Why does Yea Forums defend this propaganda
Why does Yea Forums defend this propaganda
Ben Garrison
(Ben Garrison)
>>nukes are bad
without going full /pol/, tell me anything good that has ever come out of nukes
So, uhm, you're saying weapons that are designed to glass civilians is... a good thing? Damn, that's badass.
"Ben Garrison"
hhhgghghn colonel i found a bad thread
peace via deterrence. a necessary evil.
But Senator Armstrong is actually competent, he's completely different from Trump
>Exactly two nukes used on japan
>Forcing surrender that saved millions of lives
>It was their own fault it happened
>Develop national identity around "nuke bad"
Should have just slaughtered the bastards
>genes are not important
They're not. The idea that they're super important is a lie propagated by sad youths on /r9k/ who can't face themselves and have chosen to blame women for all their problems.
BeN gArRiSoN
Bet you think the EU is why Europe didn't chimp out since ww2
An end to the Japanese Empire and the rise of anime
pretty much this
Because it has interesting, well-written characters and takes its time to explore those themes.
No major ground wars between peer adversaries since WW2
I don't understand why people defend nukes, the "b-but no ground war" is a terrible argument too. I'd take full on warfare over being obliterated or dying via radiation poisining anyday
>the people who had to experience the negative effects of nuclear horror hate it
The radiation is a pretty minor part of thermonuclear weapons. It's not like a Chernobyl accident - and even then, the cancer increase among liquidators is way lower than you probably think.
Besides, I don't think you understand the scale of human suffering that occurred during the last major war between peer adversaries. 3% of the world's population died, mostly civilians.
>Dropping nukes on civillian city centers instead of military targets when the Japanese were already preparing to surrender was a good thing
The nuking of Japan was an act of unprecedented terrorism. It was done to scare off the Russians (and the Japanese) who had declared war on Japan and began invading Manchuria the day the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. If the Americans had lost the war they would have been subjected to trials of war crimes like in Nuremberg for the firebombing of Tokyo and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
>genes are not important
the point was they are important but you should not be ruled by your genes.
The firebombing of japan was worse. nukes were a better option than a very bloody invasion