So user, what do you think of new turn FPS games took in mid 2000s?

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>Doom 3
Not what I wanted
It's okay
Very good
>Far Cry
didn't play this one
No thanks

3 great games, 1 good game and then you have quake 4

I miss the days i could look at 5 titles from various publishers/dev and not have the first question in my mind be "does it have microtransactions? will they be patched in post launch?" this gen sucks, next gen we will have a monthly subscription for each publisher that gates content, just watch.

I wouldn't call Far Cry great or even good. The first 2 hours are fantastic but once mutants show up it becomes garbage.

Yeah, but the lan multiplayer was some of the most fun I’ve had

At least those games were playable.

crazy to think that doom 3 had real-time raytracing 15 years before it caught on

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Fear had great lighting and physics.

Not me. I am fine playing older or indie games.

With the exception of Fear, none of those games really tickled my fancy. They're all at least fine, though. Apart from Q4 I mean jesus fucking christ.
Even military shooters were fine with Rainbow Six Vegas and GRAW2. COD1 and Return to Castle Wolfenstein were decent older-themed shooters. Shame the 2.5D school of thinking went the way of the dodo outside of Serious Sam and Painkiller, which eschewed level design for slaughterwad thinking.

It was all basically fine until the accessibility meme crept in, and I'd have a hard time naming more that 5 shooters in the past decade I'd give half a shit about.

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>Doom 3
amazing, still makes me want to come back for more
more groundbreaking for it's time, but still good
>Far Cry
didn't play lol
mediocre, couldn't even finish it

It is mostly indie games outside of Doom 4 now.
Dust, Ion Maiden, Project Warlock, Nightmare Reaper and hopefully Wrath as well.

I'll check them out, cheers user. I think the only indie shooter I've played was Bunker Punks. Which put an indefinite hold to checking out further indie shooters.
If they've gotten that whole procgen shit out of their system though, then alright.

I unironically liked Q4, don't ask why because I don't remember

>meme tier doom game
>only horror game worth playing
>physics engines are cool
>Crisis: 1.5
>how about no

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Same and also can't remember anything

>breddy gud
>breddy gud
>breddy gud
>never played

Half Life style games where everything is scripted was the wrong direction for FPS games to go in.

Top tier:
High tier:
>Far Cry
Mid tier:
Low tier
>Doom 3
>Quake 4

Where's fucking Riddick you mouthbreather

glorified physics demo better than FEAR ok men

Pretty mediocre other than FEAR which is god tier still today.

FEAR is one my favorite games ever.
Half Life 2 is one of the most boring, overrated pieces of shit ever

>Crisis: 1.5
Far cry was release before Crysis you underaged zoomer, how could it be Crysis 1.5?

Doom 3
>Let's make a slow ass horror gaem and call it doom
>alright so our last game blew up esports because of the thight, fast movement and multiplayer focus
>let's make the next one single player focused and slow everything down

Not sure if they decided all this for consoles but I remember my teenage self going "what the fuck where they thinking" before avgn made it popular.
I also remember snapping q4's disk in half after a few hours.

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I agree, but I really want to see more passion projects. All this consumer level shit just bores me.

Riddick is fucking boring

To me, FEAR is almost more of an arcade game to see how well you can use its combat system