Are there any games at all with character writing as interesting as this...

Are there any games at all with character writing as interesting as this? Not a shitpost thread; I really can't think of any.

Genuine question: Why is videogame writing so tame and safe? The only real exception I can think of is killer7, but even that has the safety net of obvious absurdity.

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>Why is videogame writing so tame and safe?
Because dumb weebs are afraid of everything and don't want to have their fragile psyche smashed by anything that might challenge them. It's the same reason that weebs become suicidal whenever one of their fictional anime characters is revealed to have had a boyfriend in the past or something.

Weebs are emotional babies who live in a bubble.

Good answer!

>waah I want attention too :(
pathetic. maybe do something worth getting attention for and you'll get it. survival is a competition, just because you live in a society doesn't entitle you to happiness. get owned
video games have shit writing because devs are computer science nerds who think a song of ice and fire and the witcher are examples of interesting writing and people who read moby dick and the volcano are generally disinterested in creating video games in the first place. writing isn't important, gameplay is. games are supposed to be fun, if i wanted writing i'd read a novel or a poem. at best you have things like Conker which has clever writing but doesn't take itself seriously because seavor and co know that a videogame is just that, a game. it's not the medium for serious writing, there are too many people working on them to have cohesive writing and in general it's just not that important, especially when your audience is mostly teenagers who have never read literature in their lives and would never give a shit about a game with good writing. most people that play video games are easily impressed anyways, there's no point in being the joyce of video games when your audience is that guy.


>writing isn't important, gameplay is. games are supposed to be fun, if i wanted writing i'd read a novel or a poem.

GOTY Pathologic 2 strongly disagrees with you.

Because there's no reason to do so, you can get your game banned and when you can make some generic dumb shit that will sell regardless of quality.

>t. Nintendie

>Why is videogame writing so tame and safe?
Video games are still seen as toys for children. It's why sexual violence is a huge fucking no-no despite popular normie shows like Game of Thrones depicting on screen rape.
Japanese games have good writing though and aren't afraid to be edgy.

>Why is videogame writing so tame and safe?
Just out of my head games with not so tame writing:

SMT 1&2
SMT Nocturne
SMT Digital Devil Saga 1&2
Mother 1-3
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Witcher 1 (and only first game, that is)

>Japanese games have good writing though and aren't afraid to be edgy.

Name what you think the three best examples of this are.

>implying op pic is a "well written character"
if you want some self-hating murmuring, just play LISA

Hard mode:
Name an American game.

Sengoku Rance
Dark Souls

i havent owned a nintendo console since 2002 but i'm glad your psyche is so infatuated with console wars that you can't help but drool on yourself anytime someone mentions anything even semirelated to the opposing "team"

The only game of those listed that even approached making me feel uncomfortable and moving me was Mother 3. SMT has a cool setting but there's not much particularly provocative about it unless you're a Christian child.

Dark Souls doesn't even have real writing lmao it just has cute footnotes

Should've inb4'd the weebs who were inevitably going to show up and say their localized version of some edgy japanese game has "good" writing because they've never read a book in their lives. Too late now

>Dark Souls doesn't even have real writing lmao it just has cute footnotes
Hello brainlet.
Sorry the existentialism laced throughout the game went over your head.

dark souls doesn't even have a story. miyazaki said the game's writing is incoherent and patchy because he would read fantasy novels in english as a kid and barely understood the language so he'd end up with incoherent and patchy ideas of the novel and he wanted to recreate that feeling throughout the game. i'm sick of you faggots and your headcanon making shit up

I'll do that for the next thread and mention that someone unironically named Sengoku Rance as the paragon of videogame writing in this thread

>has "good" writing because they've never read a book in their lives.
This. No game could be compared to such masterpieces like pic related.

Attached: gentle-rogue-by-johanna-lindsey-cover[1].jpg (200x339, 47K)

You jest, sir, but even that sort of trash is still way beyond the writing in video games.

The plot is incoherent, the story isn't.
The themes are suitably dark and thought provoking.

whats up with that strange white outline between the words, is this a shoop

It’s really not, and you suggesting it is implies you’re the one who really doesn’t read books. They’re not some magical medium, they contain just as much trash as any other. More so in fact, the barrier to entry for making books is way lower than anything else. Obviously the cream of the crop for books is beyond all games, but not all books are masterpieces.

No. You're wrong. I've actually read some of that trash for fun. The writing skill involved in them is leagues above what the average video game writer is capable of. Are ALL books better written than ALL video games? No. But what is considered sub par in the realm of books is considered OMG! THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING! GENIUSES! BEST WRITING EVER! in the realm of video games.

No, just a shit camera.

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lol no
this exaggeration will get you nowhere

that's not me. nobody said all books were masterpieces and that was never my point. what a pointless post.

The way it's worded is interesting, but think about what it's really saying

This is a person with no backstory, no influences, nothing.

I hate to say it because this meme is garbage, but if there's anything close to a real life NPC, this guy would be it.

Are you interested in a game about an NPC trying to escape the contexts of his existance?

>Are there any games at all with character writing as interesting as this?
I don't find that "character writing" to be particularly interesting, so it's hard to say. Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Neverwinter Nights, and similar games have some in-depth character profiles and they have motivations and different personalities. Ultima 7 puts a story focus on a cult trying to warp the nation's religion (a religion that you helped establish in previous games) and ruin the world, and has focuses on fear and self-sacrifice. Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain spends a lot of time with Raziel's monologues on the nature of himself, his vampire brothers, their role in the world, and their impact on mortals there.

>Why is videogame writing so tame and safe?
Because most people view video games as toys for children, especially console video games. Your Marios and your Zeldas and even your Halos are not going to have particularly deep or reflective writing because they are (or were) games bought by parents for their children to play. And games getting compared to the above are going to typically have the same level of writing as a result.

The fact that Snoy is censoring any remotely sexual anime game is a clear indicator that mature subjects like sexuality have no place in video games.

I'm not pro-censorship or anything but the lesbian kiss in that TLOU2 trailer is hotter than any of the weeb fanservice garbage they've censored.

>nothing to rise above
god damn our race to the bottom culture

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does this asshole not get that you don't need an excuse for being lonely? Fucking see a counselor, jesus

It's also pushing a certain agenda forward while suppressing other artists.

We're not in disagreement!

this guy got raped by his genetics so he does have something to complain about

this is the deeblo 2 craigslist guy

what's interesting is entirely subjective
to someone inexperienced, i.e. a kid or someone who didn't read / watch / play much, anything is new and interesting

to you that picture is interesting, because you can relate

to me that picture is just a blogpost of a yet another person I don't care about as long as he buys my products

most of all, the kind of writing that makes you think and is far out there isn't even suited for games
you can't dictate all the time what's happening to the player in a game, or it's not a game anymore, but just a visual novel
yet if you can't dictate what's happening, it's probably not going to be that interesting anyway
further even if you want to dictate everything, you would also need to be able to create gameplay just for that, and yet it will never feel like actual gameplay, because it will be all scripted
and even if you don't dictate everything on the play, you still have to anticipate what could be and create supporting gameplay
it's a race you can't win

so just make some cool gameplay and fuck the story and find a good balance between letting the player do what he wants and guiding him

also read a book if you want story

The only actual reason why we think of rape or trauma as justifiable 'backstories' for people with issues is because of our biology and social conditioning. We're just programmed to react to those things and take them more seriously because they're easily recognisable as bad things and we can sympathize with that. In reality it doesn't make sense for someone to not be justified in turning out damaged because if they're damaged, they're damaged for a reason, no matter what. People are the way they are because of behavioural reasons, and behaviours are ultimately logical and therefore predictable. People like that guy have just as much reason to be like that as a rape victim would. It's just that it's extremely difficult for our human nature to care about things that don't fit into our limited concept of fairness and justice.


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