Fallout 2 is shit!

>Fallout 2 is shit!
>It has outdated pop-culture references!
What specific reference broke your immersion so much that you gave up the entire game?
>I... I umm.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Nice meme.

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Monty Python

>not liking python
t. adhd retard zoomer

cringe post

I got bored of it 15 hours in. Liked first one better.

Probably because you can beat the first one in 10 hours or less

The godfather and goonies ref are very forced.

Does this game detect if you savescum while gambling and corrupt your save file? Or was it just a coincidence?

>has to resort to a rare random encounter

I got bored of your mom 5 minutes in.

Fallout 2 is a boring game

>What specific reference broke your immersion so much that you gave up the entire game?
The part where they made the vault dweller be the founder of a stone age tribe with pagan beliefs despite him and his followers from the vault having a vault education and experiencing top pre-war technology (without counting enclave technology)

Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made.

>What specific reference broke your immersion so much that you gave up the entire game?
Ghosts and aliens
The 10/10 atmosphere from the first game is just gone

>t. Zoomer

Yeah, 1 was more compact and dense, which is better in RPGs.

Sorry not sorry, but there's aliens in the first game too.

there's multiple random encounters that are monty python references though, you're pretty much guaranteed to get 1 in a full playthrough
And that's just monty python. There's still other le epic reference encounters

Probably, also it felt too spread out. BG1 and 2 had no such problem either.
You're probably onto something

Only as easter egg

Fallout 2 is better than Fallout 1 in everyway, and I say this as somebody who made a Katja sex mod for Fallout 1.

Fuck off, Pastanigger. Deadfire was good.

Yeah the references didn't bother me to the point that it broke muh immersion at any point. Sure if you list off ALL the references in the game in greentext form, or link the wikia article for them, it looks bad. But what people conveniently leave out is that these are sprinkled throughout 15+ hours of gameplay, and most of them are either random encounters or extremely specific side quest stuff that you can easily miss entirely because of just how much more content there is than the first game. I get that FO2 went in a different direction than FO1 in some ways, but I really don't think the gulf between the two games is that wide. You can prefer FO1 over 2, and I'd respect that opinion. But I'm more inclined to disregard said opinion if your reasoning for it is because you insist that FO2 was some kind of massive departure from the first game, because after about a dozen playthroughs of both games, I just don't think that it was.

I also think a lot of people look back on FO2 negatively through the lens of Bethesda later taking more superficial stuff from that game than the first one to put in their own Fallout, which I think is a bit unfair, but that's another can of autism.

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It's just casuals who don't understand why Fallout 2 is better

CHA literally doesn't work in Fallout 1. Not to mention there's just so few areas and quests to actually use your SPECIAL stats with

>CHA literally doesn't work in Fallout 1.
What do you mean by this?
>Not to mention there's just so few areas and quests to actually use your SPECIAL stats with
A lot of the quests give you different options to use your stats.

>What do you mean by this?

Except for one or two situations, CHA is very, VERY, underutilized. FO2 fixes this majorly on top of more stat checks and tying it to companions.

Fallout 2 doesn't fix everything as endurance is still really bad, but it uses it more often than FO1 (mainly New Reno)

>A lot of the quests give you different options to use your stats.

Very few, and I'd says it's more about your tagged skills.

I think there is way more than just one or two Speech checks. (Not "SPECIAL" though).
In general yeah the skills themselves are probably checked more than SPECIAL stats but I don't see why that's so bad since they're meant to be what you focus on.

Yes, speech checks, not CHA checks

SPECIAL checks make sense, because you can be a master of speech, but if you're ugly (2 charisma), some people won't listen to you

Also this is clearly shown with 3 int or lower making you a retard - so you could have 300% skill in speech, but you're still a retard.

>he thinks Wanamingos are aliens

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fallout 2 is worse than fallout but just marginally.
>I also think a lot of people look back on FO2 negatively through the lens of Bethesda later taking more superficial stuff from that game than the first one to put in their own Fallout, which I think is a bit unfair, but that's another can of autism.
also works the other way. people who played new vegas and then tried the earlier games are obviously going to prefer 2nd game since they have been conditioned by the wacky tone of the reboot titles.

Random chance. The game is buggy so it was likely just the weather.

Eh I wouldn't really play these games for "realism". It's a bit annoying that the SPECIAL checks be so prevalent when it's just something you're kind of saddled with at the start (disregarding perks that can alter them)

are you trying to change my mind or something? why are people so hellbent on forcing their opinion on others?

>What specific reference broke your immersion so much that you gave up the entire game?
The hubologists. It hurt even more because I'd poured so much time into that game and then for htem to drop in some "wacky" scientologists, was bad but the whole 'nnononoonono, nicole kidman and tom cruise! HAHA!" was a breaking point. It was leaning too heavily on the 4th wall and winking at me begging me to laugh and fill in the vacuous last half of the game.

I will say this: I played New Vegas to death and I don't remember much from it. Playing Fallout 1 felt like completely different beast. It took me way less time to play and it was way more memorable

true but them being just some form of mutant is far more likely than aliens since all other alien stuff is in easter eggs only and is not considered cannon... well until we reach "fallout" 3 i guess.

dafuk happened to that guy

He's the pastanigger that makes the same threads over and over and over again. He revealed himself by admitting he made the sex mod for Fallout 1.

>the sex mod for Fallout 1.
That really weird one that turns up in screenshots that looks like it was written by a horny 14 year old?


monty python isnt outdated retard

Holy boomer

you can't judge erotic content until you've satisfied your primal urges to it

i see

Sorry you're mad that Fallout 2 made fun of scientologists before South Park, numale.

Maybe you guys should try it first

Thank you

I can call a whore ugly without putting my cock in it mate.

Yeah fallout 1 is so much better since it has no silly mom- Oh shit is that a crashed UFO with Elvis painting inside? Wait what the fuck, did I just see Dr. Who's phone booth?

The thing I liked about Fallout 1 is that it never explained what the Deathclaws were

Fallout 2 followed through on that with the wannamingos

but you can't say you didn't like it

I don't have to put my cock into a bear trap to say "I'm not going to like the results" because I don't have autism and I can use past experiences to build an idea of what will happen if I do something.

Unless you're mentally fucked up, you should know a bear trap isn't trying to entice you sexually.

I could make a great many jokes about vaginal dentata, but I'll just stop and admit you've got a point.

My mod is just meant for a quick fap. Extra content in a game as light as Fallout 1 should be considered a good thing

I do plan to expand it eventually but the response has been meh.

>My mod is just meant for a quick fap
>the response has been meh.
Probably because people like me assume it was someone who was taking their mod seriously instead of just spank mag material.

But why would someone play a Fallout 1 mod for a quick fap?

Well I do take my writing seriously, but I'm not exactly expanding the lore of Fallout - just adding two sex/rape scenes to the game meant as fap fuel

You're right about that, because I consider Fallout 2 to be the more fapworthy game. I have thought about working on some Fallout 2 stuff, but it'd require so much more content. Like female character stuff with monsters.

yeah but to bad fo2 explained what the deathclaws are

Bought a Fallout classic pack that includes 1, 2 and tactics. What should I expect?
Never played the Bethesda ones.

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*too bad

But I remember a time when I'd discuss with my brothers what they were, and honestly they seemed like they could have been devil monsters from hell

I think it's okay that they revealed them, as they'd be too mysterious otherwise

>fo2 explained what the deathclaws are
did it?

They're an enclave creation IIRC

Fallout games

They can feel sluggish at first, but when you are done with them, you'll see why they are being praised.

Only the talking ones.

i only like fallout 76, i bought copies for all of my friends

i forgot a few things but just like user said that the talking ones were an enclave experiment with FEV while the "normal" ones were just mutated iguanas or chameleons.

nice I hope they'll still play it once the update that adds fallout back in gets released

This conversation never happened OP we all no it now post fallout reaction images

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>This conversation never happened OP

Except it has, as fake Fallout fans parrot the "tooo many references!!!1" thing in reference to 2 all the time

> now post fallout reaction images

Genuinely cringed, New Fagass fanboy.

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>Dialogue with a character you might not even meet in your first play through of Fallout 2 is what annoys Fallout 1 drones

Imagine being filtered by text that's actually funny

I usually stop arguing whenever someone uses that shitty excuse. It's obvious they don't like it for reasons they can't explain and just blame it on references when they wouldn't even see that much on a playthrough with average luck and outdoorsman.

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The most hardcore tutorial ever unleashed onto mankind

Fallout 2 is the best RPG ever made. It expanded and refined upon the various gameplay systems of the first one, has tons more content, added a lot to the existing lore, and has New Reno which is the best locale in any Fallout game. The only time the game drops in quality is during San Francisco, where you're railroaded pretty hard. The first game has better atmosphere, antagonist, and immediate narrative, but the second game is better in every other way.

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This. San Francisco ironically feels like an area from Fallout 1, which is why it sucks so bad. (Relatively speaking)