This is what the average indie dev thinks of their paying customers.
This is what the average indie dev thinks of their paying customers
what game?
honestly that doesn't even sound far off-brand for them
These devs sound hateful enough of gamers to say something like this, but bringing up "gas chambers" sounds too "problematic" for them so I can only assume this is fake.
No no no that's fake, didn't happen, nothing to see here goy. There are no webms of me posting and then deleting that message, don't go looking for it.
The masses are retarded and don't know what they actually want. Creators must absolutely never listen to their customers.
Will Tim defend this too?
is this the so called gamercaust?
>buying indie games
lol @ u
Tim says it's fake, while there is a source proving him wrong.
he's not wrong
Link to tweet? Fairly he only said the fake tweet was the one about malaysia.
Show me this webm
How can you be so bad at PR man
I don't get it
hahaha based
For some reason the other thread on page 1 with not enough posts to hit the bump limit 404'd so here it is again
it's excellent PR, all Tim had to do was give funding to 1 shitty dev team and now everyone is talking about EGS
You mean "so good at PR", right? Ooblets went from a game that nobody has ever heard of to an internet sensation overnight after the announcement was posted.
literally in this very thread linked from another thread
yeah sorry, malaysia and the other one he called "phony", he still doesn't give a shit anywya
>any exposure is good exposure
except when it shits on customer, they won't flock to your game and start buying it because you called them whatever buzzword was at hand
>i'm sure you're a nice guy
I think he's firmly established himself as an asshat
Success-by-scandal doesn't normally involve insulting the people you want to buy your product.
It's more like when people buy PPVs for a Floyd Mayweather fight because they want to see a wifebeater get his comeuppance.
Lmao fuck indie games and fuck their devs. 90% of them are literal trash.
still better than nobody knowing you
>literally in this very thread linked from another thread
literally not true (although someone has since posted it here )
These devs have so much fucking attitude that I'm just waiting for their "the sun told us to cancel development" announcement
Day of the shovel when?
what are you even trying to say here, i'm not the one trying to sell a product and if I did, i would be smart enough not to insult people who are going to buy it
Someone should kyoani their studio
except>inb4 404
don't be a newfag
It's 2 people. The wife does art and code while the husband shitposts on discord.
>"the sun told us to cancel development"
What was that mental case's /tg/ kickstarter again? Fuck that shit was hilarious to follow.
Couldnt we just spam this with the whole thing on twitter?
>indie devs are just as bad as gaymerz
>they say they car aboit human rights but make alt right jokes
This is some low hanging fruit.
>”honestly, gamers should be herded onto small plots of land that can’t sustain their population and given disease infected blankets so they die in agony”
How does everything that Schweiney touches turn to shit?
>"am I the only one who thinks gamers should be sent to Nazi death camps? c'mon I can't be the only one"
>Jason Schreier defends dev
>said dev makes a holocaust-joke just hours later
Like pottery.
Has anyone posted this webm in their discord yet? How do they argue against it?
The game looks like shit, but the case of them telling patreon supporters that they're not entitled to their game is some fucking stupid shit
What was it?
>The Holocaust would look like an absolute joke compared to what I'd do to gamers. In fact, Hostel would look like one of those Bratz made-for-TV movies compared to that.
>I don't owe people who funded my game anything
Watch as gaming "journalist" stooges conveniently stay silent on this blunder while continuing to shill for Epic
FUCK customers and FUCK Kickstarter backers.
I'm not doubting this webm, but I am genuinely curious why someone would have been recording?
This seems way too ridiculous at this point to attribute to genuine human stupidity. These two must have been paid off to purposefully torpedo their own game or something.
>that second part
>"It is in that moment that I realized something needed to be done about the gamer menace."
>I could tie a group of gamers up in my basement and light them on fire, and no one would care. In fact, they'd throw a parade in my honor. That's how little actual people care about gamers.
>t. ooblets dev
why does Tim simultaneously look like he has no neck and at the same time look like a giraffe
the user who posted it got mad for getting banned on the discord apparently
nothing to see here, move along
Who gives a shit?
People giving money to Patreon deserve everything bad that happens to them.
user got banned, made another account and joined in discord again then recorded using obs
I know people used to say :
>"All publicity is good publicity"
But I don´t think this applies to EGS anymore.
What a complete and utter trainwreck this shit is.
Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit and I wouldn't buy it" anyway? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear of what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?
Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?
If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.
>why would someone have been recording conversations and fallout from another Epic exclusivity deal
indeed, the mind truly boggles at this bizarre and outlandish behaviour
>indie dev
They aren't an indie dev since they're receiving financial from a big company aka Epic so you're a retard.
The average indie dev I know loves their fans. I'm not American, though, let alone Californian.
It's like a special clique of indies who seem to have zero respect for their audience. That extends to animators, artists, everyone who regularly makes a fool of themselves on Twitter.
None of them exactly make gameplay-focused games to begin with.
You're wrong, I wouldn't have heard of Phoenix Point (and prepurchased it on EGS) if not for angry Steam drones.
>But I don´t think this applies to EGS anymore.
Shenmu 3 was the point where EGS fucked up and picked a game people somewhat cared about, now its getting fucked up.
But user, I need a Patreon so I can work fulltime on my free videogame, and still be able to afford food.
It doesn't apply when you insult people who you try to sell product to.
There is an unspoken rule that even remotely succesful business follows, "You don't shit where you eat".
It's Reverse Psychology 101. By saying "You can't play my game, dumb gamers!", it makes Yea Forums want to play to play the game even more. Yea Forums wants to play Ooblets so bad right now, their frustration is starting to spill over.
except people will pirate it instead of buying it since tim already paid for their copy, lack of foresight
>I'm sure you're a nice guy
The absolute state of these cucks.
Yea Forums doesn't click links in OPs, let alone play games.
It's alright. The free promotion you provide for Ooblets makes up for it.
>It's Reverse Psychology 101. By saying "You can't play my game, dumb gamers!", it makes Yea Forums want to play to play the game even more.
no it really doesn't make me want to do that, not even worth a pirate
>You think the Holocaust was bad? That's nothing, when we enact the Ooblecaust I can tell you right now we'll finish the fucking job.
>everyone saying gas chamber post was fake
>mfw concrete evidence he actually did say it and deleted right after
Oh boy the shitstorm is gonna be huge
Why are Steam drones so inherently cringe?
didn't happen, oy vey, it was faked, fuck gamers
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
As a fourth generation holocaust survivor I am deeply troubled that the developer of ooblets thinks its "funny" to joke about the genocide of 6 million people, does Epic think it's okay to have this kind of person represent their platform?
Why does Yea Forums care? You guys say even worse racist shit regularly. Feels a bit hypocritical to go after someone who is just doing the same, don't you think?
>game devs make and advertise games towards digital store owner
>digital store owner purchase exclusive rights to games so they can advertise with "only on our store"
>neither gives a flying fuck about the actual customers
Crash when?
negative press doesn't work when you shit on people who you are trying to sell product to
If customers don't care about the well-being of the devs, why should they care about the customers?
because Yea Forums chaos, enjoy your ride fuckmunch
We're not trying to sell our posts to people we adamantly despise
That retard literally just insulted his entire consumer base
Business 101: don't do that
1. It mean we can fuck over the devs even more which is pretty much a Yea Forums thing to do
2. its funny because he's a jew too
because YOU work for me, I don't work for you
Which is why were smart enough to say it in a place where it can't be easily tied back to us. This retard said it with an account tied to his real world identity. In short, jesus what an anti-semetic scumbag.
>doesn't work
Yes, it does. I will buy Ooblets just to spite Yea Forums. I hadn't even heard about this game until I saw it on Yea Forums two days ago. I will install EGS just to be able to buy this game.
tim sweeney ain't defending the gas chamber comment, dumb jew fucked up that one big time
>I will get treated like shit just to spite some neckbeard incels of mongolia horse archery board
whatever gets your kinks going user
I'm sorry who buys stuff? and what happens to the devs if the no one buys their stuff?
First of, go back to whatever shithole you came from. Second,Yea Forums doesn't pretend to have the moral high ground. Fuck indies, either they bend over backwards to please me or I'm pirating their shit.
Why do these people even get into video game development in the first place?
Haha based contrarian. I bet you have lots of sex
except tim said it was fake
this is why these fags want communism. so they can do shitty work creating products absolutely nobody wants and still get paid
Please make a thread when you do.
Great false equivalency user. Truly a post for the ages!
>These are the kinds of people on Yea Forums that tell me to hate Epic
We are not the ones preaching sjw morals you mongoloid retard, instead it is shitfaces like you who scream about Nazis and then are defending "gas the gamers" Devs.
That's the dumbest shit I've read all year. The only excuse for this level of stupidity is if you're a literal child with no concept of how anything in the world works.
The customer doesn't give the someone money to make them feel good about themselves, they do it to receive a quality product.
The husband is a useless shitter, but it wouldn't shock me if for the wife this came from SOME spark or passion, even if the game itself looks like ass.
wrong he's talking about the malaysian comment which he called phony
Convenient when you can just ignore big normies like Jim amd Yong who also made videos
>Look mom, I posted it again!
>ugly person has an opinion
>by taking the direct opposite opinion I am now not ugly
>checkmate plastic surgeons/diet/genetics
They're not even married.
these pictures worry me because i feel like these were made ironically but i know they werent
Someone email the dev the webm or tweet it at tim. I wanna see the spin.
dont buy their games or give them money then.
user, there is a post in this very thread proving you wrong.
Someone tweet the webm at tim sweeny, I wanna see how he wriggles out of it
Yeah they are
None of them make games, they make shitty stories which cannot be adapted in a film or a novel because they suck so much ass no-one would want to publish then so they just hammer a "game" around it with a coat of pretty abstract indie "art" on top.
Oy vey!!!!!
dev would just deny it and Tim already says it's fake news
Whether he did say it or not and I don't really think he did, it annoys me that his butt buddies would cover for him anyway.
>lol, who needs customers
It's a shame, she seems to have some genuine talent. Even if you don't care for the animation or the art, she's cultivated a consistent style. And of course modelling, texturing, and coding all take work and dedication.
Seems like her husband soured the whole thing for her.
I'm waiting for the day when some retarded indie dev accepts Epics money then says something so over the line that Epic has to cancel the deal and take the money back. So the developer is left with no epic money and has pushed customers away.
I'm hoping it's Ooblets.
You don't need customers when you get subsidized by Big Brother. That's the communist way.
isnt this how the pirate market works though?
>Implying Jim and Yong are any better
If this is your example of "normal steam drones", I'm glad to be an Epic chad
ugly rational people > beautiful rotten people
>Calling yourself a Chad
You're not one.
Steam exclusives are never contractually mandated.
Calling for the gassing of gamers like they were holocaust victims is pretty over the line, but doesn't seem to faze anyone.
Yeah if one identifies themselves as a gamer I would agree that they're a waste of oxygen.
Nothing would make me happier as a video game dev than if all gamers were raped by packs of feral Africans.
Look here He did say it
Someone post timmy the gas chamber video from the other thread and the download so he can analyse the video file himself.
'>Epic chad
You're not a PC gamer.
I kinda want to see some indie dev take the Epic money and then just accidentally leak their game somewhere.
Does the husband actually DO anything?
All I've seen from the wife is her thanking people for interest and nice comments.
She should be the one handling PR, not him.
He'll pretend it's fake too.
>My husband Ben (@perplamps), who will sometimes post stuff for patrons here, is the game designer, writer, and marketing... man.
So he talks about game ideas, writes, and sells shit. So no, he doesn't actually do anything.
Indie devs like these are so fucking naive/insecure about owning a business.
Once they get some type of funding they take it like they've won and don't have to care about shit anymore.
The only thing they wanted to do was make funny/wacky games, and make easy money without realizing the risks/pressure they'd face
I don't know, user, this seems like a quote out of context and you are using it as easy bait.
then we'll just have to ask discord trannies to show us the chat logs since its all logged anyway, nothing is ever really gone on discord.
He doesn't turn things to shit, he just attracts and reveals the shit when they take his deal.