He's still not as good as John

He's still not as good as John

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He's not, but I liked him in his own way. On a side note, did anyone else hate how the shooting was in the game? Felt clunky and unresponsive. I also hated how the game ensured you would have as little fun as possible if you decide to do outlaw stuff outside of the story.

True. John is likeable from the start whereas Arthur is the most generic MC until chapter 6 then he becomes more interesting but his redemption arc is handled poorly compared to John's. Also John's voice is unique and iconic and his character design is straight up superior.

Arthur is a much better character, there's so much to him
Absolute plebs

>the Chad John
>The soi latte "it's not cool to be racist" Arthur


But John isn't racist either

John is almost a non-character for 2/3rds of his story
Arthur has a much better arc

Arthur is much more of a character while John only makes cynical remarks on stuff.

>Arthur has a much better arc
You know who had an arc?

Arthur has virtually no personality at all

go away

holy shit it feels like fc5 is 60fps on ps4 after playing rdr2 for half an hour

>"Why, you're a good man"

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>did anyone else hate how the shooting was in the game
>Felt clunky and unresponsive
EPIC bait

You know what. Fuck anyone who likes Red Dead. So John dies in Red Dead 1 and you continue as an 18 or so year old Jack and everyone was furious!
Red Dead 2 is coming out and people are pissed that there's only 1 character. Then Arthur dies and they take over as the character they wanted to continue playing as in Red Dead 1. Then they're furious again because John is boring and they want Arthur back.
Can you cunts have some consistency for just 3 seconds? Even you yourselves don't even know what you want

this is an objective fact to any adult who has read a fucking book in his life and is clearly a child

Books are gay

I literally don't even know how you could think this.
He very clearly has convictions, ways that he views himself, the people around him and the world at large that he conveys regularly, both subtly and outright
I really would love to hear what you mean by "no personality"

Oh and what books have you read? Name your favorite one.

The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen.

>every word out of his mouth is "I guess" or some other expression of uncertainty, never actually adding of any value in any conversation he is in
>has a grating and annoying voice
>is pushed around by everybody when he is supposed to be the top enforcer, rarely asserts dominance
>is inherently a badly written, inconsistent character as a result of either the old writers not being around anymore or being forced to work within restraints hampering their efforts to produce actually rememberable Max Payne-tier dialogue in what ultimately resulted in a rushed game with no real intelligble plot

I literally cannot comprehend how can you be this deluded and idiotic unless you are a child or mentally handicapped. Stop pretending this game is some sort of fucking storytelling masterpiece you absolute tool. And this is coming from somebody who loves the game, but sees its worth for entirely different reasons.

Arthur is 100% superior. People just like john because they like to look at thing through nostalgia glasses.

RDR2 tops the first game in all aspects.

>RDR2 tops the first game in all aspects.
Especially in being pozzed

>Why do people who spent a long time with a character love that character and don't like the idea of switching at the end to another one out of nowhere
Gee, mister, what a mystery

>RDR2 tops the first game in all aspects.

Getting to be John again is the only thing that interests me about this game desu.

The leftover attachment to his character is the only thing that carries me through the story.

literally all he does is go along with whatever the gang does while whining about it so he still seems like a good man. hes basically a shitty self insert

>RDR2 tops the first game in all aspects.
If you think RDR2 has better environmental music you are just a straight up deluded fanboy

hahaha no Arthurs better john I actually hated being john in this one

>excuse me ma'am, are these fellers bothering you?
What did he mean by this

I find it funny that Arthur's VA won an industry award for his voicework at some award thing that didn't even exist when RDR1 came out in 2010.

People were hailing that game as so revolutionary and John's voice as the best ever, so you know he would have won had the award existed then.

And yes, John is better. I like 'Action Dad' characters.

Arthur is the one redeeming thing about this game you utter pleb (besides pretty grafix).

Especially since John acts really autistic in rdr 2 and his va sounds like he's phoning it in

Can’t argue with quads like that.

John isn't the person he is in 1. And no, his VA just sounds 8 years older trying to play 10 years younger than the first game. It's gonna be a struggle.

Rescuing johns kid from the Braithwaites was some of the best fun i had in a long time.

Quads of truth. Arthur has no consistency in his personality and he only exists as an avatar for the player.


>kills hundreds of innocent settlers indiscriminately
>make sure to respect men and niggers, pardner, or I’ll come after you!
Nah it was a SJW wet dream

Of course not, he’s way better than John.

this, RDR1s soundtrack is so fucking superior it pisses me off
there needs to be a way to play with the old soundtrack instead because I hate pulling up a bunch of shit from fucking spotify and youtube


The reticle wobbles to a ridiculous degree and the enemies constantly flinch and dodge. I think that is to incentive using dead eye. Also for a console game the reticle is so tiny.

yes it was incredibly hype and all when it played, but its only during select epilogue missions. me and the other guy are talking about the background music
I also prefer the original

If you had ever gone outside or engaged in any kind of social hierarchy you would understand his character. Your crippling social autism is hindering your understanding.

wow this is some spicy bait only a true autist could conjure up
added to my cringe compilation

Thanks for proving my point.

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don't double down it's not going to look better for you


>objective fact

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