Wars Rebellion
>GTA San Andreas
>The Chronicles of Riddick
Rate the Boomer lineup of games I have currently installed on my PC.
To be fair skyrim's graphics aren't any better.
Half of these are neo-boomer
Gothic 2 Steam/GoG patching guide with graphics mods
Download this and install in the correct order (readme). Game won't work properly without these.
Then download this and extract to the "system" folder in your Gothic 2 folder
This makes the graphics a lot better and fixes performance
then if you want to make the graphics even better also download and install this by extracting to your Gothic 2 folder
Thanks, mister PB shill
Fallout 1 and Chrono Trigger are aesthetically and mechanically vastly better games than Gothic 1 and 2. Better written as well.
>No Quake
>No Fallout 1/2
>No DA:O
>No Baldur's Gate
>No Postal 2
Step your game up son
Chrono Trigger isn't a real rpg
>It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
>patch game to make FMVs work
>game runs like dogshit now
20% view and low textures, why not.
I wish there was an option to turn foliage off.
It clearly is though
>Good game
pick one
It isn't, jrpgs aren't rpgs.
They are though
The first has my heart
>>No Quake
I thought about it but I get burned out on FPS games fast. I will probably play it at some point.
>>No Fallout 1/2
The later Fallouts (3 and NV) soured me on the whole franchise. Also not a big fan of cRPGs
>>No DA:O
Played it but it wasn't my thing.
>>No Baldur's Gate
see Fallout
>>No Postal 2
Haven't played that in ages. Good call user. I should get to that.
Not really. Chrono trigger has preset characters, has zero roleplaying and doesn't let you construct builds.
>jrpgs aren't rpgs
>haha look at my non argument and my shitty wojak!
They aren't rpgs, unless you can show me a jrpg that has a character you create yourself, active roleplaying, stat building and character growth.
Neither does most of the Ultima and Wizardry games.
Nice strawman, I am talking about Chrono Trigger, not Ultima or Wizardry, faggot.
T.(((fellow white))
>JRPGs aren't RPGs
>"how come these classic WRPGs are considered "true RPGs" when they lack the same qualities, then?"
>uuuuuh because y-you're a faggot
>duhh I can't address your argument, so I bring up Ultima and wizardry
L'hiver changes the map and generally fucks up the worldbuilding imo
Vurt's texture pack is more than enough to make it look amazing, with the DX11 mod
It's kinda sad cause there is party building and roleplaying in Ultima and Wizardry games.
Americucks feel superior (what's new) and just call WRPGs RPGs.
The fact remains that very few classic RPGs actually have custom characters, "roleplaying" and allow you to construct builds, in WRPGs or JRPGs.
>party building
not the same thing
very little if you mean C&C
you should try fallout 1, if you have the patience for gothic I'm pretty sure you have the patience for fallout
>what is Goldbox games etc
fucking disinfo faggots
Baseless speculations are not facts. That's literally vague shit you pulled out of your ignorant ass.
>still hasn't named a jrpg that has roleplaying
The absolute state
If you insist.
Oblivion is clearly the best RPG out there
Was ist? Brauchst du volles Pfund auf's Maul?
>implying PB doesn't try to forget about Gothic because it did everything better than their new games ever will
Steck sofort die scheiĂŸ Gothic 3 SprĂ¼che weg
Steck deine scheiĂŸ Albâ„¢ Magie weg
Oops, wrong file
>Neither does most of the Ultima and Wizardry games.
>preset characters
>no builds
You've never actually played these games, have you?
>Chrono Trigger
>mechanically/aesthetically good
>good writing
>Boring combat system that is a clunky hybrid of turn-based and real-time (ATB). Enemies pose no threat and deal a fraction of the damage the player character is capable of dishing out. Abilities and spells are incredibly boring. There's literally only one or two abilities in the entire game that inflict a status ailment, every ability and spell simply deals damage, or heals it. Dual/triple techs are just boring variations on the same 'do tons of damage' or 'heal tons of HP' template. The ATB system only encourages mindlessly bashing the attack button as soon as possible to prevent enemies from getting hits in.
>Barely any exploration, it's a time travel game that is paradoxicallty completely on rails. Your only choice is how soon you want to end the game by teleporting to Lavos, and even that is realistically only a choice on New Game Plus.
>Incredibly shallow writing. Not a single character has a distinct voice, apart from Frog's heavy-handed Ye Olde English shtick. Everyone is a cliched archetype, the rebellious princess, the geeky scientist anime girl, the noble knight suffering from a curse, etc. We don't even know a single thing about Crono, ostensibly the main character. What does he do for a living? Does he still go to school? Where did he learn swordplay? That's how barebones the narrative is. To add insult to injury, the setting doesn't make a lick of sense: Lucca, a teenage girl, invented firearms and a time machine in a pre-industrial setting, and we are supposed to take this seriously.
>Time travel is not even used in any meaningful way: instead of traveling back in time to prevent Lavos from becoming a threat, the characters travel forward in time to face him at the height of his powers and beat him up. The doom of all mankind, that destroyed a sci-fi civilization with advanced weaponry, can be punched to death by three teenagers. How does that even make sense?
Fallout 2 is the best RPG ever made. It expanded and refined upon the various gameplay systems of the first one, has tons more content, added a lot to the existing lore, and has New Reno which is the best locale in any Fallout game. The only time the game drops in quality is during San Francisco, where you're railroaded pretty hard. The first game has better atmosphere, antagonist, and immediate narrative, but the second game is better in every other way.
>frog poster is actually based and not a faggot
Did the timeline change or something?
I get a lot of the same vibes from the first Witcher game (which is the best Witcher game btw) as Gothic 1 and 2
name tons
Strong suggestion if not shitpost.
>best RPG
>with that combat
It wasn't even the best action-RPG in the year it came out:
Is this real? Are Microsoft so desperate that they actually sell 360 games in xbone boxes now?
It's simple, Gothic 1 was the best RPG and Blade of Darkness the best ARPG of that year.
Git gud.
Fuck you zoomers. Gothic 1&2 are based af. I used to spent hours playing it. Don't forget that this game was absolutely fundamental for the open world games you enjoy today. The setting is fucked, true, but at least combat forces you to manœuvre your hits instead of a constant clicking like it was a hack&slash game. Absolute fucking peak at the time.
Zoomers can gtfo this thread and play fortnite, another CoD reboot, suckyourfriend'scock or whatever the fuck they're playing.
Wizardry 6-8
Arx Fatalis
>game that is mostly unknown outside of Germany and Poland
The game is good, but you're delusional and Gothic1/2 have tons of flaws.
I played every PB game back to back recently
Objective ranking coming through:
Gothic 2 > Gothic 1 > Elex > Risen > Gothic 3 > Risen 2 > Risen 3
Gothic 2 is still the best RPG out there, a shame that nobody managed to top it in 17 years
Not a shitpost
>Gothic 2 is still the best RPG out there, a shame that nobody managed to top it in 17 years
It's been topped multiple times, only PB didn't top it with their billion iterations.
>americans will never play countless mods that don't have english version
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Dragon Age Origins
>Mass Effect (1, 2, first half of 3)
>Have the Witcher 1 installed but can't bring myself to play it
Am I a rpg zoomer?
Yes you are
>It's been topped multiple times
Not even once.
Unless you think RPGs designed with consoles and their braindead audience in mind somehow did.
What should I do to correct that
I also played 200hrs in Skyrim but that doesn't really count
Play boomer core RPGs like
>It's been topped multiple times
>There's tons of better rpgs
Name them.
Read the fucking thread
You can't even name one since you never played any let alone Gothic itself.
gothic did things in 2001/2002 that most triple A rpgs dont even do today
I already named them, are you too retarded to read a reply chain?
wtf is this webm ? how bad can you play wtf
Gothicfags lack the brain power to like more than one game at the same time, especially if they focus on different things.
Guards in Morrowind attack monsters, this video is misleading.
just say Gothic 1/2 -or- 1 or 2
seriously, it was not even necessary. do you feel you say it just because "ONLY GOTHIC CHADS WILL KNOW THIS"?
always the same meme
It's not just that, it shits on Morrowind for having dice roll based crpg combat, while most of Gothic's combat is complete dogshit, especially in the first game where you can't even hit enemies unless you're locked on to them.
The video also doesn't show shit like npcs hitting like trucks with heavy branches on crits, copy pasted armies of orcs, troll strafing or dragons being impossible to kill unless you cheese them with scrolls or the destroy undead glitch.
t. seething morrowfag
severance is not a rpg though. its an entirely different game altogether
>can't refute any point made
>he actually discusses video games
>while most of Gothic's combat is complete dogshit
Zoom zoom
Gothic is good despite its combat, not because of it, you delusional faggot, but keep telling yourself otherwise.
Gothic's combat is much better than a majority of modern RPGs like Witcher 3 or Skyrim where you can just mash light attack and win
Gothic wins. Even with the shitty controls of G1 - Anything is better than Morrowinds combat attempt. Instead of making use of their new tech Bethesda instead clinged to the old formular known from classic isometric RPGs - Which didn't work out.
Strong win for Gothic. Most of the NPCs in Morrowind are walking encyclopedias and whenever you interact with them it feels like talking with robots.
Morrowind wins here. Gothic might have interesting and unique characters but the story itself is pretty generic with an ancient evil rising again. Morrowind has a pretty fantastic world and lore.
Gothic wins here. The world is smaller but very dense and everything has a purpose while many things in Morrowind that don't follow a bigger line feel like filler
A tie. Gothic manages to create a living breathing world while Morrowind is incredibly dense whenever you actually explore the world and find new unbelieveable things.
Morrowind wins again. Both games are perfectly fine in terms of quality but Morrowind has the more unique and interesting style. Gothic comes with some unique creatures but overall the thing is still pretty generic fantasy with dragons, wolfs and the other usual stuff.
Fuck Cryostasis was so good
Europeans are a garbage people. Europe is responsible for all the destructive ideologies, dragging the world into 2 catastrophic wars that it caused, creating Israel (causing a holocaust in Palestine), the worst massacres globally, subjugation and exploitation of the third world over centuries, and they have the audacity to insult America after all we have done for them, and they shift blame and evade accountability all the while. They are an awful, terrible people, who take any opportunity to interject their worthless opinions on what WE should do any time some news trickles over to them, while ignoring the glaring, major problems they're going to face in the name of bowing down and giving their continent to invaders AGAIN.
Witcher 3 has better combat and it doesn't let you just mash light attacks unless you play on easy. Also, if Gothic 2 had such great combat, why did they change it for all the other PB games?
Antagonist in 2 is better tho
Piranha Bytes combat peaked with Risen 1
Change my mind
It did peak there, but it's still shit, especially since it lets you just cheese every npc by strafing them
That isn't Fallout.
>topped multiple times
name just one please. I need to play that secret masterpiece of yours.
yeah that's rough. Except for Mass Effect 1 which is bretty gud.
>Risen combat was their best but still flawed
>Deep Silver forced them to go full console with Risen 2 and make controls which work with controllers in mind
To this day they haven't recovered from it and never will
Still waiting, retard.
>Witcher 3 has better combat
>name one RPG better than Gothic 2
Mount and Blade: Warband
Witcher 1
Fallout 1+2
Can all at least be argued to be at least as good.
Read the reply chain, redditor. I named those games already.
I mean, it's top 10, but by no means the peak.
>Morrowind wins again
Holy shit dude, kill yourself. Morrowind didn't have even 10% of the fps Gothic animations had. You're mostly right on other points, but don't go full retard on this.
>Also, if Gothic 2 had such great combat, why did they change it for all the other PB games?
Wider audience. Also, you're telling me you want Gothic 3 combat over Gothic 2? Nigga, please.
>it lets you just cheese every npc by strafing them
You're supposed to strafe whenever the enemy attacks so how is that cheesing?
You're making use of an intended game-mechanic by timing your dodges and attacks.
All they had to do was take the Risen 1 combat-system as a base and improve upon it.
Instead we got the pile of garbage combat with Risen 2 which was improved upon instead and in the end we got the half-baked crap in their latest game Elex which still plays like absolute dogshit.
Morrowind has fantastic art direction, pleb.
>Also, you're telling me you want Gothic 3 combat over Gothic 2?
Where did I say that, schizo?
>Chrono Trigger
What the fuck are you even smoking?
Is there a single protagonist more A E S T H E T I C than Gothic's MC?
>You're making use of an intended game-mechanic by timing your dodges and attacks.
That's not strafing, moron. You literally hold A and attack and the npc will miss every attack.
>Witcher 3 has better combat and it doesn't let you just mash light attacks unless you play on easy
Are we playing the same game because I'm playing on Deathmarch right now and the only buttons I have to press in combat are light attack and step dodge. Witcher 3's combat is fucking awful.
>stamina 0
Lol zoom zoom cant into stats enjoy ur zoomer arpg
Gothic's combat is bad only if you're a complete shitter that can't even block or execute strings. Keep mashing that attack botton like a retard, it seems more like your speed.
It's an excellent game, but it's not an RPG.
Ok that actually is a very good game. I still prefer Gothic but at least you weren't just full of shit like that other faggot who shits up the thread.
not a fucking rpg
Oh cool, a witcher thread.
It's a completely different game genre wise. M&B Isn't a pure RPG game and more of a 2x management game. There's fuck all for dialogues and character establishment in M&B beyond stock responses npc's give you and there is no plot whatsoever.
I didn't call it hard, I called it shit
That's not Gothic 1
I named multiple good games. Fuck off, shit taste faggot.
Gothic II is a strict upgrade in nearly every compared to its predecessor.
Might & Magic VII
At least your autism keeps the thread alive.
It still shits all over Morrowind's regardless of whatever you call it.
Zoomers will never understand just how fucking comfy Gothic is.
Nothing beats hanging out in the old camp at night, grilling a steak, talking to the miners or listen to them how they play guitar. Literally one of the most comfiest settings I've ever experienced in a game.
Gothic 1 is so amazing it is just fun hanging around the old camp, self-inserting. Or the mega comfy cave of the new camp. But playing it is nice too. I love how items and monsters disappear after you collected/defeated them. No respawning unrealistic shit.
Oh and I love how you can drop items and they stay where you dropped them FOREVER. Just like in Morrowind and Diablo. Gothic is simply Comfy: The game.
except for atmosphere
Arx Fatalis is comfier
Arx Fatalis is in the top 20 RPGs of all time, but it's definitely not comfy.
>but it's definitely not comfy.
Shit opinion
>Giant spiders
>Claustrhophobic environments
>Setting being completely fucked
Am I the only one who thinks claustrophobic settings are kind of comfy? I also found Silent Hill mega comfy.
>Am I the only one
Statistically unlikely.
Except for balance, story, pacing, progression, and atmosphere.
Gothic 2 has more content but it's executed much worse. The vast majority of people who prefer Gothic 2 to Gothic 1 were introduced to the series with Gothic 2 so they think this is how Gothic games should feel like - in that sense, Gothic 1 might seem like a downgrade to them.
Personally, I started off Gothic 1, and while I was excited to see all the new content, the game itself felt really flat and bland. Vanilla Gothic 2 actually had fuck all for content and was piss easy, Die Nacht des Raben fixed a lot but also fucked up the balance by turning the game into a mindless grind - simply because unlike the first Gothic, the content and the progression system weren't created one for another but rather retro-fit together.
Gothic 1 barely had any of the "number" grind, the progression system was made with a great RP feel to it, the magic was genuinely powerful, and nothing was really a chore. Gothic 2, meanwhile, has a genuine action-RPG feel to it, as you can see from - because it's actually really close to it. Gothic 2 was a mix between Gothic and something akin to Diablo - it's not a bad game by any means, especially if you like this sort of games and I can easily see it being a more fun game to replay as the original Gothic, but as a standalone experience, honestly speaking, compared to the original Gothic it's pretty shit.
Shit I would replay both Gothics but they have too much min-maxing (especially 2) and save scumming. They are the type of games you either dedicate yourselves 100% to them or don't bother. You can't just pick it up and mindlessly play.
It gives you the illusion of freedom but often the order in which you have to do things is surprisingly linear. In order to defeat enemy D you have to level up, in order to level up you have to defeat the 3 weak enemies A, B and C and do quests A and B. You spend all points on strength. Only THEN are you strong enough to the defeat D. Then you do quest A which gives you enough money to buy sword A. etc etc... you get what I'm saying. Out of 20 monsters you see you can only defeat 3. Then 5. Then 7 in that order. And good luck finding out what you can defeat. Good luck reloading your game 20 times.
That's not how it works.
You can't attack while moving and if you're somehow able to abuse it that's on you.
A simple problem to fix if they actually cared enough.
Gothic I is to Gothic II as Fallout 1 is to Fallout 2.
Then why are you avoiding Witcher 1?
Op yo are truly right.
Picrelated is the peak rpg.