If you needed a bloody/gory game to vent out to, which one would it be?

If you needed a bloody/gory game to vent out to, which one would it be?
Preferably human enemies

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Playing firebug in Killing Floor 2 always scratches my itch

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I want to be crushed between her thighs.

Actual nigger loving faggots.

Brutal Doom.

Nuclear Throne or Vermintide 2

>Not Berserker


L4D2, Dead Rising, revengeance

this has been told to me several times before and I did love old doom, might as well

She sure has a nice pussy.

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You can smell the roast from here.

what a faggot


None because I'm not a psychopath.
If you play shooter games you're literally a murderer in the making.

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I prefer to hear the screams of flaming agony, well that and I'm shit at parrying.

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You might want to get your eyes checked.

Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2

>needing a bloody/gory game to 'vent out to'

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Nice thighs. I'm sure it's a guy with a penis though of course, right?

Unironically God of War,ideally God of War II.
It doesn't make for a very technical action game, but hell it's great for blowing off steam.

that one level from MW2

>put on Rift
>play Blade & Sorcery
>feel bad because dick twitches

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This. My vent game is God Hand, because no matter how gory games can be, nothing beats an old fashioned ass kicking.

Not bloody or gory, but Hulk Ultimate destruction Is comfy for that

I've always seen people saying 2 is better than 1 but have felt the opposite
Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the era of shooters that 1 was released in

Ubermosh series.

I like beating people with a bat in gta online

soldier of fortune 2
condemned: criminal origins
no more room in hell

Mah nigga

Gears 4. Bodying people with the shotgun point blank or popping someone's head with the Longshot are some of the most satisfying things I've experienced in vidya.

I bet that's a man.

grand theft auto is the go-to edge soother imo

Very cute cat, wish the girl would get out of the way.

Hope you didn't wager anything truly valuable

Postal 2

God I hope so

You have described HATRED.

Seething tranny.

Brutal Doom

more of this girl please

Weak fucking bait fag

I don't think I need blood and gore specifically. I'd pick a musou, like Pirate Warriros, Dynasty Warriros, or Sengoku Basara. For me it's more about the feel of an overwhelming power that can destroy hundreds of opponents at once, rather than specifically knowledge of how gruesome you can murder a single individual.

Good God please give the sauce, I don't want to fap alone tonight

I like to play Drakengard 1 when I feel homicidal but also braindead. Everything just kinda works.

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Stop talking to your multiple personalities, schizo.

Some korean thot named Kanri-chan

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hmm, I'll give that approach a try

Greetings from my penis

>I don't want to fap alone tonight

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If guys can look like that women might as well give up

I was there for this. It was a wild thread