Is Dragon Quest about to become mainstream in the west? The hype over this game is huge

Is Dragon Quest about to become mainstream in the west? The hype over this game is huge.

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I have only seen people talk about Hero in smash and not the new game

Why is Dragon Quest not popular in the West?

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Most of the sales of DQXI literally came from Japan. Despite Americans getting a version that was voiced and additional content added.

I'd love for it reinvigorate turn based rpg's in the west, it won't.
Still buying it again.

West isn't nostalgic about DQ

Disgusting, based amerimutts for not buying

I think the main reason why I disliked DQ 11 was not just because it's a clear copy of DQ 3, but also because I was too focused on Steam achievements, grinding for money so I can buy equipment for the collector's book...

It's gonna be a real pleasure (I hope) playing the Switch version without thinkign about that. It's just too bad I can't sell my PC copy. Cos Steam, obviously.

>Steam achievements
The idea that there are people in the world who care about these things is fucking terrifying. I could see kids getting hyped over gaymerscore because they could see a meaningless number going up. Hell, I could even see losers caring about platinum trophies.

But Steam achievements? Christ, dude.

Whats the best version of this game to play?

probably the switch one, as it's getting extra content

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If Smash doesn't make it more popular, then nothing will.

>But Steam achievements? Christ, dude.
Yeah, user. I know it's pointless. You don't have to say anything. I wouldn't consider myself to be a trophy/achievement hunter, as I don't have many platinums / 1000G / 100% but I get ''excited'' when I earn rare or ultra rare trophy. Good thing is, I think that disease has left my body. After all, for the last 3 or 4 months I'm playing only on Switch lol.
PC has the best graphics, obviously. And you can use mod to replace midi with orchestra music.
Switch version has the worst graphics (assuming you don't count 3DS version, as that version never left Japan), but will have the most content.

didn't DQIX sell over a million units in the west all thanks to Seth Green

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That was the worst DQ though, fuck that guy.

Not with an ost that horrendous, the compositions are so awful that orchestrated makes no difference beyond it being grating in 30 minutes instead of 5

People in Japan are saying the DQ movie is terrible, like worse than sprits within

actual spoiler for DQ movie
its basically a butchered down dq5 story but then it turns out the movie is just a fan playing the game and some villain is trying to delete the game... that's the twist
it's getting like 1s and 2s on reviews everywhere

as soon as i saw that there was no toriyama styled art i knew it would suck

this, it's the only JRPG OST you're better off muting. You'll enjoy the game more if you play NWA, Death Grips or anything else over it.

Don't kid yourself.
They're doing a terrible marketing job and I bet the majority of people won't even know when the demo comes out.
On Reddit Dragon Quest news and other threads about DQ barely reach 2k upvotes, compared to the other stuff that gets 5k-8k easily on Twitter any DQ news, even from known game news tweeter, don't even come close to 1k likes. If the inclusion of Hero in Smash did nothing to make people in the West more interested in the series, nothing will.
You think the shilling on Yea Forums matters? As if, there's not enough people here daily for it to matter.

Retard no

The reason all popular long running franchise becoming.big is nostalgia. There's no nostalgia in the west for dragon quest

The Spirits Within is not even bad... I mean, compared to Autistic Children.

because its shit

Because it focuses on story, characters and gameplay over fancy cinematics.

It'll invigorate sales for 11 S at least, but I have a bad feeling it's only going to attract an ironic weeb audience and everyone else will just continue to ignore it.

>release 11
>say that future games will depend on sale, holding them hostage
>announce 11s shortly after
If anything they just made it harder to become mainstream.

Even in Japan the producer pissed off so enough people that he had to asked that people stop sending him hate mails.

Every thread. Every time.

FF fans are mad that square keeps giving them shit while DQ gets consistent high quality

Dragon Quest will never become mainstream in the west, it's too 'generic' and old-fashioned to catch most people's interest

Every game with an actual ad campaign sells well, just not JP DQ numbers.
For some reason this upsets Square and they keep releasing DQ games with no advertising. That XI sold 600k at all is fucking insane. I'm a diehard and I didn't realize the Western release date until a mere week before it came out.

All I was expecting was a very pretty, short version of 5.

Yeah, that's why retro games are so unsuccessful nowadays. OH, WAIT.

>gets consistent high quality

He's talking about the games, you fool. FF hasn't had a good game in like 16 years.

People should have known it was going to be shit as soon as they saw it was called "your story"

Lol no it's not. Just because Hero is OP in smash bros doesn't mean the series doesn't have awful gameplay.

To be fair, Horii's giant boner for Nintendo is glaringly obvious. He's basically telling everybody (again) that if you buy on a platform that isn't Nintendo, you'll never have the full experience.

FFXV was better than most DQ games

I just hit the post-game last night 85+ hours in, and I just don't get whats so special about this series? I'm glad to see turn-based combat is still alive and kicking, but outside of bosses the combat was never even remotely challenging and even the bosses were rather easy. The world was so small, most "cities" I'd barely even call villages, and the game just had you rinse and repeat over the same areas over and over again instead of giving us sizable play areas.

I mean, I'm enjoying the game, but at the same time, I keep asking myself how the fuck this franchise has stayed alive for so long? Voice acting was pure torture like I expected though, really wish the base game had japanese voice acting...

Trackball master race

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did anyone else find this to be the worst dragon quest game?

Meanwhile, Dragon Quest builders 2 is fucking incredible, and a much better RPG

>the combat was never even remotely challenging
are you playing with harder monsters on?

I hope it leads to a swords sequel.

I felt the same, but I only made it to the bit where the world turns to shit (because i had already explored 90% of the world, I was like, wtf?). Fighting was babbymode easy and became boring. I completed the casino

Did you play the others? 8 is the strongest in terms of challenge and content I feel, but I havn't played V and people say thats good.

Having a blast with DQBuilders2 though, its amazing

Because final fantasy stole its potential audience.

It's not the worst, but it's definitely low-tier for the series. Then again, I think DQB2 was a massive step-down in a lot of ways from DQB1 too, but I mostly blame the outsourcing for that.

No its my first DQ game, didn't realize how softballed the difficulty was, and wasn't aware the Draconian options couldn't be activated after starting the game.

DQB2 is worse than 1? Really? I thought the exact opposite. Almost everything had improved- controls, item management, recipes, combat weapons/armour, bosses, tools, map size, and that little home hub world where you can build anything from any island is incredible. The farming and stuff is great too. What in particular do you think is worse?

Food/magic item production & management
Having to babysit NPCs
Hunger meter is faster
Hunger meter cannot be paused by any means
No accessories
Stone tablet challenges are seriously obnoxious - having to do them all to unlock everything when they take hours and hours and force you to build shit everywhere you don't want
Dropped inputs everywhere
Bugs and glitches everywhere
Random stupid shit like having to provide outfits for NPCs instead of them taking on outfits from certain rooms. Mind you, if they change repeatedly, they don't put back old costumes they've taken, i.e. more random resource drain.
Final boss of DQB1 at least had something mechanically to do with the rest of the game. In DQB2 it's suddenly a shitty dogfight with the power of friendship.
Feels much less connected to DQ2 than DQB1 did to DQ1
Gratitude grind
50 things mapped to the X button (I suppose that goes under controls, but holy shit it's annoying)
etc. I could go on and on. I played DQB1 for hundreds of hours and my only complaints were that the world ceiling was too low and there were no water mechanics, both of which are fixed in 2, but when I play 2, I'm -constantly- being annoyed by a ton of little shit, and drained of any creative drive by the time I have unlocked everything completely. It just feels entirely bereft of the joy that 1 had.

I think DQXIS will sell an easy 1 million in the West.

Not him but I agree with you. Honestly my biggest problem is getting NPCs to do anything you want them to. Or more accurately, expect them to. I make a bigger fancier toilet but they a still line up at the small shitty one. They stuff random shit in every chest without rhyme or reason. I build them a closer more convenient functionally identical facility and they run a million miles down to the one they're more familiar with. I make a mushroom restaurant and none of these stupid fucks know what to do with it. But they'll gladly raid a chest full of raw ingredients meant for cooking and brewing. I make something on the Isle of Awakening that's exactly what it is on their original island and they don't use it. The blacksmith NPC doesn't do jack fucking shit with the smithy I made. I miss when they just conjured things out of thin air. Inventory management was less of a clusterfuck that way. I don't get why these stupid fucks don't craft things at all. They just eat all your food, sleep and shit. Are worthless fucking leeches. At least monsters do what you expect them to without needing to eat, shit, bathe, dance, get wasted, or jerk off. I'm basically that "It's all so tiresome" guy when I play this fucking game.

Imagine if Mario and Zelda never existed, and then suddenly Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker released this year.
They would have extremely niche audiences because what's popular now are Call of Duty and GTA. The appeal of Mario would make no sense to most people since they have no nostalgia for it.

That's Dragon Quest in the West. In Japan literally everyone played Dragon Quest when it came out, literally everyone grew up with it, it's synonymous with classic gaming in the same way Mario and Zelda are over here.

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I don't even hate XV but we both know that's a lie.

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That's the problem then. XI reduced difficulty significantly and added old school balance as a "hard" option.

DQ's strength has always been in the excellence of the encore hunter design and simple but effective presentation and writing, so you got robbed bub.

Awful localizations to this date.

They treat his franchise like they treat Kirby, of course he'd have a bone for them. 7, 8 and 11 were only on Playstation for financial reasons, and I honestly feel like there wouldn't even be a PS4 version if the WiiU wasn't such a flop.

4's the only awful one. 11 has one of the best localizations I've ever seen in games, the only faults being some name changes and dumb town gimmicks, which are both enforced by higher ups at Square.

But it was already released?
I think they fucked up annoucing S so soon. Lots of people would be put off from buying the game knowing there'll be a more complete version soon.
We'll see how many sales the switch version gets, but I'm sure they've lost sales from people who lost interest since then

I bought it a year ago and barely managed to get 20 hours in. I don't know, it's not very engaging. Generic boring characters, generic story, boring combat, grinding, I can't really bring myself to play it anymore.

That might be why the fights are boring, user.