Name a single game that's genuinely deep and philosophical

Name a single game that's genuinely deep and philosophical.

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Bioshock: Infinite


Endless Ocean 2

I lost 30kg over 6 months this year and I am absolutely happier and better off for it.

smt nocturne

Postal 2

lol you can just tell this was made by a fatty who didn't even try and just wanted an excuse to continue being a lazy piece of shit without feeling guilty

Mother 3

Reminder that
>if i do x all my problems will go away
Will NEVER work, no matter what it is.
Step by step is the only way, as fucked as it sounds.
What I am saying is, if you are not willing to go that route, might as well give up

Sure it could've been written a bit better, but the message is still there.

this wasssss..... an ms paint comic before. Its got the exact same wording and everything

geeeeeeez.... it feels awful knowing that.

Games are so shallow nowadays.

great answers

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>nope that wasn't it
>but now I am healthier, will live longer, am more likely to attract a superior mate, and can enjoy physical pursuits more than I could before which will all add to my overall happiness even if there is a larger, more pressing issue that is making me unhappy currently.

This is me except replace being skinny with vidya, good qualifications, a job, money, travel, art, friends, or a gf.
How do I get happy bros

The Void

What if I can't figure out the steps to take to solve my problems?


if it said "happy" instead of "happier" it would have been right but being in better shape will absolutely make you happier

thanks wario I love you

>stop using social media
>instantly happier

stay on topic or...

Get fucked multi-replier. You should be banned.

Tales of Abyss is great in portraying the path of redemption of the MC after he fuck things up.

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Zeno Clash 1 + 2. And not in a pretentious way. Deals with meta ethical questions about how to ground morality.

I'm in the process of losing weight(lost 12kg, another ~20 to go) and already feel better and happier despite still being fat.

NieR Automata

and you should follow the rules

Philosophy is not very deep, just formulated like it is.

Thanks Wario.

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More than a book? Fucking impossible
Videogames are NEVER art. There absolutely no value to gain whatsoever from playing a videogame that couldn't be better gained through reading or appreciating paintings or architecture.

But that's not what OP asked for:
Its wrong to ask for a game that is deep and philosophical because you end up with trash that is not even a game. The board game of the goose is extremely esoteric and philosophical but there is no gameplay whatsoever.
The most correct thing to ask is "are there games that ask genuinely deep and philosophical questions?" And of course there are, plenty of examples in the thread
To those examples I must add Drakengard and Nier. I've yet to finish Automata (but if I mention that game to say it is good or is deep or whatever the contrarian offense force of Yea Forums will shitpost me to death)

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Maybe start a thread with a fucking video game then, OP.

It is deep if you are not acquainted with it.

Take the steps you can, that is by starting with the smallest things.
The thing about it is that you cannot stop, it's a routine thing.
Best places to start
>cleaning room/house/apartment
Make it a regular thing, make your bed every day.
>fix sleep schedule
Keep that up as much as you can, even if it means staring at the roof in total darkness all night
Those are probably the easiest.
Harder ones are of course exercise and good diet, if you can try to exercise where there is a lot of nature, like parks.
That way you will get used to be around people if that is something you need to work on and you will also get the benefits of it being healthy.
Try to write your life, as boring as it is, write about your thoughts, that way you will understand yourself better
Obviously I don't know your life but if you are a NEET this helps, even as a wagie this will give you more energy so you can escape that hell.

Why would a cat smoke a pipe?

Don't post a picture more interesting than your thread topic you cretin.

I'm just going to throw some games out here, you guys decide which you think is "deep".

Deus Ex
Fallout 1-2
NieR: Automata

Why is metroid sad?

Niggertit cunt, I should let a infected horsecock ejaculate blood in your eyesocket with your fucking rules, off yourself basedabean

not that user but thanks for being a good guy trying to help. i should work on some of this stuff as well.

the friends of ringo ishikawa

I've already done all the things you're talking about. This thread is shit so I may as well blog a bit. I just don't really like doing thing very much. I don't hate it but it doesn't ever feel "worth it." I live a fairly healthy life otherwise but I'm only doing it because I feel like I should not for any personal motivation. Whenever I try to take up a hobby or something I just drop it slowly and go back to doing nothing. The only abnormal thing is I don't have friends but I never feel lonely or like I want them either.

ceci n'est pas une pipe

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Its concepts, philosophies and conflict are so similar to the modern day, its scary.


wonder what the landwhale that made this one looks like

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What helps is lowering the scope of things, so if you exercise try to pay attention how it helps you, how much energy it gives you, how it fixes your sleep, your posture, etc. Small personal things like that.
I don't really have an answer for lack of motivations or goals.
Is there absolutely nothing that interests you?

Is the fedora cutting off air to your brain?

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Metal gear solid
Ffix, x, tactics
Spec ops the Line

Dark Souls

Not really. Occasionally I think something would be cool but the level is so high I can't even comprehend how to work up to it, like building a robot or AI gf. Making a game also seems fun but I'm shit at art and whenever I try and practice I don't know what to draw.

the ending conversation with the AI is the deepest most interesting dialog ive heard in a videogame or a movie

fried chicken is happiness

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