Why can't we get realistic games where men are stronger than women? Just for some variety

Why can't we get realistic games where men are stronger than women? Just for some variety.

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make it urself

Pretty sure Mount and Blade does this

>Bethesda chads vs Obsidian incels

because real life isnt balanced at all
men are better at everything
men are stronger, more skilled, more intelligent
in real life being strong doesnt make you slow or dumb
being weak doesnt make you fast or intelligent

realism would only work in a porn game

It's a video game you faggot, do you really want it so you swing your sword and it says 100 damage and the female character swings hers and it says 90 damage

Because that's what you're asking for

Attached: boys will be boys.jpg (540x418, 22K)

you just KNOW

yes? whats wrong with that.
Man does 100 damage
Woman does 20 damage

sure but that dude looks like a total pussy


For Honor and Siege feels like a comedy when they kept shoehorning female characters as Special Forces Operators and as Vikings and Knights. Ubisoft are a fucking joke
>but MUh Dick

no, you misunderstand
i did in fact mean to imply he looks like a numale cocksmocking ponce

You probably look like a school shooter.

don't we all?

I mean realistically a woman would do like, 40% of what a man could do.

Siege I can understand it being weird cause it takes place in a real life setting about real life special forces.

But For Honor is just pure fantasy, so leave the buff female warriors alone.

Did someone that looks like this man fuck your wife?

his skin looks is far to soft for the look he's going for. his hair is way to groomed if he was trying to look tough
plus the beard is obviously hiding a weak jawline
and he's at a con so you can already assume i'm right about all of that

>idiots immediately bring up some "its fantasy" " it should be equal"
Are you retards serious and can't read? The point is a game that tries to go for realism.

cope. You sound insecure.

he's obviously a dandy


Just looks like a man with a beard.

just play real life

you've never worked a manual labor job in your life

I have but thats besides the point.

Yeah, For go or is just fantasy. I feel like each new hero now has both male and female counterparts, but it wasn't always that way with all the heroes. Take lawbringer for example. No way could a woman do his job

>be dev
>make woman realistic, weaker than men, without balancing it so they're faster/smarter/etc.
>no one plays woman
Congrats, you wasted your fucking time, that you could have been using for something else in the game.

you are the type of fags to play as the girl in videogames. i 100% want this to happen just to see the threads bitching about how you're at a disadvantage for picking the girl.

Realistically most people woulds die of exhaustion doing the typical shit a video game character does.


>One character is weaker than the other.
>you end up never using the weaker character
What's the point, then?

but why? Every game that goes for this type of dumb shit ends up being the most boring and excruciating piece of shit.

It's called fiction for a reason

t. obsidiot

To get discounts at the merchant.

Arcanum was pretty fun. Realism adds another dimension to the game and more challenge.

Me at the end

Why would that be a thing in a realistic game?

If there is no balance, the game would be unplayable.
Want to know why no balance works in real life?
Because it's not a video game

Thats not true. Thats like saying every difficult mode should be balanced to be easy.
Do you just hate inequality?

for costume mods.

but they're both from fallout 4.

Honestly I'd just like to see some amazonian women in the strong female roles instead of bitches who are tiny but are somehow extremely strong. At least make the women big like that lady in game of thrones.

Hard mode in a game:
>boss has has complicated moveset that requires good timing, skill, positioning, etc. to defeat
Unbalanced game:
>boss is able to infinite stunlock you to death as soon as you start fighting

One is fun, the other isn't.

I made a weak female character in Fallout 4. It is really fun and much more realistic.
She can't shrug off a missile or a lot of damage. She isn't super strong. She isn't even super bright.
She has a bit of strength, endurance, slightly above average intelligence, charisma and agility.
Forces you to think about playing the game more differently.

balance is an arbitary requirement more suited to multiplayer games. Even then only competitive games.
Different characters don't need to be exactly the same.
thats boring.

Balance is essential for a good experience. Every single game you enjoy is meticulously balanced for the best possible experience.

Not really. What if the experience that people want is a challenge, Balance is a meaningless buzzword in this topic.


>pick female character
>she's more agile, getting her hits in much faster, but the damage per hit is lower than the male character.
>pick male character
>has more strength but is slower, wich makes it harder to avoid incoming damage but you can also dish out more damage per hit than the female equivalent

There's seriously no game that came up with this? That's how I roll my characters in rpg's with a system deep enough that allows for it.

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>>she's more agile, getting her hits in much faster,
lmao no

>Girls adds 200 p to charisma with oposite sex

Sounds interesting

Lawbringer would massacre almost every hero except Warden because they would actually have a decent fight. I stopped playing For Honor when my main Lawbringer looked too good to be fighting a fucking chink with a stick.

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I work construction with some pretty buff chicks i know they are stronger than OPs bitchass.

>Make autistist inner fanfiction about game character that doesn't match game scenario
>"I can't play this shit anymore, it just doesn't FEEL right!"
You're one of those gormless shits that ruins everything

That was always the what-if scenario from the start user, but I agree. Knights are total bros, and obviously the best fighters. I would encourage you to try the new rework for lawdaddy, but you probably wouldn't have fun with all the characters that have hyper armor and unblockables. It's turned some fights into a chore and especially frustrating in team fights

Read again. I just described a balanced yet challenging experience. You're retarded.

The point of stats is more that putting time and effort into getting strong means you’re not putting that time into studying.
There’s a reason there’s no accomplished scientist that can ohp 80kg and there’s no accomplished lifter with any mark left on science.