If you had a daughter or son, what games would you like to play with them?
If you had a daughter or son, what games would you like to play with them?
I would never have a daughter or son but if I did I would feed them, bathe them, and then stay in my room all day ignoring them
like a very little kid or teenager?
it fucking depends of their age op
Koikatsu Party
I have a little brother that's 20 years younger than me. I would love to play Halo 1 or 3 with him but he's too busy playing GTA5 and Fortnite. Before that all he wanted to do was play CoD with me.
Minecraft and tf2
After he sleep i go and play ds1 and dwarf fortress
The dick game, I'm not a cuck
Probably Mario Kart.
civ 5
I let my 7 year old daughter play M rated games. She loves them. She plays video games all day long on my PS4 while I play on my PC. Hoping to get her into some real gamer games instead of casual shit like GTAV, RDR2, etc. But she doesn’t like RPGs.
Why does most anime have characters animated in sub 15 fps?
No fair how come only muhammed got to raise a daughter wife.
>casual shit like GTAV, RDR2
jesus start right now or it'll be too late
i have a 10 year old brother who had access to a computer since he was like 5, i can't get him to play anything other than csgo and fortnite anymore
Ocarina of Time
Seek help. You have a problem and you could hurt yourself and others
It was originally to cut costs in the 60s it eventually developed into being a style that's synonymous with anime.
Webm interpolation
I would mix the games we play to his/her favs to my favs.
I don’t really blame them, desu.
They don’t make video games as good as they used to. Games have been shit ever since ~2012. Just like with games and movies, the entertainment industry isn’t trying to be creative or unique anymore. They’re being formulaic with how they produce things.
*hits pipe*
if you don't take your daughter's virginity then you're a cuck, that's just facts
The answer is obvious.
what if he would take only her mouth virginity?
Get her into RTS or TF2(with pyrovision).
How tf you gonna feed her if a hymen blocks her throat
A man raising a daughter is the ultimate cuck
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
through feeding probe
Simple games like pokemon or something.
What if she's gay?
Really dependant on age.
By this time, i would be the older generation and probably wouldnt be able to catch up with their games. So i would let them pick for me and try them out.
>it fucking depends of their age op
Don't know about OP but you gotta make the hay while the sun shines.
fucking faggot, daughters are for pleasing your cock. Quit being a newfag
Come on, Mario Kart isn't THAT bad
Super Mario Bros. 3 or World.
I decided I would raise my kid similar to the way my parents raised me.
Start with the old so you're kids will appreciate where they are now.
cute and funny
Imagine this printed on a billboard.
Thats even worse, then youvm've failed to produce a useful woman society and also lost her to a woman. There is nothing worse than being cucked by a woman, especially when there is no hope for a threesome.
Name a more kino fetish than raising a loli to be your wife
Just make sure she dates a hot lesbian
Now you're just reaching tbqh have sex
"We have to run this person over, it's only the polite thing to do"-my niece, playing gta5
you know at the abuse counselor this is the type of shit you hear the dad say.
Fpbp, beat me to it.
I would also like to play the tie ins to the shows and movies they like.
Peggle, slime rancher, monster love you.
Raising a brown loli to be your wife
You should be arrested for this. You're going to ruin your life and probably somebody else's
>your life should be ruined. you're going to ruin your life and probably somebody else's
Are you that guy that paid off a poor family in brazil to fuck their 11 year old daughter?
If you're arrested now maybe you can be helped. But right now you are a legitimately dangerous person
you're schizophrenic
The lion king for the Sega genesis.
Fuck pedos, they shouldn't be arrested, they should be tortured for as long as they live.
Probably Resident Evil. We could then say quotes to eachother.
t. pedo
Is not wanting to get cucked the source of pedophilia? Like a fuck them before they they fuck you over kind of mentality?
Because there's no way actual people can find real little kids sexually attractive. I can't even wrap my head around men liking women with washboard tits and flat asses.
Idiot, if you're a good dad, she'll have enough sense only have sex with a man worthy of marrying her, with you being the standard she sets.
> daughter
*hits pipe*
I have a son. None. I'd rather do something meaningful with him.
I have a daughter and if she takes an interest in it she can play what she wants out of my collection.
>He ends up fucking her.
Sasuga Japan
Sorry you are going to bring a man down with you and your faggotry.
My spn and I play easy games together. Mostly nintendo stuff or racers.
>washboard tits
>flat asses
or make her your woman
I'm trying to teach my 2 year old nice to play Mario. It's pretty fun.
Not into kids. But flat chests and small Butts are the best. Preferably with long legs and a decent height. It looks very elegant.
Funny how a pedo calling others schizophrenic is the equivalent of sjw's calling others a nazi. Both seem to have forgotten the true meaning of the word they so deliberately use. Does being called out make you that uneasy?
this but he's my 8yo nephew and he plays l4d2 and tf2
My daughter is 10 and likes switch games, kingdom hearts, and dragon quest 11. she cares more about her grades and school and shit, she's a nerd.
my son is 7 and likes fortnite and does the cool dances, which makes him an alpha chad. He also really likes any game I play, he's interested in rainbow six siege but it's obviously too hard for him.
I try to play older SNES and arcade games with them, co op stuff. We do it on emulator so they have unlimited lives.
Have you given her your cummies yet?
no i'm not a pedophile i'm sorry
classic story, but the guy is probably on the run now if there is truth to it
My three year old son prefers watching me play Bloodborne over Spider-Man. Good taste but a bit worrisome.
You can redeem yourself by sharing her with someone who is.
We're all friends here on Yea Forums.
That's fucked up
Ocarina of cum
The Elder Polls: Skycum
Grand Lift Shirto
Rainbow Sex
Super Smash Bros.
Red Bred Seduction 2
Fuckit League
Cunny Strike: Globally Offensive
Star Whores Buttupfront II
Team ForUndress II
Pokyebum X
Mortal Cunbat 11
It's obviously not true.
Retard's watched too much hentai.
>That's fucked up
is it? For an amateur he taught her pretty well.
>TFW no cute little girl to hug and play age appropriate vidya with
>teach them to love, respect and desire to service the penis.
fuck, i laughed
Your daughter has good taste and your son is a fag.
>Vasectomy since 23
I cannot understand you
hide the sausage
TTRPGs to fuel their imagination
you guys aren't actually pedos irl, right?
please don't make me call the cops
12fps is the standard in anime
I don't know but if whores would stop whoring around and settling down maybe we wouldn't have so many fucking mass shooters.
I would raise my grandchild on Bannerlord, and then once they reach the ripe age of 13, I would have them play Warband for the first time
Cave Explorer
Playing with my daughter right now.
I wouldn't have one irl kids are fucking obnoxious.
Mmmm..that sounds so hot and arousing. To bad ameripigs are to cucked to torture humans.
Funny enough, the ones who say this are usually pedos themselves. Got something you want to share?
If I had a daughter I'd...