Here's that model update you wanted bro

Here's that model update you wanted bro

Attached: gobbo update fem.png (1500x904, 1.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Botox Update.png (1500x1159, 2.19M)

This is a legit improvement, especially if the body looks the same

They all look the same.

>nigger modificator: 10x

now post Worgen

new worgen are cute

Attached: 858390.jpg (3000x3140, 1.34M)

Literally everything looks the same to me besides female Worgen. Male Worgen seem completely unchanged.

I bet chinese and koreans love this shit.
They don't like ugly player characters, everything has to be anime kawaii face

would fug their little doggy doughnuts

Looks like a fucking teddy bear. Taurens have the same puppy eyes. Also this

chinese and koreans already love to eat dogs

Now they got those eyes that furries like to draw.

better than the old "fuck me" eyes

They look friendlier and blander

This turns an abysmal model into something tolerable

it's better than the strung out crackwhore eyes they had before to be fair.

the Bruce Willis cartel

dont even play this shit game but god dam you guys got riced, new literally all looks the same

1) Why do some have glowing eyes?
2) Why are there fucking werewolves in Warcraft?

top: soul
bottom: soulless

1) death knights
2) they have been in the game since vanilla and were made playable in the cataclysm expansion

glowing eyes are death knights and werewolves come from shapeshifting druids going too far

i dont mind the new models but jesus does every face look exactly the same
no variety anymore

They're Death Knights, and Worgen have been in the universe since like 2003.

>death knights
Oh, that sort of makes sense. They look a bit too fleshy for that, though

This is literally soul/soulless. Old has fuck me eyes.

Forgot pic
Well, they were not in the RTS games as far as I remember. A bit of a furry-bait, if you ask me.

Attached: 1392444913040.jpg (287x238, 19K)

the wolve one is the worst offender at that point they should just let you change eye color and be done with it sameface all around i guess wow is that infested with normies there getting no backlash for this

Here's the Alpha Worgen models for anyone who forgot that they were a thing

Attached: file.png (2439x1156, 3.29M)

We are at a point when people defend old female worgen just to shit on Blizzard.

>Female goblins all now have that middle aged mom-face
I guess they're Gobmommies now.

theyve always been mommies

Blizzard shits on themselves without our help.
Just because something was bad before doesn't mean it couldn't get worse.

Old femgobs were more like grannies.

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf

Still can't understand why Blizzard thought the snarling face was better than this

>old good
>new bad
fucking aspies, man

Attached: 1547979017247.jpg (1080x1294, 342K)

yes they were shit but are you telling me asian sameface is better?

>the snarl is gone

Attached: 1564833965429.jpg (829x900, 86K)

what the fuck?

this is what happens when you listen to players

>werewolves come from shapeshifting druids going too far
The most retarded fucking retcon.

>plays XIV
of fucking course


Is there some deeper meaning to glasses? FF trannies always have glasses and wow erpers also add glasses to their oc donut steel.

>A bit of a furry-bait, if you ask me.
They started out more like traditional Werewolves that acted like savage animals. Years later they caved in to furry demands and introduced a group of them that were cured of their addled minds via alchemy.

Why do the old male goblin faces look like they have so much more effort put into them than the female faces?

its the only thing they can do to add a touch of femininity to their masculine jaws and heads

...because they did.

>someone still has this crop I made of someone's demon

i found it in the vg thread the other day to be quite desu

Attached: free action sip.png (238x211, 80K)

i love her

Attached: cutegob.jpg (447x497, 20K)

Honestly think this is a better option, at least these faces are like, neutral, not constantly grimacing like the old models.

I don't doubt it, it's just funny to see the image still floating around years later

>they all look the same
It’s like the person responsible for making the new faces waited until the last day before they were due to start working on them. I can barely tell the difference between each face.

Wow thats awful

Old version looks hardened, grizzled, and actually gobliny.
New Version looks weirdly youthful, and niggery.

The new goblin female looks like she's about to ask for the manager

Attached: gob.jpg (443x569, 25K)

>one face with slight changes in wrinkles and eye color
oh jeez not again
>it took them 5 years to do this

owo uwu x3 etc. etc.
honestly not sure if i like the update or not

Attached: Untitled_.jpg (552x613, 66K)

It's funny because even though I do hate how lazy Blizzard got with the model updates, the reason they all look the same is because they use animation to make the faces look physically different, whereas previously they exclusively used textures. As most of you don't actually play the game or follow its development, none of you knew this.

Attached: 1560222373878.jpg (624x551, 341K)

>Hey, we need to design literal werewolves, beasts that hunt in the night and rip people apart. Get to it, team!
>How about we make them look like domesticated dogs?
>Guess who's getting promoted?


i mean to be fair wolfs also look like doofy dogs a lot of the time, they aren't in a perpetual snarl forever.

Werewolves are not wolves. They are rabid beasts that assault anything in sight. The Worgen have some control over their curse, but canonically they should only assume their wolf form in combat or other high tense situations, which would warrant a snarl. There's no situation beyond furry roleplay where these new models are appropriate.

Attached: werewolf.jpg (564x657, 44K)

> canonically they should only assume their wolf form in combat or other high tense situations

I mean we at least know that Genn is in worgen form all the damn time, I think we can gain from that that it's basically up to the worgen themselves what form they want to be in.

Do you not see the replies to the same shit happened last time people bitched about MUH FURRIES and NOT UGLY ENOUGH so they made them retarded.

Half are unfinished, r-right?

Uguu¬ face

Genn is in human form whenever he isn't in an active battle or an area where he could plausibly have to fight at a moment's notice.

Male Worgen models, for anyone who cares.
It only took them 9 years to make these races playable.

Attached: 858392.jpg (3000x1124, 517K)

Just let the game die already

Also the point was that they don't look like domesticated dogs, they still look like wolves, just not constantly stuck in one super angry facial expression, canonical or not, makes sense people would rather that their worgen in game just looks a smidge more neutral.

So do you believe werewolves should have a tail or no tail?

>Brapaclysm was NINE (9) years ago
We're getting old, bros

It's not great but come on, anything is better than the old model.
Beta one was ideal.

Meh, everyone will be on Classic by the end of the month anyway. Wasted effort tbqh.

Attached: 1563985037105.jpg (501x266, 35K)

Here Tyrande's Warcraft III model

Attached: 858465.jpg (1273x879, 347K)

Either or is fine. Personally I prefer no tail because tails on bipedal creatures tend to look silly.

and then they will be back in a month for new stuff

No, beta model has the same problem the new one does. Looks too cute instead of like a fucking monster.
Current model has a whole slew of problems but they're going in the wrong direction with the update
Course it doesn't fucking matter cause they want them to be more playable for the people who just want a cute animal to play as on the alliance side, and that's the direction they've been going in since they showed off the first WIP from which nothing's deviated anyway so it may as well have been the final product especially considering they're not going to fucking change a thing about it from now until release
i'm not quite mad but i am fucking frustrated

Attached: 1541888756019.png (750x800, 21K)

As usual, Blizzard abandons the best option to include shit

>Looks too cute instead of like a fucking monster.
Less than the new one.
Still, something like either of those models is preferable to the absolute trainwreck of the current one. It's not 'cute', it's not a monster, it's retarded.
Call me a furfag or whatever, I don't plan to come to this game anymore.

>Personally I prefer no tail
Then you my nibba. Good taste

Howcome Nightborne look better in black mageweave then regular night elves? I think they got more under butt crease shadowing but I'm not sure.

>perpetual snarl even when sleeping
nah. its dumb as fuck.

What exactly did they change? Am I fucking blind? Are the animations any different?

>unironically defending fucking fem worgen models

>He bought?

Thank fucking god for this. Female worgen have been a horrible joke since they came out.
I might actually ERP with one now.

Hey, guess what? You have a spell in your spellbook that allows you to switch between your human and worgen form. Don't like the snarl? Switch to human form.

I only agree that the new model will be better in the respect that it probably won't have issues like its spine collapsing in on itself during mutilate
I would not prefer the beta one in any respect
And you, you're retarded. I made quite plain that the current femworg models are shit
What i wanted was femworg models but fixed, what i'm getting is owo cute happy friendly puppy dog

>2) Why are there fucking werewolves in Warcraft?
this is the average Yea Forums user now, feel old yet?

Wait why are the textures objectively worse? What the fuck?

They look way better. Still furry shit but they look way more beastlike.

>They don't like ugly player characters
Neither does the west, seeing how Blizzard had to redesign female trolls, orc and worgen to be more attractive.

there are people that had hearthstone as their first game in the franchise

If nu-blizz has this stance that women shouldn't be sexualized and every body type should be represented, why even keep Worgan with tits? I guess they know the ones their pandering to are furry faggots, but still...

Hearthstone cares more for the warcraft lore than WoW does

Also has a ton of cute gobbos and gnomes

Attached: 636371268608109389.png (375x518, 325K)

You're reaching to the fucking moon right now, Mr. Fantastic.

They look like fucking Hyenas now. The old face was better.

>If nu-blizz has this stance that women shouldn't be sexualized
Imagine believing this. Someone post the new Calia model with the giant tits.

Oh look, they are doing sameface again.

Worgen should never have been allowed to wield weapons. They should have had a racial that hid every weapon and had them using their claws and shit instead. It's always looked incredibly stupid seeing this werewolf run around with a huge two-hander.

Hearthstone literally ignores the lore routinely just to make stupid shit they think will be popular.



>If nu-blizz has this stance that women shouldn't be sexualized

Attached: 9ztf4zoqxwd31.png (304x724, 204K)

So does no one remember when they ruined the orc faces. We used to have variety from the evil assassin to the wise old warrior, now we have just Garrosh.

Attached: ruined.jpg (597x886, 116K)

She's fully covered like a fucking sandnigger. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave her a cowl by the time she's put into the game.

Oh wow they made them look decent finally

she a corpse after all

Medivh having a huge party at Karazhan isn't lore unfriendly. Neither is Gadgetzan being a giant sprawling metropoliswish it would, or Dalaran getting citynapped and crashed into blackrock spire.

It harkens back to the days when Warcraft was just as silly as it was melodramatic. I enjoy the lighthearted humor

I haven't played in months, tha- thats not fuckin Calia is it.

>cleavage fully covered
>oh yes bros, look at those 2 inches of skin showing i'm going to fucking cum

I remember when they changed the faces and that image became irrelevant.
But I guess that doesn't gel with your agenda.

Better texturing on the fur. Faces aren't as "snarly" as the old ones. Some colors are slightly different on some.

They ruined everyone's faces with updates. Human female has one face with slight variations.

Attached: file.png (915x1098, 2.01M)

it's canon, it's going to be a new race on Horde to give them the human model after they let factions group

Yes, they're making lightforged undead. It's a fucking joke and they're pushing it way too fucking far.

Golden wrote this book more than a year ago, mr i dont play for months

Blizzard must have some internal mantra that bans advanced texture work or something, it's ridiculous how unwilling they were to go back and just actually make their faces different. Like they have anything better to fucking do.

>the sims 5

Gobbos are fucking hot holy shit.

I still say worgen should have been a "male only" race and that your gender only actually matters when you're in your human illusion.


They updated their faces and bodies but couldn't be bothered to update their hands and feet as well? It looks fucking weird.

She is as hot as she is boring. Holy shit kill her character.


Attached: 858193.jpg (4006x1800, 776K)

>a "male only" race
kill yourself weeb

The furriness goes up and down at all points of the beastlike slider.
The only way to have a beast that is 100% non furry is to be a monster out in the world that a hunter can't tame.

Valeera will get hit with the pants stick eventually

I don't enjoy when they butcher the lore for no good reason, and I like it even less when the dumb bullshit gets imported into the actual game. My point that Hearthstone is not loyal to the lore, and in fact flaunts it instead, stands pretty strongly.


I think user's saying that male and female worgen should look the same in their monster forms.

Why do they still have the weird fucking chicken legs? Why didn't they just give them actual humanoid legs and make them meatier? Why did this take 9 years

Or you can grow the fuck up and stop caring so much. It's perfectly ok to find animals attractive.

What are you on about? I could install the game right not to see that they are still butchered. Just because blizz slightly adjusted some eyebrows doesnt mean its fixed.

>wear full red with giant shoulder spikes
Valeera confirmed for asking for it


Are we going back to the WotLK era shoulder sizes??

Attached: WoWScrnShot_071919_094300.jpg (525x484, 65K)

Hearthstone is Dragon Ball, most WoW expacs are most DBZ sagas, Mists of Pandaria is the Buu Saga

I know about her shitty books, I just hoped they went the way of medan.

they have to understand the lore to parody it. The Frozen Throne Hearthstone adventure is good shit.

Golden is just taking a knife to everything that doesn't pander to her vision and political views

i dont fucking get it there transforming into a god dam wolf hybrid from a curse how is a snarl that out of place for you

every werewolf design is existence has the hindlegs as a bipedal form of a dog's hind legs.

finally, I've been waiting for this kind of post since fucking ages

Valeera will get bred by the Anduin Dick eventually*

This isn't about attractiveness, it's about SAVAGE BEAST werewolf RPs being furry at their core.

Anduin and Sylvanas have sexual tension between them. He's also gay on the side for his black dragon lover.

Was kind of hoping he'd hook up with Yrel but she turned into Hitler

but can Goblins be monks yet?

Why do people talk about a game nobody plays anymore?

does it count as /ss/ if he's 19 and she's several centuries old?


this is not warhammer online thread

"huh not bad, they actually look good now"
>the ones on the top were the old models
figures, blizzard fucking up again

Yeah, that's fair, maybe i'm asking for more of a wolfman type of design, which would make it just more of a humanoid with fur and less of a werewolf. I just wish they were more intimidating looking and less goofy, which is more the animations fault than anything.

and there is it guess furry faggots are to blame for this

It's not the fact they are snarling, it's the fact the whole model, including the snarl, has looked like absolute shit from day one and has continued to look like absolute shit for 9 years.

Absolutely. She'll play the roll of his adoring stepmom keeping him pure with nightly thighsex for as long as she can.

Calia wasn't canon until Legion so what's your point?

>I enjoy the lighthearted humor
sadly everyone clearly saw with MoP than wow players fucking hate humor and want serious story for serious players such as themselves

It's Warcraft, though. Everyone's got shoulder spikes or shoulder glowy bits.

Attached: mq1d6vZ9rG1sqxge2o1_400.jpg (357x501, 53K)

it's just the model viewer, since it has physics her hair is just in the basic "t-pose" stance

>Retail cucks actually pay for this

Does it matter what you wear when you can turn completely invisible?

sadly everyone clearly saw with the Buu Saga that DBZ fans fucking hate humor and want serious action for serious viewers such as themselves.

>someone posts a datamined game model
How about you use your fucking brain

You say that when in the very next expansion they added Khadgar

Attached: d92.png (900x600, 540K)

Nope, it's clear she's specifically wearing it so she "accidentally" gets captured and "forced" to pleasure the enemy

They just look like furries now.

The joke containment character, even the poop quests were relegated to him.

ah yea, because MoP was the pinnacle of wow humour

no, but the trailer itself clashed with the others, we had "u r not preprd" the "my son", deathwing then we got a goofy human and orc being fucked by kung fu, then story wise threats (beside the on rail call of duty intro )started to appear from level 83
he was goofy in a super hero way, he's like any marvel or dc superhero making snarky comments while styling on mooks, it was also when the 60 years old executives heard the word "meme" and wanted to use it

They were always furries. At least they look a little more interesting and less gay now.

are these models slowly getting worse?

Attached: Khadgar.webm (962x720, 2.88M)

top: soul

bottom: soulless

Never 4get the tiny shoulder bug

No! What you're not seeing is all the expressiveness and ANIMATION detail from the new face rigs! :^)

Stuff is getting streamlined basically, all races share spells animations nowadays, old unique animations only exists for hearthstone cast and such

The launch trailer for MoP was goofy because MoP was supposed to be a "holiday" expac where there wasn't going to be an over-arching threat/villain like there had been for three expacs prior to it.
Then they realised this was a stupid idea and sacrificed Garrosh by having his character do a 180 and become super-Hitler just so there was a villain.

>Hello, neckbeard
>You have 30 minutes to drink Nogginfoggers, or your auction house portfolio will be erased

Attached: index.png (255x197, 80K)

Jihadi space goats taking over alternate universe afro-mongolia would be a better expac than bfa desu

The pinacle of WoW humour was Cata quests which involved goblins

For me, it's the cata quests in hillsbrad where they have an entire chain that makes fun of wrath-baby neckbeards.

>Neither is Gadgetzan being a giant sprawling metropoliswish it would,
Truly the biggest joke in hearthstone

Attached: 1200px-Gadgetzan_cata.jpg (1200x750, 132K)

>races share spells animations nowadays
No they don't

Nothing is preventing them from making it bigger someday.
Maybe they'll make a real Goblin capital.

They all look that exact same except with slightly different eyes. Christ at least the old models had some soul to them

Yes, they do in a sense.. Mortal strike got a new animation in Legion and now every warrior uses the same one instead of humans having their iconic jump, orcs with their iconic clunk, etc...
same motions and "caster" stance

tails are meant for balance
a bipedal wolfman who stands on digitigrade legs would have a fucking hell of a time trying to stay balanced without one

not if they hunch forward, like both sexes do

She's not several centuries old.

She was a child by elf standards when she met Varian, she's an Elf teenager by now.

>comments that are "hurrr not #savage enough"
ok mister art director how would you make them look more savage while keeping the same skeleton
>they need a snarl
NIGGER they snarl when they're in COMBAT you don't notice it because you're paying attention to other shit but all of the characters are very expressive when doing things.

these models look FAR better than the originals.

FINALLY, Noname55 will have better Worgen models to use in videos of Jaina getting knotted. Sasuaga, Blizzard.

but patreon banned bestiality again

>more high quality porn of shemale worgen with knots

Attached: ecstatic.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

>tfw thats the password on one of my co-workers work computer

so hes a retarded furfag

No clue, Im pretty sure he got assburgers. No social queues and lives with his mother and brother at the age of 40

I don't fucking want humour in my games. Some is okay, if it's witty and smart. Most of the quests they added in Cata simply weren' funny.
Who the fuck enjoys every serious moment being undercut by a "joke" for 10 year olds. I guess it wouldn't infuriate me that much if the new quests had any difficulty to them, but they're just vehicle shit and even the "kill 8 spiders" ones are easy as shit.
MoP is good though.

How about that, they don't look like men anymore

>know a guy who's screen name is suspiciously similar
>he likes female worgens
uh oh

I see no difference

Why do they give every race "same face" with their model updates?

Imagine this.
In Thrallmar, there's an innkeeper named "Floyd Pinkus". Nice little reference. You go "Heh, i know what that is" and everything is fine.
In Cataclysm the guy would have been an eccentric goblin that has a 4 quest long chain with every single quest being named after an album. First one you have to gather npcs named after the band members, second you have to jump into a mech called "Ummagumma" and collect survivors while the mech yells "Hello is there anybody in there, just nod if you can hear me". All of the mech abilities are references to other albums and songs btw. You go deep into a mine called "The Machine", at the end is a goblin overseer whose aggro quote is "Welcome, my son, welcome to THE MACHINE". You loot a "Shining Diamond" from the guy and turn it in.
In the last quest you take a journey with Floyd Pinkus and the rest of the band, break through a wall and they take you to the next questing hub. Cue the next pop culture reference.