It's no masterpiece

It's no masterpiece

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Because I can't get all moons the first try wtf Nintendo?


It's those small flaws, the slight imperfections, that prove the heartfelt attempt of the artist and elevate works like this above the souless "perfected" pieces of other studios. For every glitch you find, I see a small window into the human condition.

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Yeah it's like an 80/100 It's okay nothing memorable.

its the only good game of the last 5 years

It's alright.

best game of this generation so far and unlikely to be topped

Not a fan of the 3D Mario, Metroid and Zelda games.


Actually it is.
Mario Odyssey is now my favorite Mario game of all time.

It's genuinely one of the only games I've played in the past 5 years that actually put a smile on my face. Some of the moons can be a bit repetitive if you're 100%ing the game but it's otherwise a near-perfect game with tight controls and a lot of charm.

Who are you trying to convince two years later OP?

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Name a worse, more forgettable mainline 3d Mario game. You can't.


Let's see.
They're both boring and easy as shit.
At least Galaxy has a ton of quality original gameplay, while Odissey is filled with trash worthless moon and recycled content.
Nah, Odyssey is worse.

imagine being this user

No one. Everyone already knows it. The game is forgotten.

Fun and iconic though :)

It is

Attached: this kills the hamsterson fag.webm (1280x800, 2.72M)

Neither is your mom.

LOL, still considered to be one of the best games ever made.

I agree. Assassin's Creed Odyssey sucks.

Every 3D Mario is piss easy save for Galaxy 2 (any maybe Sunshine for the wrong reasons), so it's par for the course. And if you genuinely think thus game is anything less than just good you haven't really played a truly bad platformer.

It was a lot better than BotW

It needs something other than moons to reward general exploration. Like a series of tokens that unlock, once collected, a moons cluster

Nintendo thanks you for the free advertising and reminding everyone this is one of the most acclaimed games of all time

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It's an okay game, but it's a bad Mario game.

>Like a series of tokens that unlock, once collected, a moons cluster

It fucking does do that. As well having various collectables which you can spend on costumes and souvenirs.

There is no such thing as an objectively "perfect" game and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

OP really wants to hate the game because its a Switch exclusive.

Dropped in NDC. Fucking boring

You made it that far? Impressive. I got sick of the game in the desert area.

it's a terrible game, best mario game I've played though

Yes thats why its only 97/100 and not 100/100

The desert area at least let you be a spaz and use the joycons to roll Mario at high speeds. Personally I found that area more fun to play than the forest.

NDC is just, fuck why am I playing this garbage. Let's ignore the fact that's a floating that's not even as big as a city from old PS2 GTA games, the level design is incredibly bad.

This isn't a 97 game for me, feels more like a 77.


Wait, there is no T-Rex in New Dong City.

>Let's ignore the fact that's a floating that's not even as big as a city from old PS2 GTA games,
Good that you ignore it, because that might be the most retarded complaint I have ever heard.

There is one in a sub area.

But when Skyward Sword did, it oh boy time for a refund because I only like my Zeldas when they have huge open world games. Not Mario tho, give me the smallest platform possible for me to explore at will surrounded by a massive void of nothingness for me to stare at.

That is the single most retarded complaint ever made.
Holy shit, you are even more stupid than hamsterson.

One of the most flat-out fun and endlessly inventive video games i've played in the past 20 years.

Such a breath of fresh compared to the pretentious movie-games we have everywhere.

imagine being a completely acritical dicksucking corporate faggot


Odyssey 2 when?

go shoot up a mall incel

Imagine being this traumatised by Nintendo.

Lets trigger you more.

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>literally the same cookie cut moons copy pasted all over it

Which one commander?

Imagine being so assblasted by a game that you've complained about it every single day for two years.

Imagine trying to legitimize your fanboy bias with metacritic scores and gaming journalists

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>literally the same cookie cut moons copy pasted all over it

This is why we've been laughing at you for years.

>COPING this hard
LOL, get a grip and stop crying like a little bitch

Imagine waking up every day in a world where Mario Odyssey is considered one of the best games of all time and there's nothing you can do but sperg-out about it every day on a chink image board.

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Seething and Jealous of Nintendo.

Is there anything more pathetic? What a loser lmao

It was pretty good. Definitely didn't meet the hype though. Don't know what it was, but the Moons just started to feel like such a chore to collect a few kingdoms in.

>I SAID IT'S SHIT, STOP LIKIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, get cucked fag.

>me game > u game
>buy her game!
>why do...?
>Yea Forums but /pol/
>look at this gore liveleak webm i found on Yea Forums LOL XD
Why is Yea Forums so predictable?

Solid 8/10 brotato. Level design was uninspired but the controls are perfect.

snoyfags have no games to talk about, so /sonygaf/ can't get any new content.

>motion controls
Damn right it's no masterpiece.

You're right, 3D World is better