>231 million dollars
231 million dollars
Other urls found in this thread:
not only that op but it's also p2w
did you put it in park?
>a game in development has bugs
So this is the power of kickstarter.
that person paid one hundred and thirty eight united states dollars for the privilege to fly that ship
>a game in development for 8 years is still completely unplayable
its a big game
with sound
I hope they had insurance.
for you
Imagine being Sandi in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Chris Roberts, you fuckin' fine,all sexy with your wool sweater and horrific caterpillar triple chin. I would totally fly a Idris with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is suck off another German Shepard in her dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Sandi and not only sit in that chair while Chris Roberts flabs his disgusting fat arms in front of you,the favorable lighting barely concealing the jumbo eyebrows and deadlocked-autistic face, and just sit there, take after take, AtV after AtV, while he perfected that construct of bullshit and lies. Not only having to tolerate his "chubby" fucking visage but his egomanic attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN,CHRIS ROBERTS LIES LIKE *THAT*??because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his fucked up fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy mix of Bulldog and Husky and later alleged RSI staff for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the breeders in Germany. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his fat flab stomach as he sucks it in to demonstrate landing animations suggestively at you,smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "ingenious (for that is what he calls himself)" autism, the autism he worked so hard for with personal yes-men and whale-backers in the previous years. And then that fat fuck Ben calls for another episode,and you know you could suck off every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Sandi. You're not going to lose your future bestiality porn-star career over this.Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
How will the planet express crew get out of this one?
have we started the fire?
The fire rises
I haven't figured something out yet.
If that ship explodes like that and the person did not have that insurance, is it gone for good or do you have to go to some starbase and pay credits for repair?
>there is no way to respawn your $15000 spacecraft
>if this happens to yours, it's gone just like that
>imagine paying $15000 for a digital spaceshit
>imagine being the cuck who permanently loses his to one of the many similar game breaking bugs
And there are people who pretend these cultists are sane people.
you can respawn them
You kinda can't. If you want another, you have to pay another $15000.
looks like peak soul I won't lie bros.
clearly just forgot the hand brake
nah man
the expensive ships get a form of insurance so you can get your ship back if the dread pirate deeznuts jacks your ride.
>American leaves his spaceship
>Due to his weight, and lower gravity pull, standing on the edge of the ramp sends the ship flying
>Not turning off your engines when you land.
You brought this on yourself friend.
How do I play this game. Looks like Elite Dangerous but less fucking boring.
>I don't know anything about the game except what I think I heard. I'm angry!
play this one instead
Girls that suck off dogs are fucking hot.
imagine working hard on a game and making little money while others earn billions just by making big promises.
you need to learn to lie without shame in this world.
just play empyrion galactic survival.
Its a beta you cockgobbling fucktard incel
how much did you drop on the game bro? you can tell us.
new stretch goal: 900 million dollars
ships will no longer fly away because their planet needs them.
Disregarding the bugs, its actually pretty neat to have an entire interior of your own ship that you can walk around in.
if you want what this game promised you basically can get a vertical slice of it playing no man sky with all the updateds... wish i was kidding but i am not lol
Fuck I was too late I only saw the thumbnail.
At this point, it's just sad. Like laughing at a crippled man.
you need to be shot.
you mean less playable
My dick turns diamonds when a dog knots a whore's asshole
Fuck off back to your tranny subreddit, nigger.
I got a new gf, she owns a large, male, king shepherd that she always lets lick her any where it wants and it gets to sleep with her every night.
She's fucking the dog isn't she? She's white btw.
does she keep an abnormally large amount of peanut butter in the house?
>what is Yea Forums x
you know what you have to do user
___ ____ ____
I kek'd hard
>Thread starts off funny
>Ends with shit in the end
I tried to use Yea Forums x multiple times but somehow it just doesn't "feel" right. For every useful addition there are 2 extra annoying bloat and I always end up just deleting it.
you know you can enable/disable literally every feature if you want right?
>space combat on a 2d plane
for why
>post yfw you didn't fall for Scam Citizen
How is this not the most useful fucking layout??
I've filled out multiple captcha, queuing images, a watchlist, embedded threads hovering that doesn't suck....
should have set the emergency break
thread is so fucking aids.
>gets out of ship without turning off the engines
>wtf bros why did it fly away I can't believe the game devs did this
>playable alphas start getting released
>Star Citizen (or the fantasy of it that they sold us) is basically my dream game
>I had extra money to throw at it when the kickstarter launched
>almost did
>ended up buying a bunch of beer instead and getting drunk (by myself like the sadboy that I am)
>woke up on my bedroom floor, in my underwear, with a hangover so bad I thought I was going to die
>it was still a better decision than buying into scam citizen
it's really hard to be excited for a game that will came out after 20 years
>implying it will
>that'll be your 1000$ backer ship, sir
who said anything about excited? did you reply to the wrong person?
Too much scope for this game to be anything but a shitty laggy mess.
A $231m KSP with good graphics?
I like it
What was the post? I don't want to see it, but want to know what it was.
woman being mounted by a dog.
The hell happened?
>Epic game store exclusive
>Gender dysphoria tattoo on the neck of a totally not trying to be a cool man woman.
I don't think so.
Russians built the rocket, that's what happened. They put a sensor in upside down so the rocket decided to fly down instead of up.
I don't know about you anons, but I hope this game succeeds and actually releases in a good state
haven't drop a dollar on it so far
I did that with my drone once.
I'm backing both horses in the race. If it succeeds there's more space sim games, though I'll probably never bother playing it, and if it fails I'll have schadenfreude to last me and my family for years.
>A $231m KSP with good graphics?
I wish but it's not like KSP at all. It's more like a $231M freelancer, except with less content.
My only fear is that it won't fail outright but slowly die over the course of years or even maybe decades.
I want my fucking "sorry guy, we've failed" big bang of salt. The drama to end all dramas.
>slowly die over the course of years
Shit I didn't think of that one. This is why I usually lose when I'm gambling. "haha, how can I fail" "oh right, that's how."
>Looks like Elite Dangerous but less fucking boring.
it's actually more boring than elite because there are no gameplay loops implemented in the game yet
8 years
231 mil
I've never read this pasta in its entirety. Nor will I do that today.
You gotta cuck her with the dog now, in order to be a man in her eyes
Fucking entitled devs. Day never pirate.
you're probably the NPC cultist if you're seriously defending star citizen
Freelancer is still one of the best games of all time
I'm surprised to see any ingame footage.
Those pirate freelancer servers, with the expanded networks were fun as shit. Used to hang around a Mexican server with a mate of mine, using the 7 words of Spanish we had between us to get by.
all that money is already spent and gone, it was put into offshore accounts.
>hangar module comes out
>you can do 1% of what was promised
>notice roberts is a double tongued pledge demon when he lies about the game being not pay2win, then saying the post-launch pay model will be cash shops for game advantages
>decline to back
>turns out to be a scam
What are the odds it's also a money laundering front from some connection from his Hollywood days or his crooked brother?
Why bother laundering money when whales give you millions for JPEG ships?
fingers crossed for underspace
It's hard for me to wrap my head around that there are really that many people that would throw that much money into a promised video game that isn't even that good
Nice iframes fagit
Oh boy, I can't wait for exciting missions where I can fly somewhere, get out of my spaceship carrying a box, and deliver that box by hand. What a revolutionary gaming concept.
needs a
>0:32 - tell your friends!
>1:05 - it's a feature!
>when the game materializes an actual, physical megacorporation producing these vehicles in the year 2410, my descendants will be entitled to a lifetimes supply of all my bought vehicles
Playing the long game
>he posted, oblivious to the irony as he attached a combination NPC/Basedjak to his ever vigilant white knighting of Scam Shitizen.
Isn't just carrying a box somewhere the gameplay of death stranding? Did Kojima just make a spaceshipless Star Citizen?
You have all those futuristic space ships and only way to carry deliveries is by hand?
It's immersive!
Rodina already did this and one person made it
>paying money to be a space delivery boy
Someone else got in his ship, guys.
He had a stowaway hiding on board that has no idea how to fly with the new hovermode controls and thus blows the fuck up.
that's amazing
computers are amazing
Have they had ANY video showing gameplay?
Plenty. The gameplay is shit though.
no like gameplay besides "getting in and out of a ship" or "walking around a hanger"
Yeah, there's combat and such. it's like a gay old man Freelancer
I can't believe all you reddit faggots fell for this shitty scam game lmao
no, the ships spazing out when you exit them on a planet is pretty common. Sometimes they straight up disappear and sometimes they get launched away. Previously they would just launch off the planet with the old flight physics but ever since the introduced hover mode the ships just stay near the planet and blow themselves up.
>pay $20 once
>get full game with limitless ship building possibilities and extremely advanced simulation
>made by one guy
>is a finished product
wow right
Yeah it looks like a $20 game made by one mook as well.
It's sad how much this game missed it's mark. It's a fantastic tech demo, but there's literally nothing to do outside of picking up macguffins. The main story should really be hand-crafted instead of randomly generated like everything else, especially now that surface structures are in. At present, there's no real reason to ever do combat outside of the ship.
It's not about how it looks, it's about what it does. And that is being literally the only game on the market to deliver a 100% realistic space combat.
Real space combat would be drones, my guy, not Star Wars.
B-but look at that perfect box carrying gameplay!
Him standing there holding the box through the whole thing made it all come together.
And what do you think you see in the video?
Drones is what you use if you want to win the game. Engaging with capital ships is secondary/last resort. That said, you can literally build a ship that's a few kilometers long and uses vanilla capital ships as drones, with crew compartments stripped out and replaced with nukes.
>see chode
>think i'm on /egg/ for a second
>ever posting chode
I wish I had dreams as nice as yours
Eventually you learn to enjoy those mind breaking hangovers in a way. You never truly appreciate alcohol unless you experience the misery of sobriety sometimes.
Its just another form of Chris Chan, but instead of having a house full of shit merch they have a HDD full of imaginary space ships.
What? You don't want to work for future Amazon?
>new Amazon Wagie DLC (which will be for sale before the game comes out, of course)
>must complete a set number of deliveries every day or you get "fired" and have to buy your spaceship again
>with real money
>have to drop space packages off on the hazardous planet Detroitius which is inhabited by space groillas
damn, planetside 2 looking nice
new patch?
All I wanted was Freelancer but with better graphics, more ship variety and a bigger, more dynamic universe.
They put all these unneeded features in the game that are sure to leave it a buggy unoptimized mess for years, and none of the demos I've seen look fun at all.
I haven't spent a cent on this, but I'm disappointed because I know we'll never get a proper space sim again.
imagine posting is the best posting
damn that game is fantastic but im too brainlet to play it
any good youtube channels that do fights and shit that i can look at?
am I supposed to be impressed by that webm?
Yes. Name 1 other game where you can send hundreds of accurately simulated nukes at an opponent.
Everything about this is so amateurish
It's been like 4 years and the 3rd person animations are still glitchy and janky as fuck
>3rd person animations are still glitchy and janky as fuck
First person animations also suck dick. The head wobbling is turbo retarded.
That's clearly bait you retards
Accurately simulated blips and streaks at 0.1fps, how engaging.
>you're probably the NPC cultist if you're parroting the popular meme line regularly regurgitated by people who have zero experience with the thing itself
>mfw Starbase is coming out soon
that's simply not true
That look like a 2$ shitty game in a bargain bin. Wouldnt even buy it then.
Infinitely more depth than dogfighting in space with starwars physics.
Dev here. It hurts a bit.
Proton rockets have a 90 % success rate, which in rocket terms means it's horrible.
he fell
Star Citizen is completely fucked up atm so you don't really need to lie about it, mate. The truth is already enough to really hurt the game.
this game is so fucking unbelievably bad. there is no fun
The simulation resolution isn't even high enough to detail shit like collision and damage beyond basic locational stuff.
Every ship has permanent insurance during the alpha.
The game hasn't worked with ultra wide monitors since they began releasing alphas.
The latest fucks up the entire ship UI.
They focus more on creating ships instead of fixing issues with basic functionality for any game.
in what sense?
I’m going to wait to buy it on sale for $1 with all of its content. Course this game won’t be done till my new born son is putting me in diapers.
That's like calling the world in Minecraft equally as impressive as the one in RDR2 or BotW.
My friends and I have been doing this for a while now in Space Engineers. We work together to make the ship as well.
it is
They've had this bug for years. I remember watching in their presentation in 2016 and seeing something similar happen. Docking and landing just randomly makes shit spaz out and/or explode. This is a nearly game breaking bug that hasn't been fixed in AT LEAST 3 fucking years.
I can’t even imagine being someone who is not only excited for the game but dropped any amount of money into it.
As a fan of Jurassic World Evolution it’s been extremely painful waiting months for them to put out content that should have been in the game at release and now an entire year later we are finally getting closer to the game it should have been but even then certain design choices have fucked it in the long run. I can’t imagine doing this for 8 years with no end in sight, paying tons of money, all the while never actually getting to play the game.
Jesus Christ
After 8 years and 200 million $ one expects more.
Blood rushed to his head suddenly when he sat down, so he became dizzy and he fell off the chair. Amazing motion sickness feature.
Yes, almost 2 years ago now.
And it's still really no closer to being released, they've missed their roadmap that they were apparently confident in hitting, by a massive fucking amount at that.
It is. You can ram ships, slice them in half, etc.
Didn't know they outsourced it to Bethesda.
No one gives a fuck, I want a space sim that actually immerses me not some lame UI game.
I mean the whole "actually walking on a ship that is moving in a live environment and landing on a planet that is also moving through that same environment then transitioning from walking inside the ship to walking on the planet" thing is a pretty big deal but yeah after all this time I assumed they at least solved that issue
>park mode
I fucking hate americans and their automatics
I almost dumped $160 on the Super Hornet pack over half a decade ago in the hopes I'd be able to live out out my "coop 2 manned fighter Top Gun in space" fantasy and I'm glad as fuck I didn't.
>Back the game in 2015 because the progress they were showing off looked fantastic to me at the time
>Four years later and basically no progress
>Meanwhile they're being defended left and right with people saying it's an alpha and then giving them another thousand dollars to repeat this cycle forever
>Meanwhile they're introducing dog shit features like hover mode, probably on purpose to justify having something to rework and keep the game in perpetual development
I'm only angry now, that the game I thought was going to be good is being ruined by both these cultists and the developers.
>actually walking on a ship(...)
that's something you can literally do in fucking unity if you're not a complete amateur
Why do automatics trigger 3rd worlders so much? It’s like you hate when things are easier for you.
>This retard thinks automatics exist only in america
driving stick is easy as fuck man, what are you on about
Too bad the ship designs are basically toy rockets.
>reading comprehension
Did I say it wasn’t easy? Or did I say automatics were easier.
>tfw I need an extra 30k to buy my Evo FE
It looks like it still has thrusters going
Is this like crysis where the player character is obscenely heavy?
in what context? a static world map?
>got a friend of 8 years
>learn 2 weeks ago that he owns Star Citizen practically from the beginning
>say what
>so like how is it
>"oh yeah, it's totally great, no regrets haha"
>so do you still play it or
>"oh no there is nothing to do yet really"
>you kidding me, after all this time?
>does not elaborate more
Can anyone confirm it? Busy fuck won't let me into his house, I can't believe that shit
I came close. Thank you logic.
they cost a lifes wages in dumbfuckistan
then why do you need easy things to be easier? are you this incapable? it's like "yeah, taking a shit is easy enough, but i need someone to wipe my arse so it's easier".
Makes me wonder what sort of bugs we will see in starfield
Especially excited to see what happens when you uncap the fps
Now I want that in ED
There's a reason Bethesda games and games like Star Citizen are insanely buggy, their engines are extremely complex and actually calculate most things cheap.
In Bethesda games for example, NPCs are actual characters with "lives", a real inventory, character data regarding their appearance, etc. The world is filled with thousands of entities, lootable items that are actually physical and not just static props and it's all persistent. You drop a dildo from your mod that cell will retain that dildo no matter where you are in the world. The scale of their games in terms of technical depth is far higher than almost all AAA games, which is a reason for their bugginess and reluctance to create a new engine as that would be a monumental task.
>calculate most things without cheating*
Brain died, somehow.
I bought into this many years ago and here is my opinion
>Game runs like absolute ass on a fairly moderate build
>literally nothing to do except kill some guys or deliver shit
>outpost on every planet is the exact same model with the exact same FUCKING FLOATING SPOON
>Space Marine is a complete cluster fuck and unplayable
If I could get my money back I would, this is the biggest scam in the world, just paying for some people to fucking around and experiment in Amazon's game engine
you are an absolute moron.
>Epic store
Shenmue did boxes 15 years ago. It wasn't a lot of fun.
Why the fuck would anyone ever wipe their own ass again if they could get a robotoilet that automatically did it for them?
this post is true zoomer. Nevermind that a game literally isn't done after 8 years and one of the largest budgets ever, lets just focus on the aesthetics.
I backed it with like $130,
the progress looks great but holy shit if it isn't slow.
I'm not gonna defend that shit, because they're clearly in some sort of development hell.
By the time the game is finally ready (in 5-10 years) it's going to be outdated as fuck and probably forgotten.
I'm patient and the money I spent wasn't "that" bad, but I still get why people call it a scam
no, anything. also, SC has a static coord system, not that it matters. if you want a retard solution, it's basically player.transform.parent = whatevership.transform, but in actuality you just set a relation system where one object sets its translation in relation to another(or it's simulated gravitational field). as for landing on the planet the easiest retard solution would be something like "let the player be affected by planet's gravity only now" and just solve for local collisions with the ship.
>Game runs like absolute ass on a farily moderate build
I used to be able to run the game on my 3570k 970. I had a great time going to Kareah or whatever it's called now and jousting over there with other retards. I used to get around 50 FPS or so back in the 2.6 era. I'm lucky to get 24 FPS now. Shit sucks.
Each ship has its own physics grid, which is on a spherical planet with its own physics grid which is located in space which has its own physics grid with 64bit precision. Each ship is made up of many components which are their own physical entities, unlike other games that have one vehicle and every "accessory" (chair, guns, doors, etc.) merged in into one entity. This is extremely hard on the server which is why you see clipping and general jank when the server bogs down.
Go attempt that in Unity and report back.
>NPCs are actual characters with "lives", a real inventory, character data regarding their appearance, etc
Not just the NPCs but things like trains too.
That game is not out yet. You're a shill. Reported for marketing.
You're a dunce if you think Starfield won't just be TES/FO reskinned with space shit and endless loading screens.
bro, no game keeps that data on hand for the entire runtime, you keep shit in a sphere around the player on hand and cache the rest. nobody gives a fuck about a dildo 2 km away, so the game doesn't even consider it for anything other than "the player is close, enable this".
I bought this shit almost when it was first announced and I've never played it. Downloading now, only 40gbs of patches left
But the entire thing is a mess of cheating and shortcuts that at the best of times is barely functional.
NPCs aren't actual characters with lives, they're actors that follow a glorified list routine and automatically teleport to where they're supposed to be half of the time. They have inventories that reset regularly and many containers and various other cells also get reset sporadically and aren't safe to store your loose items in for long periods of time.
It's not technological depth it's the wizard of Todd trying to convince you to spend another $60 on already dated horseshit.
>Game with a ton of actual flaws to criticize
>No, I will make shit up on the internet
Why do people do this?
not the same
If you want to transport boxes more quickly you're going to have to pay for that.
Except for Star Citizen. I don't think they've completed object container streaming yet, 8 years later.
>posting ChoDE on Yea Forums
Come on, Yea Forums is full of retarded consolebabies who never played actual games. Pearls before swine.
I'm not that guy but I think you're missing the point. That game seems like a good simulation (though probably not as deep as aurora) but Star Citizen people aren't looking for some sort of perfect simulation. Thats not whats important to them so bragging about how perfect your simulator is won't really matter. They want a game where they can walk around in their ships and explore planets and have WW2 style dog fights in space, all with nice graphics and modern comforts. That game of yours might be infinitely better in terms of simulating space combat or whatever, but they'll never accept it.
Space Engineers is a static map with immobile planets where as Star Citizen actually has moving celestial bodies and everything is in motion relative to something else. Space Engineers is also one of the buggiest games I have ever played in my life. One of the most common bugs I experienced when playing it in multiplayer was how it failed to do a good job at exactly what you're claiming it does, and players on board moving ships would randomly collide with the ship they were in, and since the ship was moving fast relative to the 100% static map, would instakill them with collision damage.
>it finally explodes in the distance
okay, and how is that in any way impressive?
> has its own physics grid
so literally a navmesh and a set of collliders and a rigidbody? seriously man, any competent programmer can do that shit. there's other games which do this or similar stuff and it doesn't fucking spaz out like that.
Shiny colorful jet fighters in space look like toys, not these scientifically solid designs.
Empyrion Galactic Survival? It's in Early Access. Is it really good? The only other Early Access game that is decent is Space Engineers.
>I don't think they've completed object container streaming yet
i refuse to believe that, first thing you do when prototyping is set object poolers and such.
It also has solid gameplay, story, campaign, and is fun.
I've got a 21:9 and it works fine for me?
>i refuse to believe that
>first thing you do when prototyping
They did literally none of that. They made assets first and then did R&D for basic tech.
They have completed clientside OCS, just not server side shit meaning the server is calculating literally everything happening in the "universe" hence the trash FPS on populated servers.
I believe their solution is to eventually assign individual seamless servers based on areas and then in the far future dynamic servers where needed, like 10 on one planet if the load calls for it. Whether that happens on not, dunno.
You realize your manual transmission is a greatly simplified version of early systems that were made easier over time for the sake of the user right?
Things get streamlined and easier as time goes on. That is the way of things.
I assume you're not accessing this through a fucking dos prompt you fucking ludite.
>Each ship has its own physics grid, which is on a spherical planet with its own physics grid which is located in space which has its own physics grid with 64bit precision. Each ship is made up of many components which are their own physical entities, unlike other games that have one vehicle and every "accessory" (chair, guns, doors, etc.) merged in into one entity.
You just described Kerbal Space Program, which was made in Unity.
Ok. I'd rather them forget that dildo and give me a fucking functional game.
>dry mass
>using liquid fuel propulsion rockets for combat
>piloting a glorified high explosive
You are retarded. You are asking for death.
yeah, and non-existing content is one thing, basic systems not functioning is quite another.
So, how much longer until they go bankrupt?
Okay, so name other games that do it with a moving physics grid with seamless transitions.
You have no idea what you're talking about .KSP moves space around your ship, this would be impossible for an online game for obvious reasons. The entire system is a cheat, KSP does not have 64bit precision either.
>when this buggy mess launches in a completely unplayable way with two solar systems to explore, there will be people buying it who weren't even alive when development started
I mean whoever wrote that article was retarded, because they were selling ships since the beginning.
I don't know how much their company costs to operate a month but they seem to be printing cash
Un-ironically potentially soon. Even the cultists are worried as their arguments for spending on ships have now transitioned ot
>We must buy to ensure that CIG can finish the game! They need our support to stay afloat!
I always avoided threads regarding this game and the other one, I think Elite Dangerous? because didn't want to get enticed into getting into them. Are any of these games worth it? Are there any good "space exploration games" that aren't 4x?
>You realize your manual transmission
well, there's a difference between not having to literally go out of the car to handcrank start it and not having to shift gears.
but i get it, automatics are good, i'm not denying that. what i'm finding weird is getting an automatic because "i want things to be easier", when they're actually this easy already.
>this would be impossible for an online game
KSP has had multiplayer mods for years
>their engines are extremely complex
*cue NV having to use a fucking NPC for a tram animation*
Again, great. But that doesn't matter because its not the kind of game they want.
Dwarf fortress is infinitely more complex than skyrim with far more variety and such, but that doesn't matter to people who want a game like skyrim.
>Insisting on using cryengine because you thought Crysis looked cool
Producers with too much influence should hang
No, neither game is worth it. Stay the fuck away from both. ED is an incomplete game, launched as completed, with DLC that is required to be purchased, and so many microtransactions you'd think it was a gacha. SC on the other hand is a perpetually in development game with (I swear they're intentionally) new bugs and game breaking issues every day, rife with pay 2 win mechanics, and is still on a single incomplete star system 8 fucking years later.
read: "Yea Forumsirgins hates and doesn't play videogames, even chess they find it garbage for not having mtx or resetera memes"
in the end its all trannies fault
which is right
Jesus christ even fucking Space Engineers figured this shit like 3 years ago
It's too big to fail in the eyes of the whales
>seven years and a quarter of a billion dollars later
Which means ships may well spaz out when you unlock the fps like in skyrim.
why did you post a selfie?
>Instead of focusing on game mechanics CIG is wasting time making real time elevators and trams
>3.6 trillion dollars
The multiplayer bugs you mentioned haven't been much of a thing for a while now, but true about the static stuff. It doesn't really bother me that the map is static but you do you, man. I hope SC gets released some day. Not even trying to be a dick.
>Okay, so name other games that do it with a moving physics grid with seamless transitions.
kerbal space program, new X4 iirc, no man's sky, homeworld has moving ships docking to other moving ships, any game with moving platforms, gw2 tower of madness, etc etc.
listen, this isn't difficult. it's not rocket science where you have to solve an n-body problem. implementing artificial gravity isn't new or difficult, same with planet gravity or any round body gravity - flash games did that shit when kongregate was standing up.
I don't remember the Rock Paper Scissors update fixing a single fucking bug, and it only introduced more. Some players on my server had to play with their sound muted because the new ship mass -> thruster noise pitch shifting system was bugged and would randomly just start blowing out peoples fucking eardrums until they restarted their clients. It was an interesting method, though.
oh no its retarded
it is totally autistic. i hate that faggot.
they should make it playable and then advance from there but they get all that useless shit into it. who cares about all that "immersion" crap if the game is not playable the next 5 years
>blowing out people's eardrums
The benefits of a dedicated headphone amplifier. Good audio and I can avoid shit like that.
There are not going to be any gameplay. This game is not selling gameplay in the first place.
I don't know why this meme gets pushed so often. There's zero complexity to it because every single item in the world is abstracted away in the world. It's literally just "object: { id, x, y, z }" with implementation that references a pick up function, a move/grab function, and a render function that inherits collision rules. This is basic shit, this is not fucking nobel prize level science and programming and you idiotic shit-lickers need to do your research before you defend one of the laziest devs in the industry.
>tfw you spent money on this
The memes are worth it honestly
>ad hominem
That thing looks like a childs toy.
user you're the one completely misunderstanding the problem to the point you think Homeworld is an example of it being solved in the past. There's no other word suitable for you.
>CIG reveal the ballista, a vehicle from SQ42
>They proceed to sell the ballista, a vehicle from SQ42
>They're taking SQ42 assets which have already been funded by the backers, and selling them back to the backers to buy again
>People are buying ships and vehicles they have already funded
have sex
Alrighty, thanks. Are there any games that -are- worth it and look like released in this decade?
>they should make it playable
They're too busy making and selling ships, no joke. I don't understand why the artists who are working on ships can't work on planets and start the process for more star systems.
The fuck.
all I bought was two 35 dollar ship packs for my brother and best friend and a 150 bucks on a Freelancer pack during the initial Bengal drive.
I think my brother upgraded his package to a Connie later on.
They're not getting a single red cent more from me, desu desu.
>w e could have had freelancer 2 but on a proper 3D plane with the ability to walk around starports and the inside of your ship but instead we got a retarded feature creep simulator
starting to think microsoft studios did nothing wrong taking over freelancer from roberts desu
>13% completed
>1% compromised
>8% in alpha
>21% not implemented
>48% stagnant
>F O R T Y E I G H T P E R C E N T
>7% broken
How does this happen though?
Even No Mans Sky doesnt glitch like this
Yeah, whether or not the game is a scam is irrelevant. CIG are bigger scum than EA.
They'll continue to do stuff like this because people keep falling for it.
got it for free with my AMD GPU
>no dude things moving in another thing's reference frame is totally not the same
it's the exact fucking same, you dip, you just pretend it isn't because "muh scale and complexity". any competent programmer will tell you the same thing, it's not a difficult thing to do, you thing it is because "dude, a whole fucking planet", when the calculation is the exact fucking same.
So you got nothing
>look like released in this decade
No. Elite Dangerous is pretty ok. The dude's complaints are valid, but I wouldn't warn people with an interest in the genre to stay away from it. But then again I'm the type of person who enjoyed Euro Truck Simulator so I don't mind spending dozens of hours carting around space tourists to buy a combat ship that I'll use for maybe 10 hours.
I have mixed feelings because I have friends who actually wasted more than 100 bucks on this piece of shit.
I thought I was the only one.
None of the planets, stations, stars, etc in No Mans Sky moved. The entire universe had one single frame of reference. There wasn't a lot of room for physics bugs to show their face.
Stop comparing Elite Dangerous to Euro Truck Simulator. There are no similarities. ED is literally a loading screen simulator followed by a floating through empty space simulator.
I had a friend who was a huge Mass Effect and Star Citizen fan and basically considers the latter to be the holy grail of space games.
Kinda worried about him now
>No Man Sky will actually turn out better than Star Citizen
Even if it releases it will be a battleground for whales and everyone else will get shit on.
Oh shit I remember how mad I was each solar system only had 3/4 planets max and none of them were in orbit.
Outer Wilds on the other hand had a perfectly functioning solar system. I'd take that over the explorable universe of NMS
Let's count stagnant, in alpha, compromised, and broken as 50% done (extremely generous, but I don't want to get more autistic with this)
That means the game is roughly 45% done
If we also assume all the money received so far has been spent on the game (it hasn't), they keep up the current pace (they won't), and there is no more feature creep (LMAO), then means we can expect total development time to be just shy of 15 years, lasting until 2027.
If it took them 231 mil to reach this point, we can assume they'll consume around 510 mil by the time they're done.
>15 years and half a billion dollars at best
Trolleys are available for an extra 20$.
id call you a nigger, but no nigger has enough money to be deeply invested in star citizen
>game is roughly 45% done
>48% stagnant
>21% not implemented
>7% broken
>no dude half the game's already there
bro wat
b-but their roadmap says that Squadron 42 is right around the corner!
Not being a rich boomer dreaming about autistic AAA space sim and willing to dump thousands of dollars into it doesn't make you special, you retarded weeb. Star Citizen isn't a massive scam, it's a niche scam. Fuck off with this "like if you breath lmao" youtube comments section tier (you)-begging shit and fuck off with your tranny anime reaction pics.
>I am too poor to play this game waaa and it won't run on my console either!
kek, at the end it looks like he's in total despair as he realises he is trapped forever in a buggy mess.
Going between space and planet surface looks fucking amazing though. This could be an amazing mmo if it worked.
I literally said in the first sentence of my post that I'm counting the stuff between not implemented and completed as half their percentage
>The game is roughly 45% done
It looks so cool and the concept is awesome but I knew there was absolutely no way in hell any of this would ever be real
>Game in development
I have a Cutlass Black and the game runs on my PC.
Fuck off Todd
Space Engine space craft mode
to those who are not woken yet
How much did you spent on Scam Citizen?
someone please edit the panel where he lands to make it glitch out like the webm OP posted
I think you're just retarded and overestimating the problem, due to your lack of understanding, and unwavering faith in RSI. It must be a difficult problem, because they haven't solved it yet, if it was simple they could solve it instead of spending so much time selling me more ships.
$40 for the basic Sq42 package.
havent laughed this hard in awhile
probably nothing in your sad life to laugh about
>don't want to spend money on a obvious scam
>y-you're just too poor haha
The game isn't out yet. You don't need to fix bugs until towards the end of development
its ok user if you donate more they can add fixing it as an after launch goal!
Can I go into the captain's quarters and jerk off?
at this rate it'll be out when we have actual space ships to pilot.
>nah we don't need to fix this game-breaking bug, let's just put more useless content like face-tracking!
Yeah I'm not trying to defend it, but this is normal game development
The game isn't out. It doesn't make sense to fix bugs when you're still adding content. Early Access was a mistake, it ruined the perception of game development for you fucking nigger zoomers.
>this was made unironically
there's still Yea Forumslancer, and underspace
Jokes aside: isn't one of Creatbryo's strengths that (its immense shittiness aside) it's immensely moddable in the first place? Wouldn't it be even harder to make a modern and stable engine that ALSO is easily and thoroughly accommodating to mods?
Also, we should take into consideration that a brand new engine would mean that modders would have to learn a new one from scratch. While it'd be true that in the long run it's better to move on to something better, there would be a significant downtime as mods and mod tools caught up to the new system.
It already "released" years ago thats why it cant be refunded anymore
I'm excited for it. Cucks will pay hundreds of millions out of pocket for a decade to produce this game and I will enjoy it for FREE on my PC.
>there are people in this thread that fell for the Star Citizen and Sam Hyde bring dating scam
>the virgin belle delphine: sells bathwater, gets a bit of money before her instagram gets shut down
>the chad chris roberts: sells pictures of spaceships, gets millions of dollars, sells more pictures of spaceships for more millions
>Wouldn't it be even harder to make a modern and stable engine that ALSO is easily and thoroughly accommodating to mods?
The locked down nature of doom has me suspecting zenimax actually hate mods.
>Leaves autopilot on
I see nothing wrong here
theres nothing broken to fix
>that site listing all the Broken and Unimplemented features
>use the fucking cryengine to make a space mmo
>spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to jury rig a game engine to do things it was never meant to
>still doesn't work after 7 years
sorry for your brain tumor, poor thing wont have to share the same space with you soon
thanks for the keks
point me to whats broken in the webm pr in the game samefag brainlet
The best shit was the fucking water. All the physics in cry engine were tied to a sea level that had to be present in game, so what did RSI do? They just put the water level down really really low on the Y axis, so most people wouldn't encounter it, but it was actually possible for you to fly down too low and drown inside your ship underwater, and have it blow up.
That's true, but does anyone seriously expect modern DOOM to be moddable?
It really does seem like Zeni is doubling down on shit like that. I fully expect TES games in the future to require Creation Club, meaning if a modder insists on going the paid route, that's the only way to get their mod.
heres a (you) though
Same shit happens to games trying to force Frostbite, I think.
At least with pyramid schemes, people are being promised high profits. In this case, people are being promised a shitty VIDEO GAME, and they've managed to suck these losers out of 230 mil. Amazing.
still waiting
FIFA uses Frostbite and it works.
A bunch of ERPers are shitting on it right now because it's a Freelancer clone, it's depressing but confirmation that RPers need to die a painful death.
Honestly start with Darkstar one as an entry level space game, then go on to X3
how old is this?
90% of people that post in a thread like this know literally 0% about the game but love to talk about it.
99% of the people who post in these threads have never once done any sort of programming, rendering, sound design, etc. in any sort of way but like to mention development time as if it means anything.
How is a sports game anywhere near comparable. A better example would be mass effect andromeda or anthem, both of those games suffered a lot because of frostbite.
>Darkstar One
Is a shittier Freelancer, just go Freelancer
I just wanted Freelancer 2 and was so hyped in 2012. I never asked for this bloated autism simulator.
Da fuk?
>Is a better freelancer
>when you make a game to bring back a dead game and dads get mad
At recent QuakeCon Marty said NuuM's unmoddability is caused by some technical decisions they made early in development. I blame consoles.
He also said that new engine has significantly more potential to be moddable although it's a long-term goal and certainly no modding tools will be released on launch.
Underrated comment.
>better Freelancer
What kind of shit are you smoking?
the good shit my nigga
evidently not, you're having a serious bad trip
>erping crossfire playing
Explain this bullshit posthaste
why is that guy hand delivering a single box
Why the FUCK hasn't anyone shut down this scam
And that's what they promised with the Kickstarter too, that's the worst part. We were going to get the cinematic Squadron 42, and when you beat that, the game went open world and turned into Freelancer 2. I started seriously thinking about buying in, and then the MMO talk started happening, and I remembered Chris Roberts is worse than Peter Molyneux when it comes to grandiose visions and no means of delivering them.
All the remaining Freelancer servers are populated by ERPing furries who get mad at anything new and better
this is the most incredible part of the whole debacle. even if they somehow miraculously turned out an incredible game, it's still already ruined. they'd have to somehow back out of all the existing early access p2w shit they've done.
You don't even know what's inside of it, man...
You can't be serious, right?
good goy
What's with the giant snake, is that going to be in game?
I am completely serious.
Best post in this thread.
looks like it already is
criminally underrated post
also based
>You just copied Chris Roberts' game 1:1!
>No, literally everything is either licensed or made by me
>Y-yeah well you should have made it look different!
Honestly hiroshimoot should at the very least have the thread watcher and reply notifications integrated
Ah funny, I was currently in the process of watching through that whole video.
When is the game coming out?
To be fair it is a 1:1 copy, but you can't copyright infringe gameplay
Fucking automatic fags.
Well that's promising. assuming it's not just excuses to cover for zenimax
Also I recently redowloaded 16 and snap map seems to have been expanded, there are maps with custom geometry and textures now.
That's great but they want something else as the other user mentioned so oh well.
There might be something very important inside the box.
>Go to a nebula and two giant eyes start swimming towards you
Will Star Citizen even have nebulas, or did they ditch that because it's not realistic enough for the dads
Even Discovery?
I used to play back in 2010ish but feel like there is no point to get back into it
>Will Star Citizen even have
Who the fuck honestly knows at this point? We'll be lucky to have more than one star system. They haven't even begun the "technology" to jump between systems.
Props to the guy for doing something interesting with the engine
>eve online has a fully working massive multiplayer "realistic" size star cluster with stars, planets, stations, wormholes, asteroid belts, moons and a whole load of other shit
>released in 2003
>star citizen started in 2011, eight years later they struggle to have a single working star system
i mean. how.
It's not a mod, it's a new game.
Even worse, Star Citizen is being designed like it's from 2003.
>Introduce a hacking mechanic
>You have to wait for 20 minutes
Discovery is the worst, it's full of furries
>>You have to wait for 20 minutes
for what? that can't be true
For the hacking tool to just work. They claimed it was a "bug" and then cut it in half.
Lots of games share engines.
It looks and feels like the underpinnings of Freelancer, though extensively changed, but if it is just visual differences, it had me fooled.
It's Unity, according to the devs.
>missed his monthly payment to RSI.webm
No. He put a ms. Park on drivers seat. Asians can't drive and women can't drive.. doubling down on that shit is silly.
>that turn
What the fuck happened? The game while a mess at least had a decent flight model where ships had a sense of weight and inertia. Why the fuck can they stop on a dime?
>And that is being literally the only game on the market to deliver a 100% realistic space combat.
Because 100% realistic anything is always fucking boring.
wait so like, you turn on the tool, and wait 10 fucking minutes? fucking lol, that's some mobile gaming shit, what's next, "you can instantly hack for only 10 space creds" ?
>thinking development will ever end
Good luck to the guy then, a new take on the genre with familiar mechanics, nothing wrong with it.
>What's next
Yes, you can buy better tools that don't break after one use and hack faster. Also they cost like 10k credits plus for even the basic one
americans are so stupid theyre like a lemon to be squeezed, walking moneybags everywhere just giving it away all the time
I mean 200 million dollarydoos jesus fuckin christ
>10k credits
is that rmt currency, or can you earn that in game?
The credits are earned in game, you cannot buy the alpha credits. But you can buy credits for the final game. But the problem is that someone with a starter ship will take hours upon hours to earn the required credits.
Their kickstarter got only $12,716, less than what average whale has spent so far on Star Citizen. I'm impressed how it looks given the low budget.
It's amazing what happens when you don't spend everything on coffee machines and doors
Coffee machines are serious business.
More like a lucrative business.
$12k is pretty much at least a year of living comfortably in slavland, so i see how those low-goal 1ma kickstarters can work
Credits bought in the game will be (last I heard) capped heavily to make it a "You want some game cash if you didn't play for a few weeks so you don't need to worry about paying your in-game upkeep costs or grind " kinda thing not a "Buy the credits you need for a new ship and kit it out with gear".
The game is designed to take time - that's why its more of a virtual world simulation. We've yet to see how that balancing will be, but from the very beginning there are some core tenets - there is no "best" ship and there's no "profession hierarchy" where your'e supposed to race for the "best trading ship" vs the "best fighter" vs the "best mining ship" and only care about really progressing if you have the "top" one. Even more expensive ships for different tasks are more sidegrades - ie there's MISC Hull E is a huge motherfucking trading ship capable of hauling tons of cargo, but its basically a container ship with near to zero defenses. You'd better stay in shipping lanes IF you can even afford to operate the Hull E to begin with, not to mention hiring guards as an escort. Conversely, the Banu Merchantman isn't quite as big, but has more defenses itself,. is more mobile, and can be engaged in a different sort of trade - white, grey, or black market, vs a Hull E style container ship. Both of them could be ways to make a fortune trading... and so could running a Constellation Phoenix or a Drake Herald with secret data to sell, or an Endeavor operating a drug lab out in zero-security space if you're brave enough...
The game is supposed to have roles for every ship and even "cheaper" ships are supposed to be useful - fuck, right now there's a "News Van" variant of a cheap ship model thats the only dedicated news-broadcaster around! This is the kind of game where things are supposed to take time - from travel, to earning cash for a new ship etc... to give the world scope etc. Its not designed to spend to get around that even allowed!
If you're talking about Russia - you can live comfortably there spending less than half of that a year.
It's trainwiz, I'm pretty sure he's american.
this looks kinda fun tbqh
They uncapped the credits, you can buy as much as you want, but you can only buy so much at a time.
>The game is designed to take time
No, the game is designed to make you buy ships. There are absolutely best ships as there are ships which are explicit steps up in combat, in hauling and trading.
>The game is supposed to have roles for every ship and even "cheaper" ships are supposed to be useful
Is this pasta I'm responding to? Yeah, ships have roles to the point that you'll need a billion ships if you want to do different things in game. Nobody gives a fuck about a news-broadcaster because even CIG doesn't know how the fuck they'll implement that gameplay.
This is so stupid, you dont even have a game loop and care about developing the ship interior? this game is pure scam
Assets were done before major engine components were even considered. They've redone some ships like four or five times now.
Typically the small $10k to $25k kickstarters are one or two man weekend projects in addition to their day job, where that money is being used to purchase assets.
There's a lot of coders out there who have zero artistic ability, so they have no choice but to partner up or contract out the art. It gets expensive if you want it to look even halfway decent.
>tfw some beta from here bought my package (the ship that looks like a sports car) and I refunded it a year later for its full value to myself by playing their support before they got anal about refunds
>anal about refunds
That's a cute way of saying they're permanently denying refunds by transferring you over to a """"REFUND SPECIALIST"""" that literally doesn't exist.
Credits are not "uncapped", they're not balanced at all as of yet because we don't have a complete economic universe sim as of yet. You won't be able to buy an unlimited amount of credits at launch/live etc.. be it at once or over time. They simply have yet to decide if that will be based on how the in-game economy shapes up once all the pieces are there.
Make you "buy ships" (or otherwise acquire them) by playing the game perhaps, not buy forking out real money. There are "steps up" but there isn't one terminal point even within one task type, much less a single "best" ship overall. Everything is situational. People flying a Defender, Hurricane, Vanguard, Spectre, and Hornet are all flying non-starter level fighters, but there's no "best" and even someone with a Gladius (fighter from 1 tier lower) could compete. Not to mention the costs of upkeep, equipment etc.. on each.
There are lots of general-use ships in game, and you're encouraged to build a fleet. Lots of earlier tier and even some later tier ships are, or can be customized to be very versatile. Sure, if you want highly specialized ships you'll need to buy them but you can still take a contract for say.. personnel transport with tons of kinds of ships, but if you want to literally operate a commercial spaceline you can buy a Genesis (which is good for being a starliner and not much else) . And they already talked about the news van thing, given the way communications both within and between systems will take time, there is a gameplay element there . Recording events and broadcasting it, etc.. will be a game dynamic so someone covering a pirate attack can make credits that way, or a commission to go and cover the latest race/sport event.
Credits are uncapped and have been for years. You used to only be able to buy a set amount before you could no longer buy any more period. CIG realized that they would lose a potential source of income so now you can buy credits until the cows come home, but again, you can only buy X per day.
>Not by forking over real money
Stop damage controlling them releasing a new better ship every month.
>There are "steps up"
Get the fuck out of here nigger. A sabre will shit all over a Titan, or even a hornet.
>Everything is situational
Yes, and if you want to be in a certain situation (mining) you need to PAY REAL MONEY TO EVEN MINE WITH THE SHIP
>There are lots of general use ships in game
There are no general use ships, because specialized tasks require specific ships. You will never have any ship that is multipurpose.
>Recording events and broadcasting will be a game dynamic
No it won't.
This why a JRPG from 1998 still looks better than most indieshit.
>tfw you leave your car then realize its still in gear 1
What is realistic spacecombat anyway? Nobody here on Earth can answer that.
But I don't think its WW2 dogfighting in space.
>You kinda can't
Stop talking like a fucking woman.
You could do that inn 2142 with 48 people on a huge map all shooting at each other dipshit.
Stop shitposting Trainwiz, go finish your game.
Your game looks great and already shilled to my friends and it's pretty potato friendly too
>They focus more on creating ships instead of fixing issues with basic functionality for any game.
Because making more ships = more money for them. MWO for instance was in a terribly sorry state for years with very little content but they continually kept making more mechs that are just blobs of hardpoints without many defining characteristics that they could charge 15-45 dollars for.
>100% realistic space combat.
>people actually believe this
This game has ruined marriages. Guys were spending thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on this game and hiding it from their wives, pulling money out of college funds and retirement savings for this.
So what if I am? Does that offend you?
>pay $10000 real money for a digital spaceship
>it bugs out and blows itself up
Money well spent!
>NPCs are actual characters with "lives", a real inventory, character data regarding their appearance,
None of this is complicated or even impressive and an NPC's "life" is a dozen or so paths to walk and points to perform a meaningless action in in random intervals.
this is the most pseudo-intellectual thing I've read about game development in a few months, congratulations
>code in a bunch of features
>can see the bugs
>ignore them and just keep slapping on new features
>code's unreadable and a mess
>so bad there's a good chance that a feature relies on a bug of another feature
>few months before release
>Ok team, time to make this game actually playable!
That's not how development works. It's been in development for so long they could have had regular content freezes to focus on fixing bugs.
The cultists don't understand this and they think real development is as follows
>Develop something
>Ignore bugs because it will create more bugs
>So continue developing until you get to beta where you iron out bugs
I wish I was joking.
Don't worry, it has lifetime insurance :^)))
This is how development works in a normal game you low functioning retard
>Build a house
>Find out that a major structural component has a flaw to it
>Ah don't worry about it, we'll fix it once we got everything mostly completed
>Get everything mostly completed
>There's now an additional floor on top of where that structural flaw is
No, no normal game does this.
All I've seen is Mandalore's roundup of the project, what else has happened since then?
Yeah it does, cuz you sound like a fag.
An infinite amount of shit. Mandalore did a follow up stream about it and it still doesn't cover up the clogged up shit they're in right now.
I'm forever single so I spent like $200 on SC over a bunch of years slowly upgrading to my dream ship, the Mercury.
The game is still buggy but the progress is actually promising. 8 years seems like a lot, but most games take around that long if they are being built from the ground up, especially considering there wasn't even a studio before they started.
Rockstar took that long to make GTAV and yet it's on a smaller scale than SC and there was already an established studio with a bunch of similar games under its belt.
>paid $30 a million years ago
>play the alpha on and off as it gets updated
> me and two friends have stupid space adventures.
>die to bugs sometimes but most of the time its funny so dont mind that much
> retards staying mad cause they think they need a $10000 dollar package to play
yeah i dont care much for the price of some of this shit but hot damn ive already had my $30 worth of fun and its nice to come back very couple months and see the changes.
>ive already had my $30 worth of fun
Tell me time traveler, what year does the game actually release?
can't tell if bad joke or poor ability to read
I hope no one in these threads is a big fan of Starsector because that's a fucking 2D game that is taking over a decade to finish.
You don't get your money's worth out of a shitty, broken, mess that isn't even a full product no matter how hard you convince yourself, you nut.
so your saying...you have NEVER had fun with a any janky game EVER. ur missing out on a lot of stuff user
What would you consider a full product?
Besides the quarterly resets the game is playable but buggy.
yes please
>Preemptively preparing yourself mentally for the game to just shut down at any moment before proper launch by trying to convince yourself that despite not getting what you paid for, you got your money's worth
This is the true cult like autism.
>What would you consider a full product
Well let's start with them giving what they sold.
>The game is playable
Yes, "playable". Still with nothing to do, tier 0 implementations of core features (many of which there aren't any) and a flight model that needs to be redone every 6 months. With major technology still missing from the game, I question if we'll ever get anything resembling the full product that Roberts the snake oil salesman conned 300 million dollars out of people for.
>Still with nothing to do
You can do missions and grind for a bunch of ships that you can buy in game already. The only reason most people are not interested in doing this is the quarterly resets.
>You can do missions
The missions are either broken (quest givers don't even respond to you like that one woman) or they're mindless bullshit like go into an asteroid field to kill the same broken NPCs.
>grind for a bunch of ships
It's sad that you thought this was a good response to prove my statement wrong.
You're a fucking nigger retard, software development is nothing like building a fucking house. Yes you're absolute ignorance makes me mad.
The irony of this post
>Besides the quarterly resets the game is playable but buggy.
As a person that was $600 deep before refunding in the face of Chris' autism, no. Its not playable. Its a fucking mess.
There's nothing currently in the game that works right, and even if it DID, the content is so repetitive and boring there's nothing to keep you occupied for more than a few days.
Wasn't this fundamentally the problem with Elite Dangerous? They gave players a big sandbox where you could make money trading, mining, fighting, whatever, but it turns out a lot of players just get bored when you put them in a big sandbox and tell them to have fun. Hopefully Star Citizen will have learned from that and taken steps to deal with it somehow, but it's an easy trap to fall into when so many gamers tell you they want complete freedom to do anything.
>follow up stream
Link to this? Is this it?: youtu.be/3slnXcQmtV8
Who's watching avorion?
>the content is so repetitive and boring there's nothing to keep you occupied for more than a few days.
So basically its in the same state as Elite Dangerous.
i don't follow this game outside of its kikestarter infamy
what's happening here?
>You can do missions and grind for a bunch of ships that you can buy in game already.
The prices of the larger ships make them unfeasible to purchase to anyone that isn't running minmax haul flights with a Catpillar.
Currency resets every patch too, so you'll have to do it all over again even if you did sink 100 hours into buying a ship.
>Wasn't this
Yes, and it's still the problem with that game. Chris has learned nothing from its faults, and even worse, he's doubling down on its faults because of the whole pay 2 win with ships deal they have going on.
Actually yes, and thats one of my concerns about the final game. There is a lot to add from here out though, and I feel like the ability to exist outside of (or even inside of) the ship will open the doors to a lot of new things that keep it interesting.
>Space shootan game
>Try and do a hauling mission
>AI pirate warps in and starts flying in circles
>You try and shoot it but your bullets fly straight through
>Try to continue with the mission, but the end NPC does not exist
>Crashes to desktop
sauce on the author?
>Try and do a hauling mission
>Interdicted 500 times on top of your 30 minute trip through quantum space
It's like ED but worse in every way only you can get out of your ship.
Aside from technical aspects, I'd add that the NPC's in Bethesda games and Oblivion especially fall in the uncanny valley. They kind of go about routines, more so than a lot of other games would, but they do so in such a way that's so far removed from how any real person would behave that it comes off as goofy. Majora's Mask's NPCs feel more real and have more character than anyone in Oblivion.
I think it's a fair comparison. If one faulty component relies on another faulty component, and fixing one completely breaks the other, then "bug fixing" can turn into rewriting the project.