Oh, don't mind us, just saving the FPS genre.
Oh, don't mind us, just saving the FPS genre
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is there anything more boring than an indie fps with no fucking story other than "shoot in the general direction of the AI". Its not 1990 anymore gramps
A AAA fps that focuses on story for a 2hour campaign and shitty multiplayer.
well i guess the fps genre cant be saved. Too bad
We're saving the FPS genre guys!!!!!!
>Creating more DOOM clones is saving the FPS genre
How are Ion Fury (formely Maiden) and Hedon?
That's the only one I never heard of
I'm glad I waited for Amid evil to get completed, might be my goty.
Amazing looking levels, great aesthetics (especially in the last chapter) and just fun gameplay
I played quake after beating doom 1 and 2 and I thought it was pure dogshit. Why? Anyone else?
Because Quake is an ugly dooky-brown mess of a game that's visually unappealing
It's just DOOM, but shit.
>Ion Fury is no longer a maiden
>literally cucked by Iron Maiden legal team
>Implying Destiny 2 hasn't already done that and isn't the best fps of all time
I honestly think most of them are mediocre
It's like 6/10 games that are hyped to be 10/10 masterpieces because you played Quake in 199X and these games try to be the same
how can any human possibly find this serviceable as a reaction image?
Pretty good.
>implying quake was 10/10 either
I just miss comfy shooters that are just shooters. not rpg collectathons with healthbars and enemy levels
Go play your barashit vns cuck
>single player with no story
but why?
Let me tell you something about stories in videogames, son...
well, try it
great gunplay, great level design. it's basically all that takes to be better than AAA FPS's and yes, that's sad
Amid Evil is better than Dusk imo. Mine GOTY aswell
well I can understand you, Q1 compared to Doom and Doom2 isn't that fun but it's still pretty good
Q2 is shit, we can all agree?
did you know, he's soon on joe rogan
Porn with a focus on story is a romance with sex scenes. Porn is literally elevated to the rank of art when given a proper story. So an FPS without a story is porn, and an FPS with a story is art.
the fuck is Hedon doing here
the fuck is Project Warlock doing there
they're not doing anything, they're spiting in face of FPS games
Interested in playing hedon because of the monster girl
>most FPS games were pixelart
>because someone did it once, doesn't mean everyone's copying them
>literally nothing
fuck off reddit
hedon was pretty fucking good
Hopefully you like Thief like objectives in your fast paced FPS.
I liked Q2
sauce or its not happening
From the ones I played
Dusk - My favorite of the list. Varied level design, tight controls, fun from start to finish. Also that ending damn.
Hedon - When there is shooting fun it's fun, but otherwise the game is a huge drag looking for objectives. Ending was lit tho
Amid Evil - I liked it but was disappointed because I overhyped it for myself. Beautiful game to look at. Especially the first level of the forges with all the mist and glowing enemy details. Last boss was kino
Project Warlock - A more fun version of doom. Gunplay is so satisfying
sure it does, so where can I download this free doom mod?
play PowerSlave
Needs a remake
Found the cutscene simulator fan
DUSK is overrated garbage. Terrible movement system and very boring weapons. The single player was passable but DUSKWORLD is unmitigated garbage. Also, Amid Evil is carried by its level design; unreal always sucked.
when will we get a dev that's smart enough to do actual level design like hexen again?
>non stop ffa remake of quake
>pretending people like it
>not knowing everyone thinks is garbage
>not knowing people only play it for shits and giggles
Why not just play Quake FFA you fucking secondary?
>We're playing a shit game ironically! It is fun!
Fucking spaz.
>wannabe Quake or Doom shit
Make a unique FPS for once Jesus Christ
Do something bright and happy instead of sweaty rust and guts
Splatoon and Overwatch showed you don't need to have everything be super dour and grimy in a fun shooter
Based good taste posters.
I'll take the same dark settings as long as the gameplay is good.
>shit opinion
>its redditspaced
who would have guessed
Remove Hedon, Prodeus and Warlock and it'll be a good list.
>I need cutscenes every 3 minutes vomiting exposition in my face to know whats going on
They have world building, its just not what your ADHD addled brain is used to
Wow, Cowadooty but with graphics from the 1980s. How incredible.
>Good but ugly as fuck models
>Futa fapbait
>Uglier than anything in Dusk by a mile
>Zero fun to play
>implying she hasn't gloriously gangbanged the entire dev team instead
It's not out yet you stupid fucking retard
Neither is IM, but they both look solid so far.
>Amid Evil
>Zero fun to play
So you hate FPS'?
IM has playable levels which is enough to claim whether the gunplay is good or not.
These games are all garbo
Off the top of my head from playing about half of it at release:
>Invisible walls everywhere
>Weapons slow as shit compared to enemy movement
>Platforming(ish) areas constantly full of fast/flying enemies
I like most of the "retro" ones, AE just didn't grab me the same way. RotT13 wasn't that great either.
amid evil and project warlock are really good
Dude shoot stuff lmao so fun
so you got halfway through level 1 and gave up
I finished Astral, Sentinel and Solar, and stopped somewhere in Forge. So yeah half a level.
Project Warlock is pretty mediocre. Prodeus also looks really meh.
Amid Evil and Dusk are fantastic. Wrath and Ion Maiden seem promising.
>Its not 1990 anymore gramps
I can't go back to Doom after Quake. None of the enemies in Doom feel like an actual threat after fighting Fiends, Spawns, and Shamblers.
The 90s was a horrible time for developers that wanted to express their vision.
Nice revisionism you have here
Oh yeah dude I'm sure 16 bit turn-based RPGs and corridor shooters with binary AI is all developers ever wanted to make
More relevant thread:
>Weapons slow as shit compared to enemy movement
Even on Evil difficulty you can easily kill anything before it reaches you.
>Platforming(ish) areas constantly full of fast/flying enemies
You can pretty much backtrack and clear any area that's dangerous before going forward. The only one I can think of that requires you to push forward is in the Arcane Expanse, and you can still easily do that one with the Aternum in soul mode.
>Invisible walls everywhere
I don't think I've ran into a single one.
I love the game. I'm guess some people wouldn't like it because the weapons don't control like guns (some have a delayed start before they fire anything like the whispers edge) but if anything that makes them unique.
The only real dull weapon in the game is the rocket launcher, and it's still solid.
If you say so
>Splatoon and Overwatch
>literally played only by trannies, women and pedophile neckbeards
Is that Frontier?
I was on Evil. I don't mind the enemies reaching me since the axe rips everyone to shreds at close range. It just feels sluggish to attack a lot of the time because of the delay you mention, even moreso on Evil.
It kind of hurts the pacing when I have to drop to the ground and shoot a wave of enemies 3 times in the middle of climbing some shit.
I ran into a bunch of invisible walls while hopping around the terrain in search of secrets. I wasn't even trying to rocket jump 200 feet over a sheer wall or anything stupid.
Wow is that real life
So I recently got around to playing Painkiller for the first time and I have one question: what the fuck is this shit? I'm extremely underwhelmed, there's virtually no challenge even at the highest difficulty settings and the maps are just a series of interconnected arenas.
Just a fantasy
The truth is there is no free version of Hedon, just an old demo.
I got it for $5, but it's worth the $10 if you want to play it now.
>Played Hedon
>Then Dusk
>Then Amid Evil
>Looking forward to Wrath and Prodeus
>Gonna buy Ion Fury on sale
Also, amid evil 2/expansion when? We already have the hook.
Hedon wasn´t that good though.
I stopped playing right after you fight that witch or whatever, the level with the mountain fort
Should I keep going? Does it get any betterß
>he stopped after the first boss
what's wrong with you?