When did you quit and why?
When did you quit and why?
I quit maybe a year after that king-of-the-hill mode came out. I was annoyed by some of the balance changes like Jax's and Shaco's reworks, but what did it is I realized how damn long games are and that they feel either like total cakewalks or impossible uphill battles due to the nature of gold and items. I moved on to TF2 and CSS.
for me, it's Brand
>ever starting
also I loved played me some tanks
About two years ago when I could no longer delude myself that the few times I managed to earn enough consecutive wins to rank up was worth the mind-numbing drudgery of catering to a bunch of tilted incels long enough for them to not suck so much dick and win an easy match.
pretty recently. I pretty much hated everything about this game except a few characters, one of which was aatrox, who was very fun to play as. then he simply became a riven copy paste.
played sparingly since season 3, when rito started giving every champ %hp true damage ever 3rd stack, two dashes and a blink I bailed. Never really enjoyed playing, looking back on it, but it was addicting as hell for whatever reason.
Because it's impossible to have enough of an impact on a silver/gold match to climb unless you have a regular duo who also doesn't feed and play deathmatch, which I don't. It's a gamble, you have to grind and get lucky and it's not fun. I prefer playing games in which I deserve my losses/victories.
2014 got too addicted it affected my personal life so I had to quit
back in 2013 when I suddenly realized that playing it gave me more stress than enjoyment, and why the fuck would I need that in my free time
Oh and I'm also real tired of flash and my favorite champions getting reworked into being more generic.
I recently got back into it because of the Mordekaiser rework.
it started to affect my mood negatively so i eventually just quit, I felt like I did not enjoy the game anymore either so.
I quit when I found a gf and had sex.
Less fun and enjoyment than frustration. You're pretty much kidnapped into a game for anywhere from 15 to 50 minutes. Nobody wants to stick around in that shit.
i still play
this new pyke skin is really nice
2015 when they introduced the new map graphics and free wards. New heroes being always OP and toxic community were the primary reasons tho.
trinkets were released in 2013
used to play for like 3 years straight then i just quit,i got bored i guess,now i comeback everytime some new champion is added or some old one i like is reworked,play a little just to realise that im in a team full of retards
I quit years ago and switched to Dota 2. Then I quit Dota 2 like a year ago.
Less than a year ago.
After they started doing the massive changes (lore, champion remakes, etc) I alredy started hating the game. When they equalized most champions (everyone has a gap closer, %hp or true damage or both, cc, etc) and started releasing Disney characters I decided it was time to stop, but was addicted so I started playing ARAMs every now and then. One day I got my first 2 week ban and it was the perfect excuse to never come back.
Tried in 2013ish, played about two games then my teammates told me to stop playing so I did.
Looks like it was the right move in the end since a year or two later their launcher was found to be 90% malware.
The game is genuinely too hard to learn. Most heroes, especially newer ones, are ridiculously complex, which makes no sense and doesn't fit with Riot's attempt to make the game easy to get into. Instead of having the heroes be simple to understand, but who require you, they just make heroes with labyrinthine novels as spell descriptions, and fuck you if you get it or no.
Please compare:
>Veigar gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil whenever he hits an enemy champion with an ability, and 5 stacks whenever he scores a champion takedown. Veigar gains 1 AP for each stack.
>Soraka gains Movement speed icon 70% bonus movement speed when moving towards allied champions below Health icon 40% of their maximum health.
> Aatrox periodically empowers his next basic attack to gain 50 bonus range and deal 5% − 12% (based on level) of the target's maximum health as bonus physical damage on-hit, capped at 100 against monsters, and healing him for the bonus physical damage dealt. Deathbringer Stance's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds whenever Aatrox hits a champion or large monster with a basic attack or an ability, doubled if he hits with the edge of The Darkin Blade. The cooldown reduction for The Darkin Blade applies only once and prioritizes for the unit hit by the edge.
I was also going to put Kayn's passive here but that would have put my post over the character limit.
The point is, how the fuck is the game easy for people to get into when you have to contend with heroes like Kayn half a million mechanics you have to remember?
Compare to Meepo's ultimate:
>Meepo summons a duplicate of himself, which can gain gold and experience as he does and shares his experience, attributes and abilities. If any of the clones die, they all die.
Simple to understand and to the point. And yet Meepo is a harder execution than League's most complex champ.