ITT: underrated vidya girls

ITT: underrated vidya girls

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God I want a biological female romantic partner so much.

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>cute girl at work expresses obvious interest in me

What do I do?

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Stop frogposting for starters

donate to her patreon

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you um.... stop frogposting honey

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underrated turk girl in an unterrated game.

I wanna cuddle fuck this chick so hard man I can’t contain it!!!!!

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this guy

Cute. It's good I'm into zombies though.

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Stop being weak faggots and approach grills. And yes you're supposed to get rejected, since women have the possibility to maintain insane standards in these crazy times.
Do that until you find a good woman.

why are incels so obsessed with girls they will never get?

Living a fantasy is easier than getting rejected for a while irl.
Like playing vidya is easier than lifting weights and studying.

The same goes for wamen btw, they swoon over chads, that are never going to look at them twice.

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Kate Archer

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what game?


>approach grills

lesbian bar

Tell her you're interested in watching Chad plow her while she makes fun of your tiny dick

have sex

I went out on three dates with a roastie and that was what she suggested for the 4th one


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This one is cute. The shrink is evil though.

Be a man and turn every lesbian arthoe in there straight ok user? I believe in you.

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Annoying cunt, worst NPC in the game
>hurr durr my biological clondition makes it more risky to deploy me than any other person around >it's a team effor so I'm not just endangeruing me but also the other operatives
>but it's wht I WANT so fuck that just tell me I'm right
[You go, girl]
[I never asked for this, but you go, girl]

>edgy emo teen
It's too bad there's no romancing in the game.
These kind of chicks are the ones who make my dick the hardest.

days gone

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Exodus wasn't everything I wanted but her relationship with Artyom really felt good. Too bad that the devs think the silent PC meme is ok in such a case.