So Americans have start asking again if video games makes people mass shooters

No, i’m not joking

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Other urls found in this thread:

video game actually do make people more aggressive so its plausible

Yea Forums makes mass shooters
Delete this place

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is it Yea Forums or gaming, which is it?

You might wanna go get some metal help bro

Video games do cause mass shootings, its already been proven by science you incels.

This is nothing new.

metal help? what is that you esl faggot?

Instragram makes probably more people angry or depressive than video games.

>being this desperate to shitpost

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>be American
>get shot
remove guns
when was the last time someone stopped a mass shooting with his shiny gun?

>Millions of zoomer kids playing fortnite growing up to become mass shooters

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You're next, Europe

>facebook filename

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Mental help*


i cant remember the exact story but i think some rednecks stopped a church shooting in the south

Mass shooters out in public? Rarely. Pulling a weapon can lead to first responders thinking you are the shooter and killing you.

Home invasions, typically where guns are kept. All the damn time.


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see how we called each other faggot? its because video games has poisoned our minds and made us aggressive. so fuck you faggot

el goblino...

>zoomer smashes into a walmart with a pickup truck full of 2x4s, drywall, and a shotgun
>builds a wood fort in the middle of the store
>cuts out a window and places a drywall square in front of it
>whenever someone gets close he moves the drywall over, shoots, then places it back as fast as possible
>every time he shoots someone he dabs
>if he gets injured he drinks a bottle of blue Gatorade and starts building on top of his hut so he can get highground
>builds through the roof of walmart with his autismo wood tower
>helicopter just dunks on him since he's outside
>his dying breath he complains about helicopters being OP against builds.

only if youre ugly and dont get likes on your pics

Who gives a shit if some people in spictown cartel country get shot?

She thinks her comments will be seen by Hollywood and it will get her a role on Seinfeld or maybe in a rap video.

Fortnight. Jeez. What a loser.

>throws grenade under his feet to jump higher

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>it will get her a role on Seinfeld or maybe in a rap video
Did you just hop out of a time machine from 1994?

A former FBI agent actually blamed it on Fortnite. Fox News should be out of business for allowing such stupidity.

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>Fox news

call me when it's a news organization and not a propaganda pusher

>not a propaganda pusher
No such thing in this day and age

CNN is a perfectly fair and balanced news organization with absolutely no bias at all

Yes, remove Burgers from online games.

>videogames in every country
>Burgerlandia is the only one that gets weekly mass shootings
>Americans are so stupid and self centered, they can't see this simple fact

Wish you burgers could somehow kill each other much more effectively.

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The BBC is a perfectly fair and balanced news organization with absolutely no bias at all

>unironically believes we have mass shootings on weekly basis

You are right you had lime five this week.

Based murrica trying to push vidya back into counterculture.
Let's hope they succeed.

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Only noskill virgins who get dunked on become mass shooters.
Chad always tops the highscore without even trying.

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>stream that movie if you're so great.png

They also keep saying anime is making their boys become girls, not realizing that this same epidemic is not occuring in Japan.

We should probably ban fortnite either way, just to be safe.

Best post

bruh this was 2018

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out of a population of 327.2 million?
shit I thought it would have been higher

>black people do mass shootings
>"It's ISIS!"
>white people do mass shootings
>"It's video games!"

>warmer months are the most mass-shootey


Americans are being groomed to be cannon fodder. Trust the plan.

>only 387
>tfw realized the media really does prop up this shit as if it's happening all the time everywhere

>Global warming is causing more mass shootings

Impeach now.

>literally happening all the time everywhere

323 mass shootings in a year, user. That's almost once a day, every day.

Depends of their definition of mass shooting. Most define it as "at least 4 deaths" per shooting.
So if someone only kills 3 and wounds 40 it doesn't count. Same as potential mass shootings that were cut short.

>be american
>If you wanted to schedule a mass shooting to get shot you'd have to call 10 months in advance

user, the US is huge, bigger than Europe, with all of those people, different races and shit, I thought it would have been way higher
387 is low really low

Gun deaths in America were about 15000 last year.

Considering that 610,000 people die from heart disease, 154,050 from lung cancer, and shit even 40,000 from car accidents every year.

That's still low as shit for a country with 327 million people of all races and religions and with more guns than people

You know I really do feel like eventually it'll happen. It's a shame /pol/ infected everything and now the entire site will have to pay for it. I really just want to talk with people about video games on a message board where I can post images also :/

try killing yourself weebcel

I live in Canada and we have 1/10th the population. But we don't have 1 mass/school shooting every 10 days.

you don't have more guns than people and aren't as racially diverse

Rocket League is cars driving in to balls and makes me madder than any other video game

Most of these are blacks and mexicans aren't they? If they were white I'd have heard about them on the news.

I don't understand why people think Canada is a pariah of race relationships. There's always some racist spray paint on some Chinese restaurant or graffiti written on street benches with racist shit.

Every few weeks or so there's a mobile video someone recorded of some crazy person screaming racist shit at them. It's the same as the US. Just minus the guns and murders.

>Every few weeks or so there's a mobile video someone recorded of some crazy person screaming racist shit at them. It's the same as the US
No it's not
the US is bigger has a different culture that was made due it's violent history and struggle against the British, Natives, Later Mexicans then more Natives
you guys get those videos every few weeks while there is one every few hours in the US

>user, the US is huge, bigger than Europe, with all of those people, different races and shit

The fuck retard geography do you study.
Europe about 10% bigger than the US, and has twice the population, and spanning over 40 nations makes it pretty fuckign diverse.
Yet, surprisingly, we don't have school shootings here every day.

>It doesn't matter

Are Americans actually this fucking retarded? I thought people were shitting on them a bit too much but now I see why

Opposite appears true if you look at the statistics actually

They never stopped OP, and will not stop while soccer moms exist

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Problem is there's no official definition, after a recent shooting in Australia (prior to the NSW one) got a lot of headline news they changed the definition of a mass shooting again to exclude a bunch of prior shootings to keep making it look like our gun laws did anything.

Nah, user means you should start listening to metal

It's everything elses fault but the guns
Have they explored the possibility of (((sorors))) putting chemicals in their burgers to mind control people and force them to do (((false flag))) shootings?

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>poop eyes

So a non-white did the shooting and yet whites get the blame?

With or without suicides? because the "gun deaths" stat includes suicides which make up the majority

>black people do shootings
>"systematic racism, dey dindu nuffin, all da wite mans fault"
>brown people do shootings
>"gentlemen of asian descent"
>white people do shootings
>"racist white supremacist"

if mutts in the south wanna shoot each other i say go for it

At this point USA should just organize one big ass fucking arena, put every single citizen in with a gun of their choice and team them up in groups regarding their race/political preference and whoever wins, takes control of the country

Yeah you are right not weekly basis, daily basis

Sounds good to me

We literally do you deluded fuck

I'd watch it

Americans also seem to forget that they can just travel between countries within the EU the same as people travelling between states. The EU is a far bigger melting pot of cultures, religions and ethnicities. Yet there aren't daily mass shootings or even mass stabbings. It's certainly not in a good situation now, but somehow even with half of Africa pouring in, it's not as bad as America.

if video games make people sexist like most liberals believe then games most likely also make people more violent as well.
sony has already started to censor "problematic" depictions of women in many of their games and game developers in the west have started to purposefully desexulize women as well to prevent this.
so knowing this I guess game devs and sony should also start censoring violence

>if only you knew how bad things really are

I'll say not having videogames makes me pretty fucking aggressive

Metal music was found to help people with aggressiveness in a recent study, so...

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And this is rare?


The whole continet of america should sink into the ocean.

Mass-shootings in the US include gang wars and multi-murders, worth noting. Also worth noting that the US is many times the size of your country, so look at per capita and not raw numbers. It's over 3/5 of Europe in population.

US gun death statistics also include suicides.

How many of those are black or spic? Not all ethnicities are the same, you're comparing Germans and Italians to half-tecs and west africans.

>Tfw turned 30 in July and have yet to shoot up a public space, beat someone within an inch of their life or even get a speeding ticket
But then again I don't really like Fortnite so who know.

Are YOU redpilled, Yea Forums?

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>the US population is bigger thats why we got more mass shootings
Literally nothing of what you wrote makes any fucking sense

Video games are present in the whole world. Mass shooting only in US

I live there and I wouldn’t even argue with it; it’d be a vast improvement

Yes it does, user. Number of shootings correlates to number of people, more people more shooting. Just like with everything. Serious statistics look at per-capita instead. You would literally need to lump together most of Europe to get a population like the US, and compare numbers directly.


>Fox News
ayy lmao

>and aren't as racially diverse
That's where you're wrong, it's too diverse that it sickens me when we have too many pakis and niggers.

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But more people =/= more violence and mass shootings.
Your country is what is keeping human kind from advancing.

Makes sense, not even the virgins with rage wanna go out when it’s freezing

And almost all of them are black people killing other black people with pistols

video games are easier to blame
except for exploitation and underage gambling.

God it's just never gonna end

user, this isn't hard. It's the same as having more people meaning you have to have more food to feed them. By having a larger population necessarily more things are going on. Did they seriously not teach you statistics in school in whatever country you come from?

Or cops killing unarmed civilians and suffering no repercussions from it

Hahahaha! Someone should troll the lefties that Autism makes you a shooter later in life

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Not actually that common in the US, senpai.
>I heard once news story and I will paint the entire US based on this
How ignorant can you be?

its not even a number problem, your society is straight up rotten.

Now you are ignoring the subject of the conversation to go on a rant.

>>I heard once news story
Except it seems to happen every fucking month. You can't blame me when there are so many stories of cops going gung-ho on people and the rest of world gets updated on that.

Surely you can provide more context than that, user? We all know you're just going to bring up Ferguson and that's all you know.

im ignoring numbers you pulled out of your ass yes

Noice, now i support fortnite.

But I didn't quote any numbers, I just asked you to look at per-capita murders to get a better picture.

You know the drill.

There have been mass shooters posting on Yea Forums before /pol/ existed, newfag.

>shooter literally said why he did it
>huur duuur vidya games
Why is the media so retarded?

which is still a fact completely pulled out of your ass and untrue.

When did we time travel back to the 90's?
At this rate I'm going to need to start hiding my d&d books from my grandparents again...

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You are making the mistake of assuming they have good intentions. They have an agenda and are using this opportunity to push it, they know and don't care that it was unrelated.

user, have you seriously never learned statistics?

Video games honestly are good ways to let anger out imo. Sure me yelling at a game may seem like it’s making me more aggressive but actually it’s releasing pent up rage that there isn’t many socially acceptable ways to let out.

yes i did? Have you? A mass shooting a week is a fucking lot, The US population is not that big to excuse this rate

What now? Are you gonna ignore all this evidence and then tell me they're propaganda or disagree for arbitrary reasoning?


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If you had, then you would understand why per-capita is preferred to raw numbers.

Wait until Trump agrees with them, then they'll do a 180. Same shit happened last time they started to blame vidya and Trump opened his mouth.

Cool, now tell me how often police shootings actually happen in a statistical sense.

>people's daily, china
hmmm I wonder who could be behind this post

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>European's claim was he gets bombarded with US news
>Posts a bunch of US news sites (and the BBC)
Gee I wonder why you're seeing so much American news?

if you had, you would know that a mass shooting a week is a fucking lot

Most of mass shootings occurs in gun-free zones.

And if you had taken a debate class, you would understand why I'm not letting you change the subject of argument.

wtf don't say mean things about Fox News! They're based and redpilled Trumpkino


only thing missing is CNN

Does video games make musilm men terrorists?

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It's funny how Americans ask for proofs and then make up some shitty reason to deflect how horrible their situations are. I can give you fucking Aljazeera if you want different websites but you can't understand a lick of Arabic anyway and go on shitting other countries. America is truly a 3rd world western country and their people are idiots

>being this much of an autist
I'm sorry for the other user, you are stupid and a pain in the ass.

the subject of the argument is that a mass shooting a week is way too much and that americans cling on everything they can to hide the fact, even going so far as to say "we are many its normal" and "its videogames fault"

it's objectively true at this point

>So many stories
>He can only find four

Only time I've ever seen them agreeing with Trump was that brief period where it seemed he'd go to war with Syria.

no thats the religion of peace and the promise of prime virgin german pussy that does it

When will retards realize that gun control won't effect their ability to own guns, but more so effect those who SHOULDN'T own guns

More like, Americans have to ask if anti American corporations want to fill the country with low wage foreigners at the expense of the existing population, and if this is at least partly why young men are feeling disenfranchised enough to go out and kill randoms.

It's the "zomg let's be happy lololol so fun #loveliving" culture they've been grooming since the 60's.

>fox news

>Americans have to ask if anti American corporations want to fill the country with low wage foreigners at the expense of the existing population
So basically every fucking company because they want record profits while paying low wages to some immigrant shmuck? Maybe vote for people who didn't sell their souls to corporate fucks

theres no difference anymore, land of the free right

No, the actual argument we engaged in was over you using absolute numbers and not per-capita statistics.

Sure user, tell that to Great Britain.

No you asshole. Literally every mass shooting recently has been white.

Everyone did. There's nobody in either party who isn't corporate, voting is lost cause user.