You will never be 14 and spend all your time after school playing halo 3

>you will never be 14 and spend all your time after school playing halo 3
>you will never experience such greatness in multiplayer games again
halo 3 and mw2 basically defined my teens

nostalgia thread please bros

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we're going home. no live to pay for, and servers always be up. even if ms shuts them down, we'll find a way with mods.

Halo 3 wasn't that great

>tfw I never reached Brigadier rank
I tried so hard bros, I maxed out at rank 43 in lone wolves.

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is bad company 2 on pc or ps3 still active?
bad company 1 on ps3?

Halo 3, BC2...what great times bros

t. snoyboy stuck with a ps3 and no games
t. autistic child who couldn't make friends
your choice

Gears 1 is the patricians choice

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PC had better MP at the time

Both were GOAT console games that were the final ones I played a lot of before I switched to pc gaming

But no better MP games.

The multiplayer is a slower worse version of Halo 2 and the Campaign isn't that great. The only thing of value it added was forge which halo reach did better.

gears was always shit

When the fuck is MCC coming out on pc for fucks sake? I never gave a shit about halo outside of halo 3 mp but now I'm interested in playing the campaigns

>I will never play Halo 3
feels good man

Custom Games objectively were better on Halo 3, more creative ideas and maps. Less gray too, forge in itself was a better tool in Reach but the sandbox items were lacking.

>ps3 with no games
thats redundant user

Halo 2 > Halo 3

>being 14 when Halo 3 came out

3babies I swear

>Halo 3 wasn't that great

It's still an excellent game, but it was a big step down from 2 in most ways, I sort of agree with >Writing took a huge nosedive, basically a generic action plot, truth's character is ruined
>Core gameplay is slowed down and less responsive and tight
>MP map design is worse and less vertical
>OST is worse
>i'd arguie the campaign missions are worse but I can see disagreement here

The weapon balance is slightly less shit, the visuals are obviously better, and there's more contnet though

No. 3 was in an awkard spot where you had enough options that the forced creativity 2 customs had was lesasened but not enough ptions like in reach to be truly unchained. The "forge world is too grey" shit is the most retarded crap ever considering the only two maps you could effectively forge on in 3 were foundry and sandbox which were even more visually samey

>More options
They fucking REMOVED 2 alpha zombie spawn.
And there's literally nothing like the double open crate from foundry. Foundry was full with small detail objects. Reach has NO weapon holders. The only thing you had in Reach were bigger pre built blocks and that's it, in 3 you had shit with edges, shoot through materials like grates, breakable wooden panels that could SLIDE AND OPEN LIKE A DOOR. Reach had nothing like this and thus the custom games weren't as creative. You'd either see remakes from 3 that kinda work or you needed SPECIAL GAME MODES MADE BY BUNGIE in order to make a new kind of game.

Lone wolves was hard as fuck to get a 50 unless you had epic RNG most of the time or ran into players that were having a shit day.
It was literally all luck and a little bit of skill. Once I got a 50 I literally stopped playing lone wolves and left that playlist alone.

>They fucking REMOVED 2 alpha zombie spawn.

And they added a bunch more options. There was a net gain.

>Reach has NO weapon holders
Having phase/fixed object settings negated the need for them.

>in 3 you had shit with edges, shoot through materials like grates, breakable wooden panels that could SLIDE AND OPEN LIKE A DOOR.

Like 1% of those objects were actually functionally useful and even aeshetically rthere was barelyt any anyways, and the lack of them does not at all outweigh the massive functional improvements that reach's fdorge had and nobody fucking used them most of the time since they didn't fir foundry or sandbox's aeshetic

You're missing the points.
>removing 2 alpha zombie spawns is okay because...
No, it fucked up nearly every infection gametype because most work when there's only two alpha zombies. In Reach you had to choose either one or like a percentage that would result into imbalances and having to account for these variables in your custom game map design.

>no weapon holder is okay because phase/fixed
Weapons can't be phased. Also, this isn't about holding shit up in the air, it was a small piece that you could use to create mechanisms, door hinges, tables, etc. All useful to create a better aesthetic to your map or to make more interesting things. There was nothing to replace it in Reach.

>only used by 1%
You never played any custom games then because they nearly always used these. In most times combined with the weapon holder. Their functionality was NOT replaced by anything in Reach. I love Reach a lot but even I can see where its flaws are.

agreed, watched the trailers and dev videos almost every day till release and it was fun but a disappointment.


three copies of Halo 3 on PC please

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ElDewrito (1)
ElDewrito (2)

>Not Reach

Found the day

>Halo 2 and Halo 3

Explain this?

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>Found the day

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forgeworld is ugly gargage, look at this piece of shit. Bungie actually had the fucking balls to put this in matchmaking. Halo 3 had less variety in forge but it didn't make your eyes bleed, because Halo 3 in general has nice lighting.

3 = CE > 2 = Reach > ODST

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I'll agree that the balance was absolutely fucked, but 2's MP was great just for all the bugs that required a higher level of skill and memorization to pull off. interesting bugs make games so much more fun. some of them were cheesy as all hell, but a lot of them just added some more depth/risk to the game.

actually nvm 2 is better than reach because of the maps

I had a friend that was always drooling over reach and I have no one irl to play halo with so I installed reach on my xboner to play with him and all the time I spent shit talking he suddenly absorbed in a moments notice coming to the realization that reach is shit.

but niggas who say 'reach is the best' rather than 'reach is my preference' as petty as it is pisses me off
bloom was shite
the maps were mostly forgettable
and the range on the DMR encouraged less intimate combat via sitting in a comfort zone and trying to play duck hunt like a fag.
the grind could fuck off but mostly because of the credit/xp weekly or daily cap or whatever it was
armour abilities shouldnt have recharged and should have been a pick up and even then they could have been less annoying
like equipment and armour abilities are both fucking gay, 3s shits only saving grace was that you didnt spawn with the annoying gimmuk and they didnt recharge
someone that has bubblesheild + shotgun or regenerator and its a fucking garbage get out of jail free card
power drain was fucking annoying too these things wouldnt have been as annoying if there was some broadcasting like the demon symbols burning into the demons perimeter in doom 2016 mp or quad damage glow in quake but in another way all that matters is there is broadcasting somehow other than 'I didnt pick it up so someone on the enemy team must have it'
but I think pocket gadgets are the way to go moving forward just ones that arent annoying
like what if there is a start health regen thing that only starts it like if you take even a smidge of damage health regen has to wait 4 seconds again and its a little battery that sticks to the outside of the armour so people can know before they start fighting what they are even up against

in starwars battlefront 2015 there was a thing that was a jump pack you could use it to escape combat and get your health back but to use it for that the map had to be open and since you are in the air its coverless but also you wear it so its not just on 'im fighting this guy and now he's gone I wish I hadnt wasted my time/ammo on him'
so since the map has to work for it the devs have control on where its used so its not like sprint where it 'just works' I have to cut this short to see spiderman but thank you for reading bye bye

Why do retards try and claim this was a good game?
Are they just apologists because of 344i ?
>Brown and bloom textures
>Campaign is only set on earth. Campaign is shit anyway
>Wow look, you get to walk around a boring city aimlessly killing the same enemies over and over again
>SMG is useless
>No multiplayer inb4 singleplayer apologists
>Only new feature it brought was firefight and you cant even search for games on it wtf?
>Didint add any new weapons or equipment, actually had less
Fuck this game and fuck you faggots that even imply it wasn't a let down
Fuck niggers
Fuck Jews
Fuck jannies

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Yeah, in like a year or two

I forgot
>Muh jazz soundtrack!
You deserve death if you even imply it was better than the halo 3 OST

Fuck off Zoomer.
Halo 3 was something all of us incels played in uni.

>nostalgic for MW2
holy fuck

>you will never be 14
You will be in one year.

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Halo bugs are like Street Fighter special moves. It's not a competitive game, anyway, so the bugs are fun instead of gamebreaking.

I’ve always hated halo