Mordhau now consistently below 10k players


So this is where the big boy Steam exclusives play?

Look at the adjective: Play

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Less is mord.

Post your PC games library OP.

I have 1,500+ games, not sure what relevance that has

Post your PC games library. Post a screenshot of your steam account. Come on, you're a PC gamer, not a console fanboy, right?

Mordhau is arguably a niche title, so 7k doesn't seem to bad
but I've also never played it so idfk

Not gonna dox myself

>Mordhau is arguably a niche title


You post this every day

How many players did chivalry have at max?

lmao dox yourself by posting a list of games. what a fucking retard.

So you're not a PC gamer. Keep your opinion to yourself, console shitposter.

Attached: Chivalry.png (739x388, 131K)


its over bros...
chivalry and tim won

thats what happens if you dont add female playable characters to your game.

4 or so maps get stale fucking fast

player spikes are free weekends.
This is just a niche genre

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Mordhau already has a bunch of playable custom maps.

Attached: lol4.jpg (1429x607, 400K)

wow that's great are they on official servers? on the workshop? perhaps downloaded directly when connecting to a custom server?

He can't post it because he's a Sony gamer.

Trit has yet to set up the Workshop as the official mod tools aren't out yet.
The custom maps are being made with the Unreal SDK and some editing, distributed through the official forums and a github. Without the full compatibility, people can so far only really make deathmatch maps and you have to download the map externally, no autodownload on joining a server yet.

Mordcels seething

Lets talk about player counts

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Anything around 2000-3000 and up is perfectly fine and means that you can find games in every region of the world

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Oh okay, so he's a faggot or something?

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Thats what i mean. Todays obsession with player counts is bizarre. Quake had like 3k people playing it

twitch babies think they're winning something by watching someone play the most popular games.

I honestly don't understand OP's point. Its literal direct competitor is pulling next to no people and games always drop off in player count after the novelty wears off. Niche games especially.

Are you bored of your console, that you decide to come here instead?

Console is for poor.

What games are even popular anymore

for honor jsut came out for free on epic

Ive joines 2 custom maps without ever installing them

Fuck off, Kevin Nash. Go tear some more quads.

Yea Forums is a good place to be reminded that there will always be people more autistic than you, it feels good man.

honestly they haven't updated shit in weeks so no shit its a little down for now when the 2 new maps hit then it will boost

>Mordhau will be dead before I get a GPU capable of playing it

>posting a list

>Game about killing
>Surprised playerbase decreases

When is this shit going on sale? I want to play.

Yeah nobody is playing this trash anymore. Good riddance too. Now let's get back to an actually good game: For HonorĀ® which is coincidentally now free to grab on Epic Games Storeā„¢ too.

Even the pro consumer PC channel Overlord Gaming recommends it now more than ever

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That's pretty respectable for a several month old game
Been thinking of picking it up myself actually.

I think the debs pissed of the sjws somehow, that's why you get people desperate to attack the game.


>incredibly niche game isn't as popular as the latest fad
No fucking way

Hey, 4 consistently full 48 man servers leaves me spoiled for choice compared to chivalrys one potentially empty server.

mordhau is great and i love it but...
blade and sorcery

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>Look at the adjective: Play
Hi, Big Faggy! Remember the summer of '92? Good times.

i-i-i-i-i-t's just l-l-l-eveling out bro!

That explains the negative threads.