What do you think of Gerudo?
The child model looks like a bobblehead.
Perfect targets for a lightning strike
The gerudo in OoT/MM are better looking
Fuck me forgot pic
they've got bigger tits and their hips aren't shelves but other than that the Breath Gerudo are better. The rounds ears are something I can take or leave
this facemask was better
Based and divinepilled
getting struck by lightning is a lot more badass than being drowned, not being able to mine and not being able to fly as high as you like
Nose too big. The midriffs are great though.
Made for breeding
I want to lick Gerudo abs.
Me on the right
How do you fill about a literal pig being who canonically fucked more gerudos in Hyrule's whole story?
I don't think he did any fucking after he gave in to Power
I want to breed Gerudos!!!
wouldn't there be another male gerudo after 100 years that isn't a fukken dickhead
the lore guide for BotW states there hasn't been one since Ganondorf
Loli princess is cute. The rest of the gerudo are disgusting.
All males gerudos are Ganondorf
Where did it say that?
see the post above yours
I'd racemix with them.
That doesn't say that. Just says that he was the last one. It's always been implied there were some before him
user, if male gerudos stop being born when Ganondorf refuses to die that means they are only born when the previous one dies, meaning all males are Ganondorf incarnations
Ganon is a curse that keep reincarnating through a body that it deems worthy.
A gerudo boy being a king is already a miracle itself and a great suitor.
But really it's not like ganon is inherently gerudo..
>you will never stand drinking at a bar when a gerudo sex squad comes walking in
inferior to Zora
I want to lick their feet
See above. Ganondorf IS inherently gerudo and the gerudo males are always Ganondorf's doing, why do you think the gerudo used to have a male every hundred years but since OoT-Ganondorf's birth not a single male have been born in over 10000 years?
Do common you think homosexuality is amongst the Gerudo?
>Do common
Slow down there. Anyway if you're saying what I think you're saying then Gerudo might use women for pleasure and men for procreation
Sorry. I started to think about women fucking each other and I got distracted.
So that second paragraph, is it implying Ganon just pretended to be Gerudo to get into a position of power? So in theory the true Gerudo heir is still around?
It doesn't say male Gerudo haven't been born. It says there hasn't been a male leader, meaning they stopped allowing men as their king after Ganondorf fucked up.
I think most adult Gerudo are meant to sit on my face.
This just means the gerudo are cucked by ganon because he's been around forever before the gerudo even existed, see demise..
so where are they? There should be one alive, recently born or recently died in the game but there is absolutely nothing about them other than Gerudo finding them ideal partners
Dude, "it adopted the form of a gerudo" is just a way to say "he became a gerudo", just like "the devil adopted the form of a snake"
That's assuming they have a 100 year lifespan. It's entirely possible one got to 50 and died, and the games take place in the 50 year gap between the dude dying and a new one being born.
Other than direct sequels, which games take place within a hundred years or so of each other? TP and OoT/MM right?
i wish gerudo were real
i want to be a stay at home husband for one
>stay at home husband
>playing video games with your cute little children all day long
Now, that's the dream right there.
Mean to reply
we hear stories about a fairy obsessed cook but nary a word about a Gerudo male. You can't tell me 10,100 years that encompass BotW's entire lore from creation of Divine Beasts to Calamity Ganon being sealed by Zelda that not one of the males born who should have been born did anything other than live peacefully then die
>big strong wife comes home and picks you up for a hug
more like never seeing your wife or kids as she works herself to the bone in Gerudo Town and the kids get looked after by their grandma or wander the streets all day playing coming home only to sleep
They're not for me. Their dark skin isn't the type I find attractive, their outfits are ugly, and I'm not a fan of jewelry, earrings, midriff, or schnozes. Even their cunny is disgusting to look at.
to be honest gerudo village being a trade hub is retarded because its so remote and half of the entire world cant even get in anyways
It's run by women, what were you expecting?
I'm sure female traders aren't complaining but even with that men can trade at Kara Kara Bazaar. Whilst it is remote it isn't any more remote than the Rito and the Goron. The Zora are kind of borderline as far as how accessible they are. Once Castle Town is rebuilt Gerudo Town will lose a lot of trade due to that prime location
The only attractive one is Riju. And don’t give me that “it’s because she’s a loli” bullshit because you see other Gerudo children and they’re ugly goblins. She just has good genes and the royal line probably only breeds with attractive Hylian chads/twinks like Link while everyone else fucks rocks and fish and shit.
Riju also never had to train or work out like the others so she doesn’t have the amazon body and is soft instead.
They looked better in Cadence of Hyrule
you prefer your Gerudo fully covered and the warriors with metal arms
they probably have dibs on the Gerudo male so they're a purer strain of Gerudo
>The only attractive one is Riju
A very cool concept for an amazon tribe.
Daruk and Urbosa aren't actually naked in that picture
There hasn’t been one since Ganon and there never will be one again. I feel like the Hylian thing has merit though because Hylian men prefer the soft feminine features of the royal line and the Gerudo seem to really dig attractive Hylian men, who the royals would have first dibs on.
>still using 2.79
This isn’t an official rip right? It looks off.
we've seen men comment on how attractive normal Gerudo are but we have yet to see anyone mention the beauty of Urbosa or Riju even other Gerudo
I wish I was a cute Gerudo twink boy so that I could be raped by all the amazonian hotties
It looks off because there's no cell shading.
they seems to be even on lore-wise sense a bleached fetish dream
>fully covered
Implying they're wearing anything underneath those robes
Do you want to strip them that badly?
idiot. ganon is not demise.
I see no abs, at least not like the ones on that model, only shadows. The closest thing I can see on her ingame model are her pelvic bones.
>demise reincarnates into ganon, tells link they are destined to fight over and over forever
>h-he's not demise
Males are banned because they outcute the females.
>kill every male baby because jelly
>''o-only one male every 100 years is born, true legend''
That looks like the same model that's on models-resource.com and if it is then the submitter either ripped the model or made a whole shitload of copycats from the game, or stole them from someone else who made a whole shitload of model copycats.
she's got abs
They suck
considering how many shades of brown they come in they're more like South Asians or Semites
Actually Ganon is specifically said to be the reincarnation of Demise's HATE, not Demise himself. Kinda like the Shadow Links of FSA are said to be remants of TP Ganondorf's hate after his death in Hyrule Historia. Ganondorf is Demise's spawn, but not Demise
The 2nd chick of your pic is a nigger, stop defending SJW crap
>Not wanting to squish and play with her big nose, tits, and ass.
The fuck is wrong with you?
One of the two gerudo that gards the path to Riku's room is literally white
So you haven't seen really dark skinned South Asians
talking about dark skinned Gerudo
I want a Gerudo to fuck my throat with her massive futa cock...
All of the humans (including the gerudo) in the game are based on some form of japanese people. From Lurelin village to the few people up at Hebra.
Underrated Gerudo
>BotW Link has the shortest...
>OoT Link has the largest
What did they mean by this?
All she needs is two balloons on her chest and she's a One Piece female character
What a nice and healthy fish
Holy shit that's a xabungle reference
begone, fishfuckers
If Riju is basically about Link's biological age, which is anywhere from 16-20, when do Gerudo go full snu-snu?
>have kids with gerudo
>the girls are already stronger and taller than you before they enter puberty
How would you even deal with that
she's 12
get strong so you can at least keep up with their play
They're sexy as fuck.
>being this retarded
>as old as toon Link and Tetra
You're actually right. How the fuck didn't i see that?
why there is not a law to kill every male gerudo?
Because gerudos aren't americans, I guess
That's how cel shading works you dingus, the textures have no albedo detail so abs are only visible at oblique angles to the light.
so do they rape men?
any muscular loli doujins? exhentais fucked on this pc and i cant be assed to get it working again today
They are like the Asari, have a children with a Gerudo is being cucked because is not your children is theirs.
>Everything about her in those cutscenes
>That hip sway
>That attitude
They made her sex incarnate.
It's suggested that its consensual, but they're trying really hard at it.
Gerudo on Hylian rape was probably a problem in the past that the King had to issue a law and a show of force to keep the Gerudo women in line.
Depends on the era
At the beginning they didn't exist, then the race appeared and became thieves and factually raped men, after that they felt guilty about Ganondorf and left Hyrule for some generations, but ended up returning and adopting a peaceful life style without rape (except in the adult timeline because all of them are dead)
They look disgusting and also their outfit it's ugly.
Be a proud papa and try to keep up and make many more daughters.
so basically they bang you , leave wih your child and you never get to see it again?
that's disgusting
The carpenters in Ocarina that go to meet the Gerudo and get locked up and weren't keen on them after their release iirc.
In Ocarina of Time's era? Yes. After that? Not in the downfall timeline (BotW), they have husbands, but it's unknow if they do the same in the child timeline
Does it matter? You were a cuck the minute your daughters were born. Might as well go all out.
Can somebody post the screenshots of the one gerudo in class?
You know which one.
The older Gerudo (OoT/MM era) yes, but Calamity-era Gerudo are trying to shed their reputation of being aggressive bandits because of the association with Ganondorf. They're still a bit forceful (see: the "how to woo a man" class), but are trying to be friendlier and gentler.
They please my lust for big dominant futas
She didn't die, she ascended to sex goddess.
>ywn be kidnapped and brutally raped by Risa
i want to cuddle with gerudo
damn gerudos are ugly
urbosa is the only decent looking one
They should do the opposite and leave the father to raise the child alone desu. Then you get to be a single dad with battered wife syndrome singing praises her whole life about how amazing the mother your daughter's never met is.
It's literally a role reversal of "you have to eat all the eggs." Can we get some drawfag to do this?
They peak at whatever age Riju is and then it's all downhill from there
Come at me amazonfaggots
you already came at yourself
>convince me my taste are shit
im good dude
How does Link's disguise even manage to work? He's very obviously not a woman even with his face covered.
It doesn't really. A good amount of Gerudo recognize that Link is a man and just don't give a fuck. The rest of them? For gameplay reasons.
Will you be forced to crossdress in Botw2 too?
yes but this time it will be because hes getting raped
>Most of the gerudo that Link interacts with enough see through his disguise
>The dipshit Hylian reporter can't and neither can the beta who hangs around outside the town
No. This time you will do it because you want to.
>That quest to get the beta's boots
>Then you take his second pair of boots
They really don't
He notices that's exactly why he likes you so much
Because they aren't chads like Link. That's why the Gerudo don't mind him.
>not being able to mine
Gorons eat rocks, though. That's effectively sentencing them to starvation.
>tall, assertive, muscular = FUTA
>being this much of a gamer
You do realize they aren't futas, right? A big part of their culture is venturing out and finding a man.
the opposite
if you go back to their tent after having beaten Koume and Kotake they say the Gerudo are quite nice now that the curse is lifted
I feel the need to shill Rozen's music. Shit's just too good not to share.
not at all
>Taking a selfie with her while she's waiting for you to fight the divine beast atop the tower
>She winks at the camera as you do
>-b-but I won't have any footwear if you take those too
>+I don't care, faggot
>-O-okay then...
>-O-okay then... Well so how about that date no-
>Cya fag!
>"H-hey, maybe y-you and me c-could-"
Get out
The fake gerudo on top of the oasis shop
>That dance in the middle of her fight
I'm 80% certain that if you talk to her in the DLC she recognises you as the Vai she met in Gerudo Town
sure looks like a Gerudo
Literally made for Hylian dick
They can have sex, but with a male that will give them a house, marry them, and not a retard that will fuck them and leave me with the responsability of a child.
still good
The "no voes in gerudo town" law seems to be kinda old, if a male gerudo really was born every 100 years they would have a male in town most of time (over 60 years of that male's lifespan would left only some decades without new males before the next one is born), if this was the case the rule should be "only the gerudo voe is allowed in town", no "no voe is allowed in town, period"
Why should the male give them anything?
We now live in a society where woman can work just as well and earn a living
why should the man have to provide anything
Well that's not untrue.
It still has water and very clear water at that.
90% of trade revolves around clean reliable water
I want to know designed her, I want to meet them a shake their hand.
Mate press
i knew they had water
i just wasnt aware that the water in all the other places was untrustworthy
Will they both crossdress?
the water in other places is fine though some of it has Malice in it. I'd think if Gerudo export anything it's accessories since they seem to have an exclusive deal with the Goron for Gems. Their other industry would be tourism with world class health resorts and an active nightlife not to mention sporting events which are likely very heavily bet on
Why would Zelda have to crossdress?
I wouldn't complain if she did. I love me some reverse traps as much as I love traps.
Too brown and too much ass for me
lesbians also want that toned butt on their face
their asses are alright but the Zora have nicer asses though far worse legs
>both crossdress
Nigga I'm just an ideas man, everyone else can fill in the blanks
Still missing that trademark schnoz Gerudo have, not bad for a recolor though
Hope we get to see a Gerudo male besides Dorf, but that may be a long shot
>Cross dressing girls
>Too much ass
>Not inflation/ comical tier size
Imagine being this gay.
>BOTW2, Ganon is released accidentally from his seal by Zelda and Link as they're exploring and rebuilding their kingdom
>We learn that through the un-ending hatred of Demise, the time is (now) convoluted and that his sheer anger has caused weird things like the timelines to merge
>For the first time in however many years a Gerudo male is also born to the Gerudo
>He helps you fight against the Dark King
I miss the light-colored makeup they had in 64
If you go up to him in any other outfit he tells you to fuck off and exclaims he wishes that “girl” would come back to him.
Filthy desert mongrels that look like Jewish trannies. King of Hyrule should have genocided them when he had the chance.
Meant to say Dorf
I think they are based
And Thailand ladyboys are women pretending to be men pretending to be women
cute nose people
fuck jews though
Since they are fantasy Arabs, didn’t one of the OOT art books state Gerudo were designed with birds in mind
True, but gambling to see if you'll be such a legendary Chad that you'll have a male Gerudo baby may be worth a shot. Worst case, you get better sex than any other cucked individual.
>conservatives: fuck crossdressing
>superfags: the crossdressing isn't done right, it's disrespectful and fetishistic
>mild fags, trapfags, and fujos: Link is so adorable as a girl
It's hard to make a joke that only centrists like, but there you go.
This fanfic will never not be terrible
>never not be terrible
>Literally the first time it has ever been posted
He knows you wouldn't get close to him if he knew your secret so he pretends to not be aware of your dong
it only seems strange due to the outfit. that and she is probably like 5.
>le good guy gerudo in BotW2 helping Link and Zelda
>first time it has ever been posted
Lurk more
>This complete lack of reading comprehension
>imagine her sweat covered abs hardening from your tongue lashing them
>this literal cope
No male gerudo will ever help Link, you and your tumblr friends can eat a dick
Tranny, you can search the archives for my post and you'll only find it in this thread.
Stop being a nigger
Are you literally unable to read or something? I'm not talking about that exact fanfic, just the (sadly popular) idea of a good gerudo helping Link you fucking retard
>wife comes home
>sweated and aching, you massage her shoulders and later, bathe her.
>after a diner you cooked, night falls and she scoops you up in her muscled arms with ease and takes you to bed.
>she jerks you off with a slow, tight grip, you can see her bicep flare up a bit from the minor effort.
>you cum all over her forearm, she licks it off and scoffs at the idea that you could ever manage to make her birth a child.
The one thing I really like about BoTW is how it predicted my sass with the responses you can give, must be a generational thing.
I perfer Ritos but hey, you do you,user.
>Retard responds to my post responding to another post that my post is never not terrible
>Then goes on to damage control his retardation for 10 posts
You're embarrassing your family.
oh.......oh my FUUUUUUUUUUUCK GONNA NUT! i want reverse NTR! i want to see her man stolen away by an alpha female!
>Black people bad
>White people good
Me unga me bunga
>my post is never not terrible
Not your post, the fanfic of a good gerudo but thanks for proving you can't read, retard. You can return to tumblr now
Lol, it's perfect
>proving you can't read
Ironic considering you replied to my post, you extra chromosome having fuck.
>most gerudo recognize him being a man
>they don't give a fuck or play along because it's cute / he makes some effort to integrate himself
Is there any pornstar who looks like Urbosa?
Extra points if she does lesbian.
jesus christ user, stop bieng so gay with le niggress ugly. Its just a fetish bro, it comes from the desire to colonize some puss rather than respect stronk color wymen.
>A giant brown woman with a muscles, abs, and a huge ass nose
Doubt it.
it's a jealous white femanon
big nose, tall and light dark skin can make it.
>ARgniii ghNbl nblUH!
Can someone translate this, I don't read terminal autism
Nyomi Banxxx
They are all beautiful, that's what they are
Do Rito's even have anything of note about their legs. They seem to have a little bosom but that's about it as far as secondary sex characteristics
>fucking cannibal birds
Zora eat fish though and they're a lot more blatant about it
Zoras are shit too
I get the impression it's a law simply because it always was a law and nobody is particularly happy with it.
she just had some sand in her eye
I was going to say it's probably a law because
>literally nothing but women
but Gerudo aren't pushovers so it cannot be for that reason.
Probably. Shitty traditions to uphold, and all that jazz
I like them.
I'm assuming if they're married and with kids, the kids would come to Gerudo town with the mother? Which is why we don't see loli Gerudo's in other towns?
While we're at it, how big is Gerudo Town actually meant to be? I know since vidya limitations it comes out looking like a tiny outpost with a giant throne room, butu is it meant to be a major metropolis in Hyrule?
>biggest standing army
>largest population
>trading hub
I assume it's supposed to be quite sizeable but in reality there aren't even enough beds let alone houses for everyone in the Town
Man, is that how Ganondorf's harem looked back in Ocarina's times?
Fish eat fish. Birds eat birds. Humans eat mammals. I don't really see the problem.
humans are primates it would be like our protein coming almost exclusively from apes
Birds and fish also have a bunch of different orders, families and genera, genius. Hell, fish doesn't even really mean anything in that regard.
if there were more apes instead of other animals then we would
people eat monkeys
Birds are just as diverse as mammals are. Fish are even more so. To call either the Rito or Zora cannibals for eating birds and fish respectively is the same as calling humans cannibals for eating mammals.
Who the fuck was TP Ganondorf then? There is no Nabooru there.
Why live?
>who the fuck was TP Ganondorf
How new can you possibly be?
I have a parrot that I sometimes feed eggs. The parrot is about as closely related to chickens as we are to pigs.
Just further evidence of this being the Adult timeline. The sages in TP were the previous generation who had been killed by Ganondorf in the timeskip.
>how big is Gerudo Town actually meant to be
Casablanca sized?
>adult timeline
Except Ganondorf was killed forever in the adult timeline
And the Triforce itself made sure Hyrule was destroyed forever
And the Master Sword was buried at the sea with it
Post the omega thick one
i love this comic
We need more amazons
Is there more? I see something about patreon by poking around.
Is this a full comic anywhere? I’ve only ever seen the two pages.
Link gets caught in Gerudo town and as a punishment/prank, the gerudo put a mask on Links face, turning him into a genuine gerudo.
They all discover that the mask transformation is permament and the Gerudo feel bad about hte whole thing, letting Link go and continue his adventures.
she was supposed to be descended from them, right?
Doubt it. Doesn't seem like Gerudo blood dilutes through generations.
Just found the full thing. Forgot it had some feminization stuff before the mask was applied.
She totally is one. In Child timeline Gerudo desert is empty. Either they travel around like Gypsies or they integrated themselves into Hyrule society.
This is not what I expected.
would fug and get fugged by
They look pretty gross and they're black
The "no voe" rule is meant to encourage the Gerudo to get out and explore the world. If they let men into the town, then many of them would never leave.
>if I can't have sex for fun, no one should
have sex
The gerudo left Hyrule out of shame for the Ganondorf fiasco, that's why they are there in Four Swords Adventures, because it has been enough time for people to forgot about it and they can finally join the kingdom again
>Gerudo leave out of shame for Dorf
>Sheikah abandon their technology out of shame for the damage it caused
>What's wrong?
I'm thinking about the Standing Congress.
When do we get the hylian farming simulator where gerudo love-interests try to woo/abduct you?
See The no voe rule is because gerudo superstition says men bring disaster (probably thanks to Ganondorf's acts), it's not a well thought idea to make girls roll their sleeves up.
No men can enter Gerudo Town because men are fucked up, specially gerudo males, but thank god they didn't have one of these in the last 15000 years or so
>Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: Hyrule Edition
>bachelorettes are a Zora, a Gerudo, a Sheikah, a Hyrulean, and a Rito, with Zelda as the special bachelorette you have to jump through hoops for
>sheikah abandon their technology out of shame for the damage it caused
You got the order backwards, first they abandoned the technology (because a retarded king said so) and then, 10000 years later, the technology caused a lot of damage because King Rhoam revived it and Ganon hacked it
Wait what? I thought the order was
>Sheikah abandon all technology out of shame for how it was used
>This results in the Yiga clan breaking away and vowing revenge
Fantasy Gerudo are nice but real ones are scum.
why does Link always seem to run into a lot of cute girls
>ywn be a hylian that goes on a dangerous journey across the continent to marry a 8'0" brown sugar honey
Triforce of Chadery
No, first they made Hyrule the best kingdom ever with their tech, then a retarded king said "stop fetching pokemon creatures, technology is bad!", buried all sheikah's tech and witch-hunted the sheikahs (which resulted into some sheikah forming the Yiga Clan) and thousands years later king Rhoam wants the technology back because he fears Ganon's next attack and that's when Hyrule is destroyed
It's basically even worse than you imagined, a lot of sheikah just hid and never betrayed the royal family when they were hunted and killed for no real reason, and nobody gave a shit about them when the machines actually destroyed Hyrule
Nobody wants to run into a bunch of uggos on an adventure.
i think that if one of the women you run into was a below average looking but genuinely good girl it would be kinda cute in its own way
So Peatrice?
yeah shes cute
i havent played the game but from what i read on the wiki shes not a particularly good person
shes just not actively bad
>pointed ears came from decades of crossbreeding with one race specifically
if this doesn't get your sad little pecker hard as a rock, you're categorically gay
>perfect society of all females
>every single time a male is born he nearly destroys the world
its almost like.... women are better than ..... men....
shes pretty and motherly
i want to wash her sweaty muscular
>wake up from 100 year nap
>immediately start mountain climbing, asserting your dominance over women, and fighting monsters in your underwear
BotW is a Chad simulator
I already liked the Champions but they really needed more time to shine in the base game, I'm glad the DLC was full of story and lore because holy shit every Champion memory was gold, specially Urbosa and Revali's
>BotW Link
Only TP Link is a Chad. The rest are bitches.
>That spin into finger snap
Thousands years, actually, which makes me wonder, how the fuck are gerudo genes so strong? They have been breeding with hylians since Ocarina of Time, let's say 15,000 years of crossbreeding by the time BotW happens, and all they adquire from hylians is pointed ears? It's fucking insane
All dominant, no recessive
>only Link too pussy to earn its Triforce
No, he was the greatest incel of all times. That's why he became a wizard
I wonder what happened to the triforce in BoTW
it only shows up at the end when Zelda does her party trick, otherwise it's not even mentioned anywhere
>powerful sorcerer
>only male in a tribe of women
>literally the king of the land
Ganondorf canonically fucked dozens of gerudos and there's nothing we can do to change it, user
Can you imagine the frustration of having a child with a gerudo? Knowing that she will never look like you and that your genetic lineage basically dies with her?
I swear this post isn't an allusion to anything.
He'd be a volcel if anything
>Having a child with a Gerudo
>Not just fucking them for fun before settling down with a nice Hylian woman
you're in it for a loving relationship and hopefully some great sex and good food
I think they could reveal reveal Ganondorf and Zelda had their Triforces all this time and Link will have to overcome trials in order to obtain the Courage one, like in TAoL, WW, ALBW, etc. It also makes sense thematically, BotW was heavily influenced by TLoZ so the sequel could be influenced by TAoL in that sense
kill yourself even if you posted that ironically
can a gerudo woman give birth to a boy if the father is of a different race?
I feel like I should know this but I'm not sure
Why the fuck are you posting a poor photo of an already scanned and posted page?
Can't stop me from enjoying the delicious brown girls, user.
They've got an interesting relationship with the rest of the people of Hyrule. Safe to say by the time of BotW they were getting along much better with the rest of Hyrule.
Every gerudo is born from a female gerudo and a male of other race, user (except maybe
hypothetical Ganondorf's daughters)
Post proof
Isn't there a mall or school you should be shooting up?
they have a cute boss in botw
Look at all that hair
her nose is not that big and out of shape in the game is it?
No, it's smaller.
>Tfw she won't stay that size forever.
Riju the cutest
looks way better here
How do I keep my Riju tiny and cute?
I just realized that BotW's sequel will probably take place a few years (maybe 2 or 3 at best) years after BotW and we will see a 15yo Riju
she wont look different because they age slower im pretty sure
see they mature faster
Gerudo isn't a race, it's a deformity, like midgets but dominant and only producing females. Notice how they are all tall amazons but beyond that they are all different, with different facial features and skin tones ranging from pale to 12 PM black.
Since Ganon's possessed body is still bumming around under Hyrule castle, there probably won't be another one until he finally stops possessing it and goes back to wherever he goes when he dies.
>BotW2-Riju will look 18
>Dark skinned and Black people exist in a game
Wow that's somehow dumber than the one where Ganondorf sends you and Zelda 100 years back to the past (they both possess their old bodies) and then you and Zelda go on a roadtrip across Hyrule gathering all the champions together.
Hedging my bets that the sequel will have time travel elements that render the gaurdians totally moot.
>replying to it
>having a faggot opinion
>male gerudo is born
>voe? in my gerudo town? get the fuck out
>infant gets dumped into the desert
>she's in full blown angsty teen phase
Goth Gerudo when?
>your gerudo wife will never choke you out and make you like her abuse
>light and dark world mechanic
>but your world is the dark world and the light world is the past before Ganon fucked everything up
by being their father?
Body outlines through clothes never fail to get me as hard as a rock.
Only if they're female. Or if they're not Gannondorf.
>The mom sternly looks at them and says "be nice to your father"
The kids in this game are all so cute
Its a shame you can't hit them
She can't make me like her abuse if I like it since the beginning
Men are not allowed in the Gurudo village
>Gerudo wife gives birth
>Its a boy
Imagine if she untied it
Well Yea Forums?
Would you have it in you to kill baby Ganon and save Hyrule?
Just be nice to him and he'll give you and your wife a nice mansion on a piece of conquered land. Seriously, don't miss his desert little league games.
Gerudo lolis are the best thing the zelda team has ever done, same with rito lolis
I wonder if gerudo girls like to roughhouse
>accidentaly fall down the stairs while carrying him
Nah, I mean when a character is wearing clothing the doesn't show off their body proportions and someone traces the outline of their body through the clothes.
I bet they smell awful
>Reaches for her sword
Every time
i wanna smell them
It's really hard to find trace pictures, and I wish they were more common. It's definitely the rarest fetish I have.
They have an aqueduct and mainly eat fruit.
They'd smell fucking heavenly.
this is arousing, and just generally interesting!
God I wanna fill with cum the left one [spoiler/]
That looks like Mirio's girlfriend!
There based on a real race of people.
This is my kind of body outline.
once told me..
the Gerudo have evolved to elicit that very reaction
>How would you even deal with t hat
With my dick
>8ft tall heavily pregnant gerudo wife
Jesus H Christ
pp hard
t. angloid
Wish they'll appear more in games. Also kinda want nabooru or urbosa in smash
>only Link too pussy to earn its Triforce
That was WW Link. He just paid a jew and fished for it. Unsurprising since he was unworthy to be a hero anyway.
That’s that good shit. Just a little bit of marbled pudge for that beefiness.
Imagine washing all that hair
She would need like 3 handmaids
Make younger daughters both with my wife and daughters that will be less stronger and tall so that I'm not the shortest or weakest, then when I'm the shortest and weakest again I rinse and repeat.
>they told him were to find it so the adventure didn't matter!
So OG Link obtaining the Triforce of Wisdom didn't matter because Impa told him about the temples?
Oh it mattered, it just didn't count as being chosen. Why, Hyrule would never have been drowned if WW Link hadn't found the pieces of the Triforce of Courage, so the deed was definitely impactful, even if the outcome was purely negative.
It would be neat if there still was a male gerudo born every 100 years but since Gannondorf they've been kept secret instead of being made king. Then maybe we could get a not-evil male gerudo character in the series.
>every 100 years
Wasn't that just a stupid translation, with the real meaning being 'very rarely', and the '100 years' is used by Japanese as a saying?
perks of being royalty but Isha must be loaded because her hair is nearly as ornate
Me on the right.
I wonder if any Gerudos prefer to live like Hylians. Imagine a girl and her mother traveling to Gerudo town all the time, but her father is banned from town. The commutes can be long and laborious. There is the racial shame of her kind relating to Ganon too, even though that is probably only felt by other Gerudo anyway and not by other races at this point. Would a Gerudo ever wish to embrace her father’s heritage instead?
Ugly face, hot body
>reverse Mate press
>that one /pol/ greentext about a world where women are the dominant gender and regularly rape men on the subway
They unfortunately age like milk at least in their main land, maybe they look better if they lived somewhere cooler. But then again if you score a gerudo wife and both of you are loyal it wouldn't matter because you'll both be old but still in love
I wanna hold a Gerudo womans hand, fellas
you forget how proud the Gerudo are
why would you not be loyal?
There are a lot of relationships that end up not meant to be and a lot of shitty people that only want to fuck. I think the Gerudo would be super loyal, but the mean of other races might just lust over the race because of their features instead of their character.
In an all-female town with only a few men, it'd be really easy for one of the men to cheat.
The gerudo are so much stronger, they could probably take him even if he didn't want to.
Nobody said a thing about being chosen, just earn it in an adventure. In fact, neither of these two things happened to TP Link, he just inherited the Triforce, in that sense he's as special as his who father and his who grandpa
Gerudos don't have dongs.
>go to her bedroom for the first time
>find out it's filled with cute seal plushies
God, why is she so adorable?
They have the biggest dongs
Wow, it's literally just a copy of The Wheel of Time.
What if Link banged a Gerudo and she gave birth to a boy?
the lolis are ok
Extremely cinematic weekend fishing trips and family photos. If Ganon is fated to be evil, reverse Return of the Jedi. If not, the most comfy family in gaming.
>expecting futa
>was going to call you a dummy
You're alright, user.
I want to insert my penis in all 5 girls in this pic
thats a pretty agreeable thing to say
Long, thick, sweaty, brown Gerudo girlcock.
>HUSBAND, WE HAVE RETURNED shouts your wife from the doorway, a satisfied tone in her voice. Walking into the kitchen was your beautiful Gerudo wife; tanned skin, well muscled and covered in sweat and dirt. Over her shoulder was her kill, a larger than average boar, her arm was straining a bit to hold it in place. From behind her sprouted out your cute daughters, each with their own prize, much smaller, but still impressive sized boars.
>Welcome home dear, I already made dinne- SMASH, your wife tossing down her boar on top of your meal you spent several hours making. I hunger for the meat of this beast Husband, cook it the way I like. Come girls, let us bathe, she commands as she walks out of the kitchen.
>turning around to clean up, you feel arms wrapping around you, hardened arms you couldn't escape from. Husband, tonight I will use you as always to relieve my stress. I couldn't get you out of my mind on the way home, she said nipping and licking at your neck. her sweaty body pressing against yours, the smell of feminine and hard work was intoxicating. I see you desire me as i am, as you always should, you always steal the eyes of the other women in town mmmm, but you are mine until we part husband. if you are ever stolen away from me, i will rescue you, but should you decide of another woman... i will break you, mind and body until you are mine once more, she says with a confidant smile.
>your trousers are unbelievably tight as your wife is holding you tighter to her rock hard body. its a crushing feeling, but one of love and passion. You cannot wait any longer Husband, you desire your wife now? So be it, we are at our peaks. Food can wait, i must feast on your meat first, she says with a hungered slur of lust, scooping you up and dashing for the bedroom.
So all women?
makeup exists for a real reason
Doesn't exist, sorry!
>Being tanned and having red hair means you're Gerudo
He's short, not muscular, doesn't have a Gerudo nose, and his eyes aren't green like every other Gerudo in the game.
you didn't get my sarcasm
Really? is like 60 pages of cross dressing and half a panel of genderswap.
Gerudo are strong women done right, not the kind of gutter trash you see from western devs ie. wolfenstein
Sword Girls > Twili Girls = Zora Girls > Hylian Girls > Rito Girls > Goron "Girls" > Gerudo Girls.
This chart is the same for men desu.
>tossing you on the bed, your wife begins tearing the clothes from your body, pawing at you and licking your neck. your wife lazily pulls her top off and her bottoms down just enough for you enter. taking in every moment to pour over you, she kisses you deeply with her tongue. her moaning, writhing body can't help but pin you down easily, its not that your weak, but your wife is so strong and heavy with muscle.
>enough games Husband, i will partake of your wonderful meat now, she says raising herself and lowering down around your dick. among people of your race, you would be pretty damn impressive in size, but against the raging tan she-beast on top of you, you are but another night out with the girls. your wife is extra protective of you though among Gerudo women, you are hers, she married you, you are her daughters father and she always reminds you of your place in HER house. you may be a man, but you are HER man, no one elses.
>Ahhhh~ you hear her moan, her walls tightly clench around your dick painfully. she was close, you could feel it, just hoping you would last the waves of pleasure rocking her body long enough to cum. A second wind washes over her, she resumes her sex onslaught, pinning you down, making sure you are pressed as deep as you can go. her eyes narrowed, Husband i believe i want another cute daughter, do not disappoint me. her eyes narrowed further, letting you know she was serious. your nod, accepting that you will probably be at this for a week near straight like your last daughter.
>I see that you are nearly finished Husband? you wish to seed my fertile garden? she says with a grin on her face that quickly changes to a haughty glare. As if I would let you bow out so soon, with that said her abdominal clench and move in just the right way, a technique she devolved that makes it impossible to cum unless she wants you to. complete control over her ab muscles lead to the creation of this dangerous move during your first time.
holy shit, oppai loli riju is cute as FUUUUUUUUCK
god i wish that were me
fuck outta here Naboris
that looks more like a hylian+gerudo mix
If he knocks her up he should, considering you can't do shit for a good while in that event
Is there a reason to update?
My guy you have it backwards since TP and BotW are best Links hands down.
You should celebrate both of the wildest Links
wind waker link is the only real chad by having absolutely no relation to the hero of time or the spirit of the hero bullshit that skyward sword introduces, but he still assembles and claims the triforce of courage, pulls and empowers the master sword, and founds hyrule again
To be fair all of them inherited it, only the chosen hero soul gets to have the triforce. He still had to go through shit and save the world with it.
Speaking of which our BotW Link doesn't seem to have it at all yet
>by having absolutely no relation to the hero of time
So just like every single Link that isn't TP Link?
>or the spirit of the hero
He IS the spirit of the hero you retard, all Links are
>So just like every single Link that isn't TP Link?
no, absolutely 0 relation on any level, including metaphysical. the goofy hyrule historia establishes that the hero of time never returned or was reborn because he was removed from the timeline by zelda sending him back, there is no heroic spirit to reincarnate
They are all "in relation" because it's just the hero soul reincarnating.
Zelda is the one who transfers power through bloodline, the hero soul can reincarnate anywhere rly (but apparently it does so as a cute, blonde hylian boy. Maybe they are all distantly related, just because we only know of one doesn't mean the others aren't very distant relatives).
so is there 2 hero souls in the other timeline?
"child" timeline still only has the one soul, link effectively replaced himself at the exact moment he was sent back so that he could have a proper childhood
Stop making shit up, Link NEVER reincarnates like Ganondorf (in FSA) and Hylia does, the spirit of the hero is something that manifest in suitable hylians in times of danger. OoT Link is the spirit of the hero in an hylian that was raised as a kokiri, WW Link is the spirit of the hero in a lazy child in some remote island, ST Link is the spirit of the hero in a royal engineer, etc etc
I always thought that was major horseshit, the chosen ones don't have normal childhoods and never will so why send him back
>the spirit of the hero is something that manifest in suitable hylians in times of danger.
the resurgence of it in extremely similar looking individuals with extremely similar personalities (of the ones that actually have displayed personalities) doesn't agree with that idea. wind waker's entire premise doesn't agree with that idea because even before the hyrule historia or a branching timeline was an idea it rode off of the premise that the hero never showed up again even after ganon did
I always thought the hero soul is just dormant in a very wide bloodline and activates in a time where it's necessary, thus the links are all similar in apperence and always Hylian
does it even count if their children are guaranteed to be 100% pure gerudo females?
From an older post
>I think they are something like what Kishimoto pulled with Naruto and Six Paths Sage's sons. Demise's hate, OG Link's will and Hylia's soul just pick on people that's being born and inhabitate their bodies as reincarnations and once they die/finish their job they leave and inhabit another body, meaning two reincarnations shouldn't meet under normal circustances but if something unnatural happens they can actually meet each other, that's why you can have shit like Sasuke and Madara being alive at same time when both are Indra's reincarnation or have the Zelda from AoL's backstory alive for dozens generations when all Zelda's are Hylia's reincarnation
If Link's spirit LITERALLY reincarnated in the usual meaning of the word then TP Link wouldn't meet OoT Link in his game, because OoT Link and TP Link would be the same exact person in different eras. The Links aren't reincarnations of each other, they are more like brothers all adopted by the same spirit after see they all have qualities befitting a hero
>tfw no 8 feet tall wife to manhandle you into snu-snu.
Is there some special lore on this chapter? She’s the only other Gerudo to dress like Riju.
she is probably the richest gerudo on the town, Riju attire is probably just high class clothes and not a royal outfit, i think.
See >the premise that the hero never showed up again even after ganon did
That only means there was no suitable hylian for the hero spirit to appear when Ganon came back in that specific moment of Hyrule's story. If there's no gerudos Ganondorf can't reincarnate, and if there's no brave potential hylian hero SS Link's soul can't choose him to be the next hero
Doesn’t quite make sense since you had to get her stuff to help her open up her shop again.
Honestly, she might’ve been an important NPC in terms of story and they may have scrapped that thread during the full production of the game.
Also, she’s probably what Riju will look like when they age her up in the sequel
Reread WW's prologue. They weren't just waiting for any hero. They were waiting for the "Hero of Time" to come back. He showed up out of nowhere one day to defeat Ganon the first time, so they thought he would show up through time once again. But he never did because he was off in his own timeline doing Majora's Mask.
That doesn't mean there weren't any heroes that tried to stop Ganon, or the Hero would never again show up in that timeline. It was just the Hero of Time who didn't reappear.
Loli abs.
I'm more interested in her legs.
>Doesn’t quite make sense since you had to get her stuff to help her open up her shop again.
she didnt need money, but materials, also, its more a gameplay stuff, rather than lore building
>Honestly, she might’ve been an important NPC in terms of story and they may have scrapped that thread during the full production of the game.
true, that kind of stuff happens all the time
>she’s probably what Riju will look like when they age her up in the sequel
Do you even realize you are just shitting on your own argument? Now you are saying heroes could have been there fighting Ganon but that prologue's point was that the HERO OF TIME wasn't there, not any Link incarnation but the hero of time specifically, you are saying WW Link didn't posses the spirit of the hero just because one of the multiples incarnations of said spirit (the hero of time) didn't appear in a time when he wasn't supposed to be, it makes no fucking sense
I don't know how their city survives when most of their working class needs to leave to get pregnant and carry on the race. Because, they aren't coming back to the city. Like "thanks for the kid love, it's been fun, I'm going back to my city to be a broken hearted single mother."
I'm not the person you were arguing with, I was just replying to the argument in general, with no regard for which person was saying what.
>Do common you think homosexuality is amongst the Gerudo?
Hell no.
>Gerudo might use women for pleasure and men for procreation
Nah. Women are for friendships only while men are for both procreation and pleasure.
>That only means there was no suitable hylian for the hero spirit to appear when Ganon came back in that specific moment of Hyrule's story.
That begs the question of why there wasn't one or why nobody fit the critera but the answer to that anyways is the game wasn't designed around the Historia or the idea of a legitimately recurring hero
i got botw working on cemu just to make webms of the lolis
are there nude mods for cemu BoTW? I've already played 200 hours of it on the switch so I wouldn't bother emulating it unless there's a good reason
There wasn't one because that's not the story they wanted to tell, when they wanted to make a story about Ganondorf breaking the seal but being defeated by a new hero before he destroys Hyrule they made Twilight Princess
i dunno i havent messed with it recently, i was waiting for a free cam mod so i could make better webms
i might get back into it now that theres a whole complete downloadable package with shaders and everything
>tfw no loli that's strong eonugh to easily overpower me
im the only one who appreciates all the underrated lolis in this game
> a gerudo woman will never pick you up and deepthroat your cock while standing up
Why am I even alive
to bear witness?
why is she so smug?
she knows you know how well she knows how to wring the cum out of your rancid chode
theres even lolis for you scat fans out there
Every body in chat saying they are leaving. But viewers only go up
So is Ganon a canon fag since instead of fucking his unlimited harem of gerudo milfs and lolis he choses to fight a fuccboi twink for centuries on end?
I wonder how high are the divorce rates?
Or does the marriage just dissolve as she forgets she’s married to you?
If there have been enough male Gerudos for the Gerudo to KNOW that this happens every 100 years, and Ganondorf is the first time anyone ever had any problem with the male Gerudo, to the point that after Ganondorf all the Gerudo never fall for that again (the only time Ganondorf ever reincarnated was in FSA, where the Gerudo immediately send him off to die when they realize it's him again), that means that every male Gerudo is NOT Ganondorf and not every male Gerudo is evil. Use your brain.