1500 years old

>1500 years old
>Last balance patch was in the middle ages
>Considered to be the game of kings
>Being a strong player has been historically and culturally regarded as a sign of high intelligence

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: chess-staunton-set.jpg (900x598, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Queen OP pls nerf

Video games

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>mirror match
Not exactly a feat

>still no fix for first turn advantage at high levels of play

You play equal numbers of games as both white and black.

This has been solved for hundreds of years.

Chess? More like scheiß! scheit... Shit. The game is shit.

Attached: 1498230992338.png (568x590, 233K)

>White moves first
>Female can go whereever they want


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>>White moves first
Not anymore.

fuck off fitz


Why are rooks only useful in the endgame?

Go is better.

I see what you tried to do there, kraut. It’s okay, I thought it was funny.

nah mahjong is the only good gookgame

>Losing openings

Crazy how smart people can be so fucking stupid. So now black goes first, and that's somehow equality? I want a chess game where both players are blindfolded and make their moves at the same time. That's TRUE equality.

>Why are rooks only useful in the endgame?

They're pretty useful in the middlegame if you're an e4 player. You just have to learn how to use them to maximum effect.


Attached: Paul Morphy.jpg (188x250, 10K)

Add custom skins, figures with abilities, ultimate bar, abbillity to customize your loadout

I wish chess devs could get their shit together, and actually make a good chess game and not another chess simulator with 3d graphics. Right now chess ultra is the best chess videogame

Don't mind me, just being the better game.

Attached: Shogiban.png (350x377, 212K)

What is a "good" chess game, then? To make a chess videogame literally all you have to do is make a computer-generated graphic of the chessboard and load in restrictions of how each piece can move. You're done.

German humor is no laughing matter

>still no chess game where YOU'RE the chess

No one cares about your token gook games.

>>Last balance patch was in the middle ages
Was a shitty patch too. Checkmate is a dumb feature. If the player fails to move out of check the other player shouldn't say 'no, you can't do that, take that move back and protect your king!' they should just take the king and end the game there and then instead of forcing it to drag out.

This is now a LEGO Chess thread

Attached: Chess Moors.jpg (521x389, 89K)

might as well play hearthstone ya RNG dweeb

do you not know what resigning is?

Add some sort of a campaign, like you go to some tournament and shit and fight other people in high stakes chess games, add more experimental music(like vaporwave, new retro etc) other than the same old classical pieces, customization options, lots of detailed stages to play, extra chess related minigames, chess modes and the standard vs ai, 1v1 and online tournaments.

>he doesn't know about the chess mode in Halo Reach


Attached: cracker got some good moves.jpg (1024x817, 164K)

Smart people take advantage of the current social situation to improve their standings and position. In reality no one not in a political party cares.

>Last balance patch was in the middle ages

He doesn't know about the fact that There is a movement in official chess circles to change the rules so black goes first under the guide of fighting racism

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Attached: aww shiett.jpg (761x600, 126K)

who cares

>chess related minigames
what are these? break the targets?


wtf I hate chess now

Still doesn't fix getting tilted from losing game 1 because you're not playing white.

Get on my level, pleb.

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What is the deeper game: normal chess, or speed chess?

Um, only philistines call the General a Queen.

Why not just decide who goes first on a coin flip at the start of the game?

>GOAT thinks it's trash

what are some other historical boardgames most anons wouldn't be familar with?

pic related was an mesoamerican board game. There's even an account when Conquistadors and Montezuma were playing it with each other and Cortes made fun of Bernal Diaz for losing, then Bernal Diaz cheats, and all 3 have a laugh about it.


Attached: Macuilxochitl_Patolli.png (511x366, 285K)

I wish they brought this back in 11. Or maybe MK poker?

no one cares about your poo games

Chessmaster: The Art of Learning on psp had some interesting minigames. I remember it had one that you scan the board and locate mines with check move, another that you had to fork fruits with your chess pieces etc. They were a fun distraction from the standard 1v1 game. Right now since the 3d tech allows for much more immersive ideas, I was thinking of a minigame that you are underwater and you have to solve checkmate puzzles before you drown or some shit

It's a balance change, retard

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Mann der Kultur

better with mods

Attached: Chess_on_an_Infinite_Plane_(starting_setup_of_pieces).png (1354x1472, 232K)

They're equally deep, it's just that speed chess has a higher skill ceiling. No, skill ceiling and depth are not the same thing despite commonly being linked.



>spiked dildo
>a fucking bird
How does this all work?

It is a picture from an illuminated manuscript of some Moors playing chess.

Attached: 1557025806572.jpg (600x720, 130K)

Can move like a knight but in any number of spaces per direction.
>spiked dildo
Temporarily distracts the queen for several turns.
>a fucking bird
On turn 60 the bird can just fly over and kill the enemy king because the game has gotten too boring.

Chess 2 is great desu

Attached: ambermoon.jpg (1920x1080, 354K)

That pic reminds of the Ur a Faget comic.

>The white goes first convention was only installed post WWI
>Middle ages


you actually can.

puzzle time? I have a few of my games saved in their critical positions if Yea Forums wants to take a stab at them

Attached: 200 IQ.png (622x622, 24K)

>no way to stop the black pawn on B6 from advancing and promotion to queen
you're fucked, user

the puzzle is from Black's perspective, and the B6 pawn isn't the threat

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based as hell fucking boomer

If they are both blindfolded white still gets to make the next move