
>Street Fighter II - 14.05M
>Monster Hunter World - 12.4M
>Resident Evil 5 - 11.2M
>Street Fighter IV - 9M
>Resident Evil 6 - 9M
>Monster Hunter 4 - 8.3M
>Monster Hunter Generations - 7.4M
>Resident Evil 4 - 7.3M
>Resident Evil 7 - 6.4M
>Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - 6.2M

Oops, guess you guys are retards and don't know what people want

Imagine being a cum.brain RE4 fan

Attached: simple re4 fan.jpg (393x500, 90K)

Resident Evil 4 was basically the end of my childhood. I actually remember the day that I first saw it played, I was at a friend's house. My friend's younger brother was playing it, and said it was Resident Evil 4. I just couldn't believe it, this fast-paced third-person shooter was RESIDENT EVIL 4, it was no longer a survival horror game with creepy static camera angles. What capped it off was seeing this boss fight in a boat against a giant worm thing. It was from that day on that I knew that video games were no longer for me, I had been replaced by a new generation, I was no longer the audience.

Resident Evil 4 is a top 5 game of all time.

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Fucking BASED

But RE4fags say that RE4 being actiony=good

And RE5 being actiony=bad

RE4 is a not selling game in a franchise full of best sellers. RE4 on the Gamecube/PS2 didn't outsell fucking RE2 on the PS1 you actionfag piece of shit.

If you're retarded

I liked 5 and 6 more than 7.
7 was a fucking mistake after the initial part.

>tfw born late 90s
>tfw Re 4 launches
>tfw you know and have seen or played 1,2,3 and others and this is the baddest scariest motherfucking shit you have seen ever and the other games are shit now for you

Every friend and friends of friend back when bought it, and ended up not liking it.

KEK, this game was he holy grail at my school,kids being kids I guess

I'm not a RE4fag but I prefer 4 to 5 and not because of the actiony argument. 5 plays almost exactly like 4 but its levels aren't as interesting or fun. it doesn't have the camp factor 4 has, i felt like it took itself more seriously. the OG trilogy is still peak vidya and REmake is a 10 in my book

I only apreciated the OG trilogy when I grew up,those games are more mature

I liked 5, it just sucks compared 4. get over it

>i felt like it took itself more seriously

What's wrong with that? Why does everything have to be a joke to millennials? Only the original RE1 had bad voice acting, everything afterwards had sensible scripts and good VA

REMake isn't faggot camp shit either motherfucker

RE4 is for mongoloids who don't understand tone and don't understand what RE is about (which, ironically, RE5 does and is effectively the ending of the franchise for me with the death of Wesker)

>Street Fighter II - 14.05M
What's smash ultimate up to? It might actually be able to beat street fighter 2 jesus christ.

Yea those spear-chucking negros were really setting a good tone.

>garbage controls
>garbage story
>garbage characters
>escort missions
>qte's up the ass
yep its trash

Well to be fair, I wasn't in school anymore, uni, but the partner controls were janky, is what we all thought. Understandable though if kids liked it, as many probably never played the RE1 remake. 4 and 5 were just a different genre altogether.

Yeah Re4 had such good zombies

Are there not tribal people in Africa that chuck spears?

And yet here you are, pretentious faggot

Are you nuts? They've re-released RE4 more than any of their other games. It literally changed the industry.

Imagine being so upset you make a whole new thread

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Tbh As far as I remember nobody had played Remake , some like me saw it in magazines like Re:Zero,Code Veronica and 1-3 were the popular old ones,that everybody knew and a gooood chunk played

Congratulations user you've learned that series typically see an uptick in sales with the next instalment after the last recieves major press backing and strong word of mouth.

>What's wrong with that?
oh nothing inherently wrong with that. it's just personal taste. I enjoyed 5, Wesker was a fucking comic book villain and I would've appreciated if the game made more fun of that, you can do that without going full cheese. but I agree not everything has to be a joke. 6 was just the worst in any way.
>REMake isn't faggot camp shit either motherfucker
i know retard, where did i say every game had to be campy?
>don't understand what RE is about
this argument could've made sense some time ago, but at this point RE is an anthology series, we have a wide range of game genres within the same franchise. look at the difference between 2, 6 and 7 ffs

Actually they only re-released RE4 a couple more times than say, RE0

Attached: 384747485848.jpg (1663x2223, 639K)

Yeah, changed it for the worse. RE4 was the herald of the Halo/CoD audience taking over gaming.

>this argument could've made sense some time ago, but at this point RE is an anthology series, we have a wide range of game genres within the same franchise. look at the difference between 2, 6 and 7 ffs

You do realise this is RE4's fault, right? Everyone was okay with spinoffs like Survivor or Deadaim being different, but RE4 brought the action shit into the main franchise

>Nigger has bad taste and hates a game set in Africa


You dont have a single fact to back that up

They use AK-74's

There are enemies with AK47s in RE5

Why the fuck can't this game get some actual good cover art for its ports for once?

Pic related is one of like maybe five times Europe got the best cover art and should not be forgotten.

Attached: 870950-resident_evil_4_box_pal.jpg (422x591, 27K)

Why did you make this thread? Are you that desperate?

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>You do realise this is RE4's fault, right?
yeah. but we got good games out of it nonetheless, like 4 and 5. that's ok for me. classic RE still has more titles compared to the actiony ones (1, 2, 3, 0, CV vs 4, 5, 6). I would've preferred if they kept churning out classic style games, but if you played CV (which is still a decent game) and especially 0 you could just feel the fatigue of that design philosophy. it needed a change and, for better or worse, they went all out with the action shit.
personally, i think RE2make is a step in the right direction. i thought it reached a good balance, i didn't feel like i was playing 4 despite the camera. and i was one of those fags that prayed for the fixed camera till the release date. what are your thoughts?

>personally, i think RE2make is a step in the right direction.

It's really not, actionfag. It's just another version of Revelations, and those games are awful (like Demake 2)

Everyone knows that you salty faggot, baiting autists is just so much fun

Schizo got btfo and needed his own thread lmao

Except I didn't you nigger

nigger i can like both styles you absolute faggot, and i prefer the older ones. relax

Well if you want action games, you should push for more games that play like 4, 5 and 6

Revelations 1, 2 and Demake 2 just play like a half baked mix and it's awful.

Steam is superior to Epic store
MonHun World is a good game
So is RE2make
DMC5 was a commercial success
Youngblood flopped
