Why do video games cost more in Australia than in the USA?
Why do video games cost more in Australia than in the USA?
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because you cunts get paid more aye
GST. Standard price in USD is approx 60, in AUD it is around 100. At FX rate of 0.7, 10% GST roughly makes up the difference.
Other than kangaroo meat, is there anything that's cheaper in Australia than it is in the
US or Europe?
Human life.
GST plus other taxes, like the wholesale sales tax (ie: tax on luxury goods), import tariffs and licensing fees. Then the cherry on top is how well our dollar is doing compared to the US.
Playing MMORPGs back when the exchange rate was bad was the absolute worst, I was paying $25 or $30/month for $12/m USD MMOs.
These days they really don't by any noteworthy amount when you factor in exchange rate. It's not like say, a decade ago when EB was pushing for $120 for a new AAA title despite our dollar being near or above the USD. Now other purchases like subscriptions or hardware itself? That's mainly just companies gouging you.
exchange rate
you can get new games from jb hifi for 69 or 79 bucks depending on the game first week of release
i generally have no idea how eb games is still in business
Does anyone still buy from brick and mortar stores? If you can find a game at Big W, it's usually cheap enough, JB is 50/50 and EB is fucking ridiculous. It's usually just easier to buy online for cheap.
you didnt see the sale?
n o r m a l f a g s
I know that feeling. Up here in Canada, new games are 80$ CAD...
This might blow your mind but generally products all over the entire world are priced differently based on the value of that country's currency.
oh im well aware, the BIGGEST sale yet get monster hunter world for the lowest price its been $99
Damn... that sucks to pay essentially 100$ to play a game...
Given how outrageous digital prices are here most people still buy a lot of hard copies. If it's brand new there's a decent chance that JB and EB are carrying it for a similar price, in which case it's just a question of convenience really. Plus your options are more limited if you're a kid or something that doesn't have a credit card to buy online with.
because normalfag retards go in there and buy every new cod/madden game for 100 dollars (when more often than not jb hifi is like 2 minutes away and the game is a solid 30 dollars cheaper) and also clueless parents go in there and buy overpriced gta v for 50 bucks
funko pop and other normie merch shit. the game boxes are basically just thematic wallpaper at this point.
Settle down bud. I'm Canadian, and I do think most Americans are quite rude, but you don't need to imitate like one.
i remember when they started doing that shit and a lot eb games places now have like an appendage store thats like a neo-hot topic
i went in there once just to see what the fuck it was and they were selling some plastic replica of gandalfs staff and it was like 120 dollars and i just know some fucking retard will buy it
I do, since I hate waiting for things to come through the mail.
Compared to US?
Hospital bills
the joke is they always say there's a sale
Honestly, this is probably their big money-maker nowadays. With how big "nerd culture" has become after Big Bang Theory and the MCU, they'd probably get off with selling shitty Iron Man toys to the masses for $100 a pop.
>BIGGEST sale is eb pricing things normally
Fucking strewth. Also I need a new ps4 controller but they're fucking $80 dollars what the fuck.
I usually go JB hifi, new games usually $65-70
Big W is the cheapest but I got none near me
A lot of publishers don't even want to sell games to retailers anymore. It's lossmaking for a lot of titles (especially ageing ones).
There's a local store near my area that sells older games which I occasionally pick up stuff from. They give pretty good deals when you're selling them old games, especially if you have the box & manual in good condition. They also mainly sell anime/vidya merch.
The 'EB' on the floor of Pax last year was fucking absurd. Did pick up my copy of RDR2 there though.
Higher minimum wage = more money in circulation = people willing to pay more for scarce supply of goods.
Chuck on the 10% GST and there you go.
Exchange rate means very little to the pricing of goods. Back in 2012, the Aussie dollar was trading at $1.07 USD, we were still paying $100 local for games.
As a result it was much better to import or purchase digital in USD.
Because you're there as a punishment, not to have fun
What is this about?
Land apparently. You dumb fuckers won't stop selling it to the Chinese.
Australia lacked an R18 rating for video games for a long time, restricting which games could be legally sold without censorship. That changed.
Exactly, now instead of MA15 games being rated MA15 they're rated as R18. And actual R18 games are banned unless they have the backing of a AAA publisher.
Best thing to come out of the change is my copy of Rorona Plus, rated 3+ in Europe, 10+ in UK and R18+ in Aus. Those three age labels next to each other is all the proof you need that the censorship board has their heads jammed up their assholes.
The OFLC has a massive, massive no-no rule when it comes to sexual violence an drug use.
That was totally a justified rating. I mean a child might see a woman... TOUCHING ANOTHER WOMAN. WE CANNOT HAVE SUCH FILTH ENTER THEIR HEADS.
But showing them extensive gore is perfectly acceptable and should be encouraged.
nigga what, last game I bought was red dead and I only played 59 aud
>I only played 59 aud
dumb cunt
In NSW they’re stores called Zing now and are a partner/subsidiary of EB Games
Which comes out to $40 USD right now. Exchange rates are a thing you need to keep in mind.
>tfw nobody on Yea Forums is old enough now to remember EB when it was called Electronics Boutique, sold PC components, had decent game prices, and a staff which didn’t have pink hair and actually knew something about gaming
Same thing is here in SA, Any Large eb store has one of these faggy shops next to it
this shit is cancer
based jb-hifi in the background
I wouldn't even be so bothered if they were selling INTERESTING merch or something but it's all fucking pop figures, plushies and overpriced licensed board games. Sell some fucking figmas or nendos or something.
The Pop store is actually just a rebrand of the US Thinkgeek stores. I had the (mis)fortune of going into the one in New York recently; and they also carry their exclusive figures, for example I bought a Bloodborne Hunter statue and it has Thinkgeek written all over it,
I think we have a few over here in WA but I can't remember where.
This. As far as I can tell there's nowhere in WA that you can buy gunpla.
>Sell some fucking figmas or nendos or something.
With how much they over charge for everything you'd spend less finding some proxy buyer in Japan to find your shit for you and ship it.
Lakeside Joondalup.
Doesn't really matter because everyone just fucking pirates it anyway.
Or if you want to be legit you can just get foreign steam friends to gift you games that aren't available on the Aussie Steam store.
Absolutely but it'd at least be an improvement. Kind of nice being able to actually see stuff in person before you put it on your shelf too.
>nice being able to actually see stuff in person
True dat.
Australian wine is cheaper in the US than it is here
absolute fucking joke
Just look at the clasification board lmao
Because everything in Australia is trying to kill the inhabitants. High game prices are just one of the more subtle ways in doing so.
Because if you want to ship a game in Murrica you just get a fat fuck to drive a semi full of gems to gemstoop.
If you want to ship a game from Murrica to Australia you have to ship it to commiefornia where Muslims and Mexican gangsters will try to steal the truck, and ship the shit west hoping a fucking giant squid doesn't take down the ship, then you have to load it on another semi truck and hope the Abbos in Australia didn't siphon the diesal to huff and pass out on the streets. If the driver doesn't get killed by the many creatures that evolved to eat Abbos then you can play your new Fifa game. You just have to pay quadrouple because Australia is a literal prison colony that hasn't genocided their native population yet.
this is a very fair point people don't often acknowledge
Aussies have a higher minimum wage
>If you want to ship a game from Murrica to Australia
Why would the games be coming from anywhere but the Chinese harbors? Those discs aren't being printed in the US.
Because Chinese are sneaky fucks who can't be trusted with sensitive information like unencrypted source codes for bideo gems.
Unless you want your next game to be released on the Epic Store without your permission, then you would do well to not trust the Chinese for anything other than toy making.
yeah, I know the chinks are untrustworthy duplicitous cunts who would sell their grandmothers bones for medical powder if given the opportunity, but the fact is that they're still a manufacturing hub and a great many companies still let them do the work because of their low overheads.
do you think tax money isn't real money or something?
The manufacturing COGS on AAA video games is extremely low. For console most of the cost is paying Sony/MS/Nintendo. The manufacturing & shipping is extremely cheap (i.e. AUD 2-3 per unit).
Why not just lower your taxes?
seriously i can buy an australian bottle of wine for like 10 dollars in the US...how the fuck does that even work?
I don't know if it happens more but I remember adobe inflating prices because aus is a closed off market and no one could do anything about it. Then the gov stepped in and investigated it.
we can buy a bag of good which is white wine for like $8 and its 36 standard drinks
can normally pick up a bottle of white wine or moscato at like $4 for 4-7 standard drinks
>get R18+ games in Australia
>still ban them anyway because the classification board is run by melbourne trannies and stupid christcuck boomers
I remember there being stories about it being cheaper to fly to the US, buy a copy of adobe suite and fly back with the CD getting it's own seat than actually buying it in Australia
Aussie minimum wage is $12.87 (Thats American dollars) and hour
Nanny state taxes
>i can buy an australian bottle of wine for like 10 dollars in the US
And you struggle to buy fosters in Australia. It's all about exporting the shit and keeping the quality for ourselves.
I knew a guy who worked at EB.
His name was Jimmy W
He would always talks to me about weeb games, he was a really nice guy.
One day I came went into EB to buy a few games and have a chat to him.
He wasn't there anymore, he got fired for trying to help a family pick games for their son and refused to push new copies.
pic related.
Good Luck in life Jimmy Wibble
fosters is really shitty beer anyway and no one drinks it, no one has since like the 80s. For some reason americans shove it down their own throats that aussies drink fosters but we really dont
>no lawsuitsallowed
boils down to the same thing tho. fucking lawsuits crippled all the entertaining shit in this country by pushing insurance premiums on everything to the point that nothing could operate.
There's one in the Blacktown mall.
It's all international marketing. Fosters convinced the world that Australians like nothing more than a tallboy of fosters after a hard days yakka, and it fucking stuck.
Friendly reminder to all the boomers in this thread.
Its getting late don't stay up too late or you'll be tired while at work wagies
I think there's a place in Sydney called Anime at Abbotsford that I heard sells anime figures pretty cheapo.
I've literally never seen or heard of fosters until I saw the internet tell me aussies drink it. If you're talking aussie beer it's fucking XXXX. I don't even drink and I know that.
>not VB
fuck off cunt
>not coopers, the only australian owned beer
you some kinda melbourne poofter mate?
Because australian trannies dont know how different currencies work. Australian fag dollars arent USD just because they are both "dollar"
by your retarded attempted logic we'd have new releases for 60 AUD
The secret is finding places you can sleep on the job and get paid, and then shitpost all night dude. better pay than welfare, and as long as you spend so much time sciving off that you're not around no one can claim you sexually harassed them and will be the only person suitable for promotions.
What actually happened to Australia?
You guys used to be chill af. Now it seems you're ruled by uptight, effete pussies.
>the only australian owned beer
>ignores the myriad of microbrews
yeah, nah, you're a cunt. they might be made by hipsters in their cucksheds, but htey're aussie owned.
Why are Australian gamers always such unkempt, stinky and overweight pieces of shit with absolutely no fashion sense? They're also obnoxiously loud. It's like the American gamer stereotype but with the Aussie bogan stereotype layered on top. Every time I've gone into EB some disgusting autistic piece of stinky shit is chatting up the female cashier, as if they think they actually have a chance. Well here's the part you don't see, after you leave and she serves me the first thing she does is let out an almighty sigh from the sheer effort it took not to tell you to fuck off.
Have some fucking self respect. I can't tell people I like videogames because of you. Pic related, it's 90% of posters in this thread.
I wouldn't know either way, I'm rich from my dads money, feels good man.
Just sayin'
Old people won't hurry up and die or retire.
Lawsuits, nimbyism, "social groups" that wouldn't take any answer other than their extremes and massive, massive corruption.
you fuckwit they're the only real australian beer sold in shops
hipster cuck beers don't count you melbourne wanker
Won't say I'm not jealous man. Just sayin.
literally me except i dont make chit chat, i just buy my shit and get out
i dont give a fuck about being kempt when im buying fucking video games, i'm not trying to impress you faggot i just want to get my shit and leave
let me guess, you're from the NT because there's great micro brews in every other state that aren't making pisswater.
Australia doesn't have a culture because a) it's not a very old country and b) globalization.. We're just Americans with an accent. All the stupid stereotypes that apply to them apply to us aswell aside from the gun stuff.
Why do they always have some shitty surf-brand tv with a shitty undone button up open.
They stink so bad and their musk seems to stick to the shitty EB carpet.
I always go in with manners, wait in line.
idle chit chat WHILE buying games, the cuties who work there always giggle and are polite to me why? Because I have sex and I don't bombard them like an autist.
If you're going to be autistic at least shower.
Don't make them feel uncomfortable, they laugh at you as soon as you leave but also dread you coming back.
But the problem is you don't care about being presentable for anything. It's possible to enjoy video games and not devolve yourself into a worthless piece of shit. You should try it.
>caring what the people who work at eb games think
Not having some form of respect for other people, sounds like you need to have sex.
why should i care? the fact that it makes retards like you upset is all the more reason to continue
>going to eb games
Just price match in JB you autists if EB is miraculously cheaper
Medical expenses.
If I do that then I can't return the game within a week of buying it.
You should care for the sake of everyone around you. Why should anyone do anything for the sake of others at all? I bet you're on Centrelink and your shitty diet and lifestyle is provided by others and you give nothing in return.
You are a disgusting and pathetic manchild with no sense of responsibility.
>always giggle and are polite to me why?
Are you mental? They do that to everybody.
Yes you can, I do it all the time. Price matching does not invalidate their returns policy. I proce match to JB, then decide if I want to keep a game or return it within the period for the classic EB rental. Get a load of this guy, actually paying $100 for videogames.
I wanted to get omega labyrinth life despite not liking fanservice games because I felt sorry for them getting fucked over by Sony but they wanted to charge me 90 fucking dollars for it, 120 if I wanted the day one dlc
Keep on whinging and i'll keep on filling every EB games i see with the aura of my powerful unwashed balls. It's hilarious how you think you can shame me or some bullshit. I don't give a fuck about you or the wagies who work at EB games.
Yeah of course they do.
But I don't stand there trying to ask them about some shitty anime dating sim they don't want to hear about.
I go in and leave and they want me.
Don't get so insecure.
that's true but this way I get to fuck around EB.
>That autist in every straya thread who think's hitting on the EB Games workers makes him a chad and that they secretly want him instead of just being thots who are nice because it's their job.
Every time.
>in nsw
this shit is national. literally every shopping centre here in qld has a zing AND eb store, usually close by each other. i hate qld. please someone come and kill me
Sounds like you've only ever been able to talk to a woman unless its through their lawyer asking you to abide by the restraining order.
meanwhile I'll enjoy fucking all the 'thots' you wish you could.
pic related, literally me.
Brisfag here. I have never seen a zing.
60 usd = 88 aud
plus 8.80 gst = 96.8 aud
would you look at that, australians actually get a $6 discount. stop whining and learn how exchange rates work.
hitting on people who are paid to be nice to you is the ultimate beta move
you can buy most new games for about 70 aud so we actually get games pretty cheaply
people in these threads are just retards who buy games at eb games/steam/playstation store
wtf they get paid twice as much then bitch about paying twice as much? Are they retarded?
They're everywhere. Most major shopping centres. Chermside, CBD, Indooroopilly. Try leaving the house.
i've lived in ipswich, brisbane and now gold coast and every major shopping centre has one
Who says I am hitting on them?
You have a weird concept on social interactions.
I'm just nice, not my fault if they can't stop drooling at my body.
They work at EB, they get paid shit money and are mentally fucked by their own company.
I'm just polite and nice to them.
>not understanding social interaction
>The ultimate incel move
>s-see i'm a chad i'm hitting on 19 year old pink haired girls with tattoos, they're true gamer babes they totally want me which makes me a gamer chad
lmao this cope is hilarious
Because you buy them at eb games, it isn't hard to find new games around $70 aud
What's it like actually living in Ipswich? That's basically no man's land.
>We're just Americans with an accent.
You're from Queensland aren't you? Australia has plenty of culture, it's just subtle and not something that we wear as a fucking cape.
Project away dude, I'll enjoy fucking literal 10s while you fap into your mums granny panties.
*sigh* fucking gamers.
I've lived in rural Victoria, Melbourne, rural NSW, Sydney and Adelaide. Australia has no real culture.
>Subtle about their "culture"
Try settling down and understanding your surroundings instead of moving about like an itinerant begger.
>no WA
in perth there is a store called tokyo underground which sells some gunpla, and there was a place called 'bad robot toys' that operated in the same place as tokyo underground but i think they went to fremantle or something, the person who runs tokyo might know though.
There's two cultures in Aus. (3 if you count the black fellas buck fuck that noise). The subtle that people who live in the country know, and the "dundee lifestyle" that gets promoted by cunts who live off of tourists promote.
Yeah, except I pay $3 for a loaf of bread, my internet bill each month is $80, and my quarterly electricity bill is $300.
If you bring in less than $433 a week you technically live below the poverty line due to the exorbitant cost of living.
You from the north or south?
australian "culture"
>dude booze lmao (yeah everybody likes alcohol retard, nice "culture")
>stickin up for ya mates (friendship? woah how totally unique to this country)
>giving everyone a fair go (egalitarianism? woah what an advanced enlightened culture)
>using british words but living like americans
>le outback (worse more boring version of the wild west, complete with shitty billy the kid ripoff outlaws like ned kelly)
it's very dirty. lots of poor people and degenerates. i lived in goodna and redbank. goodna smells bad and redbank is 90% islanders. springfield is an ok area though.
south but lived north of the river years ago
Oh shit I'm south as well, Rockingham? Murdoch?
If you're not part of the culture of mateship you wouldn't understand what it is to be australian. that's why it should be integral to any citzenship test.
friendship is not "culture"
every culture experiences friendship
is that really all australia has claim to for its culture?
not friendship. mateship. if you can't tell the difference you're not suitable to this country.
there is no difference
you're just tricking yourself into believing you have a real culture when you don't
>there is no difference
and that's why you won't ever pass the tests that our king John Howard set down. fuck off dickhead.
australians really are completely fucking retarded
no wonder they have no culture when you think like this
It's bait.
We've got a great fishing community, I've had you on the line for a while now after all.
>implying baitposting isn't aussie culture
Shitposting is a time honoured Australian tradition integral to our culture. That dumb seppo got BTFO
australians are so retarded they just steal things that everybody does (like drink alcohol, shitpost, form friendships) and claim it as their own
what a worthless country
>he's still going
cant prove me wrong though can you
australia used to be a good country...a long time ago
maybe you'll have better luck next thread
pfft... australians
bunch of faggots who can give it but not take it, every one of you homos is the same
guess thats your real culture LMAO
I'm old enough. Gametraders were better, though.
Welcome to the "Australia Tax" where everything costs more because you're in Australia even for digital goods. In a royal comission Adobe had raised the price of some of their digital software so much that it was cheaper to fly to America, buy that same software and fly back than it was to buy it online in the Adobe store in Australia. Adobe gave a poor ass argument and then reduced the price because otherwise they would probably have been found in breach of various consumer laws here. Australia does not fuck around on consumer protection laws.
Yes because being paid twice as much means everything else is magically cheaper. Fuel is still expensive if you live anywhere in the world that isn't the middle east, internet is still fucking expensive and bills don't pay themselves.
>No smoking
>Guy has a cigarette in his mouth to the left
Jokes aside I'd seriously wager half of those prohibitions came about from people fucking up the beach and causing environmental damage. We don't have any of those restrictions here in WA other than no glass/littering/dogs at the beach and in the case of dogs there's other areas of a beach they can go to that's specially designated for pets.
>Yes because being paid twice as much means everything else is magically cheaper.
This is a problem of your shit economy and terrible conversion rate.
>Shit economy
Four and twenty fucking keks mate.
You mean one of the economies that never faced a recession during the Global Financial Crisis and if hypothetically speaking decided to close off entirely to the rest of the world has enough natural resources in abundance to be entirely self sufficient? Pretty sure maybe only Canada is the only other nation that has enough resources to do this if they chose to do so. How's Detroit doing mate? Still a giant shithole you haven't been able to fix for more than half a century mate?
Oh, I know what you fuckers really like.
>You mean one of the economies that never faced a recession during the Global Financial Crisis
Because you fucks aren't part of the global economy. All you do is export random produce and iron. Closing yourself off doesn't affect you in the slightest when you're not a part of it to begin with. Why the fuck do you think your exchange rate is so fucking shit even compared to countries that are trillions in debt? Because you're a fuck-all desert nation that doesn't and can't do shit, and your government massively taxes you and the companies that pay you, which is another reason why your shit's so expensive.
Hey cunts.
Feels good not being a seppo getting shot today.
Are Sydney and Melbourne that bad, lads?
>if hypothetically speaking decided to close off entirely to the rest of the world has enough natural resources in abundance to be entirely self sufficient?
You guys are barely capable of fielding a standing army on your own. Also America is the most absolutely self-sufficient nation, so much so that they don't even drill for their own oil and instead buy it dirt cheap from here, Mexico.
Australia has the best women
They don't
Sydney has shonky chink real estate and faggot leb cunts everywhere, while you have to get home to bed straight away with no fun on the weekend.
Melbourne has a bunch of pretentious art cunts, kids huffing glue on the trains and bipolar weather.
Take your pic.
Because unlike Amerifats, we have more than enough money to spend on our games while you obese subhumans have to pay taxes to your immigrant sandniggers.
>Because you fucks aren't part of the global economy.
That's real funny considering we have two free trade agreements with Chile and the USA. Pretty sure trading with other countries is partaking in part of the global economy.
>All you do is export random produce and iron.
And also invent a bunch of modern technologies that you use and aren't aware of. Guess who literally invented WiFi, bionic hearing aids, black box flighter recorders and the modern commercial refrigerator you fucking muppet(modern refrigerator dude was Scottish but made it in Australia so i'll go 50/50 with the Scots on this one)
>Closing yourself off doesn't affect you in the slightest when you're not a part of it to begin with.
Closing ourself off would affect us short term in a harsh way but we could transition and adjust long term.
>Why the fuck do you think your exchange rate is so fucking shit even compared to countries that are trillions in debt? Because you're a fuck-all desert nation that doesn't and can't do shit, and your government massively taxes you and the companies that pay you, which is another reason why your shit's so expensive.
You don't know shit. Our shit's expensive because we're literally in the middle of nowhere so stuff takes a long time to reach here from anywhere that isn't Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan or any other asian ports. Our exchange rate is "shit" because currently our government isn't buying back our currency to reduce circulation of it and wants to keep it lower to encourage foreign tourism and purchases. High taxes for some things like cigarettes and alcohol but that's a necessary burden due to curb consumption of things that would otherwise cause a large burden on the health care system as people's health from abusing those products would cause in the future. Our taxes also actually go somewhere too like infrastructure and health and education and not corporate pockets and corrupt politicians. Denmark and Belgium have a higher tax rate than us.
theyre all free now that sweeney paid for em
>while you have to get home to bed straight away with no fun on the weekend.
what makes you say that?
Is Target getting out of the video game business? The game area of my local store is fucking tiny now. I've been using Amazon a lot more now.
Inventing shit is not the same as selling it and importing/exporting en masse, retard.
>Our shit's expensive because we're literally in the middle of nowhere
Which is why everything is still cheap in the cape of good hope I guess.
> stuff takes a long time to reach here from anywhere that isn't Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan or any other asian ports
90% of the world's electronics are exported from asia, but they're still expensive in Australia because they're the closest ports you have. Makes sense. It can't possibly be that your country massively taxes most luxury goods or anything. Or the fact that your country artificially inflates minimum wage so that they can tax company employees more readily.
>High taxes for some things like cigarettes and alcohol but that's a necessary burden due to curb consumption of things that would otherwise cause a large burden on the health care system as people's health from abusing those products would cause in the future
Literally meaningless. Most countries do this, even America, and doesn't do shit. People smoke and drink because they're addicts, not because it's fucking affordable, it's the government knowing who and how to exploit, it's not the government trying to save you from your own poor choices.
Truly said like someone with no actual knowledge of the country. Urban areas, the ones you're seeing photos from, have always been a little up themselves. Don't buy into the >Melbourne memes, it's this bad anywhere populated. And also genuinely not that bad for the most part when it comes to day to day shit, you're seeing cherrypicked examples most of the time.
Because they put in those lockout laws so you can't get fucked up anymore later m8
>You guys are barely capable of fielding a standing army on your own.
That's incorrect, Australia has a capable defence force for our geographical location and population and spending in relation. They also used Australian SAS troops in Iraq war frequently for various operations. If anything our Navy is more important than a standing army since we're literally all coast. It's amazing what you can save on defence spending when you don't have to play world police.
>Also America is the most absolutely self-sufficient nation, so much so that they don't even drill for their own oil and instead buy it dirt cheap from here, Mexico.
Lol that's not self sufficience, that's a dependency on product so much you have to import it.
I miss the days when Myer was a based place to buy games
Don't respond to the school shooting burger faggots. They have no idea.
>that's a dependency on product so much you have to import it.
America has more oil than the majority of the world's nations, and likely more than any other first world nation. They just don't drill it themselves because OTHER COUNTRIES, namely mine, are willing to do it for them at a cheaper rate. You're really fucking stupid, and clearly don't have a grasp on how world trade works, which is probably because, like the other user said, you live in a nation that's barely even a part of it, and is so isolated that you basically get taxed out the ass by your government just to purchase a piece of plastic.
>Inventing shit is not the same as selling it and importing/exporting en masse, retard.
It shows that we're fucking smarter than you think you muppet.
>Which is why everything is still cheap in the cape of good hope I guess.
Cape of good hope is your defence argument lol? You mean the place that is LITERALLY WHERE 90% OF SHIPPING ROUTES WILL LITERALLY PASS THROUGH FROM EUROPE and have been since the colonial times with the East India Trading Company? If that's your argument, I don't think you understand logistics mate. Fun fact user, a shitload of sealand shipping routes do pass through South Africa unless it's a direct western route straight to North/South America.
>90% of the world's electronics are exported from asia, but they're still expensive in Australia because they're the closest ports you have. Makes sense. It can't possibly be that your country massively taxes most luxury goods or anything. Or the fact that your country artificially inflates minimum wage so that they can tax company employees more readily.
Actually importing electronics from asia is cheap for us, again this shows how little you know. I can import various play-asia goods quite cheaply. Electronics being expensive in Australia comes down to markups and once again the "Australia Tax" where companies try to tax Australian consumers locally twice as much, people are getting smarter and just import directly now.
Boomers happened.
>Literally meaningless. Most countries do this, even America, and doesn't do shit. People smoke and drink because they're addicts, not because it's fucking affordable, it's the government knowing who and how to exploit, it's not the government trying to save you from your own poor choices.
Yeah but in America you also have a shitty health care system and a population of 300 million compared to our 25 million, also don't think like your own government doesn't consider taxes for the issues of health like they've been considering sugar taxes for drinks and shit in your country. And yes the government literally raised taxes on cigarettes and drinking to actually curb away from tryinng to entice people away from smoking and drinking so much since we have an issue with drinking culture in Australia.