Why do we like Tim?
Why do we like Tim?
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Unreal Tournament was NEVER good
Nobody does
Imagine being this pleb.
he is based, he didn't abandon ut like valve does with hl or left for dead or shartifact, he just needs a bit of time.
they didn't make a single good game since unreal 2004, ut3 is a disaster on all fronts
they're arguably worse and lazier than valve, i don't know what do you guys expect from them at this point
>what is unreal engine
>what is fortnite
what is going on with source 2 gaben already abandoned ?
>what is unreal engine
It's an engine.
>what is fortnite
It's a pile of shit.
I like Tim because he makes all the gamer incels on this website really upset. All of you will be hanged soon and put a bullet into your worthless brain.