So... Where's that Harry Potter game that was leaked?

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Gamescom maybe, since obviously Harry Potter was bigger in Europe than it was in the US

why can't they just make a comfy game like the 1st 3 PC games.
Failing that, Saints Row 2 customisation in a wizard themed world.

you'll see it in 3 years like every other big game nowadays

Cancelled because of you fucks

Shit looked pre-alpha, mac, don't expect anything for at least another 6 months. Maybe even a year.





you are now imagining harry potter if it was in scotland


>had to change the name because americans didn't know what a philosopher was

put wehzerd in bag

No idea but snekbois report in

isn't Hogwarts already in Scotland?

Fire Emblem: Three Houses was already released.

what the hell i just looked it up and it fucking is in scotland, what the shit?

no its in gryffindor retard


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stupid lesbian girl

I will never forget the crippling disappointment i experienced when i played goblet of fire on the ps2. Coming from the previous games which i absolutely loved, especially the prisoner of azkaban, playing the fourth one was quite an experience for all the wrong reasons. It's put it up there with MGSV and FFXV levels of disappointment. What a fucking disaster. Then the turned the next games into fucking shooters? Dodged a bullet there because i refused to touch anything harry potter vidya related after goblet of fire. Fuck EA.

It was clearly a next-gen game, so next year.

what's so hard about making a turn based rpg with Hogwarts, the alley, hogsmeade, forbidden forest and maybe Azkaban.
fuck the gameplay doesn't even have to be that good.

Play the gameboy games then.