The Outer Worlds

These are some of the female characters from Obsidian's upcoming RPG, The Outer Worlds.

Say something nice about them!

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Short hair girls are the best. thanks Obsidian

I'm getting some bad vibes from these characters.

i just can't, sorry.

>no long hair
Are they just lazy, or is having long haired women in your game "sexist" now? These days, it's hard to tell.

thank god none of them can be romanced

i love short haired girls but all these are ugly as f**k

Cherry picking doesnt prove anything.

Normally I'd agree, but unless some of them are the same person, there's ten examples here. That's pretty thorough.

We'll never have attractive female characters in the West again

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>westacuck devs

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Somehow even uglier than the npcs from nu vegass

wow... um.. This isnt real right?

Can you point out the females to me?

I think they just can't be bothered programming long hair

In some older games I know it was kind of a technical limitation. The short hair avoids it clipping through clothes are generally looking bad, so it is much easier just to put short hair on the models. You'd think that wouldn't be a problem with modern tech, but they could have decided to put the efforts elsewhere.

Alternately, in space I guess short hair is much more convenient for helmets and such, kind of like how a lot of facial hair went out of style in WW1 due to needing to wear gas masks.

I really don't know much about the game though, isn't it about space ships more than talking to meat-people?


>No long hair or good looking people
Why should anyone normal even play it really? Devs should finally stop projecting their uglyness onto others.

I don't know if it's a design point, but the West really needs to start working on hair tech.

new vegas npcs were ugly due to technical limitations. outerworld npcs are ugly because of obsidians new progressive political views

>it's another episode of Yea Forums spergs out because they can't fap to a new game

The pink haired dreadlocked negress is probably the best looking one. Which is sad. It shows that they had to make the other ones that much uglier for the black "woman" to come out on top.

having female characters that act or look in anyway traditional feminin is considered sexist nowadays.

it's not just "can't fap" it's "can't stop vomiting"

unless its a guy who wants to be traditional feminine

Some of them, I can’t even tell is a girl

Working as intended!

of course! the abnormal has to be presented as the norm in modern media. that's why all male characters get written as weak and emasculated as well these days.

> Sell game with ugly dykes and trannies
> Game tanks
> Modders completely changes all the faces to anime girls and good lookin white models
> Game flourishes

You know that is going to happen.

>modern AAA game

>space inbreds
No thanks. At this point, Oblivion's potato-heads look much better.

you still act as this is just an exception and hasn't been the rule for years now.
sjws have fucked over games so much that ugly, feminist women have become the norm.
publishers even go out of there way to ugly up and desexulize older female character who in the past use to be represented as sexy. like the country girl form call of duty zombies.

Are they all dykes?

what do you mean you can't tell somebodies gender why just looking at them? sexist much?!?!
this isn't the 20 century anymore!

Normal people play games because of the gameplay, not because they lack girlfriends.

short hair girls are for men who secretly want cock

Go back to your hentai games, jizzbrain.

imagine playing an obsidian game in current year

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nice ps3 launch game you got there

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Obisidian was never top of the line for graphics, but that just looks bad in multiple ways.

The hell is with the UI? Looks like WoW.

What No Man's Sky mod is this?

I agree but that's not short hair, that's dyke hair

they arr rook same

pretty sameface
even mass effect games had different faces

Looks like randy's game Yea Forums shitposted to death

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>asian insectoid "women"

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That lazy eye on the third one lmao

>uses sniper scope at point blank range

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>nice ps3 launch game you got there
If only.

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I don't know why they'd play with a controller without aim assist

Show me an UE4 game that has got an active mod cummunity.

You don't even know how clippy and buggy outer worlds is to assume lack of long hair is a clipping issue.

Will the west ever be able to create females that don't look like le 56% amerimutts?

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Those look like slavic 12yo boys

Here's your cute companion. I like brown girls

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nearly every aspect of your screen is occupied by some hud element
>dude lets add a quest log despite not having any active quests
whats wrong with using a journal?

Meanwhile Obsidian 10 years ago.

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Complaining about it on Yea Forums sure as fuck isn't going to help.

>literally only Japan does long haired girls
>westerncuck devs at best go shoulder length, on very rare occasions
>it's always tied or in a ponytail
Being an hairfag is fucking suffering.

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They look kind of samey.

lmao no it's still a shit game. Autistic weebs buying it up because of one shitty mod won't change that.

Not skilled enough to do long hair I see.

This game won't even have romances, nobody will bother fixing females

they all look disgusting
no one expected any different from a studio most famous from clunky bethshit

It's going to suck and you will love it.
You are landwhale femminist retard that nobody takes serious.

>not because they lack girlfriends.
Nice projection? Why should I play a game where everyone looks like shit?

Is this straight up built on the Fallout 3 / New Vegas engine? Can't Todd sue them?

Nah UE4, they just copied some shit from Fallout 4, Destiny and No Man's Sky and called it a day.

I doubt this is the reason, but being a space colony thing, I can see short hair being chosen over long hair for convenience and safety concerns. Especially in zero G situations.
also much easier to animate

>six different types of short hairs yet no bobcuts or cute pixiecuts
>all of them look like the same brick faced character with moldy textures and pig disgusting features
Why are western developers like this? Why do they hate femininity?

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literally bethesda tier

Half of them look the exact same.

>I'm not like the other girls ;)


They look like real people.

I dread to think what shithole you're living in if those goblins look like people around you.

No they don't. They look like uncanny valley rubber headed monstrosities. Just because they're ugly and disgusting to look at doesn't mean they're automatically "realistic".

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You are being serious, right?

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I've literally never seen someone looking like that at my workplace and hundreds of people work there, over 50% women. Some women wear short hair but not that ugly shit Obsidian is showing. Despite what SJWs try to force vast majority of women prefer longer hair, even if they bitch about how hard they are to maintain.

They look like average looking males

You are a pathetic autistic neckbeard who will die alone

It's just developers being lazy. Long hair clips with everything, especially considering some of those models have pretty bulky neckwear.

Agree, but those are too short

All good things come to an end. I'll remember Obsidian like I remember Bungie, Valve and Bioware - for their accomplishments, not their downfall.

>six different types of short hairs
Eight actually. Pic related.

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Over 3000 hours in GIMP later

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Watched an hour of gameplay footage and the game looks legitimately horrendous.
I don't give a fuck about technical side. But the art style is genuinely puke worthy. Everything starting from the fucking brown-yellow piss colour palette up to bland environmental design just makes me want to throw up. Character designs seem to rival modern Arcane as far as conscious uglification goes.
And then there's gameplay that makes F4 look like a pinnacle of FPS genre.
And then there's writing that confirms all my worst fears about giving a woman who wrote Kills-In-Shadows a senior narrative designer position.
Cain and Boyarsky should honestly reconsider their involvement in this clusterfuck because it's going to ruin whatever reputation they had.

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>blue hair
>green hair
>pink hair

We anime now.

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Definitely not buying this anyway the PAX demo was pathetic. Looks like utter dated garbo compared to Cyberpunk and VTMB2. Just look everyone laughing at the game in the comments.

>Character designs seem to rival modern Arcane as far as conscious uglification goes.
Excuse me?

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0/10 no painted teeth

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That "woman" looks like Eddie Redmayne

Somebody stop these fucking westacucks before it's too late

>Yea Forums goes from shitting on this game, to shilling it because Boyarsky said it wasn't politically charged, to shitting on it again
Reminds me of cyberpunk and how everyone was shilling it because of Keanu and "based" V killing two niggers in the chi trailer.

He didn't kill Dex though. Dex shot V and threw him in a dump.

Not an Arkane game. It was handled by some random studio.

It doesn't even run on the CryEngine like base game, the assets were recreated in UE4.

And yes, Arkane characters are ugly, but it's a deliberately stylized aesthetic which actually works.

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This picture is the future of western video games.

The black girl looked ridiculous in the gameplay and yet here, among those, she looks attractive.

Most of them seem to have big heads but small faces

>it's a deliberately stylized aesthetic
Of course, because you won't meet such ugly people IRL
>which actually works

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Didn't stop Yea Forums going on about how based CDPR was then going back to sperging out about every detail about the game, like bitching about them saying there was no pre order bonus

Her biggest problem is the colour of her fucking hair


If Fallout 3/NV had better graphics, the models wouldn't look much different than these

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It's so goddamn egregious.

Pirate Day one

Fuck preachy bullshit from lefties, especially when it comes to their fucked up and weird views on "acceptable" women

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Im getting Sara Ryder vibes from pink hair queen. Cute retard


Still lolling that they decided to SJW out with their character design and it resulted in their game completely bombing and nobody even paying the slightest amount of attention to a good game simply because they made every single fucking character unaesthetic as possible on purpose

It's a good example of why this kind of stuff doesn't work anywhere outside tumblr/twitter cliques

Most African women have no hair. Explain yourself


>anything that isn't a super model with a d-cup now looks like shit
Again, that screenshot of Typhon Hunter is actively misleading, since it wasn't developed by Arkane.

When I said "deliberately stylized aesthetic" I was referring to DIshonored 1 and 2 and Prey, which were developed by Arkane.

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i would not even play this shit if i get paid for it

Yup these girls look pulled straight out of Andromeda.

White women need to stay away from game development. Goddamn disgusting designs.

people just don't enjoy staring at ugly shit for 20 hours
deal with it

I wonder which one is the tranny, i say bottom middle

If good looking females are automatically super models for you, you need to go walk outside more, fucking hambeast.

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Because the used goods in your picture is much better, you stupid cuck

It's an obsidian game, one can only assume it's an issue.

Getting very close to sameface there

>some the best minds of humanity have dedicated their time to studying beauty and aesthetics
>a multitude of theories in a lot of different fields, like philosophy and even math, are developed to try and understand and replicate beauty
>comes a time when those studies can finally be applied in a virtual setting
>can't because molly smith, critically obese blue-haired tumblerina nonbinary otherkin decided it's bad
well fuck this gay earth

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Her face is so ayylmao asymmetric what the fuck

Just...why are wester devs so cared of making sexy women now? Pic related

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>novidya hairworks is forgotten
>New gpus make zero advancement in physics in favor of memetracing

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>We want the sjw audience
Yeah, no.

Real meh or ugly people, you mean

>w-waaaah how dare you have standards!
>how dare you be so problematic about 3D models that are going to stare you in the face for good 50 hours straight in a premium $60 buckaroo piece of media! shitlord!
>they are supposed to be ugly! see! if I acknowledge it and say that was my intention from the get go that means the ugliness is somehow negated and not unpleasant to look at anymore!
oi westapiggy
I'll make this simple for you: no cute girls no buy

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Man it feels good being the only renaming respected RPG developer around.
It does get a bit lonely. Maybe some other studios will pop up.

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dilate tranny

It feels like the more progress we make in the graphical and artistic department the worse writing, world-interactivity and innovation in general gets.

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>the dev team has more hairstyle than the characters
Oh lowd

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They were just showing a lesbian planet, r-right?

>a lesbian planet
That would be the most depressing and run-down place in the galaxy

looks like ASS

have sex

Ironically the red haired nigra is the cutest girl in that pic.

I trust them to still make Not-New-Vegas 2 : More Story Options edition. But if they fuck it up...

I always find it funny when people are reminded that obsidian is a pretty shit studio. They can't even use the good old bethesda engine excuse for that clunky shit gameplay.

Barely anyone who worked on NV are still present in the studio and Sawyer has been smelling his own farts for over half a decade now.

Western developers are such an abortion

What in the fuck am I looking at, jesus christ.

don't forget Arkane studios also helped giving us the monstrosities from Youngblood

>And yes, Arkane characters are ugly, but it's a deliberately stylized aesthetic which actually works.
It worked so well that everybody refused to buy it ahahaha

Are we gonna pretend that anyone was expecting good gameplay from Obsidian?
Good gameplay is just a bonus. The meat of their game has always been the writing and quest design.

Imagine being this low t beta

World interactivity hurts me the most, when i see AAA game with good graphics and highly detailed environments i realize it's all wasted on simplistic gameplay. Cinematic set pieces that worth thousands human hours are spent in seconds. Beautiful worlds that could have been filled with interesting mechanics and lore are wasted.

Female Yu in-game looks like alpha version of the character, what the fuck are you on about

Judging by an hour of footage the writing is borderline embarrassing.

I don't mind Arkane designs. They too have ugly dykes for women, but i'm somehow okay with this.

I know you think that their writing is amazing, but I'm going to use my 80 speech stat to instantly make you give up your beliefs and waste all the effort you just made.

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>>anything that isn't a super model with a d-cup now looks like shit
again you keep acting as if attractive female characters in western games are still the norm and not the exception for over 6 years now

So you like bimbos buttered with tons of makeup, okay

You're thinking multiplayer Typhoon Hunter. Mooncrash DLC (which that image belongs to) runs on cryengine like base game

>autism, the post

>I like women with more masculine qualities

Yeah sure , he's the low t beta....

yeah when its bayonetta 2 short hair not this

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Septerra Core is ancient and a fucking pain in the ass to play.
It's also a western game trying to be a JRPG. Here's your (You).

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Patrician tastes

funny how all these western devs choose the same style of women...that look oddly like the female artists themselves.....hmmmm

it's ok to like cock user

>ugly shit for the sake of sjwism and self insertion
yeah, fuck off

I don't understand, why are they doing this?

But they DON'T have the freedom anymore, that's the point. They make uggos to fit in and not be criticized for "sexualizing poor innocent pixel womyn" and for "setting unrealistic standards" for triggered whales. They have to play it safe with these androgynous generic samefaces.

Look at Japanese and Korean developers for contrast. Despite them having many varied artsyles ranging from highly stylistic anime designs to semi-realistic/idealized 3D models they always provide appealing/cute/cool characters which attract attention.

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Daily reminder this game will be shit and I WILL laugh at the faggots that buy it

They're right though. If CDPR didn't put a white guy on the CP2077 cover the game would sell less. It's just a fact.
Also black women are boring. It's the most popular "look at me, I'm being woke!" option the western devs are pushing lately. When I see a prominent black womyn in my game I'm not buying it because I know the developer's politics are cringe inducing and that they have fucked up priorities.

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>The Outer Worlds looks like absolute shi-

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don't worry, the narrative designers, writers, animators and artists went to work for blizzard

That was from way back in 2010/11

You were so horrified by that webm that you couldn't even finish that sentence?

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user you're being too obvious with your falseflag

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2017 actually. It's even worse now but I don't have the updated version.

>trusting a company
>a company that's last two games where Tyranny and Deadfire
Dumb fucking nigger

wasn't talking about your image

Reminder only slav games are worth your time.
Shit gameplay with SJW trash thrown in the mix
Shit gameplay b-but look at muh qt waifu tho!

why the fuck did you quote him then retard

Oh you meant Yeah I know, that was for Fable 3. It's still true today. Which is why forced diversity games are flopping.

why are talking about how something that happened in 2008 or 2009 is still relevant?

This is why I watch anime.

Yeah I think I'll just replay New Vegas

>Shit gameplay with SJW trash thrown in the mix
Sounds like Cyberpunk 2077. The only noticeable "Slav game" on the horizon.

>Shit gameplay b-but look at muh qt waifu tho!
>Shit gameplay
Objectively false. Sekiro, DMC5, RE2 and Ace Combat 7 are the absolute best games of this year and all of them are mechanically more complex than the entirety of the westacuck shit repertoire thrown together.

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The real question we should ask about these women, is how big are their dicks?

Because it shows that diversity isn't actually being forced, but that non-diversity instead was despite v/ claiming the opposite.

>implying CDPR is made of slavs anymore
>implying Poland isn't the California of Slavland
Based retard.

>Sekiro, RE2
>Absolute best games of this year
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll give you DMC5 and AC7 though. And two games out of thousands of weeb trash isn't much of a accomplishment.

Is tying your hair taboo in space jesus christ.

>Still buying western games instead of japanese in 2019

so you are trying to pretend that nothing has changed during the last 10 years?
ok retard

Witcher 3 had some of the worst combat I have ever seen in a multi million dollar game

Ugly piggu nose, should have spent her money fixing that and not her jawline

>retarded weebs first thought of slav games is bitcher
Lmao get some taste nigger

You've definitely not played FFXV, then.

And it's miles better than Onions of War combat

>its another weebs bitch about western vidya
Just don't play shit games lmao braindead niggers

yay another western video game that showcases their interesting character design.

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Then what the fuck else are Slavs shitting out these days? Warhorse sold out after they downgraded their garbage jankfest, Stalker 2 is a pipe dream, Phoenix Point is a full blown scam, Scorn is burning in development hell, Serious Sam 4 is vaporware and Pathologic 2 is a pretentious indietrash walking simulator.

Stop dicksucking Slavs. They're a fucking meme and you're just outing yourself as a retarded parroting hipstercuck.

Name ONE (1) fucking 2019 westacuck game that can rival Sekiro.

You should've spent your money reconstructing your blown out hemorrhaging rectum you turbo faggot.

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>and it's miles better than this other westacuck moviegame

We aren't talking about western games you dumb nigger. Stay mad you fucking cuck and enjoy your bug "women"

>other westacuck
Weebs really are retarded.

Dont care about this game its not even rpg but fps
anyway i guess failure of poe2 didn't teach them anything

>You should've spent your money reconstructing your blown out hemorrhaging rectum you turbo faggot.
Absolutely SNEEDING

Oi pig, provide an argument or fuck off.

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Absolute brainlet, then again I figured as much since you fell for the makeup and plastic surgery meme. Me on the left btw

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As they’re interestingly written, then that’s all that matters. Prove me wrong

The writing is trash.

>Pathologic 2
>walking simulator
How to spot a zoomer.

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Is that alpha protocol?

i'm pretty sure they only did the maps


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the game is conveying they're all mutants, here's the telling signs:
>eyes too close together - genetic disease
>manly jawlines; very pronounced chins; high advancing hairline, male like baldness; pronounced eyebrow bone ridge - severe hormone imbalance, high testosterone presence
>male skull shape and proportions- more square in shape instead of more ovoid as is with females, less wide and rounder on the top
>thin razor lips, even on black races, male like instead of softer and fuller as is average with females
>distance between eyes and lips, including nose widths and bone structure, are man like and not female like

at this point, is not about beauty, but identifying things as recognizable human, which these examples are trying to move away from.

Black one with big hair seems OK.