>Required space: 130GB
Required space: 130GB
what are you poor?
>Hard drive space isn't the issue. Sometimes you can't get fast Internet in the area you live.
The only games I can think of that require that are massive open world games.
If you want those kind of massive games then they require a lot of data, if you don't like that don't buy those kinds of games.
Video games aren't the fucking tardis, if you want massive worlds with lots of assets you need a large download.
Hitman 2.
Isn't that a game with a mass of graphics assets and huge open areas and model skins?
Just play fucking cuphead or something.
gears of war 4
>tfw all my drives have about 10 gb of space left
>cant find what is actually taking up all that space
Fucking ARK
Do you mess around with video captures at all?
Is this the new Nintendo Switch thread? I do love s.oy too!
Worse graphics actually. But yes.
>love game
>play it several years later
>you cant recapture the feeling you had when you first played it
>game doesnt quite hold up after all these years
Whats her name, Yea Forums?
download one of the hdd visualizers and you will find out right away. In my case most of the hdd was filed by some AE and Nuke cache files
All of them. I always remember the graphics looking good and then it looks like shit
>Required space: 130GB
>on Australian internet
treesize dood
>Update unpacks the entire game all over again (all 90gb of it)
the current biggest game on steam is Final Fantasy 15 4K Edition at 150GB
>game installs foreign language versions of cutscenes and takes up multiple times the room
>Its all uncompressed audio
Why do they do this?
>labtop APU streaming uncompressed 4k textures from 5400 rpm labtop hdd
>using SATA II
>tfw nobody cares about optimizing and compressing shit anymore
>300 kb/s download speed
the next generation is gonna be fuckin garbage if we're forced to use SSDs
>finish downloading
>turns out some part is corrupted
>need to redownload the whole game
>patch takes 2x as long because it has to recompress the game's one huge archive
last time I checked back before solstice download for d2 was like 90 gb
shit had no reason being that big, it's gotta be uncompressed
Didn't PC port of FFXIII had separate video files for all cutscenes in Jap ans Eng, supposedly due to lip sync? And each was about 30GB
>opening cinematic 720p.bik 100MB
>opening cinematic 1080p.bik 300MB
>opening cinematic 1440p.bik 500MB
>opening cinematic 4k.bik 1.2GB
you're now realizing that getting your money isn't enough, publishers actively compete for your harddrive space by intentionally skipping optimization and file compression
unironically this is the best DRM. I REALLY need to want a game before I download 100GB. Its intentional
>100 kb/s download speed
>best DRM
Fellow &or retired Skyrim modders
Recall not long ago all those 2k, 4k, and even a few 8k texture packs, back when you had a measly 2gb or even a hefty 4gb card at the time.
Now imagine Ordenador not existing and all those uncompressed textures and the stuttering, the load times, the magic particles freezing the game mid combat and the DRAGON BREATH 2k particles blasting out above 750 particle density at a time and crashing your graphics driver.
>tfw in 2011 I thought 30 gigs for a game was fucking crazy
>now even the most mundane games are at least 50
>live in the hills of a first world country
>speed tops out at 150kb/s
>16GB RAM needed
>not downloading while you sleep
>Not having at least 4 TBs of space
First world countries unironically have the worst internet.
My dad has a house in the middle of the countryside in a 3rd world country with nothing around it for miles and you still get 4mb/s there. In my country, in the middle of a big city I get like 400kb/s.
Sekiro is ~25gb
>making excuses
next it'll be
>not downloading while you wait a couple of days
>not having at least 50 TB's of space
>American ISP
>1TB datacap instead of giving a non-overkill download speed
If this was a past era and ISP's were street swindling merchants, they would get beaten to death and robbed of their merchandise.
Meanwhile in a former russian shithole
>most population dense state in the US off a main route connecting several small cities
>175 kbps tops
Truly the third world.
I think ISPs offer options to upgrade and install, but they want you to fit the bill to their own expansion to tune of like $5000 and up. Fuck that.
Based Japan
RE2R was pretty small too
>gta 5 was 18 gb
>just cause 2 was 10 gb
>mass effect 3 was 16 gb
What went wrong ?
you are not telling me that new games have x5-10 more contenent that old ones?
There was a time when I left stuff to load overnight. I'm glad those days are over.
That's cause the game is small.
So is my peepee
>tfw 16 GB of free space
>Over 1 TB of uninstalled games
literally every game.
Is this a stealth Twin Peaks thread?
>"use the internet a lot?"
>"upgrade to premium for a bigger data cap and speed!"
>Can I just have a large data cap for less? I don't need the speed.
>"sorryyyy we can't do that"
>they throttle your internet for a few days after calling
>data cap
fucking am*ricans
I only buy small games to compensate for my ginormous penis.
Reminder that you will never experience Twin Peaks for the first time ever again and that there will never be a third season with BOB and The Arm.
>Download a game
>need 3 times the game size of empty to install it
>One to cache it
>One to install it to
>One for the lulz
GFWL was a fucking disasterzone.
What's a data cap? I dont even have one on my phone.
>patch is larger than the game itself
>have 4tb hard drive and an ssd
>still have no space for video games because it's filled with 2d porn
well of course, that way you don't feel bad about downloading and using apps that are constantly feeding data to the network. makes surveillance a little bit easier.
That's why I'm here.
only if you have H1 maps installed.
This trend is based and redpilled though. Soon games will get so big that the demand for bigger storage will finally increase(prices stagnated for the last 7 years) and boomers like me will be able to get enough storage for everything I would ever want for 50 bucks. Life's good
Company doesn't know how to patch things, so they just have you download the whole thing.
>game becomes objectively worse after a patch
when 1 game on your system takes that much and the others take only around 60 or 70,
>have less games on ps4 than I do ps3
>ps3 has a 120gb drive
>ps4 has a 1tb
>ps4 has less space
Are devs in cahoots with drive manufacturers?
holy hell, glad i don't have that, i have gold and last i looked it only took 101 gig on my ps4
Where'd you get that number? Not doubting it, just wondering if DLCs get accounted for in total sizes. I'd think something like the german train sims with their billions of DLC would be pretty big too.
I remember reading it but now I can't find anything to back it up so maybe I'm wrong
>The game's ACTUAL ending is locked behind grinding repetitive missions
Hey at least it isn't dlc.
>you can pay dlc to access it too
Dark Souls
>game isn't set in Missoula
>game has a toilet scene
>it's all compressed audio that sounds like shit, especially when compared to the other releases
Dark Souls Switch pls
>game lets you shit and piss and cum and fart
Name 5 (five) games
Payday 2 feelings.
wow classic
>game lets you feel them
>live in a tiny town in flyover country, USA
>have 70mbps down
>game has incels and manlets
>game re-downloads the entire 20gb library of assets every 5mb patch
Path of Exile on steam
>game lets you carry more than two weapons
could be worse.
I remember in the early 00's when everyone only had 2 or 3gig hard drives and games were starting to hit the 500-800meg range.
Even back in the late 90's games came with a Lite Install option to only install 20% of the necessary files and access the rest from the disc.
But coders/programmers these days are just normalfag office drones so they dont put that kind of effort or care into their work.
>The game has working mirrors
>game has several romance options
>best girl ends up with some abomination for literally no fucking reason
>game is scary
>makes you shit yourself
>BRO character does not get girl at the end
why so many games are doing this?
>playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>reach the grueling claw door puzzle
>say a word
>get bannished into a pot
>game has smug kids
>finally download and install the game
>open the game's launcher
>the version you downloaded is 5 years out of date
>steam doesn't download the fully updated game, just v1.0
>have to wait for the installer to download 50 gigs of updates at 300kb/sec
>if you close the launcher at any time the update is cancelled and you have to start from scratch again
I cant find the actual comic I was looking for but "Oh no, it's retarded" but with PlayOnline in the picture
>game has smug kids
>you can't kill them
Unmodded skyrim sucks ass
Space isn't a problem, but the fucking internet speed does
Don't defend that bullshit fags, fucking GTA5 is like 60 GB, there is literally no excuse for a game to be 130 GB, devs just became lazy fucks that don't compress shit to sell harddrives.
Skyrim is only 15 gig
>not having your Internets run thought an elegant fiber-optic cable
Breath of the wild
I spent years fighting botw critics but I replayed the game recently and they were actually 100% right, I just got caught up in the hype and didn't realise until I replayed it.
The lack of enemy variety in particular was really bad.
And it looks like shit, game can't handle more than 10 npcs on the screen, tons of loading screens, not much content besides repetitive quests
the original game was only 36megs but content updates have increased it's file size to 270 megs now.
par for the course when their updates are along the lines of "oh yeah added a full new game/difficulty mode, plus 1400 new items, 400 new enemies and 25 new bosses" and then install a couple of mods that do the same.
fucking Gran Turismo Sport
I'm lucky enough to be able to have the data caps for big stuff now but my speed is still shit because lmao we can't afford fiber for everybody
>Required space: 161GB
I couldn't hear any problem but I never played it before
>Americans have to pay extra to be spied on
Watch the intro cutscene and listen carefully when it transitions to in game cutscene.
>Living in rural middle of nowhere
Modern video games really aren't for you
I live in rural middle of nowhere, and my internet is better than 90% of cityfags I've talked to
>used to live in the biggest town in my island, had 500mbps ffth
>now live in a tourism-heavy area, but still have 500mbps ffth
maybe if your ISPs weren't greedy fucks
>Game along with all DLC requires 350GB
Season three did have Bob dumbass
Well I am up to the final boss so if new game plus replays the cutscene I will keep an ear out
If not I guess I can just start a game on a different switch profile to test it.
What 3rd world shithole do you hail from?
Dark souls supports multiple profiles in the game, literally just select "new game"
Try that in Mexico.
Does this actually exist?
>Game has no jumping mechanic
How is that an issue?
>Game takes place inside of a dream
>game has jumping mechanic
>can't jump over waist high barriers
>finally upgrade your internet after years of extremely low download speeds
Nigger the bulk of the files consists of uncompressed audio in 6 different languages you tard.
>when you have more mod than game due to massive map addons
What's a decent cheap ssd to put my games on?
I have a 500 gb one already but its almost full.
Legit laughed my face off when that happened during the livewatch threads. The squeeze his hand off scene was also hilarious.
I remember one of patches of burnout paradise city on x360 making game drop frames a lot.
>game gives you tips on how to best dispatch of your enemies
>game is larger than 50gb
>just go to fitgirl
>if it's lower than 50gb pirate it
>if it isn't it's not worth playing because if the devs don't care enough to use even half decent compression then they don't care enough to make a good game
50gb is a really high max too.
but if a game can't pass this simple shit test then I don't even bother. just play a actually good game.
>game is 130GB
>one single person repack it to 50GB after 1-2 days
Are devs/publishers just lazy or what?
>takes 6 hours to unpack on a middle of the road CPU
>game is 100 gig+
If it takes you 6 hours to unpack then your PC is not good enough to play the game.
they want to take up disk space
no joke, it's an honest to God actual strategy of theirs, if people can't keep as many games on their console(yes, it's fucking consoles again), they'll statistically play more of what they have installed, and buy more shitty microtransactions.
I wish I was kidding, but that's why.
and fromsoft is like two and a half centuries behind the rest of Japan, which is another century behind the west technically
Witcher 3 with both expansion packs is only around 35gigs.
>probably same poster as "dude my 2500k still plays games just fine in 2019"
>implying I've watched twin peaks
witcher 3 is also a piece of shit where every button launches you into a ballerina routine for a random distance in a random direction
>obscure game comes out
>doesn't get talked about much, as a matter of fact people don't wanna talk about it at all
>years and years later
>game becomes big focal point and is mentioned by people constantly
Deadly Premonition
>game with high expectations releases broken
>patches come in and fix the game, gives players something even better than initial expectations
>game immediately gets development cancelled for a shorter-lived spinoff game that doesn't turn out well
>game goes under major redesign
3570k actually and it still does play 90% of games perfectly with a 1070ti
>50gb of audio for irrelevant languages.
>50 dollars for 1tb hard drive
If you can afford a graphics card you can afford a hard drive
This shit is posted every thread, the bait is stale at this point
Except that game was like 4 GB.
Newer games should have a separate optional download for highest quality textures, uncompressed audio&video, etc.
>that guy who lists his peasant-tier specs like they're something to brag about
Worse i have datacaps and shit
what the fuck is that
In Mexico you get killed before playing the game
Original game is 3.7GB.
Ray Wise did a pretty outstanding job in Fire Walk With Me. It was an uncomfortable performance coming off the show, but totally necessary.
Baldur's Gate was a notable example for me.
I loved those games as a kid, I didn't over play them either I played through that whole saga exactly once over a summer vacation and never again. A few years back I load them up hoping to recapture that feeling of that summer vacation all those years ago and couldn't make it an hour without losing all interest.
the arm
>not having 2tb of NVME storage
i have 3 8TB hard drives
Quake 2
Onece I downloaded 1T of games and movies in 6hours. For some things Easter Europe is pretty confy
t. poorfag that only could afford 2TB of HDD
>Key member of the games dev team accuses director of raping his entire family for no reason
Nice SSD you have there, shame if something were to use all your storage
Wtf is data cap? Kek
based twin peaks bro!
use WinDirStat
>Game requires you to eat
Is there anything worse than a video game that has half it's filesize as audio? Why the fuck can't I just pick a language during install and have it install only that? Repacks manage this shit.
david lunch lol
>modern game is only ~500mb
>it's really good
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Fucking this. It looked like pinnacle of FPS when I was a kid, but after all the shit that happened to genre I start seeing all the Nu-FPS bullshit in it.
>shitty realistic weapons
>orange filter
>game start with crash of your space helicopter in long ass cutscene like some fucking call of duty
Halo 2 is the definition of this.
Ghost of a Tale.
>game size gets reduced by non official modifications
I literally don't have a single HDD in my computer case. I do 100tbs of HDD between my two NASs
>.126 / .186
curious unless DHCP
>tfw no season 1 coop at home to snuggle with
he really was dreamy
what could you possibly need all this for
>not having 16gb ram in 2019
why is everyone raving about this lately
is this a new tv meme
probably porn and reaction pics
any post 2016 cawadooty
>implying modern games are any better
Glad I didn't fall for the SSD meme
Most of it is complete dumps of consoles libraries and tons of HQ DVD rips of shows and movies
For high quality OST rips that I can enjoy with my high-end audio gear
and cp
Same. But I also have two GTX1080ti GPUs so that might help.
Time to upgrade the rest of your PC, jesus, man.
>Game launches with bug that makes 100% completion impossible
>publisher doesn't want to pay for a patch to be put out
Upgrading CPU is cancer because you need a new motherboard and RAM too
yeah but does it really matter when the file size is still so small anyway?
Why? Most of the games I play are literal ascii art tier like Cataclysum DDA. I bought the GPUs for work.
>Imagine giving 4k for a manchild toy. Kek
>every lego game ever
>99.9% complete
Also this. But if I do I will probably go with threadripper as it gives some insane performance for complex video editing.
Mother of christ I've never been so happy to exclusively play indieshit
Look past the wall of "reteo-inspired" mixel platformers, there's a lot of great games out there.
if you need the GPUs for work, wouldn't a better cpu also help with work?
Game: 30 GB
Denuvo and other copyright and piracy protection: 100GB
I make art for games and film. And I pretty much can retire with my CPU. only GPU matters plus all the complicated actions are all GPU exellerated. I only need them for rendering cinematics out. CPU matters for phiaics simulations and explosions but I have left this on my nerdier friends colegues.
Had to look up a walkthrough for that part. Hardest puzzle I've played since Episode 2's antlion nest maze.
Fucking phone tipeing is killing me
I lived in the middle of a major city and my internet was slower than rural Wiltshire.
> Hitman 3 is gonna be 300 gb
>Delete all the extra audio I don't need
>Game wont launch without it
Max Payne 1
Max Payne 2 is still great though
Not him, but I have a huge archive of porn, it takes up a shit load of space.
I don't even use it, just back it up.
> needing 16gb ram for any application
fucking pajeets can't code
Finally 100%'d Lego marvel 2 this weekend. Feels good
Bros, am I the only one that feels like technology is fake?
Coding standards are rock bottom, devs are lazy, hardware is doing minimal improvements while doing maximum price gouging.
It's really getting shitty out there.
>80GB update file
MGSV was only around 20gig, that's reasonable.
CPU can bottleneck graphics cards, you dummy.
Not to mention faster ram would certainly help you as well
Why does Nioh need 75 gigs? It's a game from 3+ years ago with bad textures.
>being this tech illiterate
Consultants tell them it's to combat piracy, by making the game files so fucking huge that people won't want to download them, but all the cracks just compress the audio and cut out about 2/3rds of the game's size.
these magic lightning rocks we use are the work of the devil desu senpai
once I've got my life figured out a bit better in a few years I'll probably become somewhat of a luddite besides the benefits of modern medicine
The dwarf accused Lynch of rape so based lynch turned his character into a tree in the new season of Twin peaks
summerfag go
Jet Set Radio. Gave out assloads of copies of the HD version on steam, no one played it for more then 30 minutes, I boot it up again to find out why, and the controls are shit.
Black Ops 4 required a 54 Gig day 1 one patch
I thought you were proud of your free healthcare and nogunz.
Happened to Prey, Decided to redownload it since it's got an expansion, and play through it again, the audio is all fucked up now, and every pickup item has some glowing sheen to it that I can't find where to turn off in the options. Just closed it and haven't opened it since.
why would joe rogan do something like that
Wrong, it's about half of what you said.
No, fuck that. Hard drive space is the issue too. Devs must have lost their goddamn mind if they think I'm going to dedicate more than ten percent of one of my HDDs for their latest eight hour long piece of shit AAA dross.
>When the guest talks shit about weed
>game has bugged jumping mechanic that they don't even explain to you
I have masters in IT I know how to build my shit. And I am running a busines if this upgrade does not lead to 10-15k more income monthly then its a waste of my time and money. It curently will not, in couple of years sure.
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be
goddamn crouch jumping
>75% of it is uncompressed audio
God I hate the current generation of developers.
I guess the new season is not cannon then.
It's this, genuinely. There are plenty of articles out there about it, it's a common practice.
a good couple of years ago i replayed sonic adventure. while the gameplay was complete shit, the soundtrack felt even better simply because it basically carried the entire fucking game.
Seconded for all anons out there wondering what the fuck is eating up their HDD space, WinDirStat is great.
>Fire walk with me
it still hurts
I love Twin Peaks so much, lads. Rewatching the 5th episode of Season 1 right now just cause the thread got me in the mood to enter that world again and I think I might do a full rewatch.
Season 1 is king, despite the fact that Season 2 and 3 are more artistically interesting and reaches higher peaks. Season 1 is so well written and put together as a mystery "who-dun-it" show that it's impossible not to love every minute of it.
I'm not disputing that the best scenes and most interesting material doesn't come from season 2, the movie and season 3. They absolutely do.
Morrowind, Oblivion.
Season 3 was so weird
Morrowind is still the best entry.
Biggest game in my PC is DCS World at 106 GB, and it could be much much bigger if I had all the plane modules and all the paid maps
Witcher 3
>tfw you will never arriva at Novigrad for the first time again
I so fucking hope they go back to medieval fantasy when they're done with cyberpunk
>dude having a jpg of his face on some 3d balls is the same as having the RL actor
>game has no ending
>Game has attractive npcs of the opposite sex
Your eyes have been opened. It's a fun game, but it is way too long for the amount of variety it has
There was a time games barely broke GBs now everything is massive. I don’t even think it’s the game. It’s just the thousands of modeled props and highly detailed bs that mud up the in game environments for “realism”
if you mean that daggerfall is actually the best then based
ubercringe if you mean anything else
>Install game update
>Can't play it anymore cause it takes you to the steam store and forces you to buy it
Cuphead is 10gb
>controls are shit
No they aren't, you just need to git gud. The camera isn't great though.
would you have fucked Piper Laurie in 1990?
Basically all women on that show were fuckable except Sarah, Log Lady and Nadine. Nadine's just because her personality and eyepatch were goofy, she was alright.
Piper was 58 in that scene, pretty incredible.
Every multiplayer game.
The problem with season 3 was that it was full Lynch and 25 years later into his career from Twin Peaks. It didn't have that beautiful balance of season 1 where it was a split between him, Frost and the ABC suites forcing them to not be so abstract.
That said, the final episode was the return really stuck with me. It's just a shame how much of that season really was pointless and tedious. All that Dougie shit just ran on and on.
>All that Dougie shit just ran on and on.
I sincerely beg of you to revisit the Dougie storyline and not look at it as some torturous tease, but rather a meaningful part of the journey that is season 3.
Las Vegas and the Dougie storyline was by far my favorite part of season 3, LV had the best characters, and the Dougie scenes were full of warmth and comfy vibes.
>the villain is a master of disguise
>Audio in 11 different languages
>30 hours of music
>Less than 15 GB
How did they do it?
Larger hard drives, faster CPUs, faster GPUs, and faster internet connections have all been used by talentless developers as an excuse not to optimize anything.
>releases Atlas
>still includes EVERY asset from ark, even though none of it is being used
Laziest pieces of shits ever.
>Manly Tears finally penetrates a woman.webm
>monthly 20GB updates
>for 2 or 3 installed games
>require 30GB free each to install
>can't choose Steam's temp dir so it keeps shuffling the entire 20GB back and forth between system drive and other SSD when C: fills up
>open task manager: 700MB/s read/writes x2 on both drives for hours straight
Why can't more devs be somewhat economical with updates, or do they just assume everyone has 1TB SSDs with only 2 games on it?
I bet you're paying the equivalent of almost 200$ in rubles.
Wind Waker, definitely.
The audio in the game must take a ton of space.
Even my pre-paid mobile data isn't capped.
I have the space and internet speed, it's the fact that's it's metered. If I go over a certain amount each month, they automatically throw me in to the higher tiers and charge accordingly. It's horse shit and I can't just switch ISPs because it's the only one here that offers high speed. I can get Century Link but it's 5 MB/S tops.
> Retards missing the point
no, that's me.
I was always under the impression twin peaks was a teen drama or something like dawson's creek.
>pretending to be retarded
Around 40 eurobucks a month. Sorry, I don't know what the conversion rate between real money and burgeroos is right now.
Ratchet & Clank 2 is one of the few times I've had this with a childhood favourite.
I love the first game even more than I used to and 3 still holds up well but 2 just eludes me and it used to be my favourite.
Feels bad man.
Fuck, meant to respond to
> holds up mirror
This. I'm guessing it's so they can lower the minimum requirements a little bit as mp3 requires more resources to decode than wav.
How about replace them all with blank files of the same name, or maybe all the metadata. This has gotten so out of hand there has to be projects trying to get around this bullshit.
>give money to Comcast to upgrade infrastructure
>they take the money and don't upgrade shit
>give them money again thinking it won't turn out exactly the same
WTF US government?
>Path of Exile patch of 20MB
>Estimated time: 2 hours
Literally only this fucking game
The fuck you talking about. The slowest speed is 50megas per second
>xbox 360 and PS3 era comes to close after mid 2016
>PC starts adopting the fact that the xbox one and ps4 uses BD so naturally retarded developers think the game must use all the space on the disc
>this transitions onto PC and no longer games are 10 GB installed, but 60 to 150 depending on content/updates
What the fuck happened? I'm only 25 yet I feel so old
Do they take in the fact you are more likely to delete those big games too? I had to uninstall large shit like GTAV from steam because it took space away from everything else. Please don't tell me they cherrypicked the data and only looked at players who already regularly played the game.
>that user that demonstrated this was already last year
They are perfectly sane but pure evil
The real intention is to compete for hard drive space. All the AAA titles are bloating up in size because they want to force you to uninstall everything involving their competitors.
It's why third party "sign-up" services are becoming more and more common. Their goal is to make only play THEIR games, it doesn't matter what company. They are all rotten filth that deserve torture and death for destroying the greatest medium in human history.
>next gen consoles have an SSD
>can store 1 AAA game
That's why you have to fall for the suburban/close to city limits meme. Don't actually live in the city but close enough that the drive is like 10-20 minutes tops. I'm in houston, living just outside in spring
I would fuck any human female that is free of STDs.
Humanoid aliens are also fine.
What movie
>Update required
>Day one patch
>close a game and forget about it, telling youself you're gonna play it like 2 days from now because a fight was too hard or something
>except it's actually 2 years later and you don't even fucking know how
I'm sorry Bayonetta, I don't why I got this weird procrastination autism
>games have gotten so big there are times you can't even fit a single one on a 120gb ssd with nothing but windows on it
>has nothing to do with the actual size of the world or quality of assets, devs just can't be bothered anymore
>devs release a patch to nerf something in a single player game
Do you really live in a shit hole or what? The slowest internet connection is 5mb by blue Telecom,20mbs by megacable,35 by Axtel and Totalplay (recently) and the average is 50mbs, isn't even that expensive
Unless you are a fucking chilango,if that's the case then fuck you
based and raywisepilled
>upgrade AM3+ after sticking with it from 2010 to 2016
>used my phenom x4 820 in it till about 2012 and got a 1045t(literally not an upgrade except for 2 extra cores)
>only last 2 years on that which felt like forever, got a FX 8350 when my 280x felt weird with my 1045t
>got memed on again and decided to jump ship to intel in may 2016 since AMD was taking forever
>got z170 and 6700k
>late adopter so I was already cucked from the next chip set
Haven't even dreamed of even upgrading my PC now and it's 3 fucking years already. Haven't even played many games in that time span either. Just doom 2016, mankind divided and like a hat in time in 2017. Last year I didn't play jackshit except maybe youtube and xenoverse 2 in jan and deltarune 7 months ago.
How the fuck do I get out of this slump? I feel like time is just blazing by and I'm still stuck like 2 years back.
Okay so I just spent a while searching for a picture of Cooper witnessing his doppelganger for the first time in the season 2 finale but couldn't find one at all, then I found this thread kek
Anybody able to help me out? I just want to compare it to Diane seeing her doppelganger at the end of season 3
Even if that is the case 130 GB is retarded. Modern game devs/pubs need to git gud at compression. There are plenty of tools and resources available for free to do this. Hell, I can only imagine how amazing the tools are that companies can afford.
That's an angle that I haven't considered. I'm not putting it past them. A little conspiratorial, but it would make some sense considering even cartoon shit games are bloated as fuck.
isn't FF15 like 100 gigs at this point?
It's actually hilarious because this makes piracy even more of a benefit. Not only do you avoid outrageous prices but if you have a fast CPU and lots of RAM on your pc you can just download fitgirl repacks that cut size by over 50% on the installer AND on the final installation of the game. My last fitgirl was DOOM 2016 with all DLC and updates and that shit was cut down to like 32 GB and it only took 1 hour to install, not really any different from installing it on steam. And if you don't want to keep the installer, just get rid of it.
Not a meme, legitimately kino and maybe the announcement of the collection has done it, I know that's why I've been revisiting it.
True. Fitgirl repacks completely eviscerate that bloat.
Max Payne 1 is way better though
>All that Dougie shit just ran on and on
It makes me so sad whenever people say this, the DJ story is Lynch at his peak
>tfw upgraded from 3TB HDD to 1TB SSD
The performance boost is huge, I'm never going back, but being a spacelet sucks.
>why is everyone raving about this lately
jesus dude
Morrowind aged gracefully. Graphics are shit but the atmosphere is here. Just don't try to facelift it with mods and simply play vanilla.
my theory is that they just got lazier with optimization in general to cut time since most people conform to fuckhuge sizes without meaningful complaining
>game becomes objectively worse after a patch
>you can only roll the game back to a 1.0 that runs like ass
>and it corrupts your save data
cries in red dead 2
I'll just compress everything manually then?
They can get fucked. Some games can be compressed via automated scripts.
Dude, no. Repacks have come a long way since then. If you have half 16GB of RAM (the new standard pretty much for decent quality games) then you shouldn't be taking that long. At most 2 hours. And if it's your CPU that's throttling you, you shouldn't be playing modern games on that rig.
SSD prices will eventually come down to what HDD prices are for the same space.
>johny sinns is actually a manlet with a normal sized penis
this explains everything
8GB of RAM minimum and an SSD is all you need.
Not sure how an SSHD would fare but I only use hard disks for long term personal storage nowadays.
>games still don't give you the option to install specific voiceover languages forcing you to take up an additional 20-30gb for languages you will never use
Doubt it'll be as soon as you think. Manufacturers will continue to manipulate markets to keep prices up.
I'm waiting for affordable terabyte microsd
Can you imagine if a cg man from another place popped out of the ground to tell cooper to squeeze the dwarf's hand off?
Prepare yourselves for TRUE anguish. Even worse is when you only have mobile Internet through a smalltime hotspot available.
>15 gig maximum for 30 € a month
>That is already double the usual amount of GB because they had some special offer going
>Once exceeded either get pushed to GSM GPRS with delicious 53 kbit/s, Less than the first fucking generation modems
>Or buy another 500 MB for 5 € apiece, 2 GB for 15 €
And then the newest game comes out and it needs a whole 70 GB of space. Fuck that shit. Also:
>Playing airplane multiplayer dogfight game
>Connection is so shit it has at least between 500 ms to 800 ms delay
>Have to lead enemy even harder but the variable delay fucks me up hard
>Only valid targets are ground targets
>Play tank sim
>Shell bounces off of hindquarter of tank because of LOL DELAY
>DOOM 2016 32 GBs
I never should have paid money for that pos
What said
Earlier today I actually watched the restaurant scene again and it's so damn heart wrenching to watch and that old lady saying how she has a house and the Mitchum Brothers welling up over it with that beautiful song from Badalamenti exclusive to that scene and how Dougie's cognitive functions are better than ever and he calls the cherry pie damn good. Everybody he comes into contact with end up wanting to be more pure of heart like he is
He said "in the middle of nowhere". Obviously he's gonna be packing something against the local wildlife.
I thought Yea Forums was done pretending to like Lynch months ago.
>people will still defend digital distribution
As an Amerifat, can any Aussie vouch on how bad your internet for is downloading and multiplayer ? The only things I hear about it is how your NBN was gutted by Murdoch's influence to keep his Telstra monopoly in place and how your current NBN head thinks 5 mbps is "fast enough".
Do you want to talk about Judy?
*old school hip hop beat*
>only two of them are good
Maddie didn't deserve it
I want to fuck 90s Sherilyn Fenn SO FUCKING BAD
>be mexican
>data caps don't exist
>ISPs don't care about piracy
>the government itself doesn't care about piracy
>can download all the games I want, as fast as I want without getting fucked by corporations or data caps
>for free
David Lynch? More like David LUNCH. Hahahaa
Everyone wanted that
You guys think Laura did anal?
>requirement: operating system: Windows 10
Good compression. Something most studios don't even bother with. I mean if they are going to use shit textures as is, why NOT compress. Just because a publisher says "IT'S UNCOMPRESSED HIGH QUALITY TEXTURES" doesn't make it so. Uncompressed is just that, uncompressed. I can give out uncompressed 240p textures. They'd be too large for what they are, but I could do it.
I'd fuck any three of them before I even looked at that cunt Donna
>ping 300+
>Please don't tell me they cherrypicked the data and only looked at players who already regularly played the game.
user, you don't matter. They're after Moby Dick. They actually do know their stats, but don't make the mistake of thinking they care about the common consumer. Volume is just a means of finding more whales, now.
None, every game I've played gives me the same feeling whether I played it when I was 5 or 25
Uncompressed is just stupid. There's lossless compression, which is kind of ass, pretty fucking efficient compression with negligible loss, and then you have the hyperzealous shit like what they use in streaming services with the blocky gradients and crushed blacks, fucked up edges(youtube compression) and shit.
Fucking lossless compression is already a meme on its own, there's no reason not to compress your shit, it'll take an order of magnitude less space before you can even tell the difference, good textures or not.
Well part of it is that they let you cut out the multiplayer files, all unnecessary languages (including audio) and even some of the extra stuff like the level builder.
fitgirl is a meme, dude gets his rocks off on compression. Stripping language bloat and such is fine, great even, and something any store should offer by default. But he's using way too heavy-handed algorithms, adding hours for a few meager percent less size, because that's what he gets off on, and repackers have their own autistic lite rivalries single-mindedly trying to get the smallest batch sizes.
True. I can tell you how they should be doing it as well. Definitely keep backups of the originals in house. But on release, compress everything for minimal loss. Compress the final installer and put it on steam. Let decompression during installation be handled server side to speed up installation times for the end user, and as a result allow users to choose which components they want to install (thus choosing what to extract from the compression) and boom. You've got a quality game that can be as big as a user wants while still not being absurdly huge even with all the content.
eh, I think season 1 is too heavyhanded with Leo Johnson did it -stuff
also aside from cooper's dream there is no supernatural stuff
Compressing the same thing twice doesn't do a whole lot. Isn't that why we have installers, instead of just unpacking a big-ass zip archive? To cut down install times by letting you just write shit like video files, audio, and textures(before the uncompressed meme) straight to disk instead of unpacking them? I'm talking out of my ass here, it might be worth it still since installation is just a one-time thing, but if they're stored separately there's really no reason not to let you choose what to even download.
Company of Heroes 2 after every patch since OKW was introduced. """"""""community balance team"""""""" fags can go hang themselves. They ruined a good game.
literally every single game every single time.
>game has a jump
>it doesn't do anything, all barriers are too high to jump and there's no climbing mechanic for ledges