Why do people care so much about this shit being an Epic Exclusive? It's their game, they can do whatever the fuck they want, if you're that upset just don't buy it, or pirate it if you were going to get it on Steam.
Why do people care so much about this shit being an Epic Exclusive? It's their game...
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think most people do, it's the watching the idiot dev have a meltdown.
pedophilic couple.
People funded it expecting Steam keys, they then released a condescending update saying it'll be Epic exclusive, souring what was already a controversial decision, doubling down against potential customers when they reacted to the news and ultimately selling their soul to a man who has been throwing his wealth around to gain support from devs, making questionable comments about his competitors and his actions, dividing the community and taking enjoyment from it while fulfilling very little of his promises.
people who paid for its creation then got told to fuck off are the ones being mad, then you decided to spam threads generals there because that's all you do with your life
you kept pictures of him on your computer?
god that bitch looks absolutely insane.
Braces are so hot, every girl would be improved by glasses and braces.
I've only heard the controversy around the game, never looked into the game or had any intention of buying it lol. Looks like an indie trash rip off of pokeman.
For some people it's just a reason to jump on the bandwagon to hate the dev for being Epic exclusive, regardless if they were interested in the game or not.
At least they made a game. How many games have you made?
nobody cares about this tumblr ass game except the people who funded it
fuck off and stop spamming threads already you marketing scumbag
Traitors and liars.
Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit and I wouldn't buy it" anyway? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear of what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?
Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?
If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.
no one cares about it, you retard
people are just pointing out how badly they are handling the situation
dont shit on your customers and then get mad because no one bought your shit
Just get a refund then. No need to get all drama queen about it.
Yea Forums has an unhealthy obsession with Tim Sweeney.
zoom zoom
Yea Forums has obsession for nerdy father figures like Gaben, Carmack and now Sweeney
Go back to your thread pedoERA, here, I linked em for ya.
I don't blame them for taking a deal with Epic and I probably would have done the same thing in their position. If anything besides my complete lack of interest is stopping me from buying this game, it's that they're total cunts abou it.
whoa her eyes are really unsettling
Oh sweaty, no
Last time I checked, this was in AMERICA. i can be as much of a drama queen as I want, because that's my entitlement under the first amendment.
Why are Steam drones so cringe?
>Why does Yea Forums suddenly care
Because fake outrage is a good viral marketing scheme. Seeders come in, say "oh how angry I am" and then get retards arguing about it here bumping the page and getting people to see the name of the game. They're likely to talk about it to others and if even one of those who talk about the game buy it you've succeeded.
>Because fake outrage is a good viral marketing scheme.
There's nothing "fake" about how asshurt Steam drones get.
which makes them the greatest target for anyone who wants to generate buzz for epic store games. truely they are their own enemies in their struggle against the chinese empire
>how dare you exercise your free speech you fucking goyim, now get back in line and consume product!
I literally wouldn't have heard about Phoenix Point (and then purchased it on EGS) if not for outraged Steam drones
>the devs should be above criticism for being complete cuntbags because you can just not buy their game
Where is the fun in that?
>gas chambers
>using /pol/tard slang
He should be bullied for that.
Sounds based as fuck.
Basically this. It's really an epic PR disaster.
Also imagine saying this shit to a person who told you belong in gas chamber. Absolute cuckery.
I'm a consolefag, now fuck off back to pedoERA, stop raiding our board cocksucker.
Please hire him he needs your money he is a good designer.
cause if he didn't act absolutely courteous they'd ban him from the discord, and say he was a rude racist intolerant bigot asshole and deny his refund.
It's what they do, man.
They had a patreon up for over a year that had people donating and thinking they were going to be given a key or some form of compensation.
They had the balls to fucking drop this news the day after patreon funding goes through because they wanted to double dip from those stupid gamers.
They had the audacity to go on about "muh global warming and human rights" while gleefully rubbing china money all over their faces.
And for some fucking reason they thought rushing to add flossing to the game over this was a good idea and something people would find funny instead of insulting.
Imagine your pubes getting caught in the braces though
That happened to my friend in high school, he said it was one of the worst things he ever had to go through.
>not shaving pubes
>cute girl with braces
>someone says they want to support the game, even on release, but Epic doesn't support their currency
>"lol just wait no-one owes you the game"
Imagine treating a customer, one who isn't even mad about Epic exclusivity and is willing to give you money no matter, like a piece of shit. When people act like cunts, that's when i become interested in this shit, to see it blow up in their faces.
Please tell me this isn't photoshopped.
>buyer remorse
>they promised something for money and delivered something else, then went to another shop then shat all over the people who made the first alpha possible to begin with, alpha that was necessary to the epic deal to happen
yeah, that's a textbook scam there.
It's not, though according to the devs it is since they got caught saying it and now want to run damage control.
It is.
What's important in today's game market?
1. Storefront
2. Publisher
3. Devs
4. Journalist
5. Consumer (entitled)
>free speech means refunds!
They lost 50 patreon supporters out of 1150. And that wasn't even because of the epic deal, they straight up said they don't need money from patreon anymore.
No one is mad, not counting steamtrannies
You are lying! Tim Swiney debunked your hoax! I mean Sweeney sorry typed too fast
Remember people, the devs want you to reach them by email.
Here's a whole log of their filthy discord from kiwifarm's spy
stop bringing consolewar faggotry to the PC you absolute cunt
>thinking they were going to be given a key or some form of compensation
did the devs actually say this would happen though.
>the "response" shown below the original comment wasn't in reply to that note but was copied and pasted from another post elsewhere at different time
Yea right next time you'll tell me it's deepfake everything is conspiracy bla bla bla
I don't even want this game but I feel like seeding it on release just to fuck with the husband to be honest.
H*lla frickin' epic piratebro
>this game still getting shilled
I want to fucking filter that stupid image but none share the same name.
>Why do people care so much about this shit
You know, that's a very good question.
filter image md5? It won't kill all of them, but it'll be one step forward.
Nowhere in that does it make mention of the Gas Chambers. I have to assume it's one of the thousands of edited or redacted messages?
Gas chamber is the only edited one, the rest are real. The bald fuck is using the single edit to excuse all of his shitty actions.
Sounds like bullshit. I checked the prices and i still have to pay 2-5 bucks more on many games. Plus the transaction cost which will probably make me pay more.
t. SEAnigger
Just use credit card or transfer bro. Surely you have these in your country
Yeah it's fake. Poltards are too stupid to understand that making ebin fakes only makes you look stupid and gives the original, intended victim more credibility.
Ah yes
>t. butthurt dev making fake edits to further demonize his fanbase because he could do no wrong
That simpsons meme comes to mind
Yeah, just let them say the normal incriminating stuff and look like retards. The fakes really do just give credence to their "SEE, ALL GAMERS ARE TOXIC!" message that they want to push.
They made a snarky response and got a bunch of shit game journos defending them.
That got them the worst kind of attention and now people who were never going to play the game or buy it are now mad at them.
Didn't care until the devs used "instead of caring about videogames you should be mad about climate change/human rights abuses"
Anyone who uses YOU CAN'T BE UPSET BECAUSE STARVING AFRICANS HAVE IT WORSE! as an argument deserve to have their livelihoods ruined and their names dragged through the mud in an international shaming.
sure thing rabbi
>because Yea Forums loves food analogies
Imagine you call me up for a reservation at a restaurant in a weeks advance
I say "ok, your reservation is made for "time/date" at Jimmies Restaurant
Then a day before your reservation I call you back and tell you "I moved your reservation to the restaurant right next to the original one, its the same distance for you, same food but the service kinda sucks, you dont know anyone there (you were a returning customer in the original restaurant and knew some of the locals, your friends also go to that restaurant), they dont have tables so you have to eat standung up and all the while you eat there is a suspicious chinese man watching you.
You can cancel your reservation if you want, you might get your money back and you will still be hungry
So why the fuck are journalists defending the Epic Game Store?
It's not even a matter of it being a non steam storefront. The thing is a security nightmare that barely functions and probably has a guy being horribly abused building it, but they are defending it blindly.
>you might get your money back and you will still be hungry
And so you just grab the food out of the dumpster behind the restaurant for free because it's all the same quality.
I love pushing food analogies to breaking point and beyond.
Not even that. It's like another Phil Phish, Fez II Meltdown.
Because the devs who support epic are 'woke allies' and are 'under attack by evil nazis' who care about videogames more than starving niglets and climate change
Why are you so upset that they care so much? Just don't read their posts about it.
You can't... it's crowdfunded, people who originally supported the game expecting Steam Keys are fucked. Plus Epic Games has been sketchy as Hell...
guys which is more important climate change or dead jews?
for clicks
I guess I could have worked in tim sweeney paying the chef to switch restaurants and you can just sneak into the kitchen and take the food because its already paid for
>i wont discus this because everyone else opinions are trolling attempts
okay so we did the thing
and maybe don't get mad at that we did the thing
cause you dumb we smart duhdo doodoh durrr DUHHHHHRRRR HUNGGGGHGGGG
we dont need money cause blepic give the money fuck you gamer h huuuuuhhhhhrgrgrggrguh
suck a fat one maybe? maybe get mad at drumpf or air conditioning?? hjuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I find it genuinely odd about America's relationship with Israel. They even paid Israel's billions each year for god knows what. What is it about Israel that's so important to America?
Typical lying kike claiming it's not real.
After I got banned from the server the first time I starting running obs, turns out I captured the dev posting and then deleting that comment whilst I was afk
Here's a longer clip of it all, better quality too files.catbox.moe
Like everything it's the vocal minority being arsed to get on twitter and shout like the cunts they are
I should have been a game developer and scammed people.
dang, i mean this can be forged too but i really assume you didn't
in which case: what a fucking retard
I can't tell if they are real or wax figurines
>user thinks motion tracking is super fancy
Yeah ok user.
I hadn't heard of this game until yesterday, doesn't look all that crazy. Don't know why everyone cares recently.
>So why the fuck are journalists defending the Epic Game Store?
Why not start now? An if you say "well I don't know how to program" that's your first scam. Throw out some bullshit screenshots, set up a patreon, use some bullshit excuses why you're not going to kickstart or use some other crowd fund, hire some pajeet labor firm to slap together some cheap code or screenshots now and again, and then once you've got enough money banked, offshore it or move it to a person you trust but is legally untethered from you and declare bankruptcy. You don't need to be a hollywood jew or a wallstreet jew to run these kinds of scams.
They were the ones picking a fight though. If they just simply said they could use the cash please understand I don't think there's much to talk about but they laced in such condescending bullshit in their announcement.
>Shenmue 3
Now this
Trust in kickstarters and crowdfunding is officially dead, so the scam boat has already set sail
And good fucking riddance
We know this is the case because another developer did that and was forgotten within a week.
Israel has 100% control of the US dollar and they generally have unlimited money for bribes and shills
I really hate how tainted indies are now. Indies used to be fuck publishers, we're gonna make our vision real without their grubby paws in the way. Now Indies just make the game then beg for a handout from some publisher before release, fucking gross.
Dude you stole this "opinion" from Yongyea, it's basically verbatim
That guy is pathetic and so are you
Almost like they're not independent at all when they do that.
There's still people sucking on Schaeffers dick and funding his Fig money laundering scheme, tho it's hard to tell how many of them are only doing so because of bribery.
You fucking madlad, someone spread this on social media!
I'm pretty sure people can just coincidentally share an opinion, I have not watched any eceleb on the topic.
Fucking who?
I hate marxist indie devs too, but them being snarky to Steam dickheads who think every PC game should be on Steam is funny
The retarded asian guy on YouTube who says
What will kikes do now when the truth is out?
not him but that's such a non-sequitur.
DElete THIs!!!!!
Why the fuck would you think anyone would know who that is?
Nice deep fake edit you got there goys
Yea Forums unironically shills him
When the e3 dox dropped half of hte threads were 'oh wow, this dude! awesome!". this being Yea Forums it was likely just one loud sperg tho (maybe even that asshat himself)
Don't you know, the best defense to anything anyone says about Epic is to bring up steam.
Not surprised, that comment was written in the same pretentious style as everything else he's said.
Unless this dude has a wpm of 200 i sincerely doubt this webm wasn't doctored.
>Game tells users it will be on Platform A and/or multiple/other platform(s)
>Game gets pre-sales funding, enabling its development
>Game tells users it will be on Platform B
>Users ask why they were told Platform A if Platform B was going to be decided or if the decision to go with Platform A and/or other(s) wasn't a solidified decision from the begining
>Game derides and mocks users, telling them to request refunds and that they know less good for the game than they do
It's an extremely toxic trend too many game companies are starting to take. We used to pay top dollar for quality products, but now we pay top dollar because we've nowhere else to get even the most mediocre of products. This game, Mech Warrior 5, you name it. While Epic is evil for its involvement as Tencent with the Chinese government, it does ultimately rely on the game developers not succumbing to the greed of further profit at the expense of their audience. It's one thing to sign an exclusive contract with a company based in communism, but it's an entirely different thing when the company that made promises to you was only using your wallet to get a liftoff and lies to you. No one likes being lied to, and the vitriol of these two developers with how unprofessionally rude to their patrons they were is disgusting. That's why people are upset. Anyone citing it's the work of PLATFORMdrones or "muh econony" is an actual communist sympathizer who only cares about their own immediate gratification, even if it's at the expense of others.
EGS exists because of Steam
Not mentioning Steam would be dishonest, as only Steam fanboys hate EGS
Steam fans are such cum.brains.
Tim Sweeney is the loud voice against Steam they've been waiting for.
They haven't realized yet that he doesn't want the kind of trashy visual poem crap that doesn't sell on Steam on EGS either.
Here's an example in realtime
Shitty walking sims are popular on Steam though (Gone Home, Firewatch)
Cry more
>It's photoshopped LMAO
Imagine having an IQ lower than the room temperature.
Victim of male bullying and you need to seek professional help before you get caught and have to register as a sex offender.
Has he fallen on top on you and groped your tits by accident? Has he accidentally seen you naked while you were drying yourself?
>the e3 dox dropped
things that never fucking happened
Go ahead and try to type the sentence "honestly, i'm tempted to say that now we have funding secured, gamers would be better off in gas chambers, but that's probably insensitive" in 3.5 seconds.
So the long list of names and adressess I have on my computer is an elaborate forgery? Fuck, who's house am I taking a shit in right now?
Here's a (You), sir
Just pack it in Ben.
Or are you going to record yourself typing like a retard as proof that the recording of you is fake?
I don't get why my post is (you) worthy other than it being true.
Actually it's indie faggots seething because Ooblet isn't actually an indie anymore as the Ooblet devs are now receiving financial backing from a huge company aka Epic. What's stopping Epic from making more into indies into not indies.
>"steam users are the only ones who hate EGS!"
>tfw you're a buccaneer who hates all DRM, including steam
>have no reason to make an exception for EGS
As much as I really am inclined to want to believe you, the message appears to have to have been typed in such succession from the message previous. Additionally, there was zero response to such a clearly outrageous statement, as he immediately would have been innandated with exclamation. I'm sorry, but this is doctored. The worst part is that the efforts towards proving someone's guilt with doctored evidence only lends more credibility to the foul party. So congratulations, dipshit, you're only making it worse. The best strategy is to outline the things that are very easily proven to have been done than spread false information. Of course, you could be a psyop and intentionally sabetoging efforts against them, if you aren't just plain stupid. Who knows?
>He is definitely a victim of bullying
Not him. You. Dude has brow beaten you until you said yes. Seek help, as in "get yourself out of that situation via any means needed".
I calculated it for you by the way. This guy should hold the world record for WPM because he typed 23 words in 3.5-4 seconds, which equates to an average WPM of 345-400 almost doubling the previous world record of 216 set in 1946 by a stenographer.
No one cares, no one on Yea Forums ever gave a shit about the game, it's why you never saw threads about it before it went Epic exclusive. But r/fuckepic demands blood, and so they must shitpost.
>My underage boyfriend is bullied and mentally unstable so I have to be with him!
>But I already have anoher boyfriend I want to be with eho knows nothing about this!
>My bad life choices are eating me please pity me!
Wow user, your RP is on point
>Additionally, there was zero response to such a clearly outrageous statement, as he immediately would have been innandated with exclamation
The channel is on a 10minute posting cooldown, and it wasn't the channel used as a containment zone for angry people either.
I was waiting for this!
>Given legitimate counter-claim
Take it easy there, spaz. You've no valid ground to make an argument so you're resulting to ad hominem. My apologies that you're this defensive about being called out, but you have to realize that doctored evidence in a court proceeding invalidates a testimony, yeah? You stop the communist-sympathizing indie bastards by outlining their scummy tactics and dealings, not giving them ammunition to work with. A bullet given to the enemy is a bullet aimed at your country.
What if he was using a text to speech program and autistically screeching?
Or he's such a numale that he pretypes his jabs at toxic gamers
I ctrl+c ctrl+v post a lot when I use discord because I don't want people seeing how long it takes me to compose a thought.
Then he's in the wrong business and needs to start rapping.
This doesn't explain my secondary claim to the statement. His response time was still too outlandishly fast. Additionally, with the sheer volume of witnesses, more than a singular, angry person would have commented and shared such genuine hate speech, preferably over a non-anonymous image board. You don't have that many people not come out of the woodwork to mention their resident developer made an allusion to Nazi holocaust gasing of Jewish peoples.
I would not put it past him to have a large database of premade replies ready for any perceived slight.
Gee user, maybe there's a reason you don't have relationships with people who haven't fully matured. Maybe it makes their lives and other's worse because they can't make proper decisions.
If this is real, just get out of there. Tell his parents he's suicidal to keep and eye on him and dip. This is already fucking with you and someday it'll fuck with him. Whatever good you think you're doing or the pats on the back you get to give yourself isn't worth the shitstorm and the healthy behaviours you've tried to instill in him are all going to go south when this eventually hits a brick wall. Better to leave now so he can actually work his shit out without some temptress fucking with his motivations.
>Stop bitching about Hitler, at least he was a real activist and didn't sit on his ass whining about the satte of affairs. what have YOU done?
Oy vey think of the 6 million you racist antisemites, im having flashblacks of dr mengele transplanting a foreskin back on my penis, i'm literally shaking
Imagine trying to justify an anti-semetic post by claiming that people type too fast.
The absolute state of the apologist.
>what have YOU done?
And the rebuttal to such a claim is: why would he have any such incentive premeditated in criminalizing himself? It means he would have had that typed before his initial message and was waiting to send it, so why send it then and not before? It's clearly a case of a burden of consequence, so prior accusation with the burden of proven innocence can't be used here.