Mortal Kombat 11

>Severely nerfs the character's sexiness
>Sells well regardless and gets away with it
I don't remember being this disappointed in gamers in a while.

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gamer detected

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kys gamer͞

c u m b r a i n

It plays really well. It's probably the best fighting game out there right now


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Jizzheads on suicide watch

The average person isn't obsessed with sex like you. Your dopamines are burnt out and your brain is filled with sperm.

Here is a little revelation for you, gamer.
MK was never sexy.


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B-b-but game no make peepee hard
Me hate game now!

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>sensible person
>gets MK11 on PC and mods it to add tits and ass
>Yea Forums
>doesn't play anything anymore and just whines about SJWs on the internet

Further proof that pathetic virgin nerds aren't the main audience of video games anymore, normal people buy them now.

That sounds pathetic and honestly really reprehensible.
Care to post some links to said mods so I can check it out how bad it really is? Just for laughs.

It's still a shit game.

But it's not broke :^)

this but unironically

i just wanna know why everyone cries kung lmao sucks then you see him all over tournies taking high placements

Almost like most people don't give a shit. Shocking.

That can't be. /pol/ told me that people would get sick of muh SJW agendas and rise up.

Literally nobody gives a shit about this stuff except tards from /pol/ and ResetEra.

its almost like some people dont play games for fapping

Honestly. I was on Yea Forums's side with BFV. Mostly because that was an incomplete mess, even after delays, but in regards to Yea Forums's reaction to this game really disappointed me on the "Muh Boobies are Gone so this Game is BAD!" Nothing but a bunch of pervy pricks who never actually played a Mortal Kombat game. Oh? You want the sexy skins? Well here's the sexy skins. Now shut the fuck up.

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Probably because nobody gives a fuck except the jizzbrains that infect this board, here's a tip, nobody gave a fuck nor were there any noticable complaints about the new character designs outside this site.

You user are speaking the truth, and I applaud you. MK11 really showed the shitty side of Yea Forums.

I still don't really understand what is wrong with women being sexy and why is it such a bad thing that people would prefer that, but I have come to accept that the world has gone gay and there is nothing I can do about it.

It's not even that. It's fine if it's a complaint, but if it's the sole reason to shit on a game, that's when I get pissed, because Mortal Kombat has always been more about the fighting since Deadly Alliance (blood prior, but I always prefer Deception as the best of the Original Xbox era.) Sure, sexy characters are fine and do sell products as well, but like I said, when that is the ONLY complaint, without anything else, it's childish and obviously not the game for them. Honestly, the Krypt grind was a more reasonable complaint that I can get behind, because that shit really is annoying as Hell...

Stop plaguing this board you braindead incels and go back to r/mortalkombat.

So forgive me that I was condescending...

they made the gameplay worse.
MKX was better

Seems like you are the minority here, and even Yea Forums realizes the bullshit that's going on.

But that was not the only complaint, you yourself said that the Krypt grind was terrible. There was also the bullshit unfun difficulty tuning for the Towers of Time, also the character specific Tower grind conditions were insane too.
Also the customization was pretty lackluster, basically you only had 2 or 3 costumes, and their recolors. Instead of improving on Injustice 2 customization it felt like a step back.
In any case, I think that was far from being the only complaint.

Aside from those above, I enjoyed the game.

This thread reeks of social justice garbage.

In terms of speed and strategy, Yes.
In technicallity and skill, Hell No.

>npc mentality good
>unpopular opinion bad
Thanks for proving my point, incel.

I know, but I'm referencing the retarded OP who is only complaining about it. But I can definately get behind what you have been saying user, I enjoyed this game a lot. And getting my friends to play reminds me of the Deception days.

>promote the game to appeal to the SJWs
>after that add the classic female costumes as a paid DLC
excelent strategy

So you just proved that you are a retarded outsider, kek. Go back to Second Life Furfag.

I see what you mean. Cheers.

Capitalism at it's finest! And you all fell for it! Kek.

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This is unironically me.

What a bitter fucking bastard "let them"? "For now"? He sounds crazy.

That, or Yea Forums actually enjoys this game and points out the people who only want to jerk off to a digital 3D model. Go back to /pol/ if you want to be in the majority again.

Just an asshole who wanted his pecker hard... Will admit that Jax using the term "Woke" was pretty shitty though... but it's non-canotical.

>I still don't really understand what is wrong with women being sexy
First off, the women of Mortal Kombat 11 look sexier than the women of Mortal Kombat 10, who looked like trannies with bolt ons
Secondly, there's nothing wrong with women being sexy, but not only does it not need to be a priority for game developers, it doesn't diminish the game more than minimally if it isn't the case
The problem is that a large portion of Yea Forums seemingly only cares about sex appeal in vidya above all else, which is absurd and pathetic. See:

Retards dont remember that it all started with a NR guy quote that said
>no one is going to fight in a bikini!
when every dude in the game has a shirtless costume


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Well clearly Ed Boon said fuck that shit with the new DLC shown in this post.
What a legend.

Its the worst and MK9 played way better.

Not one single entry in the series has had anything resembling reasonably solid, non-fucked gameplay.
There's nothing to enjoy about it if not for the eye candy, whether that's the sexy sort or the ultraviolence sort, so one way or another they're jerking off to it.

Yeah but require time.

Americans are mentally ill murderbrains, they don't care about sex as long as there is decapitation and muh gunz.

Then you just have fucking shit taste in fighting games then.

Custard's Revenge is a good example actually.


MK9 had some of the ugliest women I've ever seen in a mainstream game. MK11 probably has the sexiest women in the series' history simply because the faces aren't abhorrent. And why do you even care about sex in MK? Go play DOA if that's what you care about.

Based. Mortal Kombat has always been about the violence. Hell, the first MK originally didn't even have Sonya, rather Jax.

The Autism is strong amongst these cuckers.

He's not even right wing or anything irl.
He's just pandering for easy money. Dude is gonna make almost 7 figures this year thanks to magafags giving away all their money.


Go masturbate to the tranny's in MK9 cumfag.

haven't played mk11, but i know the feeling with attack on titan 2 and that BS ending where they kill your character off screen, then decide to make a dlc set after those events, they wasted the potential of a custom character and i hate that

I honestly think some of the characters look way hotter in this. I’ve never found the bimbo in unsexy leather lingerie look appealing though.

Go back to your pathetic gambling mobile fapbait garbage on /vg/

What a shit game

Hmm... No, your opinion is just wrong.

Monster Hunter World
>HD versions of slut armors
>Sells millions despite not getting woke
I'm glad some games are all about games and not some political BS

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Gas yourself. I read about what was happening in the MK fanbase while SJWs and freaks that should be killed like you, where all praising the unsexiness of MK, and no one was caring, not even one topic of discussion. I wouldnt have bet a penny on MK11 failure.

This autismo is straight up the fucking worst.

t. pollack

Whiney easily triggered /pol/tard are like SJWs they don't actually buy games. Turns out when you make a good game people buy it.

People who complain about sexiness or whatever don't even play fighting games. I didn't even notice until I saw autists sperging out here. The game plays great, nobody gives a shit, scrub. You faggots are exactly like the sjws, complaining about shit but won't even play the game.

so nobody just plays to beat people up and see the blood and stuff? sounds like everyone here is boring and missed the true meaning of the games

Coping and seething

I think it sets a decent precedent:
gamers will buy anything as long as the gameplay is good

hell this isnt even the first time an sjw game has been successful
apex legends, overwatch, subnautica, magic the gathering, etc

NRS really needs to do a balance patch. I'm fucking sick of seeing Geras, Cassie, Jacqui and Erron in nearly every tournament match.

based and redpilled
Games sell well not based on their politics but on their quality
Fuck SJWs and /pol/niggers, you're both as worthless as the "culture war" you wage against each other

There's still T7 - SFV - SC6 - DoA6 - GG , MK11 was strongly shill towards casuals that's why it sold millions of copies but the Pro scene is small and pretty average . Anyway expecting to like every single game that coms out specially AAA tittles is foolish you are setting yourself up for disapointment.

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>argues about Mortal Kombat
>sensible person
>doesn't care because the series has always been utter trash

Casuals are not gaymers my friend they just buy whatever is trendy and forget about it in a few days they doont build a "good" fan base because they are not fans they just wanna be trendy .

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>pc is the best t7 port
>mk11 on pc is constantly behind on patches
Those Steam stats don't mean much.

>for now...
That always get me lmao

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Then just look at the Tryhard scene how comes MK11 sold a bizillion copies but couldn't even make it to the top 3 at evo

if you like your fights filled with unskippable fucking cutscenes


MK11 at EVO had the highest number of entrants of any NRS game. Not pandering to incels didn't hurt it one bit.

>NRS game
whatever that fucking means

NetherRealm Studios, aka. the MK/Injustice devs. I forgot Yea Forums doesn't play fighting games.

except that would mean every tripple A game is an uncontested success
battlefield 5 couldnt get past the get woke go broke despite casuals loving the previous titles

at the end of the day gameplay is ALL that does and SHOULD matter to gamers from a content perspective and both of these are good examples
bf5 failed because it was a bad game, mk 11 succeeded because it was a good game, both had sjw elements

sound director was fired over old twitter posts and game developer shoved his gun control propaganda into the game directly
subnautica is a game that sets a bad example for developers but is still successful do to the gameplay
its dlc has noticeably lackluster ambiance and sjw appeasement is to blame

I know that sperg . MK11 had less participation then even SamSho despite selling way more copies of the game yet you bring that "MK11 at EVO had the highest number of entrants of any NRS game" for whatever fucking reason .

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Battlefield 5 sold 7 million copies.

Mass effect Andromeda sold 5 million copies.

Fallout 76 sold 3 million copies.

MK11 is more popular than MK9 or 10 among both casuals and gamers, despite pandering to SJWs. That's the whole point of this thread.

Who gives a shit? Their money is just as valuable.

based and truthpilled, /pol/tardetties seething

ultra cope

This is real cope

>Get woke go broke
>*Sells excellently*
>Hahaha, you only got normie money, that doesn't count
c o p e

Enjoy ur dead game new friend

>Killing the fanbase
>A good thing
You sure about that ?

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Its not a dead game because of the no boobs. Its just not a fun game to watch.

If you actually liked the 9 designs you don't deserve Mortal Kombat; I'll agree the girls are uglier though.

so far you are the only one talking about boobs

The threads about nerfing the boobs

Fair point but i didnt mention boobs and i was more dissapointed about how unbalaced this game is the god awfull monetization they implemented the terrible roster it got and how the Devs think they are abobe all and "fans" should just STFU and buy their game . Honestly the boobs was the last reason to be dissapointed at this game and NRS .


People who thought vidya was too kiddy for them in the 90s flocked to it because of muh mature blood and gore. It's basically the FIFA of fighting games in terms of normie appeal.

The story was disappointing for me. I dont play mk but i do want the story to at least be intertwining.


Capcom added niggers in MHW even though they were never there before retard, that's worst than women being less sexy