Yea Forums BTFO
Yea Forums BTFO
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Who is this faggot
>Faggot game
>World's best player is a faggot
Sounds about right
People play that trash?
Did that furry queer do it again? Yea Forums btfo
No. Only subhumans.
Nobody cares you like it up the shitter you disgusting freak
Good for him, but if it's not UNIST or Samsho, then I don't care.
NPCs do.
NRSbabby, big fish in a small pond.
The virgin MK11 vs the ChadSho
Remember to report and hide e-celeb threads. If you feel like replying, sage.
E-celebs are not videogames.
Jesus. Seems like he Is the only one that has a problem with him being gay
Lets not forget he is a furfag who had contacts to zoophiles
that's redundant, mk is already fucking gay to begin with
based zoophile btfo Yea Forums
>I'm gay
Lol 2dlets stay mad
It does become funny to read his tweets with that tone.
>God damn it. I'm the best MK11 player in the world but I'm still gay! Fuck!
>didn't play in the only tournament that actually mattered
furfags lol
And a nigger.
Sages havent worked in years lmao
you think cunnyfags are the most annoying then this guy comes along and reminds you nothing is worse then furfags
>MK11 player
I'd rather become black
he's one of those hybrids
Is MK fanbase full of furries and gay people?
Seems like it to me but I'm not an expert on MK.
Why does he have to keep mentioning his kinks? I jack off to pics of hollywood actresses' armpits but you don't see me talking about it 24/7 on facebook
This guy feels like the caricature of gays that /pol/ would make, like he can go on stage and say I get fucked in the ass and the audience will say he is brave and stunning.
>furry faggot is a faggot
Looks to me like he is full of false security. Maybe deep down he wish he would like girls instead of gay dogs.
why do gays think anyone actually cares they're gay? they're annoying people more if anything by constantly screaming they're gay rather than just keeping it to themselves.
Dumb nigger faggots love it.
Maybe now it is but it definitely wasn't before.
Isn't he some crazy furry who most likely raped dog or cat already?
Faggots are obnoxious, what else is new
I'm the best shitter on my toilet and I'm not gay how about that.
Niggers. Not even once.
Whats his end game?
did they fuck?
>Mortal Kombat is the indicator on how people should treat me and my illness putting me on pedestal of the society
The absolute state of the fighting game community
thats what they do right ?
>imagine making your sexual orientation your whole identity and point of self worth...
gay game for gay people
really makes you think
Absolutely based, Yea Forums will never recover.
There is only one gay black furry I'm ok with
that's just tranny kombat, based samurai had infiltration winning and working blue checkmarks to a seethe
>best gay gets to be bottom
I don't follow this school of philosophy
why does he have to say that he's gay?
youu get a warning if you try it's fucking stupid
Mental illness
Whoa, I wish I was cool enough to be gay.
thats what you gotta do when you got no personality
Because being:
1: a faggot
2: a furry
3: a nigger
are literally the entirety of his identity
he doesn't have a personality outside of his sexuality
wonder how much anal sex they had in their fursuits during that "training"
a nobody .
>his fursona is neon colored
Yuck and cringe
to piss off all the drumpftards
and it works
Yea Forums - Twitter gossip
wait a sec, sonicfox is gay?! no freakin way...
seeking validation for their life choices
Why can't he just be gay without being a fag about it? At least he's young, maybe he'll grow out of it.
why do you have this saved you sick fuck
Sex with this chud has got to be unbearable.
"Haha, dude we're being SO GAY right now!"
"Oh man, your gay penis is totally in my gas ass! Haha, this is SO gay!"
"The republicans would be FLIPPING the FUCK OUT if they saw how gay we're both being!"
Gays are pretty much accepted as normal at this point. The furry part tho...
You'd think this was a caricature
bros...... he cant keep placing so high in tournays.... we were ment to win, not the nigger faggots.......
You have to be gay to still play MK11 lmao
>When he got perfected in the Soul Caliber tournament
>He will never dare touch Tekken due to how autistic you have to be to play that game.
I'm glad he only shits up normie tier fighting games and not actual good stuff.
>twitter for iPhone
he really is gay
I guess genetics favor them on this too... bros.... it's not fair.......
I'm at a loss for words.
looks like only wife-beating chads and literal faggots win tourneys these days
my man, gays are not normal in the US, just because new York and california are tolerant enough for gays doesn't mean the rest of the bible thumping country does too
This Is a troll account. Right?
I don't follow this autistic "sport" but I wanna ask a question to you guys who do.
What are some famous e-sport players from 5-6 years ago, and where are they now? To me as an outsider it seems these people get a few years of fame and then disappear and struggle to get jobs in Walmart.
Remember when we used to say he was the best DBFZ player and now he's been demoted to fucking MK11 after getting absolutely demolished in a tournament?
What a pathetic person lmao
who wants to spend time playing MK 11 tho ?
Best selling 2019 game in the US
>absolutely demolished
You mean getting 2nd? lol
hahaha holy shit look out 100% true honest female coming through
It's not so black and white. Some states celebrate gays like New York and Cali. Some areas fuck them over like the deep south, but most places are in the middle. Tolerated, but largely ignored.
Gays are not "normal" because they're not "common", but they're certainly more accepted now than ever.
based taste my dude
Imagine telling the whole world you like it when other men shove their dicks up your ass.
>loses combo breaker
How long before he takes the etikapill?
Cool, I hope we get a Jax skin based on him.
I know he did this shit last year but the gimmicks a tad played out now no? Last year and at the VGAs he turned heads because he's gay blah blah blah but its boring now.
Do straight people go I'm straight when they achieve something?
Yeah they fucked like rabbits
Multiple times a day
You would think that, but for franchises like SF, all of the old players are still around.
The money is in the sponsorships and streaming numbers. When you look at how much they make, it is not a bad living.
Damn. Look at that femenine Chad jaw line
Yeah user 2nd place is much better than being first.
Who wants that?
see that's literally all there is to it. he's trolling.
That's enough to break someone.
Why do faggots have to make being a homosexual their identity? Do they think it makes them interesting?
Gays have more rights than blacks do now. They’re pretty accepted in the U.S.
In the DBFZ thread people were actually saying he paid/blackmailed the japanese players to get into grand finals. The level of COPE this place needs to do to get over a gay furry is amazing.
After I get a blowjob from a tranny and she wants something in return
reminder Sonic Furry got BTFO in every fighting game that matters, and even in fucking SMASH
Quoting Lord and Savior SpongeBob the Squarepants
>You don't win no silver, you only lose the gold
Why not? People constantly do it. Half the people on here no doubt have a personality that amounts to being critical of pop culture or not having a Facebook account, maybe talking about the vague period of Roman history they're familiar with.
He's the absolute worst kind of gay and furry. Gives the rest of us an even worst name.
Didn't he get shat on recently in whatever game he played before MK11?
He wishes he could tap this furfag.
I fell asleep after samsho because that shit runs at like 4 am EU time, what did I miss?
>stops being relevant at fighterz when people start to actually learn the game and rushdown stops being as effective
>switches to another young game so he can continue being "the best" with cheap tactics
Too bad the MK11 top 8 sucked , took forever with a lot of pauses in between and the matches werent that hype.
Watch the shamsho and dbfz finals , those were awesome yesterday
did he won the dbzf one?
Are you crazy, just look at DSP gaming!
How much money this did this guy just make for being "world champion"?
Considering you can't do this anymore past 25 I hope it was millions, if not this guys life is about to get real shitty, real fast.
baiting people
>mk 11
oh wow
He's going to become the next etika
making people mad and judging by the frequency of these threads it's working quite well
Why does he keep saying he's a gay furry, we fucking got it, you asinine faggot
So y'all still going with the "mk11 is a bad game meme" just because it has women and brown ppl in it lmaoooo
Get over it. White bois can't fight IRL and they can't fight in video games either.
because it makes people on Yea Forums seethe and post more about him, he craves the attention
To other gayanons here
do you actually care for pride month?
for me it feels like a massive advertising stunt and it attracts people I don't wanna be associated with
I just wanna fuck twinks dressed as sluts
yep MK11 is for gays, understood
being gay isn't a personality trait
do people like this guy realize they're hated not for being gay but for being obnoxious
white bois can't jump an they ain't fighting in da game neither BEYATCH
Didn't he get BTFO in DBFZ when he couldn't cheat so he ran to DOA6 instead?
boob I am very boob
girl girl am girl
Anxiety and depression cripple me. Sometimes I wish I was dead.
feeling very girl today
he flanderized himself
>can't do this anymore past 25
>when your entire personality is defined by the fact that you suck dicks
> another white boi larping as a black MAN on the internet
fine for gays but not for whores
No, and fags should stop associating themselves with questionable organisations just because they support your lifestyle. But considering that most gays are fucking degenerates I don't see it happening soon.
>another brotha hating his fellow negro
smdh tbqh
he's acting like some shock comedian that tells the same joke so many times nobody's shocked anymore, except he's not being comedic and the "shocking" statement is just that he's gay.
It's kinda smart in a way because you can't even tell him to stop being some annoying idiot that screams the same thing every day without a thousand retarded SJWs jumping down your throat like somehow saying "nobody cares" is equivalent to wanting to lynch the dude.
Le based gay man Trump supporter xddd
>this faggot with his desperate bait
same except i wanna be fucked while wearing a skirt
>be 28
>"old man"