Did you know that grabbing your gf's wrist slightly too roughly after she destroyed all of your trophies means that you...

Did you know that grabbing your gf's wrist slightly too roughly after she destroyed all of your trophies means that you should never be able to compete in a video game tournament ever again?
Even if you were declared innocent, yes!

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Other urls found in this thread:


If he genuinely hurt her, he should be punished


Your post hurt me emotionally, I hope you are punished.

he didn't hurt her

Literally go fuck yourselves

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>he respects women

I'm so tired of these fucking retards. Why can't the dumbfucks who get killed in these incel shootings ever be people like the person in OP's screenshot, or better yet, twitter garbage posting retards like OP?

Theres literally noting wrong with hitting a woman.

>Beats by Infiltration

>haohmaru versus genjiro

canon as fuck


Oh, hi Mark

Oh hi Mark

>believing women
please consider cyanide poisoning

>all the people mad about infil winning had pronouns in their bios

are pronouns like the anime avatars of lgbt people?

Literally who fuck yourselves for posting this shit here

>it's another literal who twitter screenshot thread meant to instigate arguments about vapid identity politics on the video game board
see you in + 402 posts and 45 image replies omitted.

It's actually mostly cis straight people doing that embarrassing shit to virtue signal, most of the trannies i know don't actually care.

It's weird because real men used to protect women as they realized they were weaker, but you guys just hate women while deluding yourselves into thinking that you're alpha males

I had written him up as a wife beater years ago when the drama started, and I even really thought he was a wife beater all the way to tonight's top 8. Twtittertrannies made me look up the full story so now I know he's actually innocent.

Based twittertrannies proving women are always lying bitches. BASED infiltration not giving a fuck and dabbing on twittertrannies.

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Women need to be protected because they're like children, unable to take responsibility for their emotional outbursts. And like children they need to be controlled.

somewhat true, I still think most lgbt embrace the whole pronoun thing but you cant really argue that normies dont do it to virtue signal. You especially cant argue against it when you have fucking people running for president of america sticking them in their twitter bios now

Who cares about assaulting a women, he played Genjuro

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No. Cartoon avatars are the anime avatars of lgbt people, but also anime avatars are the anime avatars of lgbt people. All the fucking annoying and extremely rude cunts on twitter lgbt, no wonder we used to hang them from trees.

nah but my gf loves it when I give her butt a good whack when shes not expecting it. feels good man.

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>unable to take responsibility for their emotional outbursts
you mean like talking about how much you hate women on the video games board of Yea Forums? lole same

Maybe you should start questioning everything now instead of just believing every story up front.

Hope you take that lesson and learn it for future events.

>convicted abuser
Is this person literate?

Pretty much this. Infiltration did nothing wrong.

I'm usually a skeptic, but the dumbass admitted to it so I thought it was a clear cut case. Either way, lesson learned, I'm never believing anything or anyone anymore.

Maybe they sometimes are and you just never find out.

oh hi Mark

>most of the trannies I know

Why would you know multiple trannies?

women are the supreme beings in western society, they are equal to men yet superior and also inferior so must be protected

If they don't want him to win, why don't they just beat him?

Because why not? I don't care what someone's gender is as long as they're cool.

For how long? Is 2 years a long enough punishment?

You should never believe women especially in the #metoo era since women are stupid, lazy, and evil.

Neckbearded Virgin: The post

Shit I thought this was about to be about Noel Brown, glad that guy's still exiled.

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23, MT, she/they, sapphic nb trans girl | Falke/Poison (SFV), Skarlet/Baraka (MK11), Charlotte (SamSho), Wagner (UNIST), Chrom/Inkling (SSBU), Marth (Melee)

>Mr. Wiz gets mad as fuck at anime tiddies
>Wiz got enraged at SF5 s4 character leaks because it'll mean less money for him personally
>Wiz tries to spin Inflitration coming back as some olympian feat
Honestly I don't care about what Inflitration did, but Mcribs can eat my shit.

Well I didnt know the context behind it, I just assumed it happened right then and there

It will never be enough punishment until he's publicly tortured and executed.

Average people rarely ever encounter transsexuals. They are a tiny minority.

not among young people.

Don't fucking post then, newfag

every time

I'm trans and I'm on Infiltration's side in this one.

If you are going to shitpost about this you need to post an image proving your played fighting games recently.

Otherwise you are just a kiddie looking for drama

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>after she destroyed all of your trophies
Damn, I wonder what caused things to fall apart?

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>23, MT, she/they, sapphic nb trans girl | Falke/Poison (SFV), Skarlet/Baraka (MK11), Charlotte (SamSho), Wagner (UNIST), Chrom/Inkling (SSBU), Marth (Melee)
Not a Tekken player, huh?

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I dunno what you count as average people, but I live in a wealthy city and I see them all the fucking time.
The worst ones are the ones that don't even fucking bother the wax or shave their facial hair.
I can understand wanting to crossdress, but fucking hell, I'd never do it unless I made a convincing/attractive girl.

She was a controlling bitch so he wanted a divorce.

How would you ever know?

>Nip player gets beaten in a game about Samurai by a gook pigdog

I play FFXIV, fighting games and used to frequent a store where they did Magic The Gathering tournaments, as well as some small local anime cons.
I'd be shocked if you hung around in similar circles and never at least encountered one or two of them.

Made the mistake of thinking marriage is a moral obligation like so many conservative cultures, so he rushed to marry a girl to have sex with, and she turned out to have a princess complex and didn't like him playing video games (his job,) around the house, or leaving to play them (also his job.)

No one should be marrying someone without living with them for a few years first, you're just destined for trouble and divorce.

Yeah man immediate ordered assassination via drone strike its the only way

You're the rare unicorn that retained their sanity after going through HRT. You should look for other sane ones and rein in your community ASAP before the world gets really tired of this tranny drama shit.

I said average people, not faggots

That might be the case but I wasn't talking about seeing them on the street but rather multiple trannies in your friend circles

I don't think you understand how this works.
People who follow you're advice will be labeled as uncle toms and the drama will continue regardless.
All these people want are power, good boy points, and something to be outraged about, doesn't matter who's in the way.

>I said average people, not faggots
Fair point, i am quite the faggot.
I don't see the appeal of hanging out "average people" though, but you do you.

kill yourself

inb4 "why didn't he take it to court"
>decide to fight in court
>he has to pay for the lawyer
>she doesn't work, so court gets her lawyer paid by taxpayers
>civil and family courts do not require proof to find someone guilty. "believable story" is good enough.
>she can claim anything under the sun, and she won't be punished even if proven lying, so she just keep hitting him with accusations
>whoever loses depends who runs out of money faster: him or the government

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>Man does criminal activity
>Police and Courts investigates and decides what is fair punishment for crime
>Man takes the punishment decided fair
>Man continues his life afterwards
>Twitter trannies think he should continue to be punished despite having done his time and not committing any more incidents

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you are one of those "sensitive" guys.. one of those fucking retards who wreck it for the rest of sane humanity. Kill yourself it would help humanity more then even the best version of your pathetic life ever could.

kek, no.
Everyone who crosses a woman should have their limbs cut off and left to fend for themselves in the wilderness.
What, do you live in 2010 or something?

That's a false dichotomy. It's not like it's either boring normies or trannies. There are interesting hobbies and social circles that haven't been infected by trannies.

Never believe women that don't report shit immediately.


Accusers on twitter will link only the audio transcript where she supposedly says she's being choked, but after reading this, how could anyone still believe that? There is no evidence of that at all even when she tried to charge him for violence, only the wrist thing is actually brought up, it just doesn't make sense.

>but after reading this
You make the assumption that tards on twitter can read past 20 characters.

Same, but she also slaps my butt for some bizarre reasons

>homo demon
Fags should hang. Prove me wrong

Umm no sweaty, you don't cross a womyn and get to live afterwards. It's 2019, we don't live in the sexist ages anymore!

>Everyone person seething about his victory on twitter is a tranny

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No. Cartoon CalArt versions of the user that hide their hideous man faces, or fursonas pics, are the equivalent.

>cartoon avatar
>trash opinion

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If you weren't an actual virgin like half this fucking board you'd know women are chronic liars, they literally don't even know why, they just do because they "feel like it"

t. incel

Most trannies are obnoxious attention whores. You're probably an annoying retard, too.

kek, keep dreaming about fucking women in the ass in front of your PC screen, nerd, calling people buzzword is the most you'll ever amount to in life

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>unironically using the term cis gendered
>pretending trannies arent obnoxious degenerates
You are pathetic.

t. projecting incel

>tfw all the women I know are great but they're all in relationships
I don't want to end up with one of the shit ones bros.......

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Why are there so many SJW anime girls

Did I hit a nerve, involuntary celibate? :^)


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what if she genuinely hurt him

Only after you had sex :)
which is never, LMAO




That would imply they ever leave their houses

so, past tense meaning he's had sex? Dumb tranny

Dear trannies,
For the love of God, please kill yourselves. Do the world a huge favor! No one wants you here!

He admitted to grabbing her in order to stop her while she was destroying his property and they were fighting over the phone. She took that sprained wrist as the only round of ammo she needed to fuck him over while at the same time lying about being choked out by him. He never ever admitted to striking her, nor choking her, nor being proactively violent. He took what the cops suggested he do at face value (dumb fucking move) before consulting a lawyer and just agreed to pay her off instead of getting into a long court battle. That oversight allowed his name and reputation to be smeared by everyone who didn't actually know shit about the details while Infiltration could effectively do nothing to defend himself.

Infiltration is completely innocent in reality, a victim himself, and it only takes a simple observation of the facts we now know from the court details to confirm it. His past few years of his life have been taken from him, and his character has been irreparably damaged because of her.
Anyone who dares to continue to perpetuate the lies about Infiltration after this point is an irredeemable scumbag and retard.


I've seen people use this screenshot as evidence both for and against Infil. It's fucking impossible to know the extremity or severity of the altercation based on this alone, or even the full report. I still have no idea what the fuck to think, and I don't understand how anyone does on either side.

Enough of this outrage media, stop getting outraged by their outrage and they will stop writing this drivel.

Is South Korea just cucked or something? Every story I hear paints a picture that they're infected with western feminism shit that other eastern countries avoided like the plague

In the name of the moon I will punish you.

Reminder that sodomites will burn in Hell for all eternity.

>says the dumb tranny that doesn't understand have vs had

bro I hope she sees this

Look at the popularity of kpop and you tell me

the correct option is to not give a fuck because it's no one's business but his own and has nothing to do with him playing fucking video games

reminder that it's your responsibility to beat women to get them in line

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every fucking time.

whores, not even once.

Incels will defend this.

It's a fantastic incel power fantasy fiction, exactly the kind of thing I would expect people from here to repost.

That's what you get if you are controlled by your dick and don't jump ship when you see the red flags
Beating her could get him in trouble, it might've worked out for him but that isn't the solution for every relationship similar to this

>doesn't file criminal charges until a month later
>AFTER he started a lawsuit for the property he OWNS and after he was locked out of his own home
fucking golddigging whore, I wish he actually did beat the shit out of her
I can't fucking believe she sued him for the lock and he had to pay that shit too (again months later and after he already won the property suit)
what the fuck is wrong with korea

he outright admits she was always lazy and a bad cook and the dumb fuck still married her, nevermind the teen pregnancy

Imagine being proud of being trailer trash.

Whores know their place user

>retarded furry nigger scum couldn't cheat this time
Based nip destroying the nigger faggot scum.


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Blogposting, but when I was in undergrad I had an abusive girlfriend. I didn't really notice it, my friends took me aside one day and expressed their concern.
>user, your girlfriend is abusive
>dude she calls you names and hits you
>she can't harm me, she is puny
>dude she is trying to hurt you
>how? I have over a foot and a hundred pounds on her
>just pay attention man
One day she was rough-housing per usual and it seemed like she was starting to get serious so I grabbed her wrist and told her my friends had expressed concern and asked her if she was just teasing or actually trying to harm me. She started to struggle and hurt her wrist trying to get away.

Next thing I know she's calling the cops. After a few months and some legal fees, I got a restraining order against her. Only thing that saved me was testimony from about a dozen people saying she was a piece of shit.

>homo demon

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What a story, Mark!

You don't get it, incels believe that 99% of all women fit all the worst personality traits, so this dude thought he was just describing the normal woman, and how he "elevated" her. The fantasy is just too easy to spot.


They don't play fighting games.

bitches need to learn their place

This desu, reminds me of the pasta about the guy who aborted his bf's kid with a punch and his DSi was recording and used that as evidence to prove he wasn't guilty or whatever

God was behind him and blessed him, otherwise he wouldnt win

>she destroyed all of your trophies
Holy shit, I haven't been keeping up with the FGC. Isn't Infiltration married? Did his wife really did all that shit?

He wanted a divorce which is what prompted this temper tantrum.

this is what enrages me about the twitter mob bullshit
>left spends decades trying to convince people jail is for "reeducation and reintegration" not just punishment
>entire justice system cucked because of it, death penalty removed from most western countries (and a lot of US states)
>lefties now decide that "ACTCHUALLY, justice is about punishing the criminal, who should never be able to live a normal life after doing any crime we deem morally reprehensible"
Don't they fucking realize how they're going against their own beliefs?

My favourite part is that people complaining about this likely don't even compete in the FGC

theres repercussions for your actions, dont see the problem if people dont want to associate with him.

This is also why you never give in to them. It will never be enough and they'll always want more.


>theres repercussions for your actions
Then why didn't his wife face any repercussions? It's almost like it's only ever men that are at fault.

Except it's not like Infiltration is complaining that people don't like him, he's literally turned up, played incredibly well and won after the TO decided they'd let him play and everyone's seething that they didn't just bar him.

Literally fucking 1v1 irl say that shit to my face not online fucker.

Infiltration is a cool guy. He's so skilled at fighting games and he even knows how to paint rather well. To me it sounds like his personal issues are outside our ability to know fully, and so I instead choose to focus on the positive talents he chooses to show the world. It's possible to condemn bad behavior without totally hating the person forever.

It's sad that people still don't realize that this is old as fuck pasta. I've seen this shit on /ck/ for years.

You are ignorant
Women were designed to be subservient to men
It is how we evolved, it is how our social order naturally emerged, and it's how our social order remained until certain events were set into motion to set women against men.

History repeatedly shows us that when women become uncontrolled and stray from their place in the natural order, society ALWAYS declines, usually to its total complete collapse.

Put the women back in the home (in chains, if need be), remove them physically from man's society, and all will be well again. Until then we're on the path to destruction. This is simple fact that no reasonable man who knows the slightest thing about how human society formed and grew over the millenia will disagree with, human civilization works and has always worked at its best when men are at the forefront and women support them.

>dont see the problem if people dont want to associate with him
>evo still associates with him by allowing him to attend and win samsho

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have sex


If it's impossible to know the extremity of the altercation (which is a reasonable, accurate statement) then it should also extend into judgments against him. If nobody knows for sure how bad the altercation got then nobody can allege that he's a wife beater and abuser. I think it's a lot more reasonable to expect Evo to bar the entry of someone who is actually an abuser (even if in this case if he were in jail and atoned for his crimes maybe he deserves a second chance) than the current situation where nobody knows anything except for a bruised wrist, which doesn't really strike me as someone going caveman on his wife and thrashing her so much as it seems like someone trying to prevent her from doing something, presumably wreck his shit.

LOL ya dumb fuck your comment implies he got laid choke on five dicks

Whether he hit her or did not doesn't matter. He won the touranment and that's what that post is about. He could've been a mass murderer but that doesn't invalidate his accomplishments in other things.

But if everything isn't black and white how am I supposed to formulate my opinions on people? I bet you're ugly, fat, smelly and unemployed since you disagree with me.

What a man does in his own home to his property doesn't concern you twitterfaggots

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Trannies are so mad they're imagining alternate histories.

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Isn't that some gays rights flag on her tshirt? Jesus fucking christ, what is wrong with those people?

They have to deny reality to match their delusions constantly, so doing it for other things becomes second nature

The latest pathetic trend for trannies on twitter is to paste characters in front of their flag and say " character supports trans rights!" or " character is trans! wow!"

and they say trannies aren't mental ill

Isn't that against their own fucking agenda? What's with the "did you just assume my gender" bullshit when they literally fabricate the sexual orientation and gender of fictional characters?

Im here for the Incarceration jokes


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Did you know that if you post the hot take of some fucking nobody Yea Forums will be all over it because we're the worst board on this site?

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How much longer do i have to wait until we can kill trannies

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Why the fuck do they have to push their politics into fucking everything. I actually see people here say Yea Forums is obsessed because they "totally aren't pushing anything!" but then fucking miku can't even wear a normal fucking t-shirt.

people like you need to gtfo off internet and get curbstomped

>Cuck speech
>"HOMO" demon
Gee, who would have thought...

what xiv server are they on?

What's funny is that this is all fake outrage and virtue signaling for that sweet twitter cred. Everyone knows trannies hate real women (since they know they can never be like them), and would love to beat them to death if they could.

the idea is to provoke non-crazies by co-opting characters they like who have nothing to do with their mental illness

it's the same reason blacks like to live in their own fantasy version of history where instead of being primitive savages and parasites on society that their people were pharoahs, inventors, and basically everything else every other race did. It's 'occupying' white space which to them is totally brave instead of fucking obnoxious to the point of wishing mass murder upon them and their families.

me and my gf exchange buutt smacks all the time
she also tickles my testicles and taint

Mods don't care, Yea Forums is a toilet board, you can post literally whatever you want now, and they clearly agree because they don't do jack fucking shit about it.

lol 100 bucks that you two are the nicest little incels to every woman around you :) stop pretending to be big on the internet, go back to /h/ and rot your brain with porn

except that's wrong
mods regularly delete videogame threads on here

How things should work:
>person does bad thing
>person is tried and if found guilty has to atone with the accordance of the law
>person can now rejoin society

How we are close to things being right now:
>person is accused of something
>person is found guilty and is punished
>the punishment lasts forever and ever
>he should be fired and never hired anywhere ever again
>he should be barred from doing any activity indefinitely

please go and stay go faggot

>that feel when a person I respect retweeted this and agrees with them

She violated the NAP.

>always believe woman user what could go wrong ?

i hope people start seeing things as they are, THE HUMAN RACE is filled by a bunch of assholes faggots, done believe in everything you see, i hope infiltration is partying right now, absolute lad and a huge fuck you for all "M`ladies" out there who attacked him


a public accusation is a death sentence these days
it might not be a literal death, but for many it is the death of their social life and career
being judged guilty or innocent doesn't matter if the public has already decided that you are guilty now and forever

Don't want to say names but they are known in the arcade community and does some fighting game stuff, mostly with Animevo.

That's the best thing evo ever did

It was really bad in 2013-4 with this social justice shit, which is where the name came from. Like that dongle incident where luckily the girl got fucked as well but is probably doing fine now. Hopefully the guy is too.

Don't be silly tell me his name

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thats why everyone hates "social justice" there is no real JUSTICE in it, if did anything wrong you are fucked for LIFE

Tekken has a skill ceiling just above Twitter pronoun users

The guy will never be fine again, the stigma will haunt him for decades to come.

It's amazing how many times I've seen the whole cycle of
>accusation made against party
>guy gets mobbed by social media, employers/business partners drop him to save face
>turns out the accusations are horseshit, the guy was either completely innocent or at the very least the accuser was equally in the wrong
>backpedalling, moving goalposts and doubling down galore from accusers and supporters of said accuser
do the accused get an apology or their job back afterwards? nope

and in the end, no-one learns anything and the cycle repeats for some other poor guy

This reminds me of a gay British youtuber who was preaching acceptance and kindness towards immigrants only to be killed by a Muslim bombing some place where he just happened to be

With her tongue?

>they dont stop seeething

>for how long these resetera trannies will bash the dude user ?

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It's the tranny flag.

I'm glad Infiltration won, but fuck Genjuro mains.

Give it a few days. Twitter shitters have short attention spans, and will find something else to be outraged over, in the coming week.

im sorry to hear that user. probably for the best that you didn't end up together for life if she was treating you so badly


imagine doctors sneakily euthanizing trannies when they go in for SRS, haha ILABI

this every time
bonus points for everything is pastel colors and pronoun nigger is also a bad artists

>I grabbed her wrist
I wonder how bored the cops are processing cases that consist exactly of this and nothing else.

Might as well chokeslam the bitch, you'll get the same treatment in a court of law.

>Might as well chokeslam the bitch, you'll get the same treatment in a court of law.
Ah, the Mike Tyson.

Mr. Wizard has been chasing the dollar signs HARD for the past 3 years, which is a shame because he used to be all about the community over everything else.

The Cannon's have fallen a long way. Shame.

leftcuck here. It pisses me off, Too. There's nothing more infuriating than having a bunch of retarded monkeys making a mockery of your beliefs, Corrupting and outright ignoring some of it. I've been called an alt-righter more times than i can count since 2017.

In the gulags, murderers were given preferential treatment and occasionally dominion over political prisoners.

The logic was that a murderer can be redeemed, can be useful, but somebody who will not toe the party line cannot ever.
Same shit, different Siberia.

He was declared innocent. What else do people want?

If you want to win EVO there's no point in not picking Genjuro.

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Same boat, friend.
I didn't consciously stop being Leftie, my subscription just lapsed and the new price is too high.
I thought it was just about looking out for folk less fortunate than you are, giving back to your community and generally letting people live their own life without judgement.
If you need to be fine with all the soviet and weimar shit to be part of the club now, I guess I'm out.
The only way it'll ever be fun again is after everything swings too hard the other way, but I doubt even then that I'll ever re-up.