Why do we like Tim?

Why do we like Tim?

Attached: 0u0.png (496x721, 319K)

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Unreal Tournament was NEVER good

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

Nobody does

Imagine being this pleb.

Attached: wtf.gif (200x150, 313K)

he is based, he didn't abandon ut like valve does with hl or left for dead or shartifact, he just needs a bit of time.

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they didn't make a single good game since unreal 2004, ut3 is a disaster on all fronts
they're arguably worse and lazier than valve, i don't know what do you guys expect from them at this point

>what is unreal engine
>what is fortnite
what is going on with source 2 gaben already abandoned ?

>what is unreal engine
It's an engine.
>what is fortnite
It's a pile of shit.

I like Tim because he makes all the gamer incels on this website really upset. All of you will be hanged soon and put a bullet into your worthless brain.