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Underrail general
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>went into the natives territory on the black sea
>thinking i can reason with them
>end up genociding their entire fucking civilization
>even harmless elderly and young woman because i can't exit the combat
who cheeky here
>underrail general
we're going to be moved to /vg/ if this is kept up.
on an unrelated note, where is that deathstalker location at? that image is the stuff of nightmares
I don't remember, it was a previous playthrough. for some reason I remember there being absolutely nothing of value down there, to make it even worse
fuck you
fuck off
what the fuck is wrong with you
Can't wait for Underfaggots to get permanently purged from Yea Forums. Fuck your pixelated slav indieshit game.
that's a shame, wanted it for my death stalker location autism database. looks like the location on the way to the black crawler if my memory serves. do you at least remember the difficulty? currently playing on hard, wondering if I'll see anything of that scale ever
Calm your tits. It's normal to have daily threads of a new game/expansion. Mods know this too.
if you kill enough people the lights go out and a spec-ops team spawns in response to you know, someone entering a god damn military base and exterminating a hundred men
we will be back in 3 years when the next expansion is released, the cycle will continue
Uh yeah, that was what I was refering to to 60 niggers juw waiting for me outside of the Magatzin
it was on hard, and yeah that's possible I guess. the entrance to the thing pictured is just off-screen to the right, a ladder, and I remember the path as it goes off the lower-left of the picture, spiraling around clockwise. assuming you can kill 6 death stalkers - not actually ultra difficult though because you've got that narrow passage to put 4 bear traps on if you're sneaky enough, then go ham with grenadier
anyone know if the Stasis mentor is somewhere in the expedition area?
Health center.
>Shotgun build vs. heavy armor
What do?
I heard you could tow jets, how would I go about that? do you need an item to do so?
Youre giving mods the benefit of the doubt of not being fucking idiots
or grenades
>energy weapons vs shields
>use emp to take the shields down
>emp myself
>getting stuck after depot a
should i just reroll op wizard?
Not an item per se, it's something you can do with the freighter jet.
Anyone got Grenade/Mine build?
Where do I find Gray Spec Ops Armor? I've been through whole base and couldn't find it.
you have to fight the guys on base, when they hit an alarm and after you kill enough of them, spec ops guys will spawn. you can't hit an alarm yourself, I've tried
oh that sucks. I went all sneaky trying to kill as least as possible.
how do you get out of the chamber
won't the molten chromium be poured onto you as well
start killing everyone inside the second zone, at some points lights will go out and few spec op soldiers gonna pop in.
Don't shotgun pellets come with dr/dt shaving depending on pellet density?
you get teleported out of it once beast shows up.
reef glider sucks shit
how much can I sell this hunk of shit for?
I see. well, good luck man. did not know that, maybe I'll try that out next run
What am i supposed to do as a sniper to kill things in close quarters?
have a sidearm, I used an assault rifle. make a taser to knock out melee guys, then lay into them with a burst. I got by with no assault rifle feats most of the game
shotgun, assault rifle or run
and fuckers still managed to reach me.
I used about 80 beartraps on hard and they still came close. I think there was about 12 unused traps. I couldn't really do much as a crossbow build against their high armor, so I mainly got by with gas grenades, the plasma sentry carried me for most of the fight
how or what do you do with the power station under the mutie base?
I have a damn high electronics skill and still it says I have no clue what it is
>Not acid/poison bolts
>destroyed all locust nests around the main building
>only to find pesticide grenades inside
Thx, I should use a chimera assault rifle right?
You can do it.
>implying poison bolts would even be able to set in with their damage threshold
I mainly used shockbolts for them. they have been my greatest asset for this playthrough. didn't have the chemistry for acid bolts at that time, but even then they wouldn't do much.
10/10. so tell us, where is this, and is there anything of value?
>throw molov
>95% chance
>throw it directly at own feet
>now living fireball
I'm glad we don't get affected by fear
chimera is nice, I planned to use one, but I ended up getting forced into the late game before I had the mechanics to craft my magnum opus, I ended up finishing the game with the Aug and Dragunov.
>where is this
It's under one of the underpassages, with lurkers around the ladder.
>is there anything of value
>>is there anything of value
that has to be the biggest fuck you in the game
There's really nothing of value at the actual crawler lair with the black crawler, either. Other than a contaminated 12,7 blueprint, but who the fuck even uses that.
And that's on DOMINATING, where the whole game is a giant fuck you at every step.
I can't get into games unless I roleplay. Someone give me a build. I've beaten the game with a super psy character and just purchased the dlc but find I can't commit to a new character. Help a brother out.
Play with a psi character all over again faggot since the DLC added an entire new school and really cool psi enhancing weapon.
This was from a few days ago. Weirdly enough over half of them dropped aggro and just went back eventually.
You fucked up OP
Off yourself and off your thread
I have yet to do a dominating playthrough, I'm going to try a unarmed character dominating playthrough after I'm done with this run
Has anyone posted the Expedition music anywhere?
The Aug and Dragunov are good enough for end game?
Truly a god tier RPG that got zero (((press))) coverage
Slav discrimination?
can someone post the website for the character creator? after formatting I don't have my old heavy armour/AR saves anymore, so gonna start up new and deciding between leather/shotgun, energy/chem pistol, Psi-God, or Knifeman
Pls help
You can get it yourself without any work, it's in the game files.
Getting press coverage is bad nowadays.
I need more input. Should I only focus on the new psi school and a weapon? All schools? For the record I hate crafting even though it's insanely useful. Maybe one of the talking skills?
I got by on normal, I can't speak for hard though. I was using acid bullets with the Aug for the boss fight though, I think after enough fails I think I ended up swapping over to the black arrow and dragonov. opened with a snipe with the black arrow and armor piercing bullets, then I think swapped to the dragunov for 2 shots a turn. I did 0 pre planning with that build as I always do, if you actually do pre plan and make your own crafted weapons, you're obviously going to have a much easier time than me, but I got by.
It's a CRPG in a time where CRPGs are supposed to be dead.
Imagine the stink mainstream journos would raise if they've actually played in this game
You colonize an entire civilization, become a war criminal working for a military dictatorship, can sell a woman into a rape dungeon, get chased around by a yandere while being naked and drugged, have an entire shit load of options to be a backstabbing cunt bullying and killing innocents, and many more.
They could be, but are objectively and vastly inferior to what you can craft.
>get to the Junkyard, pretty hooked by now
>everyone starts talking about the infested Depot A
Oh no. Is this the part where starry-eyed SGS maidens get turned into women?
It's ridiculous, but that's what makes it fun.
yeah, i'm level 12 and every unique AR i've come across seems to be far inferior to my crafted Hornet assault rifles. is there any unique guns that are good?
Yes. Find siphoner pools, craft yourself a siphoner leather armor to deal with acid.
>Not acid dog leather
god, that looks like hell
I had enough trouble with those assholes on hard, even with all the defenses. though I can see what you mean, I certainly want to give it a try.
You make once you get inside the Depot, user. Gotta deal with acid to craft that first. It's merely an upgrade.
where can I get the torch I hear you guys talking about?
you mean in a time of crpg renaissance? yet only ones getting coverage were rtwp nostalgia bait stinkbombs; good stuff like age of decadence and dungeon rats got buried, underrail is the best survival turn based wrpg i ever played and apart from rpg codex and Yea Forums no one talks about it
talk to the ferryman until he tells you about a spike and listen carefully to his tale then go to the boneyard and get drunk
I don't think I have the skills to craft any armor, period. H-Haha.
Bladeling waves at Foundry are probably the worst part of DOMINATING, at elast if you don't know what to do. Make sure you have toxic gas grenades.
>Movement brings me to another bugbear, one that it’s really unfair to single Underrail out for: the trudging. Oh god, the trudging. More than almost any of the litany of ancient irritants sprinkled into every RPG since Hammurabi first whalloped his brother with a +2 Axe of Nerding, I am tired of RPGs that make me trudge. Here we have a world whose difficulty demands levelling, which in turn demands exploration of all the side tunnels you can find (standard encounter rules apply: the only way to gauge a fight is to save the game, then let them kill you). All areas are interconnected with other screens; there’s no overworld map at all. There is a fast travel option between settlements, but you still need to explore, and still need to get across the settlements.
fuck you for making me check that hellhole after a decade
If you call a thread a "general" it'll get moved to /vg/ sooner or later
Then your best best is tactical vest. But really, invest some points into tailoring. It pays off.
What did you expect?
>need 11 STR for a 1h spear feat
Don't be insane, Styg. This shit is 6 STR territory at most.
someone who hates and misunderstand video games while either having a fat clit or a pseudo penis but still, never read a (((mainstream))) review of underrail
crafting isn't optional. you will craft weapons, armour and consumables and you will like it
>buy game
>want to get into it with a roguish pistol wielding character
>firearm pistols are shit
Welp, guess I should use rifles instead?
>Not .44 Hammerer
>Not 1000 damage crits
>not sniper rifles
>not 5000 damage snipes
Firearm pistols. Laser/chemical/sound pistols are GOAT.
fuck that fight
I bet all this rambling bitching, was written to fill more space in her article
Same build good for them? Keep in mind I'm like 10 minutes in and I have no idea what I'm doing
Gunslinger perk is useless for them.
At lvl 10 my Snipe is only doing 500. Teach me your ways, oh sniper god
Is the Psi crab armor really that much better than psi beetle?
snipe scales to stealth skill, pump that and snipe's damage increases.
My first playthrough was a psyker pickpocketing no crafting character. Crafting is optional, just not optimized.
I've already started investing in mechanics and electronics, but for some reason didn't consider tailoring. Guess I'll try to find some skill points for it too... somehow.
if you want to use energy pistols you probably want an intelligence build because there's a damage per intelligence feat, and to miss certain firearm feats that don't affect them. chemical pistols are kind of a meme. regular pistols are cool. make sure you have gunslinger. bear in mind that the tiny shit gun you get at the start isn't really good for anyone, regardless of whether you have points in pistols or not, so don't be thinking pistols are shit because of that
Ignore ARs, get a 5 STR shotgun and consider Kneecap Shot.
It's pretty easy.
>good quality 12.7 corsair because it has highest max damage, with a good quality smart module, standard scope (don't care about crits for this) and a bipod
>smart goggles
>max stealth, good cloaking device and maybe black cloth everything for more stealth
>Snipe specialization
But for normal gameplay, just maxing stealth and having a smart module on your rapid, A-A scope spearhead is enough. You can wear smart goggles until you feel that your Aimed Shot/Snipe became overkill, then switch to seeker. Some points into Snipe spec is good too, but doesn't have to be maxed.
-Specialize in a single type of pistol e.g Energy pistols.
-Get Dex as high as possible, (14 or 15)
- This also means you don't have to put in as much points into Dex related skills and you can spend skills elsewhere
-You will want to get Hacking to 120 and lockpicking to to 108 effective. Also traps to 95 effective.
Use the character builder if you want to plan autistically.
>wear cau armor
>be invincible
Speedy shotgunner is fun as fuck. Don't bother with 7 STR or Full Auto.
Hardly, it still passes a ton of bio damage through and you can have very low HP because of the spores. Biohazard suit is what makes you invincible at the mushroom forest.
>soldier wants to arrest you for tresspass
>only option is to resist
How effectively you can combine chemical pistols with a psi build?
From what i remember getting targets stunned gives you a very high chance to hit.
Hello faggots, anyone have any experience in doing a spear/throwing character? I'm planning on going melee/throwing and taking the defensive spear perks and offensive throwing perks like extra damage to low health targets.
Only issue is I don't know where to put my non-combat points, I reckon traps will be needed as my PER is low and probably chemistry so I can make shit to throw other than knives.
Would it be worth putting points into dodge/evasion to couple that alongside the new PSI evasion perk? Last time I played this game dodge/evasion was hardly ever used but I've heard there's been a few changes.
is dirty kick a good feat for machete builds? it's another stun so would be another chance for me to go CHOP CHOP CHOP on my enemies.
i think it's a troon
>General on Yea Forums
Fuck off to /vg/ faggots
>wanting to do anything other than resist
literally why
Kind of redundant. Chem pistols apply bonus effects (like many psi attacks) which give you advantage but have low dps better to have a SMG.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not in control of my own life. I never thought I'd end up being on the run for killing a port full of Protectorate soldiers.
How are Nerd Commando's builds? Thinking of trying out his Spec Ops build for my first playthrough, I'll probably play on Hard.
My only issue is that the build has no social skills and I feel like I'd enjoy having persuasion at the very least.
You've been in Protectorate prison
Judging by the amount of blood in the cells and torture instruments around, the only real option is to resist arrest.
For the first playthrough i really recommend persuasion.
Make a full 4 school 10WILL/INT psi with crafting and persuasion, avoid chemistry.
Because I wanted to join them.
Just bought this yesterday, should I pick oddity or classic?
Just Cheat Engine Persuasion to a 100 and don't abuse it to get out of situations you wouldn't have been able to without it. Sacrificing points for Persuasion will just make combat more boring in a game mostly about combat.
Be an oddity chad, not a classic virgin.
>not the first post from this IP
Burn in hell you retarded shitposter
I will take valerieanon from kingmaker threads over your autism.
Just find Blaine, he sells mutated dog leather armor.
>I'll probably play on Hard.
If it's your first time, don't. Play normal.
sorry for 404ing your e-celeb thread
>Ask question
>Get sperg response
Speaking of autism, how are you doing today?
>mfw pistol character with 6 dex it's fine imo
>can start combat through dialogue and get absolutely wrecked
>can also start combat by attacking the enemy and get the upper hand without taking any chances
When you have the option, is there ever any reason not to just do the latter?
High initiative.
Some of us are naturally slow, user. No bully.
I traveled with Dude to this grandmas house, what exactly am I supposed to find here? Do I just pick up all the shit in the house or what?
Just the rug
click on one of the wall panels
Can I sledgehammer the granny for her 2xp item without consequences?
Lads, important question
JKK, Pretorian or Coretech?
is Mercantile useful now?
Can I use Cheat Engine to alter item quality? I'm fucking done waiting for traders to sell the shit I need only for it to be shit quality.
It's already hard enough as it is.
fuck pseudo-spatial projection
fucking bullshit, man
fuck off
fucking grenade cooldown fucking me
I play a Heavy AR build so i pick Praetorian.
Each faction has different merchants.
if i passed depot a on hard without any major issues do i have a chance to beat the game on hard if its my first time?
how do you negotiate with the pirates without them turning hostile?
do I need to repair expedition turrets myself?
do you mean how to get to them? there's a pirate patrol at f4 and talk to them until you get the option to ask them to take you to their leader
did something change
just spam cryo and toxic grenades at the stairs, you will do +200% dmg and they will move like snails thats how i beat them on dominating
>you cannot save the game in this zone
should I be worried
Oh so it's not your first time?
Anyway if you know what you're doing Depot A can be done quite easily and quickly and it's not even the first difficulty spike.
Where the hell can I buy empty shell casings and bullets? I remember you were able to like a year ago.
The game doesnt expect me to kill all those mutants in Dudes old lab right? There has to be a gimmicky way to kill em?
>Crawler Poison Caltrops
whats the fastest way of getting rid of native invasions
When the hell is Harold gonna sell another Crossbow Super String?
I've been waiting long enough.
killing them all
Fucking Carnifex jesus christ
pic related it's me
Some fights need dialogue to progress a quest properly, like Cornell
Try harder.
where the fuck is my LMG styg you hack
So I can't be arsed theorycrafting for a few hours so I was going to steal this build.
It's lacking lockpicking/hacking and all the social skills though, worried it'd be a bit shit outside of combat. Any tips as to whether this would be fun build or changes I could make stat wise?
>figure the Silent Isle can't possibly be that bad
>seemingly endless hordes of magic beetles
>the doppelganger nonsense was real
sniff the mushrooms, bre.
the problem is winning the initiate, there's a ton of way you can kill him but letting him get the initiate usually means death
my carnifex shitter cheese method
>die 20 times until you get initiative
>chuck a flashbang at him
>run away and hide behind a pillar, stealth up and end combat
>bear traps gg ez
first 2 steps are the same for me
but then its Flamegrenade and then burst into burst
>bear traps gg ez
He doesn't sell them very often
You'd probably have more luck checking Blaine's or Foundry/Core City merchants, feel like I usually see them with some more.
nigga think about what BROderick told you and why you are safe from it when you stand near BROderick
i recently started and shit retaking cargo on the isles is overcrowded as fuck do you have any tips lads
where the FUCK do I find the crank in the graveyard
Lure the enemies to the ferryman you dumbfuck. Throw flares at the Rathhounds if they're coming dangerously close.
Yeah, do the puzzle if you aren't strong enough to beat them in a fight.
What's with all these gold sparkles all over? They don't seem interactable, and I've seen them on anything from a computer to random spots on the ground. Am I missing something?
Anyone know the rough outlines of a basic spear build that could get me through hard? Willing to step down to normal if it just ain't happening
out fucking skilled
this native invasion shit is not what I build my character for, I might just switch to pirates
It's somewhere.
just find the mines and activate the defenses if you have hacking
I'm just a shitter doing an AR and Metal Armor build. He decimates me in 3 rounds.
How the fuck do I get into joint security without needing to deal with a dozen 100000 range turrets?
You use cover to break the line of sight and push their shit in.
>say goodbye to your teeth
I dont have hacking, I'm stealthy melee but its pointless when I cant set up any kills and they just hurr durr 1-shot me with the sledgehammer even when I have 999 dodge
Killing the serpentborn leaders should be enough right?
Took me like an hour and a half of trying to find a way to kill their chieftan and the villages are fucking annoying.
in one of the pots or graves?
Doesn't work
>stealthy melee
bummer, man
you could head down to the sea mines in the south east, but you'd have to fight spiders
their attacks really cut back after you have them, the other defenses just make things easier
How do you deal with strongmen?
What's your build?
Uuuuum guys?
psi. I have a single spell that can damage these fuckers and it doesn't have enough range
>hide behind one of the big turrets
>throw EMP grenade
>proceed to push the turret's shit in during the 2-3 turns of stun
just shoot them lol. They're resistant to fire but thats about it.
that shit general merchant who doesn't buy anything in core city will buy it
Nigga it's a crank as big as you. It isn't going to be in a tiny pot.
Mk III EMP. I finally have a reason to mass produce them.
fucking hell these beach assaults are annoying
keeping everyone alive would be a lot easier if they didn't keep shooting eachother
or if you had to reload every time a single stray pellet from your shotgun hit anyone
psychosis is much better then tranquility right? tranquility seems kind off ass
>I have a single spell that can damage these fuckers
You have electrokinesis and tele punch, so at least 2. 3 if you have tempo distortion. Electrokinesis stuns them. What's the issue?
Tranquility is very nice for Psions that use every single school. Psychosis is better after the halfway point overall and especially great for Pyrokinetics/Kinesis focused Psions.
>wasting all of my EMP grenades for this stupid encounter instead of for nagas
Man. Take cover and Distortion away.
>5 and 8 range
>literally no cover in that range area
Holy shit I'm retarded. I never considered that Strongmen were machines. I thought they were animated statues
What do you need a cover for when the turret is stunned?
damn, crazy man
so graves then? or is it in the graveyard at all?
why do my cryo grenades have 0 effect on the fucking natives
It's in the graveyard somewhere. In a gate, or just standing next to a wall, somewhere. I can't give you a more specific answer because the location is random.
No it's way worse on most psi builds and weighs as much as an African elephant
and which one do you think is better?
also shouldnt almost all psions invent in almost every school (except maybe Metathermics in some cases)?
thanks anyways, you've helped me out a lot. already got the rune and the body part knowledge
time to bum rush this
Oh. I ended up brute-forcing my way through there by deleting all the dopplers with neural overload.
>one shotted bulls eye in arena with a spear throw
>get called goddes of sleep
this game is amazing
does it matter if yahota dies
Molotovs and stuns nigga
>lose your spear
it matters to me
>pick it up
Mate are you dumb?
>kill Arena opponent with Distortion
>get a full free turn to loot the body
Distortion is the miracle of the universe.
where is the rift in the black sea?
As a psycho main, I honestly regret spending over 65 points into temporal. The damaging ability of it only combines well into a hemopsychosis otherwise it drains the absolute shit out of your psi, and even so, Tranquils are the only ones capitalizing since it cant fucking crit at all, alongside the temporal health revert being perfect for them too. Psychos should invest unto stasis and focus on TK and MC, metathermics has no utility TK doesnt have and Meta doesnt have enough power to outdo MC, as MC is simply the apex psion school in every single situation. MC+TK has enough spells to deal with almost everything, while TM has the ability to essentialy become invincible, cheese cooldowns, fuck up a nigga, make you a speedy as fuck jack of all trades and stasis cucking people into grouping onto you, only to pop a Locus Mania with a shot of Trance and Pickled Mushrooms?
Priceless. I did it to the entire warforce of Magnar bre. 900+ damage to his entire posse, everyone dead as shit.
Inside the lighthouse in the Expedition camp.
There's a second one in Port Ceto as well. Probably the hardest rift to find in the entire game.
Can you get through this game on oddity with no lockpicking or hacking? Last I played I found an abundance of the items in locked boxes and such.
What is MC?
>Can you get through this game on oddity with no lockpicking or hacking?
this.. I wish I'd done it sooner, all my traders in the expedition now have shitty inventory
Mind Control.
how do you not have premeditation
>tribals start throwing psi users at me
>mfw Psi-Cognitive Interruption
dont disturb the dead and they wont disturb you.
Is Force Field supposed to prevent shooting through it?
lmao it happened again with stygian
Yes it also prevents psionics until they get a clear line of sight on you it's the best thing ever.