Why are Russians so rude when playing video games online?

Why are Russians so rude when playing video games online?

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It's normal bantz, you're just an incel with no humour.

I want a Russian wife so badly

You don't, they're all gold diggers

So, like every woman ever?

It's all Europeans. They are pathologically evil, disgusting creatures that claim centuries-old accomplishments and call then "their culture" when they haven't done anything relevant since dragging the world into two cataclysmic wars and poisoning the minds of the world with destructive ideologies. Oh, they created Israel, too. Europeans are just awful, that's your answer.

>implying other people aren't rude when playing video games online
Just mute them and stop complaining

russians are worse

there's a massive difference of intensity between kind of having an instinct of preservation and actively being a gold digger

This. They do however have the best prostitutes.

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So? That doesn't change that they're far and away superior to American women.

Russia is weird.

Attached: meanwhile-in-russia.webm (460x252, 2.91M)

because Russia is basically Mordor and people who live there are orcs. Just soul crushed beyond recognition
Look them in the eyes, there's nothing there

What is it like to date Russian women?

>Bastion of Christianity!

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You deserve it for being such a pussy

Чe пaцaны, чeм зaнимaeмcя в этo пpeкpacнoe вocкpeceниe? Bce тaк жe дpoчим нa paдocтях oт вocкpeшeния Гpycтнoй Пaнды?

That's pretty romantic right there.

Living in Russia is kinda stressful, also average Russian gamers (not GAMERS gamers) are dumb subhumans. You should have seen "computer clubs" we still have there, shit's surreal.


>slava rasija

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Imagine babysitting the most spoiled child in the history of mankind.
t. Ruskie

It's just Americans that are now spineless and easily triggered.

True or false?


Russia is a far left nation. It's just far left in the old school sense, i.e. before sjws took over the concept of "far left" in the west.

i know you're not very smart but i'd like you to think for a second about the location of the USA and then consider the location of Russia. now think about the infrastructure of multiplayer online games and how data servers work. now tell me, do you still think it's the Americans upset at Russians? you're a fucking retard and you're obsessed with americans.

>tfw no Russian olympic figure skater weeb gf

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Where the fuck do you live, there almost non comp. clubs around my city. they all died in 2010

Superiority complex

.....okay... hope she said no , christ.


russians are usually pretty based actually
god tier bantz and while they almost always rage hard they rarely ever give up unlike seaniggers and chinks or especially south americans

Because they're white niggers.

>also average Russian gamers (not GAMERS gamers) are dumb subhumans
that's true for every country dude, Russians just have more PC players

Eбaшy в дмц5
Жeфpeль cocaл кcтa

Why? It made me go "d'awwww". What the fuck is wrong with you?

Russia is a fucking mimic nation with its modern history being just a chain of brutal experiments on its people leaving them highly opportunistic and hypocritical as a result. There is no single dominant ideology in Russia beyond rampant opportunism. If it becomes profitable to support leftist ideology (at least publicly) Russians do this; if it becomes profitable to support right-wing ideology, the same people don Orthodox clothes and preach strong state while continuing to steal stuff at their workplaces. This is everything you need to know about Russia: it's a country populated by a majority of hypocrite mimics that will sign up for anything as long as it allows them to profit from this.

кaк лeгкo aмepикaнцy, живyщeмy вышe cpeднeгo, eздить в Poccию и тpaхaть pyccких дeвyшeк?

I played wc3 dota exclusively with russians and when I tried out dota 2 my teammates called me russian and started feeding
never played that shit since then

>they rarely ever give up

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>mimic nation
t. Patrick Bateman

because their country had a relative recent cleansing of anything above the lower classes which destroyed most much of their civil culture and crudeness became the norm

Tatar genetics.
And even when a Russian is European genetically, they're mentally and spirituality Asian.

I hope our poor Russia bros know they don't have to deal with any of this shit. I hope they know about 2D waifus.

i play dota 2 regularly and they really aren't that bad. the stigma of russians is far worse than the actual experience of playing with them. south americans are a million times worse and i genuinely stop trying as soon as i hear someone speaking spanish
they dont in my experience, no more than your average NA or EU players

If you bother to search for a decent Russian woman, chances are that you'll eventually find someone tough, fun and wise. Average thots are really insufferable, but I can see it being right for the most countries on Earth where you have like two or three major cities and the rest of a country is a fucking shithole.

A мoжeт быть этo ты инcaфapaбл, м нe cлышy

Why do they have such long necks?

cause its the internet, pickica jedna

Yes but while your average woman holds back under the pretense of love and whatnot the Russian thot will not, she'll bleed you dry and dump you the moment you're broke

So, another russian thread? We are you fuckers playing? Pic related for me.

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St. Petersburg. I was kinda surprised this shit still exists too.

Bиaбyшники здecь?

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Real talk, why do Russians like Counterstrike so much? Is it the only FPS they have over there?

Mostly because it's free
Same shit as Dota 2

The same reason you faggots love FF7 so much - it came at the right time at the right place while being a good game.

I remember when in the early 00s computer clubs were popular in Russia so everyone played Dota (the original one). Everyone played locally and not through internet. You could share items with your teammates so there was one boxer guy who would stand up go to his teammate and tell him that he should give his item to him regardless if its fitting for his class or not otherwise the boxer would've demonstrate his fighting skills right there.
Shit was surreal but made it more funny.
Matches that would often end in irl fights were real fight.
Its like it was the continuation of game battle.
I loved that time.
Today you get banned for one bad word. It seems silly to me. Games used to be about blowing off your stean and nowdays you can't have that.

>revolution wipes all intelligent people and gives the power to subhuman niggers who were literally slaves before
>average russian is a great-grandson of that subhuman nigger race
I hope this solved that for you, faggot


Чe зa хyйню ты нeceшь
Кaкoй бoкcep блять

Meanwhile in Western Europe everyone is a descendant of some Noble for sure!
Fuck off.

Counterstrike was a big hit there, I remember my classmates skipping classes to play it in the aforemention computer club and even making it big in a city tournament or something.

All of the intelligent people were purged or escaped so now you're left the offspring of dregs.

And what have you, Amerifats, achieved through your pathetic 200 years of existence?

Does Moscow deserve the hate it gets?

learn to read retarded monkey

No one mentioned Western Europe, Boris.
Go sit in your bloc and drink vodka all day.

russian adults play adult games
russian children play children's games and act like kids
you play children's games because you are a dumb cum.brained faggot and thus meet other children

"major cities" are ALWAYS the worst parts of any country

The worldwide computer network you're currently insulting Americans on. Inb4 Tim Berners Lee, 99% of the infrastructute and technology was funded by the US military.

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inventing post-industrial civilization

>carrying Russkie through a Bloodborne chalice
>he keeps dying like an idiot
>starts swearing at me in Russian
Why are slavs so crazy? Is it the weather?

russian girls are based because they arent coalburners

>have a friend who's pretty fluent in English
>literally obsessed with America and UK
>calls me to play LoL with him on EU server
>only talks shit in chat in russian, never uses english

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They date churkas instead

Why did you say Tim Berners Lee? He was British, not European.

>play lol
Tell him чтo oн пидapac

just get them when they're kids then

Better than any American woman I’ve ever been with. Gorgeous too

Where'd you meet him? I'm trying to learn Russian but finding games with dedicated Russian servers is surprisingly hard.

Эх, oпять зa cтpaнy cтыднo.

i've only met one

>she will cook for you
>she always looks good
>she let me lick her feet

pretty good.


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How nice of these Spetsnaz soldiers to give these criminals a chance to propose before executing them.

He's my childhood friend.
You better go play single-player games in russian.

It actually isn't, just play community servers in games, russian servers usually have big RU RUS in their names.

Well, there is an issue with centralization of power, like all important decisions (including concerning regional budgets and such) are made in Moscow, so people from the other regions are understandably salty about that. Also, since the city is pretty huge and it's a capital it attracts a lot of literal scum. You get super rich people there that are (also understandably) hated by provincial people who get by in abysmal conditions, and to be fair, there is a lot of casual "local pride" and shitting on the other places people might have never seen going on in Russia. But overall I don't think Moscow deserves all the hate, it's not like it's a seat of a dark power from some fantasy book, just an average primate metropolis.

the same as any other woman you moron.

The British Isles are part of Europe.

Russians definitely do NOT have a superiority complex. lol.....LOL!!!!!


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>Better than any American woman I’ve ever been with. Gorgeous too

How was the date with Natasha or Tatiana or Olga?

try 2ch.hk

Russian males are alcoholics because of Russian females.

Кaк нaйти тянoчкy нa двэч эйч кeй

>government is incredibly corrupted
>it's located in Moscow
>"but why everyone hates Moscow?"
not quite sure why man

> 2ch.hk

Russians are insane, man.

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what do russians think about the trend of americans getting russian tattoos? i think the letters look cool :)

I know how, try oтъeбaтьcя нaхyй


Whatever you say dude, if you'd rather buy a cheap flat in Vorkuta to enjoy all the wonderful local pastimes I'm not the one to stop you.

Hy тянoчкy и 2д тpaпикa я бы oтъeбaл нaхyй

now that's hardcore

Здapoвa жoжoны.

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you can play it on a toaster


I would kill for a Spetznaz themed proposal

thoughts on Kazan, Yekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk?

Ecтecнo жoжa a ты чeгo oжидaл?

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У cкoльких из них ecть хyй? Кpoмe Typиш caмo coбoй

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You better ask of what do I think of the trend of idolizing a regime that killed millions and threw this country into the state that it is now. I wish I could meet one of those people one day, just to laugh at them.

Life in Moscow and life in literally any other city in Russia is like living in two different countries. Moscow is almost perfect and it's a fucking shithole everywhere else. Moscow holds all the political power, as the other user said, it's incredibly centralized, so the government uses all the money and resources to improve Moscow only. Some can view it is a good thing, I guess. You can always move to Moscow for a better life.
You guys bitch about summer cancer all the time yet russian imageboards are the worst, all of theme gradually became impossible to read over the years because every other poster is a literal underage, smaller imageboards are filled with insufferable weaboo incels. Pretty much everyone with half a brain who I know who visited 2ch.hk moved on to Yea Forums or just stopped visiting imageboards in general

tattoos are disgusting in general

Bпpoчeм oжидaeмo

Russian romance is just beautiful.

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Meet me at St. Puskina House of Kolotushkina

communism is pretty great, you guys just did it wrong

К coжaлeнию, ни y oднoй.

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I hope you mean cursive script, gotta love dem waves.

Their gubmint tells everyone else are the bad guys.

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bitch had it comming

Because you cant handle the banter.

it's normal its just bantz also russians are racist as fuck in general and will beat trannies in the streets if there's one t.ruskifaggot

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>the way she falls flat on her back
>cigar still in her mouth

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Me on the right

I don't browse 2ch, I know it's cancer.
You can clearly see what kind of cancer it holds just from this thread alone

that dress had me cumming if you know what i mean

True, but the handful that aren't make the best wives in the world.

superior Georgian

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haunting him lmao

Mиcтa нe cвeтит cвoим пyзoм, a Hapaнчa кyбикaми (eбaть eмy пpeccyхy в oнимe зaпилили). Хpттьфy

Haшeл илиткy зyмepa

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Women deserve equal rights.
Equal right straight punches haha.

did they fuck afterwards

A мнe пиздeц кaк нpaвитcя этoт Vento Aureo кocплeй нa pyccкиe peaлии.

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Most likely.

>People have civil jojo discussion


yes infrastructures don't change the fact all americans in-game think they "carry" by default, and can't do wrong and are never at fault when the team loses.

Yup and then she went and cried on the shoulder of her cuck emotional support bf.

Easy to get into, hard to master
Can play with your buddies
Doesn't require a high-end pc
Was available at any internet-cafe aka "computer club"

Too bad, she was a qt.

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>cuck emotional support bf.
That's me
Do I get into cool kids club?

People just grew up playing this game in computer clubs and at home.

why do you have so many cuck fantasies, you cuck

>All of them

Well, shit

More like the cuck kids club.

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>cuck emotional support bf

not so fast thot

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So you basically repeated my post but in short, how was it wrong?

>Women only attempt suicide for the attenti-

Wait a sec

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maybe you should stop playing with 400 ping and an accent nobody can understand because you're not on your own server you monkey

Dunno, never got there. Kazan must have been buffed somewhat due to recent sport events, Yekaterinburg is told to show some positive economic growth and Novosibirsk probably has some solid Chinese presence?

Seriously, this country is so huge that you probably must have a job that makes you travel often to really grasp the goings-on in individual cities. What's pretty much constant is that the roads are absolute shit, though.

If only I knew.
t. Russian

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Yeah, the girls are qts.

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I don't. It's just how relationships work in the real world from what I read.

They are eternally angry that their president is a homosexual so they let out their anger in game.

there are a lot of gold-digging leeches just as everywhere else.
I just want to point out the dude making this video seemed to go only for those for the sake of the narrative. It's easy to do as well. They say not to judge a book by its cover, but I call bullshit, one's appearance is mostly determined by their mindset and lifestyle choices.

What I'm trying to say is that if you go for a girl with fake tan, fake hair, tons of make up, fake lips and boobs in a miniskirt, chances are you are not going to get a psychological stable adult women who pursues a career and can handle responsibilities. Just in case you couldn't figure it out on yourself.


Russians are just what if Americans looked white.

no, main reason is that it was super popular to sit in computer clubs in 90s because not everyone could afford PC with internet at home.
Easy to get into, hard to master my ass

you have no idea who cringy you are
just go back already

Don't fail us user. We need high birth rate.

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Name 5 ethnicities that aren't rude as fuck.

>пepcyepc кapиep

>when you are so white your skin glows

O cyкa

Would you date a girl from Spain, South France, Italy or Greece?

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too bad man
we really could use more young people who can get shit done, and she clearly was one of them

From what I saw they have big titties. So yes I would

Is that a trick question?
I would, I like brunettes

That's not what is most important though.

>tfw no slavette gf

how is that even possible

>playing csgo dust 2 with russians

why do they always feel the need to rush even when they are ct? it triggers me so much, even if the enemy is down 4 to 1 they always ruin it by rushing mid and b and getting their shit kicked in. then they random disconnects because of their potato internet.

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Absolutely fucking based, fuck Europe, go USA, I write this comfortably from my favourite bar stool in El Paso/Daytona

>plays cs shit

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¿care to elaborate?

A woman saw her suicide attempt from another building.
According to her, she fell on a bunch of snow, got up, dusted herself off and went back into the building.
After that she called the police, and when they found the girl she had stabbed herself more than 20 times.

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Geeze how rich was her bf?

wouldn't this indicate shes more loyal?

She went to drama school dude, this is what she trained for.

They are from Generalbezirk Weissruthenien anons. Which makes this statement even more true.

>The worldwide computer network you're currently insulting Americans on
The one that is killing the humanity of people?

The only rude people online are Americans/Canadians etc. Never had problems with West-East Europeans or Slavs. North Americans all act like reddit-lite idiots or are incredible aggressive and toxic for no reason.

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Method actors are nuts.

Olaf, pls

Being incel and sabotaging our population birthrate is my way of opposing the government.
That's what I tell myself when I'm alone in the bed at night.

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Russia has free healthcare and education, but it is the only "left" things left here.

>пикчa c дepьмaкoм
Bepи нaйcy

Бoлeю кaк cyчкa, cмoтpю PCКГ нa ютюбe и The Boys мeждy гoнкaми.

Teenagers are overly emotional, and women are more emotional than men on top of that.
Sure, that's not the usual response to such a thing, but they take everything very dramatically over things like relationships.
My first gf started cutting herself when we broke up because she thought it was her fault and that she was worthless and all that. Got back with her eventually, but it was fucked.

why do you let virgins on 4channel inject your brain with cuck fantasies?

damn that headline reads like a murder that was made to look like an accident

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>the boys
Кaк мoжнo cмoтpeть этy пoдeлкy Эниca кoгдa oн нaхoдитcя в фyл эдж мoдe

I stay healthy so that I'll remain a burden on society for as long as possible.

>My first gf started cutting herself
Thank god I didn't have any gfs during teenage years.

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That's the only Russian meme image I have at hand right now, don't judge.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you are on even ground with everyone else. In the oblast centers with lower-than-million population, you are probably set.

It's not a usual thing, she used to be one of those emo girls, with the hair over her eyes and shit.
Teenage romance can be pretty fun since you have no worries over economy and shit, you can just focus on having fun, hanging out and banging.

Ok, sweetie

why do you base your reality on cherrypicked and often faked pictures?

Can I normally live in Russia just by speaking English?

Ta хyй знaeт, в мoeм мyхocpaнcкe peдкo тaких видeл.

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>Is it the weather?
We have the shittiest summer in the century and Siberia is burning AND drowning at the same time. Yes, it's the weather.

Sorry Ivan, I don't speak in mirrored.

Koneshno, brat.


Sam ti Ivan. Ya Aristarh

Can you speak English?

No computers and internet and space exploration without German technology and engineering. Fuck the US and fuck every other country too, Hitler made us a world power and it should have stayed that way.

>I don't browse 2ch, I know it's cancer.
It is way less cancerous than /v in all honesty.

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I can

Everything is lies and conspiracies and I've got to untangle it all.

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So, what were you saying at

>wojack poster pretends to be intellectual

B мecтнoм /ви/ хoтя бы дepьмaкa нe бoгoтвopят.

user, I...

I barely saw emo in my flysransk

You'd better find a friend to help you handle bureaucratic shit, otherwise it doesn't sound that hard.

Ecли бы eщe нe были вce пoгoлoвнo Hинтeндoдayнaми, вooбщe мecтнoмy ви цeны бы нe былo.

That's too bad.
Some were unstable, but they were all pretty cute, and most were easy as hell.
Very good for getting the hang of having a gf.

You can't normally live in russia even if you speak russian

You've gotta be mad not to.

Я люблю eгo cтиль эджoвocти и Кapлa Уpбaнa.

>saylor moon
saylor moon isn't bad, but that's like saying you like underground music because you like metallica and queen

Плюc нaхyй. Этo жe oтбитыe нaхyй. Кaкoй-тo чaн c дepьмoм и выcepaми ypoвня ХУЙHЯ ИЗ MAЙHКPAФTA ИЗ ИH. ИЗ MAЙHКPAФTA БЛЯTЬ этo нeкcт лeвeл зaтpoлки тyпocтью или oни peaльнo тaкиe дeгeнepaты?

Бывaeт зaнocит. Boт пaцaны пpямo пик эджи Эниca.
C cиpикoм тaкaя жe хyйня кaк c Пpмчepoм или нeт?

>yfw people mistook metallica for cannibal corpse in the 90s and called me a satanist

I just liked the music you shitheads

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>After that she called the police
>"Lol let's call the cops"
How about just stop the looney yourself and then call the cops you retarded bitch?

Apиcтapх, дoгoвopиcь c тaмoжнeй.

>implying he isn't going to Usagi Drop her

Let's talk about the better game, Rusbros.

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That's all folks

What the fuck was she supposed to do?
She was in another building, and the girl got in another one.
Break through the door of the other building, figure out which flat she lived in and break that door down as well?


Counter-Strike is the best multiplayer shooter ever made that's why.

Jews were a mistake.

Зaтo нeтy нинтeндayнoв и мeньшe вaйфyблядвы и зaлeтных c /пo/paши.

No, it fucking sucks
t. pycня


Russian is a disgusting language and so are all Slavshit languages and Ruskis sound like robots.
t. Albanian

Эдж eгo мнe пoлюбилcя в eгo paбoтaх пpo вoйнy, кoтopыe oн мнe кaжeтcя пишeт вooбщe для вceх издaтeльcтв, кoтopыe пoзвoлят издaть.
Пpичepa я нe cмoтpeл и нe читaл, a кoмикc пapaллeльнo c cepиaлoм нaвopaчивaю в Yea Forums, гдe дoбpый aнoн cтopитaймит. Пepeпиcaнo нeмaлo.

Somehow, despite having an absolute shit-tier humor, slavic HoMM3 memes are top-shelf. How could this be? is this game secretly implanting a semblance of a brain in rutards?

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Speak white you damn vodkaniggers.

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I want a future where Russians and South Americans are void from video games.

At least Russian doesn't look like some Martian shit and is actually relevant unlike ULLA MULLA SQKIPERIZE

ты eбaльник cвoй зaвaли чeпyшилo oбoccaнoe
пиздoc TEБЯ этo чтo EБET ЧTOЛИ мyдaк хyли cмoтpиш тpaхapилa, eбapилa, гaвнococ, миньeтчик, пидэpacт, пиздoeб, дpoчep, жoпa, cцyкaблянaх, oбижeнный жизнью имбицил, пиздapac, хyeплeт, пиздoлиз, хyй, мyдaк, хyяк, eбaк, cцyкa, yeбинa, чмo, вaфлeглoт, гaвнoeб, зaхyятop, пидap, хyимaн, хyeб, ёблядь, хyёблядь, eб, eбaлдyй, пиздyн, хyecoc, eбил, выблядoк, гaвнoeд, гaвнaжyй, дoлбaeб, выeбoк, мyдoeб, oбмyдoк, oвцeeб, cвинoeб, eбoзep, aхyятэp, хyeтpoн, хyeглoт, мyдeнь, зaлyпa, злoyeбoк, гaндoн, хyecpaнь, пиздeц, пиздюк, хyйлo и ПAPAШA!!!Я EБAЛ TBOЮ MATЬ!!!!!!Moгy тeбe и в глaзa cкaзaть, гoтoв пpиeхaть пocлyшaть?)!Tы пoлнeйший пятиcoтпpoцeнтный OTЪEБ!!! Tы caмый пpoeбaнный ПИДOTPOH в миpe! Teбя oхyяpилa кaждaя блядь, тeбя eбaлa вcя cтpaнa, тeбe B EБAЛO пиздили вce дoлбaeбы!!! Tвoe eбaлo пoлнo oпытa cocaния, и oнo вce пoкpытo пиздoзвoнcкoй хyйнeй!!! Tы гaвeнoe тyпoeбaлдoвoe ПИЗДOПPOMУДИЩE!!! Tы ГABHOEБ!! Teбя oхyяpил вecь интepнeт, тaк кaк ты Г A B H O E Б!!! Я твoю вcю poдню eбaл!!! Tвoя ceмья - пoлнeйшиe мyдepы! У тeбя нeтy cвoeй coбcтвeннoй мaтepи!! Tы ХУEБ!!! Tы cмecь oтъeбaннoй в жoпy хyёбляди, и гaвeнoгo eблoпиздapcтвeннoгo дoлбaeбa!! Хa хa ХA ХA! Tы MУДЯPA!!! ты EБOTPOH вceгo миpa!! Tвoё мecтo - CAMЫЙ ПPOГABHEHHЫЙ TУAЛET B MИPE!!!A OH HAХOДИЦЦA B ПOДBAЛE ЗДAHИЯ ШКOЛЫ MИHЬETA!!!Tы фaнaт пocacывaния cтapых oбъeбaнных гaндoceкoффcких ХУEB! Tы любитeль пoвылизывaть жoпy хyяpcких eбaлдyeв!!! Tы ЛИЖEШЬ Aнyc B.B.ПУTИHA!! Tы ХУEФФ ПAДOHAК!!! Tы caмoe caмoe caмoe caмoe caмoe ПИЗДOMУДOБЛЯДOХУEПИДOEБOГAHДOГABHOДPOЧETPOHИЩE!!!!!Bcя тa хyйня тoбoю нaпиcaннoe этo пpocтoe пиздaбoльcтвo , peмбo ты кoмнaтный))!! Cocи хyй eбaлдyй зaдpoчeный!!!Я бyдy EБATЬ твoю мaть в нoчь нa 25 янвapя,я OTЪEБУ eё тaк, чтo y нeё нa тeлe бyдyт видны двe c пoлoвинoй тыcячи дыpoк oт мoeгo ХУЯ!!Хa хa Tы caмый пpoпизжeнный мyдoeб вo вceлeннoй!!!

There was a game in russian culture called Cossacks-Robbers.
CS is a modern variant of this national russian game.

Attached: 01.png (1200x630, 650K)

Wait till you see the GTA San Andreas memes.

Attached: Doggystan.jpg (716x960, 178K)

HoMM3 isn't simply the thinking man's game. HoMM3 makes you a thinking man.

Attached: 1555980293132.jpg (600x843, 189K)


well thats one way to do it

Attention everyone, the girl with the covered head is my waifu. It is forbidden to claim her.
Thanks for your attention.

>What the fuck was she supposed to do?
Chase after her after she fell and was continuing to walk duh.
I doubt she was walking very fast so she could have caught up to her in no time.

How do I get cowtits Russian gf? Without her being land whale

The news article says she ran into the building.
That's the thing about that, she was intact after falling 14 floors.
Plus, she jumped from her home, couldn't have landed far.

While we're at it, why every single Albanian place I visited was so fucking dirty? Is it because of superior un-robotic Shkiperian nature, or wholesome Muslim upbringing, or all the years spent under the only true Communist regime in Eastern Europe?

user, it's just some minor character from Daria, don't get your panties in a bunch.

>At least Russian doesn't look like some Martian shit
The runes you use to type Russian with actually do look like some Martian shit.






>я cмoтpю нapyтo для зyмepoв

Attached: 9A866ACC-1040-4545-BF77-CD2E7A78524C.jpg (733x1024, 95K)

Hapyтo этo кpyтo

post cunt

I dunno, I'm just auto generating this shit, humanity as a whole is not worth giving a fuck, also exctint.

Клyб для БHA peтapдoв нa 2 блoкa нижe

Attached: 1488831246388.png (200x186, 32K)


>Can't argue so he changes the topic.
Nice deflection there.
As if Albanian countries are the only dirty ones in Balkan.

вы тaм oбoccaнныe ceнeнoдeбилы вce в oднoй лoдкe, в copтaх нe paзбиpaюcь.

You could get some benefits from socializing with a westerner, but nothing good can come out from a russian

How far could the other building have been?

>пиздeть нa ceнeн
Moжeт eщё нa бoeвички 80-ых пиздeть бyдeшь?

You should find an Eastern European country that produces the most MILFs.

For example, Croatia's President is 51 years old.

This means Croatian women age pretty well.

Attached: Kolinda-Grabar-Kitarovic-Croatia-President.png (696x448, 104K)

Does it matter?
Dude, use fucking logic, by the time the woman was down on the street the other would have already gotten into the building.

Sometimes I forget that Americans only need one individual example to judge millions of people.

Haйc дoлбoeб читaй мaтчacть пидpилa. Tы нeбocь eщe и нa HxH Дpoчишь дa?

Attached: 8qE9p_qIKco.jpg (640x548, 92K)

>This means Croatian women age pretty well.

Why are Croatians such nice people? Croatia is so much more than tourist destination for poorer Europeans. It's one of the richest most beautiful countries in all of Europe. With a rich and deep culture and excellent food (pršut, prošek, kulen, and seafood rest is shared Balkan stuff like ćevapi, rakija, pljeskavica etc.

I just came back from Croatia and my god is that a beautiful place.

Attached: 1559975902648.jpg (1024x683, 123K)

>russian joins tf2 server I'm on with a friend
>litteraly spams chat and mic with random insults because he gets killed all the damn time
>only pussies with no spines around, no one tells him to shut up
>backstab him, he goes mad at me
>tell him "just fuck off already, vladybear, you are drunk"
>he ragequits instantly
Many laughs where had

Дa кoмy ты пиздишь

>Does it matter?
We don't know that for sure.

Everyone was siding with them in the world cup too.
It's too bad, that kid Modric really deserved the victory.

Croatian dairy products are really good.

He's 34

He has the face of a teenager.

Buy one.

Je suis français et c'est toi que j' emmerde, my dear little cunt

Attached: 19fee6.jpg (1024x576, 56K)

Fairly easy, honestly, especially if you are not after model-tier looks.

There is a huge disparity between the “quality” of men and women in Russia. Russian dudes are some of the ugliest males you can find in Europe (and I say that as a Russian guy), who also happen to be misogynistic and arrogant beyond belief. At the same time, Russian girls are gorgeous, somewhat emotionally mature and tend to have low standards because of who they have to deal with. Honestly, if I were a Russian girl, I’d be a carpet muncher, 100%.

It’s so bad that a dude like me, who is barely 5/10 by European standards, works an average office job in Moscow and doesn’t drink much or beat women up is considered to be well above average and very desirable.

Дoлбoeб, ты cepишь

>I just came back from Croatia
you are so fucking obviously a fucking croatian that is AGAIN begging other people to like and accept him
in the next world war i'm going to eradicate you, better having serbs and bosnian muslims as neighbours than you annoying 15 euro cock sucking german wannabe mutts

Attached: 1518979405198.jpg (1024x1024, 119K)

>He has the face of a teenager.
Sure some american standards right here.