Why do people/fans overlook the many...

Why do people/fans overlook the many, many flaws of the original games while at the same nitpicking the shit out of the sequels that came later on? Is it nostalgia?

I've been playing this series since I was a kid and as I got older, I started realising how bad the first game is, for example.

>cool stuff like enemies following your footprints are mostly gimmicks
>it's only a stealth game in the first half, it forces you into action garbage in the second half and from a mechanic standpoint, the game isn't made for that(this is actually something TTS fixed)
>most bosses are uninteresting and don't use stealth in them
>level design is mostly unintersting
>game is very fucking short
And this is just gameplay stuff Story wise you have:
>plot points and twists that don't make any sense, like Snake's growth over the course of the game for no reason and Liquid trying to kill him
>uninteresting bosses that drop exposition dumps before dying, they are basically non characters before that
>characters in general aren't utilised properly, most of FOXHOUND, Hal and Meryl don't really do anything in the story
>Meryl and Snake's relationship is bullshit and underdeveloped, I don't buy Snake caring that much about a girl he met like 2 hours before
>Liquid is a terrible villain
And the worst fucking thing
>Most of the "story" is actually just exposition dumps. Characters don't actually have dialogues, they just monologue at Snake for 30 minutes. This is embarrassingly bad, especially when a fucking plot point in the game is the time limit and people just keep dropping hour long exposition dumps on you

So, again, why do people overlook shit like this? Add

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>most bosses are uninteresting
>characters in general aren't utilised properly, most of FOXHOUND, Hal and Meryl don't really do anything in the story
>Liquid is a terrible villain
I disagree
>Meryl and Snake's relationship is bullshit and underdeveloped, I don't buy Snake caring that much about a girl he met like 2 hours before
Eh, it's movie logic

MGS 1, 2 and 3 = Good
MGS 4 = Garbage, the point where the series was raped to death
Everything past 3 = Non-canon as far as I'm concerned

Because for a 1998 game, it was still incredible and a paradigm shift for what games could do? It's not flawless but you need to understand what environment it released in to understand the praise. Of course, it has aged by far the worst of MGS titles due to things like you said. If anything it's more of a testing ground for future MGS titles.

Also the story with dominant/recessive genes is so bad and misinformed. I feel like the writers just watched some pseudo-scientific documentary on genetics and rolled with that.


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it was supposed to be a one day mission so no point in bashing the game for its lenght

>no argument
You're exactly the kind of cunt I was talking about.

I'd never played a single MGS game before circa 2012. I was merely interested of MGR, but heard it was a sequel to a lengthy series, so I just decided to check them out.

Started with OG MGS1, and it blew my mind. Absolutely amazing experience, that still BTFO all of its sequels in many categories. Only 3 really gets close.
I really need to replay the game once again one of these days.

Opinions aren't flaws my man

people overlook all the flaws in metal gear games, because muh japanese bias

this series sucks donkey dick, it's the nipponese uncharted

Your "arguments" boil down to a load of lame opinions so nobody is going to waste their time with you.

It's the very first one. They are allowed to have things they need to improve on. It's when the sequels don't improve or regress you have a reason to bitch.

but isn't this the third in the series

It is but it's a sequel that improved and didn't regress so there's no reason to bitch.

you actually build up relationship pretty quick in stressituations. its no bullshit.

It's tightly designed, everything has their use and each boss has their own distinctive gimmick and gameplay pattern. MGS2, 3, and let's not talk about what came after shower you with a shitload of weapons and gadgets you might or might not use. The base is a better environment than the plant in MGS2, and the backtracking makes it feel more like an actual place than the jungle in MGS3 where you just move along a corridor. The plot was largely self contained and relatively simple unlike the clusterfuck that came afterwards.

>why is there action in my action game?
says it all really

metal gear 2 was better though

You are correct in a certain regard, it's much more of a cinematic experience than a true game(although there still IS gameplay, unlike most movie corridor simulators we have nowadays)

Still doesn't detract from the fact that the story is believable and deep, shame the series went to shit after 3

I’m playing this for the first time, Twin Snakes version, and I can assure you, the meme about PlayStation games being movies is completely true

>Watch 30 minutes of mission briefing cutscenes.
>Start the game
>10 minute introduction
>Finally some gameplay
>Get up elevator
>Get call in codec
>10 minutes of talking
>Sneak into prison
>20 Minute cutscene
>Find the tied up fag
>10 minute cutscene
>play grabass with Revolve Ocelot for 10 minutes
>10 minute cutscene of fighting and dodging a samurai ninja
>entire time I’m thinking “boy sure would a lot more fun to play a game like this instead of the one I am”

Nothing I said contradicts that statement.

>Twin Snakes version
here's the problem

Twin Snakes is a GameCube game

>Meryl and Snake's relationship is bullshit and underdeveloped, I don't buy Snake caring that much about a girl he met like 2 hours before

You mean the niece of one of his most trusted comrades that he knew for 15 years?

Whats the difference? Cutscenes were changed not added

It’s a port of a PlayStation game

It may be a movie game but the gameplay definitely doesnt feel like its a movie. I played it last year and there is nothing like this game i have ever played

Cutscenes were twice as long and twice as retarded

MGS1 is unironically a much better game than 2 in all regards you posted.

2 is literally
>70% of the game are set in tiny as fuck rooms on the big rig
>arr rook same
>shit controls
>constant backtracking worse than anything in 1
>bosses are just gimmick fests and the most annoying in the franchise
>worst dialogue in ages(especially the scene where you disguise yourself and have to find the guy per directional microphone has the worst dialogue I've ever seen)
The tanker was 10 times better gameplay wise than anything on that fucking rig.

It's not a port, it's a remake, and they completely butchered it

Restart on the PS1 version for your own good, otherwise your opinion is discarded

dude, mgs is over 20 years old

I’ve noticed the opposite. People get autistic about outdated control schemes that were commonplace at the time, while gushing about games that are literally unfinished and have only the most barebones elements of a story.

>implying having minimal story is a bad thing

>I don't buy Snake caring that much about a girl he met like 2 hours before
He caring because she's a Campbell's niece.

MGS1 is the most replayable MGS game, its just so fun to play this shit over and over because the gameplay is so tight, i hate the communication tower part though.

Also its the smoothest PS1 game ever along side Tekken 3, it just looks and feels amazing and will never age.

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I replayed it recently and it pains me thinking about how MGSV completely ignored Naomi and Frank and the past games and focused a shitty plot twist so the new comers dont feel left out.

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Better than MGS 4, who focused on Naomi and completely ruined her in the process, along with basically every other character.

>Twin Snakes version
oh no it's retarded

4's gameplay is the best though

>So, again, why do people overlook shit like this?

i wasnt that fussy about games when i was 12.

mgs gameplay is loose as fuck though, your character turns way too slow for a top down game

Reminder that MGS was supposed to be the conclusion of the story of Solid snake, he was supposed to just live what left of his life until foxdie eventually kills him, Kojima was already done with MG too but because MGS was so successful MGS2 had to be made and since Snake's story ended he had to introduce a new character and hide it from the fans.

And the rest is history.

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the first 2 metal gears came 10 years before and were almost completely different. no, this is the first game

The controls of MGS2 are way better than the controls of MGS1

>why do people overlook this?
>is it nostalgia?
You already answered it yourself. That being said, in the context of the game coming out, in 1998 this was pretty revolutionary. By today's standards, obviously it won't have aged as well. I would argue MGS3 holds up the best in the series today, having solid gameplay and ultimately a self contained story which is actually not bad. MGS2 has the most relevant story/plot to today's world which is the only thing it has going for it. The barrage of disruptive cutscenes and codec conversations really ruin the replayability of that one. MGS4 is a trainwreck. MGS5 has great gameplay but nothing else going for it.

>Kojima was already done with MG after making the same game three times, but because Konami offered him more money and he's a hack he did MGS2 anyway

spotted the resident evil ps1 fag

I finished MG1&2 and MGS but am struggling with MGS2, i think am going to skip it.

sure getting death threats was fine though



>Because for a 1998 game, it was still incredible and a paradigm shift for what games could do? It's not flawless but you need to understand what environment it released in to understand the praise.
Except MGS was atrocious compared to every other stealth game from 1998, such as Commandos, Tenchu and Thief.

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well considering all of that is objectively wrong, ESPECIALLY the bosses and liquid being uninteresting you just have terrible taste and would probably be better off playing some generic ubisoft games

it gets weird near the end.

Portable Ops was good though

>no influence in the genre

President of the United States.

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its a homage to b movie action flicks with dumb anime politics thrown in. its literally a "just turn your brain off" game. if you try to dissect each individual parts, yes there are glaring flaws, but mgs1 is more than the sum of its parts. its an experience.

What the...

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who wants to play a stealth game anyway. stealth/action is where its at. sneaking around gets a bit boring without some action segments in between mixing things up a bit.

>tactical espionage action
you are an idiot

literally every modern game now? all of them have stealth and cover

i wonder what kojima was thinking: "all whito piggu rook the same"

I dunno, user. Mark of the Ninja with the Path of Silence is pretty dope.

The rumor says Bluepoint Games is remaking MG1&2 into one game

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Don't mess with me user, give me the source

Wait, he was Meryl the entire time? How?

Nanomachines + Genes


Also memes.

never played it. i did enjoy tenchu as a kid though.

What was the action and boss fights of Thief again?

Thief didn't have boss fights because boss fights in a stealth game are a fucking retarded idea.

It's pretty good 2d stealth game. I recommend nabbing it from a sale.

Metal Gear 2 is pretty much the same game as Metal Gear Solid, though.

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It's literally MG2 but in 3D, it didn't improve shit

ok. saved the name. two games which i think you could play pure stealth that i didnt mind were the hitman series and splinter cell games but i havnt played the latest ones. when i played them i would sometimes get bored or impatient and "go loud" though but i understood thats not how you get the best results.

i knew it. jews founded japan confirmed.

>trump is literally Armstrong
That's over the line. Big Cheeto is nowhere near as based as The Senator.

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If you weren’t an underage fortnite faggot you would understand how this game was ahead of its time back in the day.

>>it didn't improve shit
>didn't regress
>added an additional dimension
>fully voiced
No reason to bitch.

>Calling people that like MGS sois while crying that it's beloved by normies
>Claiming that the game had no influence on the stealth genre while crying that its a culprit for a decline on video games
I like Thief, but Jesus Christ, dude

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Still not canon

if you werent an underage console faggot you would understand how ironic your post is


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imagine getting this from mgs1 what a brainlet

>not garbage

Yeah just hang yourself

Based Phantom Pain zoomer trying to disguise himself as an oldfag.

Ending fight with Liquid was pretty kino though

Imagine being apologetic of the game that ruined the MG series.

Dominant and recessive gene theory is bullshit, sure. But the game was released 1998 so it's not like you can just google it for 5 minutes and be done with informing yourself. And I am pretty sure that at the time 95% of players didn't care about that flaw until some fags pointed it out on some internet-forums.

muh frogs
muh beauties
muh shitty pants man

what was the point of this twist?

Not with those controls

Uhhh...people don't? The earlier games were just better? If you need help figuring out why MGS1 and 2 are better than 4 and phantom Pain, you might need to like, actually fucking play them.

>Everything past 3 = Non-canon as far as I'm concerned
Too bad it is canon faglord. Deal. Cope.

Twin Snakes is better than the original. Fuck the fanboys that say otherwise

Guess not many people liked Snake skating on a rocket.

That shit was awesome.

All of your story criticisms are standard problems of Kojima writing. You can apply every single point to MGSV and it still fits like a glove. Unfortunately Kojima can do no wrong as far as fans outside of Yea Forums are concerned.
Fully agree with you on the gameplay issues and I'm glad Kojipro fixed this over future entries

I assume you're shitting on mgs v?

Honestly, we would have been fine without mgs4. The game didn't need to be concluded and you could have made an entirely new protag chase down liquid if you really really wanted to finish off that story arc. But the game was about raiden, it's just unfortunate mgs attracted a bunch of star wars tier autists that can't have anything be left open ended.

one thing about mgs is the way it plays out and the things happening in the game. Remember this, when mgs 1 was out people were playing games like mario and zelda. When you compare mgs to them mgs was something new that payved the way for mare games like it. theway it starts it's almost like in a film, you did and still don't see that in games

>still don't see that in games

Nah, I would say you see it too much now. MGS is definitely the blueprint for games becoming overly cinematic. If you look at last of us it's basically nu-metal gear. It reached a point where the dude that basically invented 3d movie games tried so hard to subvert expectations of what he usually does he shit the bed with the finale of the series.

This is definitely true, but it doesn't justify the way fans gush over them today. As much as you can respect the impact the series left on vidya, you can't seriously call them the best games of all time like kojimmy fans love to do with MGS1 or 2 (depending on which one was their first)

for me that's wrong
compared to peace walker, portable ops feels like a fangame with the extremely small space and areas that i found boring
recruiting new soldiers was horrible since you had to bring them all the way back to the truck
and, again, compared to peace walker, it just feels boring

campbell's japanese voice actor died

Armstrong wanted to take America back to the "Primordial Age" where the strong thrived while all the greedy beltways pansies get exterminated.
Comparing Armstrong someone with a well written motives and who wanted to eradicate corruption at all cost to that limpy faggot is an insult to the character itself.

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That's just Kojima autism. He's not involved

I assume you were born after 1998

>I don't buy Snake caring that much about a girl he met like 2 hours before
You forgot that she's also Campbell's daughter and Campbell is a good friend of Snake. That literally forces Snake to care about Meryl.

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Snake doesn't know Meryl is Campbell's daughter, because you only find out if Meryl dies and you get a call from Campbell in the Otacon ending.


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it's fan boys they ruin everything. Every franchise has it they will defend it to the end. Look at star citizen if you say it's a scam people will go ape shit over it

Finding flaws in a game comes down to you opinion of what those are...

Why are mgs fans all commonly as smart as a middle schooler? I don't think I've seen a series attract more """""intellectuals"""" than mgs. They always think there's some deeper meaning to everything, and kojimas high School level themes are way deeper than they are, they always concoct some retarded theory about the smallest thing that borders on conspiracy level retardation and present it like they've found the missing puzzle, and they're always overly attached to the series like their entire being depends on it. It's always consistent with this series.

Of course this wouldn't apply to yourself.

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Because these games were the pioneers, so the shit they get wrong is mostly shit they just plain invented and improved over the years. There's no other comparison at the time for the game style.

It did, when I was 14.

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Pioneering movie games isn't something to be proud of.

The only thing MGS pioneered was movie games. The actual gameplay was done better in MG2.

I still replay MGS to this day. It’s got a lot of flaws, but what I appreciate about it is that it feels very..auteur compared to other big budget action or even stealth games. It’s very much a love letter to 80s action film and it wears its gimmick on its sleeve. Usually if people tend to gloss over the failures, it means that 2-3 elements of the work outshine all the flaws
Don’t get me wrong, it has a lot of flaws. I do think Meryl and snake were forced, but as for most of the cast being underutilized, most of the codec staff were either remote or hiding out from other soldiers in shadow moses. The action in the game isn’t too deep, but imo it works because the bosses are creative enough and have interesting enough personality that most are willing to entertain it.
The story is exposition dump, but most codec calls actually set up the next like 10-30 minutes of gameplay. So unlike later entries (which I love too), it feels at least grounded to the player experience.
All in all, it’s a flawed game, but it’s praised for a game that’s way easier to love for its successes as well as it’s faults

To be fair Colonel was pretty much rooting for the ship at the end too.
Not that it makes anymore sense, but eh.

Ironic because Metal Gear Solid 1 is the one and only good game in the franchise

It’s a stealth action game. It’s arcadey and has a much more bold plot / characters than thief. I love thief to death, and the lovecraftian and technocracy villains will always make me chuckle, but there’s a charm to MGS that it doesn’t have. Furthermore, the action in MGS1 plays out way better than the engine for thief, which makes it feel like you’re swinging in melted butter
That being said thief’s light gem and sound system make it a much deeper pure stealth game than MGS1. MGS3 in any hard difficulty and the thief games are in the same league as far as stealth though

>he's not kidding
Yeah man, fuck gta, the gameplay was way better in super Mario bros 3

MGS doesn't do stealth or action well - and the interaction between those systems doesn't lead the game to be greater than the sum of its parts, like in Deus Ex.

Deus Ex's stealth is MGS tier.

I planned on playing all the Metal Gear games this summer, am a zoomer so i never played these games. I played them all except for MGSV, which i am playing now.


Gameplay wise MGSV is the best, but the story isn't really interesting to me this far, it's a really large game though. I thought i finished it and then it showed a preview of chapter 2.

i played The Twin Snake instead of MGS1 because i couldn't stand the graphics

It did it well enough and that's all that matters.

Just play fhem onHouTube. Won't make a difference.

MGS stealth is pacman tier, at least Deus Ex incorporates light and sound to some degree.
But that's not really the point, the point is that Deus Ex works because its open-ended level design and RPG mechanics make choosing between stealthy or confrontational approaches more interesting by contrasting each other. MGS doesn't give the player any decisions which highlights how undercooked it all is.


Is that youtube but for owls?

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Currently playing, they are re using missions from earlier but on a harder diffuclity? what the FUCK were they thinking? Fuck the extreme missions where you escort a truck and then a fuckload of skulls jump out.

The thread was about to die XD

But yeah you can tell Konami pushed Kojima to release it before he was actually finished.

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