Why do we like Tim?

Why do we like Tim?

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Unreal Tournament was NEVER good

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Nobody does

Imagine being this pleb.

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he is based, he didn't abandon ut like valve does with hl or left for dead or shartifact, he just needs a bit of time.

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they didn't make a single good game since unreal 2004, ut3 is a disaster on all fronts
they're arguably worse and lazier than valve, i don't know what do you guys expect from them at this point

>what is unreal engine
>what is fortnite
what is going on with source 2 gaben already abandoned ?

>what is unreal engine
It's an engine.
>what is fortnite
It's a pile of shit.

I like Tim because he makes all the gamer incels on this website really upset. All of you will be hanged soon and put a bullet into your worthless brain.

Relax, bro

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All I know is recent Unreal Tournament ran like shit and used that shitty fake antialiasing. Just make something with graphics on par with mid 2000s and stop adding shitty screen effects everywhere.

>All I know is recent Unreal Tournament ran like shit
What kind of toaster do you have? If anything, UT had great performance

what was the meme?

Gtx 970 last time I played. I could hit 60fps, but I had to make thr game look blurry to do it.

We don't. UE4 is nice and all but it wasn't even made by Tim. That team of wizards that work for him did.

Tim abandons shit all the time. UT is just the most reent memory. Remember Paragon? or that time he abandoned ALL of PC gaming because Gabe Newell hadn't yet figued out how to save PC gaming from the pirates? Or how about that time he abandoned his own nation and sided with the enemy amidst a trade war? Can't forget about that one time he abandoned all open source applications and stopped an initiative that would have made gaming possible on GNU/unix operating systems.

Ah so many memories.

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We don't.

I remember, and I still hate Tim for outright just killing it

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nobody likes him

>You have to still moan the lawn because you don't have the moral to be a ceo like most ceos
What did he mean by this?

I don't give a fuck about egs or fartnite or paragon
But i DO miss UT. I was a huge fan of the series, i spend hundreds of hours playing ut2003 and 2004 back then.

I’m actually puzzled.

With the way he carries on on social media the only reason why he's not considered the Martin Shkreli of gaming is that the overwhelming majority of game "journalists" are stooges

>UT99 was a LAN hit like CS and Quake, it was just a nice game and was fresh enough to be interesting, as well as helping to prove multiplayer PC gaming
>UT2k4 pushed HTML in multiplayer to promote custom servers and browsing for games in and outside of the UT client, in addition to making modding easier and tuning up the engine to be a fine platform for FPSes didn't hurt either, though the weapons were a little bit on the weak side for the most part (see: minigun for a slot 7 weapon)
>UT3 was all about GLOSS and CONSOLES (and EDGY)
>UT4 didn't even start development professionally

really makes you think

why did you ommit UT2k3

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>literally a demo for 2k4
but also because the big strides between the "main" UT releases is enough of a pattern to omit the other Unreal But Not Tournament In Name releases
Tim is too retarded and tunnel visioned into selling a product to see that UT was all about retention through community servers and content, which is why FPS is so soulless these days and fractured among niche products mostly selling on brands.

>Trying to make a secondary gaming platform is the equivalent of jacking the prices of life saving medicine in order to make profit putting millions of people at risk
Please I'm begging you. Hydrate

Unreal Championship > Unreal Tournament

Of course they wouldn't know. They fucked it up royally already with the last few updates it received.
It started being pure UT and then they were like "hey lets add weapons that were never in UT and gimp others because of it durr hurr"

>With the way he carries on on social media
>of gaming
I know I didn't put in any effort punctuating, and I know this is Yea Forumseddit, but could you please not pretend to be unable to understand what I typed?

Here's what he's actually saying for you nostalgiagoggles boomers: UT and arena shooters in general are a stale and repetitive formula that they can't innovate without making it into something that isn't a proper arena shooter.

Do you really expect a company to keep developing failed projects and dead genres? Like it or not battle royale is the new competitive PvP genre.

reply meant for

>Fortnite cannibalised UT4's development
>Fortnite exploits forced Epic to shut down UT2004's stat server
Kinda hurts.

UT2k3 was so redundant that the owners got a rebate if they bought 2k4.

Community was doing most of the work anyway. Could have had someone come in once a month and just commit the community elected content.
Completely different games. Championship was the final, perfect evolution of console shooters though

I'm of this weird mixed opinion about fortnite. On one hand yeah it's kinda grown out of control, it's damaged both other Epic games and the gaming world as a whole, and has a cringey fanbase of zoomers and ecelebs. But on the other hand I remember buying the original game on release and seeing that it genuinely had a lot of charm and effort put into it but unfortunately it just wasn't a genre people were all that interested in and that I'm kinda glad that it was able to succeed in some way.

>Battle Royale is the new PvP genre
>A genre with only millions of players
That's basically nothing, and doesn't disprove the existence of any other potential audience.
Apparently Overwatch is big enough to swallow quite a number of battle royales according to statistics given so which hero do you main? And what rank are you?
Tim hasn't got a clue what makes video games popular just looking at his pathetic storefront so it would make sense he doesn't understand most shooters only exist because of arena shooters like UT and Quake being modded into new games that eventually branch off into their own projects

I mean, it really makes you think if he's even aware he bought a fucking UT2k4 mod when he purchased Psyonix

>Fortnite exploits forced Epic to shut down UT2004's stat serve
Wait wait wait
Is this true?


He was trying to say that mowing lawns was better suited work for tim due to his abject inability to not be a retard.

Is it possible not to like a man that pays for all our games?

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Arena shooters don't need to have populations in the millions. I remember seeing some user draw a comparison to fighting games; all that's needed is a dedicated fanbase, which exists.

Tim Sweeney? More like Tim Swine



>moan the lawn
you WOULDN'T fuck a lawn!

Unreal championship existed. UT has always been 10 steps ahead of quake.

>UT has always been 10 steps ahead of quake.
and now they're both 10 feet under the grave

bro just reuse UT3 mechanics with new content and I will buy 3 copies

funding a ut game would be a straight up good thing
they need something like that
just take the money hit you fucking kikes
you're stealing exclusive left and right but won't do this ?

If they don't want to make more UT game,s how about remaster the original Unreal, and its expansion and Unreal II? I'd love more single player games set in the UT universe as well, just ....not what they did to it in the UT3 single player stuff. That was abysmal.

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UT4 was mostly developed by the community and it was still abandoned. Epic, and Bethesda have no faith in arena shooters. Fucking niggers are even changing QuakeCon's name.

I remember people hated UT3 because "graphics were too good", "couldn't see shit".

There's a reason top shooters of today like overwatch, tf2 and fortnite are all cartoony as fuck.

Tim is a scum.

I looked things up, and basically, you could steal precious Fartnite credentials thanks to some oversights in structure of UT2k4 servers. theregister.co.uk/2019/01/16/fortnite_security_vuln_token_theft/ if you can stomach the tech behind all this.

It's the artist job to not fill your map with ton of details and makes everything better for the player experience.
Or just make the enemy red like in dark souls pvp.

Fuck tim sweeny and EGS, but UE4 did nothing wrong. It's a great versitile engine with tons of documentation and support, being offered for "free".

>full of blurry shit
>too good
when everything bends together with the map, it doesn't look good

>Bethesda have no faith in arena shooters
No one's playing Quake Champions. It's only natural to lose complete faith.

>Release an unfinished technical mess
>Don't support it

Are there more images like this

t. arm chair commie

I'm still waiting for them to make edgy Mass Effect with gore.

The idea Epic abandoned PC gaming is horseshit. They released UT3 on PC. Then Bulletstorm. Then immediately started work on Fortnite.

Or turn the samaritarian tech demo in to a full game.

>no counter-argument
Here, let me give you more fuel.
>bad weapons
>bad movement
>bad maps
>bad pickup logic
>bad netcode
>bad mouse input (Unreal engine is as bas as the build engine for mouse input)
UT was objectively bad.

Releasing UT3 on PC is like releasing locusts on a farm. Nobody asks for that shit.

>We want to make our fans work for free for a while longer before we take over their maps and guns

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>make games for consoles and ruin your franchise on 2 different ways
>not abandoned pc

>they started working on fortnite in 2011
hurr durr


Bulletstorm had its potential completely fucking ruined by being designed with consoles in mind.
The game was supposed to be about killing enemies in creative ways but you could only hold a couple weapons at once so you had to choose between the unique weapons and the practical ones.

I want to sex Sorlag

>bad weapons
Such as? I mean yeah, the bio-gun was shit but the rest were good, like the pulse rifle, the link gun, the minigun, the sniper, the rocket launcher, the flak cannon... need i continue?
>bad movement
What was bad about it? Oh, was it not lerped like modern shooters do where they cap your movement and shit so you cant go fast? fucking zoomer
>bad maps
Again, such as? I cant remember a single map i hated in UT99 or 2004.
>bad pickup logic
lmao fucking what?
>bad netcode
what do you fucking expect out of games that were made in 1999 and 2004? Back then a 52k modem was considered the basic connection!
>bad mouse input
holy shit what a zoomer, you realise they have had raw mouse input since fucking 1999... right?
You are objectively bad.

I object

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>ut was objectively bad
epic high gamer iq moment!

>making a Unreal tournament game without Digital Extremes

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They are too busy removing fun from Warframe

>Such as?
They aren't well defined or balanced. UT is about getting /controlling strong weapons, not making the best of what you have. Makes for boring duels.
>What was bad about it?
Extremely basic, erratic and requires no skill at all.
>lmao fucking what?
So you clearly have never played UT outside of pubs, and you're coming at me like you have ANY understanding.
>holy shit what a zoomer
It has nothing to do with raw input you cretin. The way UT translates that input is attrocious and well documented as being some of the worst in the industry.

You demonstrated you're out of your league. Don't respond to me again unless its an apology pseudoarenaplayer zoomer.

>release only what I say you should release, otherwise the release didn't happen
you're not an incel by any chance?

Guys lets face it, if Epic release a UT game in 2019 or even 2020, it's gonna be littered with microtransactions and you'll be able to buy an instant BFG for like $4.99 in any online matchmaking server.

Oh yeah and they will add matchmaking and pretend community servers arent a thing.

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Why not make an actual unreal game instead of an unreal tournament?

>UT is about controlling strong weapons
You just described arena-shooter gameplay. UT is modeled after Quake, and this is what quake is about. If you don't like the way arena shooters play, why play them?
>Movement requires no skill
someone didn't learn how to double tap strafe+jump to go fast. Yeah, it's not as complicated as Quake where you need good mouse movement to gain speed, but at least it isn't COD levels of "press X to do Y"
>accuses me of playing pubs to dodge the question
again, what bad pickup logic? Don't dodge the question, or are you admitting you are talking out of your ass?
>well documented as bad input translation
[citation needed]

>dont respond to me again unless its an apology

It wasn't people it was aids ridden faggots