Are you winning son?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
What did Barry mean by this?
Maybe releasing a game blatantly tailored for weeaboo a a week before Anime Expo 2016, a convention blatantly tailored for weebs wasn’t such a bright idea.
And it seemed Nintendo learned their lesson by releasing the new Fire Emblem far, far away from that date
our guy
you're fucking retarded
they didn't market tms at all, not even mentioned in their own event
controversy over the "localisation"
that's why it failed, your shitty convention with under 100k entrants doesnt affect overall game sales
Isn't she like 11 years old
couldn't have put it better myself, Barry
best SMT game to date
Why did no other country adopt tissue marketing?
I'd take tissues over fucking flyers every day
Why won’t they port this
Now that we all know that Fire Emblem Tree Houses is shit, it's time to apologize to Tsubasa for not buying her game, Yea Forums!
I pirated it and if I had the option to buy it uncensored, I would pirate it again and not play it.
The game play to this was actually pretty fun desu. Getting long ass combos was cool.
Kill yourself
I don't know anyone who played this game, maybe because it was on Wii U
Switch port when?
>And it seemed Nintendo learned their lesson by releasing the new Fire Emblem far, far away from that date
and not censoring the game
and not trying to push the game as something it was not (as in Nintendo was still pushing #FE as a SMTxFE crossover, even after the idolshit)
lol get dabbed on idolcuck.
Literally NOBODY likes you shit game.
Kill thyself son of fag.
>Maybe releasing a game blatantly tailored for weeaboo a a week before Anime Expo 2016, a convention blatantly tailored for weebs wasn’t such a bright idea.
that's not the problem
the problem is that they marketed this under the name SMT x FE
t. Dante Alighieri.
Why they didn't make SMT x FE a Devil Survivor meets Awakening ordeal, I'll never know. That would pretty much perfectly satisfy a niche while still holding some marketable appeal.
seems kinda fun, shame its on the wii u
>play through 2/3 and hit wall, drop
>hack wii u and uncensor patch 2 years later
>drop after buying bikini costumes
Is there any reason to continue to the endgame? Playing xenoblade Chronicles in gamepad mode instead
This but unironically
>hit wall
What was it?
>Hit wall.
What? game is pretty straightfoward.
No. The story is shit, the music is shit, and the characters are shit.
I finished this game last month and I still can't understand how there are so many people in Yea Forums, gamefaqs and youtube that are such devote fans of this garbage.
The gameplay is fun at times and you kinda get over on how sessions make every single attack last for 20 years. It's nice to see everyone in your party participating and all, but that's about it. The session mechanic is just a glorified press turn.
And the story and characters are so garbage. Everyone is just a cardboard cutout of the most basic anime tropes ever, and it's painful when they sing/dance/act to reach the soul of the person possessed by the mirage for the 10th time.
At least the mirages and weapons have cool designs
Hopefully soon. I never finished it on the wiiu. Once you accept it isn't actually SMT x FE, you can see it's a fairly solid rpg. Ironically enough FE3H by KT looks more like the crossover people wanted.
I liked it better than P5 because there's no boring school shit
Sure, if you choose to ignore the story and characters, and only judge the game by its combat system.
That's exactly what I judge it by. Few JRPGs, let alone games, actually have good story or characters.
TMS's story and characters are so remarkably bad that it's impossible to ignore. I could've taken it if they were just bland, but these are an absolute travesty.
>make a game based around Japanese entertainment industry
>censor it to the point where it doesnt make sense
>end game story arc is retarded
At least Tsubasa is pure
Based Barry