CTRNF Thread

Shut up about MTX.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wish we got more of a break between GPs.

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So did I user, seems like the only break we'll get is once ALL the GP's are over.
God help us all.

I feel like everyone will suffer massive burn out by the time the Spyro grand prix arrives

Does the disconnect exploit still work for online challenges?

>implying they won't be cycled

PLAYABLE TRACKS POLL: strawpoll.me/18348073

FAVORITE TRACKS POLL: strawpoll.me/18348074

BEST GIRL POLL: strawpoll.me/18159756

PLATFORM/SYSTEM POLL: strawpoll.me/18155426

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I love Coco
I live for Coco
Coco is my heart
Coco is my wife

>people play the game just to unlock things
That’s the problem. There’s no reason to rush and clean out the pit stop especially on a filler gp with ugly customization options. Just play casually to get the stuff that’s actually worth getting and using.

The babies are a waste.

Of course, Baby Coco has the same stats as the regular Coco, yet Baby Crash is a turning character, which turns every single online lobby into a Coco fest just like always.

I'll stop playing this month as soon as I get the mammoth kart as I don't give a shit about the fake dino skin and I already have the champion kart.

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pic related: self-insert of anons on Yea Forums.

shut the fuck up apologist

I'll shut up about them when they stop being in the game

They aren't even there yet you fucking faggot.

>self-insert of anons on Yea Forums.
I think you mean Reddit.

Do we know when the GP content gets added to the shop?


It was added when the GP started

For all intents and purposes they're a part of the game right now.

What did she mean by this

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>First online race of the day at Thunder Struck
>Get hit by five orbs
>Sixth one launched immediately after the fifth hit me
>Still DNF'd everyone
The orb drop rate buff does jack shit to balance the races, it only makes things more annoying for everyone since they're constantly getting hit. Great fucking job Beenox.

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I meant stuff like the exclusive content from the previous GP (Tawna, etc)

It hasn't worked once for me after this patch
It doesn't connect back to the servers until after booting me back to the menu

The previous GP items say 'Coming back soon'

Whatever that means

I hope it's only after 2 GPs and not a long while away.

Works for me

>still no patch notes


bruh lurk more

there are no patch notes, not on the website or elsewhere

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>Get Invincibility mask at the very first item boxes and smash into everyone
>End up getting two shields in a row ensuring the warp orbs can't touch me at all
So this is the power of item RNG.

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Kill all investors! Slowly… do Aztec Impaler:metal rod through the anus and then light a fire at the base.

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Whats the point of the fucking online time trial leaderboard when 75% of the records are some glitched shit? Turbo track has a record of 23s on xbox for fucks sake

Yeah i can kill them slowly, just... give them a head start running away.

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remember the Original where it was twice as fast as USF? Beenox fx pls

what about them? not in CTR NF

Unironically based.

You guys remember pre-release that nigga who wouldn't leave you alone and constantly brought up how MTX are bullshit and that you're all stupid fucking cunts? Yeah, I'm back.

>But user, even if the game is perfectly set-up for post launch microtransactions and that's been Activision's modus operandi for a decade doesn't prove the game will have micros!


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B-but the devs promised there wouldn't be microtransactions!!!! WHY WOULD A CORPORATION LIE TO ME?!

If you don’t want to talk about MTX, play an actual good game that doesn’t have them, such as Mario Kart.

Wow user, nobody else on the planet could have predicted that CTR would add microtransactions. You're truly a visionary.

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>fake Viper album cover
didn't read lmao

Because of a weak government that doesn't hold them accountable. Trump is a hypocrite that criticised the EU after they gave Google a 5 Bil fine, despite Google itself is anti-Trump.

They need to increase the speed of the orbs instead of increasing their frequency. What's the good of having 5 orbs in a race if none of them can reach first place in time?

How about this one then? Real as Vipes himself.

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Based eggbro

Be honest: would you stll play this game if blue fire did not exist?

fucking Cocofags got to the illegals again...

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>give 2nd and 3rd positions a better chance of getting warp orbs
>give 4th and 5th a better chance of getting Aku masks
>give 6th-8th a better chance of getting clocks
There I fixed your item balance

>want to play based caveman zem
>suck with speed characters
It hurts.

you see,the problem is that you guys keep grinding by instinct,im playing the character i want,the kart i want,and the time i want,and i dont get burned out,im also about to hit gold,i already got the champion kart last event,and even then i didnt grind that much either,just play for fun really thats the secret

>play online
>5 clocks in one match
This is unironically starting to piss me off

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It's absolutely amazing people can have multiple warp orbs and it's still awful at stopping first place.

just buy wumpas if you are tierd of grinding you fucking retard ;)

remember when clocks only appeared once every few matches? I sure do, in the old game.

They're too slow, that's the problem. With USF being able to be held indefinitely by the skilled theres no way to shorten the gap considering how long it takes for orbs to reach them. Then there's also the fact that first place can get shields, (I've found this especially common on Cortex Castle) so they don't worry at all unless they get hit in succession by a double orb or orb/clock combo. Top 3 should never be able to get a mask either.

Item use in this game is just overall retarded. Once first is able to pull away they're free to win the game. Yet people seem to be okay with this type of shit game design.

At this point, I'm only playing for the coin. When the daily boost is over so am I. Online had already a lot of problem, but the item rate right now is fun killing. Having a race like those hellish things once in a while was actually fun, but those becoming the new constant is not.

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Beenox thought they could fix warp orbs by giving out more instead of addressing the fact that warp orbs are awful at their intended purpose and juiced warp orbs are legitimately more harmful to the other racers than in first place.

I just don't know how they refuse to fix this, do they at all play this game?

1. Warp Orbs should move like, 3 times as fast as speed characters on blue fire, and limited to two active orbs at a time.
2. Clocks should only be available if no player currently holds one and the effect is not currently active, and only available if you're placed 6th or lower.

They thought abundance=quality when all it does is fuck everybody else. Non juiced orbs shouldnt even touch everybody else.

Non-juiced orbs should be just travelling right down the middle of the track and if you're in the line of fire that's your fault, but it really feels like they try and hit half the people in their way even when you're not in the middle.

>small brains feel forced to play and unlock everything
>not just playing in moderation since they said literally everything ends up in the pitstop
Fuck you and fuck your GP 'break". Learn some self-control.

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Even then it's inconsistent when it'll hit other players. Sometimes it flies right over your head, other times it'll hit you even if your hugging the walls

So glad I sold this piece of shit before they ruined it with mtx

I don't know how anyone can stomach online after wumpa time is up.

>small brains also ignoring that they have a whole month to get everything
>these are likely the same people who complain about the GP taking to long to end

>Electron Avenue
>Android Alley
>Prehistoric Shitgrounds
>People vote for PS or leave when EA/AA gets selected
My region is full of retards.

>Electron Avenue, Roo's Tubes and Thunder Struck
>people vote for Roo's Tubes
When I finally got EA my daily bonus had just run out. I missed out on 600 coins.



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Find a friend

>crunch's original VA is in the game
>He doesn't voice crunch

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Honestly I like his new voice more.

I spend like an hour just leaving lobbies just so I can maximize my 30 minutes of bonuses. No one I know plays the game, I guess I'll have to get in a discord to find someone wanting to play Android Alley 13 times.

Activision felt nothing for it. In fact you probably did more harm to Beenox than Activision.

Really though, when are we getting them?

Il buy some for stuff like paints and shit

If you have a ps4, literally just put it on remote play a with a hotkey manger in one of the crystal challenges. Easy wumpa coins.Better get them before you know they will patch it out.

You no longer get coins if you replay a battle stage.

You're literally lying. I just got 8000 coins while I was asleep.

>Crunch is in the game period

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>they still can't get clancy brown back

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I was doing the battles for nitro challenges and after the first match it stopped giving coins.

Probably too much money nowadays.

Yes, most people didn't know it existed in the original because it had to be accessed by kino means.

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You mean you couldn't boost or you cancelled it.

Exactly. It was kino.

Bye Felicia

You're supposed to do the crystal challenge, NOT crystal grab in battle mode.

>Unjuiced warp orbs don't start zapping until 10 seconds after deployment and move BACKWARDS through the track to catch first
>Juiced warp orbs start zapping immediately, move 3 times as fast as the current patch and moves forwards through the track like normal
>warp orbs and clock spawn rates reduced and are only available to the bottom 3 racers
>Masks are never, ever available to 1st, 2nd or 3rd place
>Option added in the local arcade to simulate original CTR item spawns and behaviours

I fixed your game, Beenox.

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>Big Norm is voiced by the same guy as CNR
>But he's doing a shittier voice for some reason

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a mode without items would be great

it's called a time trial.

People forget how to do voices. Apparently a lot of the English dub for tales of vesperia sound completely different for the definitive content because they totally forgot how to do those voices.

no it isn't, retard

That would be retarded, time trials do that. How about True Random No Rubberbanding mode? back seaters got the same ''loot table'' from crates as 1st. How does that sound?

This would be perfect for a competitive Cup racing mode

I doubt cups would do online.... I see people ragequitting after 1 or 2 tracks. I can agree to this if the game gets mic support, I want to mine salt.

People age

Even more MTX incoming

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For. Fucking. Real?

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>16 years since he last voiced Big Norm
Doing pretty good all things considered

what's the problem? you'd expect this after normal aesthetics can be bought?

it just keeps getting better and better.......

You forgot the part under “Nitro Bar already full” where it runs “take_shekels_anyway.exe”

Some OC based on my wins this weekend.
For some reason Tropy players still don't play defensively.

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>paying your way up the leaderboards
Where are the shills who kept coming here saying "it's only cosmetics, it won't get worse" now?

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Seriously kill yourself.

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>battle stage
It's crystal challenge, retard. Christ, you fags that defend microtransactions prove yourselves to be inattentive idiots every thread.

>For some reason speed players still don't play defensively.

it's rare seeing speedfags that know how to recover from a hit.

I'm not surprised. Disappointed but not surprised. Activision will take ANY chance to make a quick buck.

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Don't underestimate shills. They will defend anything.

having shitty shitty fun fun baby time in their shill thread.

>Where are the shills
On /vg/ and reddit.

Just play N. Gin Labs.

im not a chad who time travels and fucks dinosaurs but thanks for the compliment

>tfw Switch
>Had to make a Dippy Bird version so it presses A manually every few seconds

He's not bad. He just doesn't have a lot to work with

Activijew needs to be gassed

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what's the difference?

>5 (F I V E) orbs on the last lap
You are fucking sucking me right now

Even beenox is trying to shoo us away from MTX

I’m not playing again until Spyro grand prix starts

fuck this game
fuck Activision
I can't believe CTR is actually, literally pay to win now
you can buy your way to the top of the leaderboards
fucking unbelievable

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nice source

it's from BetaM you retarded shill

Guys, what if Activision is increasing the orbs/clocks shortly before revealing a subscription service for No Items mode


I could just about live with purchasable wumpa coins but this is absolutely retarded and would render nitro leaderboards totally pointless.

If you missed any cosmetics from past GPs you will have the ability to buy them

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>Discounted price
Then what's the point of buying during on-season?

what's the problem exactly? isn't Nitro for unlocking cosmetics? thus this is the same as mtx for non-GP stuff?

Fuck off shill.

I don't agree with mtx, I just want to know why this is worse that generic store mtx.

Hey ImasaytheN, hope you liked that missile

Well you need to make coins to buy the stuff too, which means you need to play it a fair amount either way.

Nitro is also a fucking leaderboard and a colossal grind.

The whole game is "cosmetic," you buffoon. It's a kart racer with only 4 different classes but people would be rightfully upset if you were only given 4 characters and the rest were locked behind coins or in-game purchases instead of base game challenges.

>"What's the problem with devaluing players' experiences when people can just pay to get to the top?"
You shills should kill yourself.

It also puts you on a leaderboard and earns you the champion kart (which is an admittedly shitty kart) so faggots can buy their way to the top instead of actually playing the game

Yeah that's fucking wrong, does mtx atleast disqualify you? If not, we got a problem on our hands. Did Activision use LITERAL p2win before on tournaments?

You're ignoring the playerbase demographic that can only access the nitro leaderboard instead of the trophy leaderboard because they can't play in matchmaking. Now both people who pay for PS4+ and people who pay for nitro points makes them irrelevant.


I'll accept a Crash of the Titans pack too. I mean thats fine I guess.

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It's a predatory scheme to get people who don't have access to online modes to either spend money on PS Plus or Nitro Points.

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It means exactly what they have said multiple times in the past. The Tawna Pink was never made available and they said that's coming back soon.

Just be prepared to pay more coins as you'll not have the nitro bonus discount.

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>discounted price
>doesn't mention wumpa coins
I might just be being paranoid but I really fucking hope they don't make you pay real money for limited cosmetics you missed. I didn't even realise they would be time restricted to the grand prix they added them in until recently.

if they have no internet how do they buy shit in the first place? if it's a money issue, shouldn't they restructure their priorities and get online instead cosmetics?

>if they have no internet how do they buy shit in the first place?
Are you illiterate?

Stop picking USF tracks.

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''dont have access to online'' = no internet

Having internet =/= having access to online modes, stupid.

Access to online MODES. Learn to read.

You're a dumb motherfucker aren't you? Please think through the things you say before you say them.

then it's financial, at which point you shouldn't be buying mtx in the first place.

You really are either a retard or a shill. You need PS+ to play a game's online multiplayer.

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the skill ceiling for this game is incredible and you can actually see/feel yourself getting better.

>started hard mode adventure mode and getting absolutely WRECKED
>struggling with adventure mode in normal, with beating the bosses specifically
>trying out N Tropy times with failure after failure, try after try until I finally start beating him
>getting firsts a bit more consistently online
>beat Tropy in the more difficult tracks like Dragon Mines and Tiny Temple
>understanding and knowing how to do USF
>doing relic races, Golds mostly but also Plats
>begin Oxide trials and get shit pushed in, but try and try until I beat them all
>doing USF consistently and with ease on all tracks
>win most online races
>get all plats
>realize I left hard mode adventure alone since the beginning, do it, and beat it with ease

it feels good getting gud at this game lads

Are you going to keep going around in circles and keep ignoring the fact that the people who don't pay for ps+ are getting screwed over for both access to content and leaderboards?

which you need to buy, which, if you can't, you shouldn't buy mtx in the first place.

That's the point. Do the thread a favor and fuck off already.

MTX shouldn't be in the game at all.
Kill yourself for constantly dancing around the point.

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then you shouldn't buy a game like CTR anyway? I s'pose smarter consolefags could jailbreak and just give themselves all the stuff but eh, consolefags. I'm not hopeful.

>then you shouldn't buy a game like CTR anyway?
We were told there wouldn't be MTX in the game in the first place. Kill yourself.

Good on you man. I only got one online win that I deserved. I've never been able to win a single online race because I keep getting blown up or sniped at the every crucial goddam section. Then im unable to catch up cause those fuckers are already gone.

what the fuck kind of logic is this
what are you trying to say here
shill-chan please you're making me nervous

>blaming customers because the devs and publishers lied

Kill yourself

Please kill yourself

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keep at it friend, even with all the bullshit that happens online, progress will only push you towards first


Yeah they shouldn't be, yet here we are. act your age and make the best of this shitty situation. You shouldn't buy a game like CTR if you aren't going to play online, next you're telling me people play fighters offline. Best advise is to wait for PC, things such as LUA injection are fucking godly. Used it myself to circumvent grinds in many online games.

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>backpedaling this hard
End your life.

if you got top 5% last GP, theres no reason to care about this one as we were awarded the car and BOTH decals... you'll easily unlock all the rewards just playing online casually by the end of the GP.

Why the fuck is the new track literally just a three lap long bottleneck. It's impossible to avoid anything because the entire track (excluding the brontosaurus part) is so fucking THIN.

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>got lied to about a game
>"you shouldn't buy a game like CTR anyway"
Kill yourself. Please and thank you.

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Kill yourself

play in wumpa time. x7 bonus. you get 500-900 coins per win depending on track.. i played for about 90 mins today and got 15k coins..

>next you're telling me people play fighters offline
They do. Kill yourself.

Concession accepted, notching win.



are you me?
>start hard mode
>get ass kicked
>do everything else
>return to hard mode
>hard mode is easy mode now

but laping bad drivers is fun. USF tracks let you outrun the warp orb and end up with 3-4 orbs on the track for a full lap or more since benox failed to address the warp orb speed..

>You shouldn't buy a game like CTR if you aren't going to play online, next you're telling me people play fighters offline.

So you're just a PC consolewarfag defending a corporation because you don't know that there are people who play with physical friends instead of strangers on the internet.
Kill yourself.


that's what you get for using consoles, which are obsolete by 2010.

Personally I have trouble with air braking. I either do it too early and crash head first into the wall or accidentally turning too sharp and losing all my reserves.


>still being being this desperate of a shill

Kill yourself.

Just because you don't have real life friends to play games with, that doesn't mean that everyone else is the same.


dood, check where you are

concession accepted, notching win.

>claiming people don't play fighters and racing games offline

Get some friends, you loser.

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I will when BTFOing weapons gets old.

Stop being bad

"Fill Nitro Bar"

this is the transaction I wanted lol thanks

Not him, but why would you leave your home if they got online too?

So far in this thread you've proven you're PCfag that can't read and doesn't even play the game. Kill yourself.

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I dont care,Pick a track that requires skill and thinking. Stop picking the same 5 tracks and do Crash Cove or some shit

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CTR threads are pretty much ruined for the rest of the year, aren't they

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there are zero tracks that require "skill" its all about drifting and not getting spammed by items.. most races are decided in the first 30 seconds. someone breaks from pack and there's not a single thing you can do to catch him since clocks affect everyone and warp orbs are too slow..

It's literally not though. It ain't got nothing on oxide station, or dragon mines, or dingo canyon, or out of time, or thunderstruck, or tiger temple

30fps cucks

>posting nintentoddler

you know what? I think I let you be as life would be a far bigger punishment for you and your obsolete toy.

Attached: nintentoddler.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

You don't even have the game and yet you come to this thread telling us how to feel about it? And then you come in saying that nobody plays multiplayer games outside of matchmaking? And then you reply to every post calling you out on your stupidity?

Get a life, you fag.

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>there are zero tracks that require "skill" its all about drifting and not getting spammed by items
That's just a blatant lie, not that user

Literally the excuses of a low skill shitter.

>posting a big brain wojak when you couldn't even read a short sentence properly
every day you wojakfags prove you're idiots just looking to argue.

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The sheer amount of projection in that pic

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>being desperate consolewar fag and a shill at the same time
Have sex.

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Blame activision and beenox. Every time these threads go back to normal fun we soon find out about the online being broken or more news about microtransactions.

you keep wishing that user. i'll race you a nit if you're on ps4
go on then, what track is "skill" based?

>asking the same stupid question already answered
>"Not him, but"
Kill yourself.

Go dilate and eat your defeat.

This. These threads were about to be good again in the past two days but then this shit happens

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This thread needs more waifus. Such as the gorgeous, curvaceous Liz.

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Any one that dont got USF fucker. Any dumb fuck can carry a blue flame, lets see how you fucks do on Dragon mines or any other map that only has one turbo and short cuts that require items to use other wise its just slower to use it at all.

>trying to start a console war while admitting you have no friends to play games with

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>go on then, what track is "skill" based?

What is
>Slide Coliseum
>Cortex Castle
>Tiny Arena
>Oxide Station
>Dragon Mines
>Meteor Gorge
>Thunder Struck

>Yea Forums

pick one.

STFU shilltard

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I picked both. Not hard.

>just got Dashing Fake Crash

Finally. I don't need to play as a baby for 25% boost.

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now it will be worse was words gets out there's a pay the grind away button that kinda cancels out the skill part of the bragging

How the fuck do I stop being an autist opening these threads and leaving them open since game release

I haven't even read through the first one, I just keep them because of the dirty picutres

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Just buy Caveman Zem or are Speed characters too fast for you LMAO

The Nitro Bar is separate from the leaderboard. For now at least.
It is tho

>the Nitro Bar is separate from the leaderboard
Except that's wrong you fucking shill.

I'm sorry user, but I dont buy the ugly racers

>not maining Chad Unga Bunga Zem

Nitro Bar /= Nitro Points
If it said "Are you sure you want to buy x Nitro Points?" then it actually be a problem.

but he's ugly though.

okay let me try to explain this to you like the preschooler you are
the nitro bar
is filled with nitro points
you can tell, because the nitro bar goes up when you collect nitro points, and there's even a cute little number telling you how many points you have and how many you need to fill your bar
when you pay to have your nitro bar filled
you are filling it with nitro points that you pay for

>when you pay to have your nitro bar filled
>you are filling it with nitro points that you pay for
but you don't know if those nitro points are added to your total that counts for the leaderboard

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Not him, but the bar filling up with each point gained doesn't automatically correlate to nitro bar being the same as nitro points. Buying a bar fill-up could just fill the gauge without affecting your earned points and leaderboard.

Is the complete relic race challenge bugged for the themed challenges?

just did platinum first try and it gave me the reward for the pro challenge but not the themed one.

Attached: N stands for Ni.png (241x213, 24K)

You need gold or sapphire because it's bugged.

The themed chalenge was the N Gin stage, right?

That'd be nice but I think you're putting way too much faith in Activision.

No its complete succesfully a relic race in prehistoric playground. The labs challenge was just to break all boxes.

Even for Activision, letting you pay to directly increase your leaderboard score is a bit much.
That's the kind of shit you only see in Korean f2p games.

It's funny you people actually do this thinking it pisses anyone off but yourselves

I'm American tho, and forgot to edit that shit.

So what is the low down on Baby Cortex or Tropy? Are they in or not?

They'll be surprises when they show up in the shop later this month ;^)

I'm worried some other like Rilla Roo are going to get the chop if each GP has only 3 characters now

Theyre not in. One baby is already one too many

Attached: 63E7A7D3-27E1-42AA-9AB7-CCAE4DECA3A7.jpg (1236x788, 192K)

Think of it like this: you're eurostan or some other smug cunt place. You lose to pic related... That's gotta be almost as bad as losing to one of the fucking babies.

Attached: 56% Strikes Again.jpg (360x248, 27K)


buuuut, isn't the Jeep far more American? :^)

Did people react to your masterful setup?

Attached: american3.png (376x309, 165K)

I didn't go online yet, trying to make a good setup. That's why I did champion kart. I'll go Jeep if you think it works better.

coco is so cute i want to give her a big hug

>not using Imperator with the Stars and Stripes decal

1 sec, gonna give screenshots

Maybe Deadinator? it's literally the car those nigga gangs use isn't it?

Welp, disregard what I said I suck cocks.

Someone fucking reported it. Keep it up Zembros!

Attached: 71f.png (600x652, 457K)

>Clock hits people behind you
I sure enjoyed getting hit by a clock whilst in 8th

That's literally what happened this time, without MTX. The GP ended and the Pit Stop had the Nitro Tour stuff in it for a further 4 days. This has nothing to do with MTX

What would I use for Decal?

I'll upload more, It's taking forever on my end.

Yeah this is already the case, but the fact that they added these lines along with the rest of the mictotransaction lines seems to imply that they're talking about buying the items with real money, not wumpa coins.

Got one more

Attached: Land of the Free.jpg (369x278, 31K)

Attached: For Israel.jpg (375x275, 28K)

Taxi would do, aren't it often Pajeets or niggers having that profession there?

You're close, now use the USA sticker and either Electron Bandicoot or Twilight Blue wheels.

el goblino...

Clocks and orbs couldn't even be collected by AI so I never even saw them

Taste the freedom with me brother.

Attached: Democracy ride.webm (480x480, 2.85M)

Woah woah, the proper term is "Solar Flare Americans"

Has anyone got an idiot's guide to the crystal wumpa coins exploit?

He didn't even voice Mr krabs in battle for bikini bottom


Fuck the current state of online.
That's all.

Attached: Clock Arena.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Not quite the Yellow I wanted but meh.

I'm having a hard time choosing between the two.

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retard jizzbrain

Absolutely based

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Missiles aren't supposed to spin...

>Penta still says "penguin yay one"

what are the unlocks for this GP?

>tfw want to use balanced characters
>fake stats make them not as flex tier as turning characters
It's just not fair, why won't fucking PEENOX fix this shit? or the netcode? or the items? or anything?
I'm really disappointed by the current state of the game almost 1 month and a half after release.

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yeah, it's not obnoxious enough. try relic gold?

...but they did fix the stats?

How's this?

Coming right up.

No they didn't, this update is objectively worse for online.

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How long before Activision work out and nerf this exploit?

When the microtransactions drop.
Farm as much as you can before it's too late, lads.

so how does it work with hacking on console? I know it exists but is way more complicated than PC hacking. I hope that can help you guys out.


You jest but some people are actually this retarded. The thought never occurs to them that they could make the game less grindy so there is no need to implement microtransactions.

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Thank god those wheels are fuck ugly.

Attached: WE.jpg (375x277, 30K)

Attached: _meg_.png (865x377, 567K)

I'm sure they've thought about increasing it but the idea is that if they give too much coins, then everyone can just grind,cause people are going to grind anyway no matter what, and get everything in the shop.
Once they do that, they'll stop playing the game, or complain about the lack of content because they straight up burned through all of it, meaning they'll have to put in overtime to create more content.

Also Activision clearly wants to make money off this shit. The more grind the more incentive people have to cave in and just buy coins, It also just so happens to line up with the desires of people who are too lazy/too busy to grind for coins.

Ah, fair enough.
I guess I've just gotten better with balanced then.

that's fucking perfect.


they made their money when i bought the fucking game.

The grand prix are the new content to keep people coming back and playing the game, they introduce new items every day so we still have some reason to get on the game even if we have a billion coins.

>Megumi will never materialise from thin air and stare at me like that
Why am I cursed to be like this

Attached: 1513912355050.png (720x960, 1.24M)

You can't get better with balanced, you're just handicapping yourself

They should add more orbs to online.
You hardly ever get them online.

Attached: Orbed.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Metafags should stay silent

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So what am I supposed to do, go full handling?
Because I am unable to handle a handling character.

Reminder Liz looks like a typical slut and that her waffle is so blue she'll make all future pigments obsolete.

We all want love user, a big crazy furry bitch is just going to give it so much harder

May even send you to the hospital

Speed is literally the best class in the game and it has no downsides.
>muh 1s faster item recovery
Literally not an advantage when speed is constantly gaining on you

I like them all, this game needs custom slots to switch between saved sets.

does it save your settings per char or is it gone if you took another char once?

If you don't plan on being part of the world record team, play who you like user.

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IDK sometimes it saves everything I used my last race, other times it just saves the kart and paint job. Actual loadouts would be nice, save a lot of time on the matchmaking screen.

play speed

Yes and making new items cost money. You didnt really think Activision was so generous they'd give us constant new content for free without trying some underhanded tactic did you? This game aint exactly Fortnite so they can't make a killing off of ads and exposure alone.

Keep trying time trials until you at least beat n.tropy's ghosts.

You know to constantly drift, boost and maintaining usf/sf right?
Go practice time trials to learn maps and shortcuts
Beat some tropy times and maybe some oxide times
After that, hope you roll some good items

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190716105215.jpg (773x653, 151K)

Is it always a new champion kart or the same? I have good chances of getting the current one but was way too late for the first champion kart

Same kart, each gp has a new decal for it though.

>get fucked by some stupid faggot with 3 rockets
>get knocked down from first to eighth place with no way to make a comeback
Thanks game.
Why did my wumpa coin count drop from 400+ a match to less than 80?

Legit question,
is it better to have mtx for items that you can grind for free
or to have dlc packs where you can buy everything in a bundle at once

Get fucked

You get 5x coins for 30 minutes in online matches daily
2x during the weekend which results to 10x coins during the weekend
Whatever you do
Play the weekends for massive dosh

your daily reward bonus is over. you only got 30 minutes of online play each day before it ends. it only counts down during actual race time.

have sex

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If I ragequit three minutes into a race, do those minutes count towards the 30?


>tfw Crystal shit works but wi-fi means remote play keeps fucking up

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 10K)

There's no point in rage quitting anyway, you get rewarded coins regardless if you DNF or not. May as well take your 300-500+ coins and try again.

If you can't finish a race in 3 minutes then there might be something wrong with you.

>what is Tiny Arena
>what is Electron Avenue

Excluding long maps like and the new one which can go over three minutes if no one holds USF for three laps, it seems to be becoming more frequent with current clock/warp orb spawn rates for maps to take longer to finish. I guess that's another way to nerf coin gain rate.

Not that user but my best time was 3:24. I average around 3:30

Sometimes I like to fuck around in tracks to give people a chance to catch up so I don't DNF them

For electron avenue sorry, had it in my head and needed to put it in a post.

I wish there was like some kind of practice mode where I can specifically practice different sections of a track. I'll never be able to make it to 1st place if I cant air brake and keep my boost while doing it.

...like time trials? I can understand only wanting to practice a specific portion of a track but you have to remember that your build up to a bit that you're stuck on is just as important, reserve management, good angles, consistency etc.


Attached: Happy.jpg (561x748, 46K)

Same. I almost got tortoise and the hare'd on hyper spaceway once. I had just lapped a bunch of racers so I didn't realize he was on the same lap as me.
Lucky he fucked up on the last ramp.


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yeah if only there was a mode where you could play with no items or AI active on the track... if only.

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I get that, but what good does it do if it all falls apart once I reach that one corner that I mess up the air braking almost 90% of the time. I lost my reserves, time is wasted trying to turn back to where im going, 3 other players and an N. Tropy ghost just passed me.

It's that one fucking corner that just messes everything up that I want to fix before move on and try to put it all together. It's like how in fighting games you practice different sections before you try doing the entire combo.

I'm curious which corner specifically you're trying to do.

This game sucks

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who are you?

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All the sharp turns in Electron Avenue so that I atleast dont get DNF'd for one example.

Go to turbo track and practice Airbraking and U turns.


Hmm, you say air braking, have you tried holding down while braking? u-turning is much more effective on Electron Avenue, even if the turning arc feels weird as hell. You just gotta punch it in really and get a feel for the turning arc.

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This and stick with a class too. Switching from Speed to Accel fucks up my ability to turn until I get used to it again.


And play with Dpad if you aren't already.

I'm on xbone sadly

I love muh Goomy, y'all.

>why would you want to interact with friends instead of wrestling with netcode that will never be able to match local play's lack of latency fullstop
golly gee, fuck off

See thats the part I keep messing up at. I either accidentally turn too much and end up killing my U turn. or my brain just craps out at the fast approaching corner and end up pressing something else entirely. I drive with the analog stick but I switch immediately to Dpad if I need to u turn. Shit fucks with my head trying to switch between Dpad and analog on the fly.

Ouch. I don't know if Xbox has it, but in the PS4 there are "accessibility settings" which let you change inputs from your controlelr. An user changed his L2 to register as a down input so he could play with analog without problems.

Hahaha holy fuck, I remember trying to emulate the original with a 360 controller, the terrible dpad and terribly shaped shoulder buttons made powersliding for extended periods of time a total pain in the ass, the bone controller is not much better, I feel sorry for you.

>analog stick but I switch immediately to Dpad if I need to u turn
You are giving your brain too much to do. Stick to one or the other, preferably dpad but I can do it with a stick.

Learn to play with only the Dpad.
Yes it's hard when you aren't used to it but it's something you have to do.

How's the community on Xbox?
How many people are on the current leaderboards?

But the Switch D-Pad is fucking awful...

>An user changed his L2 to register as a down input so he could play with analog without problems
That's genius, I need to try that out.

Pro controller, user. It's good enough for CTR.
Or you could get pic related and play with whatever (Bluetooth) controller you want

Attached: file.png (400x564, 235K)

Does that not sacrifice control though? like if I need a wide drift arc but not too wide, or a tight one but not too tight?

FUCK thats genius I gotta try that.

Scientist Ripper Roo or Gladiator Tiny? Who will it be?

I'll check it out, thanks user.

Both xbox controllers have shit shoulders so I often don't slide when I want to, or slide instead of jump.

28k for championship leaderboards. People are getting better but all the shitters come out on the weekend. I usually get at least one person who knows what they're doing.

>mfw looking at the minimap and realising there's five warp orbs currently deployed

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Tiny because Beenox loves pandering to speedfags. Wooden N. Trance never ever, he will probably be the last skin to become available.

>Does that not sacrifice control though? like if I need a wide drift arc but not too wide, or a tight one but not too tight?
Consider that there are only 3 turning radii in this game (not including air braking or u-turning) while powersliding, once you start a power slide you're free to do nothing or use left/right to tighten/loosen the turning arc, you ideally want to be able to flick between the three as quick as you can to make adjustments to your trajectory on the fly, dpad is much quicker at doing this than the stick. The other advantage that dpad has is holding down+left/right has better feedback than stick, you can tell you're pushing the two buttons down. Stick will literally be a guessing game of "uh do I have it in the correct position to be activating down and left/right?".

>When all the five orbs are targeting you

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waiting for pc...
should I bite the bullet and buy a switch lite for this?

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If you're interested in other games on the platform then--
No, absolutely not.

>Switch lite
Bro, handheld is like the worst way to play the switch, that thing is a meme, don't do it

CTR in Handheld Mode is kind of fun, it's just stupid to not have the TV Mode option.

>jurassic krunk in pitstop
no thanks

>krunk in pitstop
nah i'm good

Why is she so cute?

Attached: Megumi.png (778x674, 693K)

>after about two hours, finally got the Platinum on Prehistoric Playground

Jesus christ. I didn't even get the waterfall crate.


How to you handle it? The weight of it just makes it awkward to drift. Same with other fast paced games like Dark Souls. Which is kinda funny, cause when I first bought it, I assumed I would always play it in handheld, but now I only play with the stand out and joycon attachment

Covering Muhgoomy's face with muh goopy!

>I did it twice without even breaking all the boxes
And had to do it again because Platinum didn't count for the other challenge.

>Still no mad science Roo or Pinocchio Trance

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user it took me like 30 minutes, what's wrong with you

I had about 7sec left. Probably would have not made much a difference if I got the last crate seeing as I'd have to stop, reverse, and then start up.

What the fuck, and I thought it was bad when I had three orbs and a rocket after me.

Attached: DF5ICFoU0AAMOPl.jpg (399x399, 19K)

probulot pack back in the pitstop if you didn't get it

I feel bad for doing the old Thunder Struck exploit to get Digital Tropy. I did the time trial for the "Better than Tropy" challenge yesterday and it's one of the easiest Oxide ghosts of all.

>let me give you money to skip grind instead of just removing the grind
the fuck?

Wooden N. Trance will be the last GP skin on Pit Stop because it's the one that I want the most. Screencap this post.


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you don't need to do "better than tropy" in the time trials. You can do it in the cup race if it's available in "on to the next". You only need time trials for "n tropys apprentice"

Based eggchad

This, I'm tired of getting platinum relics and it not counting towards the gp.

Thank you Egg Jesus

Attached: egg.png (350x349, 125K)

>wumpa weekend over


The x2 bonus is still going for me.
I think they extended it.

Is the wumpa bonus Thursday-Sunday or is it Friday-Sunday?

>play the game so autistically often that other players recognize me and hosts will now leave lobbies if spotted

Anyone else?

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Are you sure you're not just a schizo imagining things? There's no way the switch/xbox is THAT dead

>krunks new skin doesn’t use the mask from his podium animation

>faster than trophy nitro challenge
>finish Thunderstruck in less than 3 minutes
>trophy time is 3:04
>literally beat trophy but not get the nitro
fuck this game

I feel if you're just doing daily bonus at the start of every reset you're bound to run into some familiar faces even on PS4

>get wrecked by a player in multiple races
>encounter them again a week later
>start wrecking them back

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Krunk's new "skin" is just an Exotic recolor relabeled as a Legendary because they legit have NOTHING for him

It seems like the most obvious thing to make his model actually different, and nope.

>Meteor Gorge
kek, this shit is full sliding boost, I even win when I want to lose

>players still not using the sewer speedway shortcut out of fear unaware it has been fixed


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Honestly the shortcut doesn't even cut that much time if you have SF

>Beenox doesn't release patchnotes so only autists like us who run tests will know
Pretty based

I noticed this with one guy who had a name similar to mine, he would leave lobbies if I was in them until one time he stuck around. He wasn't great but he added me and we got to chatting over lap times and whatnot.

>invisible wall in PP above crate
Thanks Beenox

Forgive me for I have sinned,bros.

I used the N.Gin Labs shortcut to skip the entire map and win. I ended up DNFing the entire lobby except one guy who was pretty fucking good at the game.

>"relic hoarder"
>complete a relic race in inferno island
>do that, get platinum
>don't get challenge
>even bother to do it with the minimum sapphire time
>still don't get challenge

restart game.

>everyone else gets orb'd because they didn't take the shortcut

Attached: 1549270973423.png (254x261, 9K)

and then redo it? or should I just have it already

it should be done right away

Nope. Don't have it. Thanks peenox. So what do I do? Just get the sapphire relic on medium? Because that didn't work last time. Fuck this stupid game.

I got it with gold
I had to redo it since getting less than a second will also give you the fucking platinum

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who else /already top 2%/ here?

why even bother, I already have the champion kart that I can't even use because no nitro

Read it in his voice

Attached: 50CD05A3-45EC-47E2-A43F-070FAE5A8BB9.png (797x658, 131K)

>Complete successfully a Relic Race on Inferno Island
Does this challenge just not fucking work or something
>Do it on Easy, don't get it
>Do it on Medium, don't get it
>Got Platinum Relics for both

You have to get a Gold or Sapphire. It's dumb.

>outracing a warp just enough to get a crate with a shield
>DNF lobby
RNGesus coming through once again.

Attached: VERY Fast Crunch Driving At Incredible Hihg Speed.png (285x312, 166K)

gold or sapphire only
Who coded these challenges?

The fact that you can even get Shields in 1st is ridiculous.


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On long tracks the number one strategy is to not hold items at all and just fish for shields. There's absolutely no strategy involved, just grabbing and tossing as many items as possible until the RNG makes you unstoppable.


and I thought I had it bad.

Attached: thestruggle.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

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tfw no windows 10 so cant do remote play

lads, it says weekend bonus is still on?

If you aren't going to bother then why do you care if your kart gives nitro?

If they changed his Velo mask I think it would have made it an S tier skin because it would have set it apart from everyone else.

They did at least change most of the stuff he wears to be more primitive-looking, even if he still looks pretty similar.

Any remaining CTTR karts you hope make it in?

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Slave Driver looks like it'd be a good fit for Gladiator Tiny.

I can only assume that with the confirmation of Nina, that Nina Car is in?

nah, I don't buy it, I'll believe those "leaks" when they get shit right LOL
go on call me a shill I dont give a fuck, I aint defending them I'm saying I don't believe it

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Why doesn't Oxide use the Velo mask? He's an alien too. Seems weird that Uka Uka would help him when he was coaching Cortex and co.

I think it's mostly just because he debuted in CTR rather than Nitro Kart, though it is a bit weird that Zam and Zem use the Velo mask but he doesn't.

>join a lobby
>host leaves
>joina lobby
>host leaves
>join a lobby
>host leaves
>continue for 3-7 times

how the fuck do we fix this? is there no way to stop it from booting us when somebody leaves? what is it, a server thing or?

Bone machine, extreme surplus, cuhalftr and the pressurizer

The only fix is using dedicated servers instead of P2P but P2P is infinitely cheaper and easier so that won't happen.

Attached: 34CB4CC6-06A6-494D-87D3-C1BF73791CD7.jpg (773x555, 112K)

they could fix it by making better challenges that don't incentivise this kind of behaviour
they wont though

You're probably right. Still he wasn't playable back then and was never seen using a mask.

i gotta say i am enjoying this gp way more than last one mainly because i can use more characters


why don't challenges give wumpacoins? I'm not even saying like 5001k or something, just like

30, 60, 100, anything, just a small amount./ fucking hell

Yeah either the Velo Mask should be exclusive to CNK-original characters (and thus N. Trance would switch back to using Uka Uka) or Oxide should also use the Velo Mask.

Speaking of N. Trance, what the fuck is this? Scrapped design for the phase 2 fight in N-Tranced?

Attached: 1564958735965.png (261x214, 60K)

thats just n.trance's girlfriend

They fixed that this patch

Oxide is Velo now

Would love to see something with tank treads like the blue test car.

What's the shortest track to play 25 races in in a row?

Attached: sdasdasad.png (572x626, 26K)

turbo track


if you want to unlock skins use the cheat for 1 lap races

Attached: Norm Kart.png (926x863, 546K)

Tubes/Jungle Boogie/Turbo track with 1 lap cheat

this, the main menu cheat codes let you unlock race amount skins

>1 lap cheat
Could you elaborate?

I know. I was killing 2 birds with 1 stone since I was also doing the Tropy's Apprentice challenge, and didn't realize Thunder Struck was in the cup of the day.

Main menu, Hold R1 + L1, hit Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Down

All arcade races are now 1 lap instead of 3/5/7. You won't get coins/nitro points but the wins do count towards skin unlocks.

Oh fuck, I never knew this, thought you were talking about a glitch. Thanks.

Enter this at the main menu. It will give you a notification noise.

PS4: Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Down
XBO: Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Y, Down
Switch: Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, X, Down

Also you can't use these online. Just do them in single race arcade mode.

It's to make up for them fucking it up when they launched it

The 30 minutes of daily bonus only count if I'm in a race, right?

I can do a few races and take a break?

>Win 1st and get shoved to 8th again
Good lord, is it too much to ask to fix this shit?

Attached: Crash 6.jpg (228x216, 16K)

Yes and pick it back up before the daily reset

Yep, only counts race time.

Android Alley is the best track for coins normally. But when the Daily Bonus is applied, this may or may not be the case.

In total, the Daily Bonus lasts for 30 mins of total race time, 1,800 seconds.
If this timer runs out mid-race, it still counts for that race.
Depending on your time, Electron Avenue or Android Alley will be the "best" track for grinding, excluding exploits.
Factoring this we can get an idea of what we should earn and what's better.

Android Alley: 2:43
63 x 12 x 5 = 3,780

Electron Avenue: 3:19
80 x 10 x 5 = 4,000

Android Alley: 2:29
63 x 13 x 5 = 4,095

So basically, Electron Avenue is the best in terms of reliability and ease for above average players.
- There's USF pads everywhere unlike the SF pads in Android Alley which only exist just after the train tunnel, so if you lose speed you can quickly regain it again.
- Missles cannot catch you, and Warp Orbs are extremely slow to the point where they'll catch up to you 1.5 laps later.
- Most players don't know how to U-Turn or even maintain USF in the first place, so it's often an easier, less luck reliant win when you know what you're doing.

Android Alley is the second best viable option if you cannot meet the speed needed for Electron Avenue.
It technically is the best in theory, but 2:29 is a very unrealistic time to meet 12 times in a row on average, especially when one single loss in speed will prevent it

Who /nerdcrash/ here?

I don't want to play as the babies, so yes. Dashing Crash it is.

I finally made it into a N. Gin Labs race where someone pulled off the exploit
Glad I got 2nd and made it to the 3rd lap

>Babies are awful
>Fake Crash is annoying as fuck
>Scientist Crash is passable but he is """"balanced""""
>The rest I don't have skins for the bonuses
I'm saving for the N trance skin but for the time being I'm just playing Megumi.

>already top 2% here
>already have the champion kart
guess I'll just play casually for the next 20 days

A bonus day of weekend bonus is happening to make up for many people missing out on it on Friday due to a glitch.

I got plat relic on inferno island and the quest didn't clear, are you seriously telling me this plat relic glitch is just gonna linger all GP?

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This is a good fucking post. Thanks.

1000iq post. Thanks bro.

They put him back together again

I play it in bed tucked under my comforter while watching videos on my phone. Pillows for support.

If you look up the full list, it goes by even faster with the infinite wumpas and infinite super engine cheats.
Try screwing around with these on some other non-USF tracks to kill boredom while you do it.

At least from my experience you can only have one cheat active at a time.

Baby Crash and Baby Coco will be the only characters I don't unlock every skin for. Fuck these ugly, lazily-voiced, lore-violating, degeneracy-pandering, slot-wasting, OC abominations.

I only play baby coco because she gives me a huge view advantage and nitro bonus

Delusional sicko

Holy shit I just got clocked on the big jump on oxide station
Good thing I navigated into the pit or else that race was finished

I felt like the Mammoth wouldn't take paint very well, but damn is Onyx Mammoth slick


I want to kill myself, on your behalf. If I die tomorrow it will be your fault.

Nah. Enter the cheat, choose arcade mode, go back to the main menu and enter another.

Attached: cr1544131936695.jpg (250x250, 25K)

I take no credit in it, I just stole it from a discord I entered to do the friend challeneges/farming.

They also had this handy guide for keeping track GP exclusive items.

Attached: Back N time GP List.png (816x729, 37K)

>come in 2nd
>200 coins
>come in dead last due a series of unfortunate events
>400-500 coins

For what purpose?

Wow this GP is going to be so cheap for me, I already bought the Probulot, got the only skin I wanted with it, don't care about any other of the other skins or stickers and the babies were cheap too. Already bought 3/8 tires which are actually good this time and still have 12k wumpa coins to spare.

>Hot Air Skyway
>Everyone loads in
>Failed to find suitable games
>Everyone in the race fucking takes off except me and some other guy
>Start at a disadvantage
>Still get 3rd after DNF
Ok now this shit isn't peachy Beenox

It's all about what track was picked
Some pay higher than others

Depends on the track

Attached: Track Tiers.png (511x1405, 78K)

Stop projecting your demons onto others.


Best girl

Attached: 25116E39-DB2C-47C8-BACF-43C65C31F4FE.png (569x662, 465K)