Why do these exist? What the FUCK were they thinking?

Why do these exist? What the FUCK were they thinking?

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feature bloat

They finally realized that they cant sell legos for kids forever.

>10% of players (adults) vote for the chomper thing because they're retarded
>20% of players (teen-25's) vote for venomous squid because the ocean needed new mobs
>60% of players (children) vote for cool space bird because they're retarded

what about the other 10%

I assume people thought they'd be an actual worthwhile enemy to fight and not just an annoyance that reminds you that you haven't slept in a while and forces you to dig a hole and put a bed in it. Absolutely fucking pointless.

I guess to make players actually use their beds. It's an annoyance for sure, but its not that bad.

shut the fuck up, nerd

>It's an annoyance for sure, but its not that bad.
That's why people hate them so much, they don't add anything to the game. I'm all for flying enemies, but when all they do is just hit you in the back with the force of a spitball when you're running back to your base at night, what's the point?

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I mean you do have 3 whole in-game days before they spawn in and fuck you up, so you can still do shit at night. I think just added them in to make the early game a little more difficult, but failed miserably at it. Plus, they the loot they drop is really for late-game players, so I don't know what the fuck Mojang was doing when they created it.

It was designed to look like Morrowind

Attached: 1534643749114.png (1634x1048, 1.61M)

Also, we could have had another sea mob, which is something the game desperately needs. There are exactly three ocean-based enemies in the entire game, two of which spawn exclusively in monuments and the other is a reskinned zombie. Monuments are also pointless, what the fuck Mojang.

>people thought they'd be an actual worthwhile enemy to fight
This is what happens when you don't play morrowind

And I was beat to this point as well

>Still no whales, Sharks or Giant Enemy Crabs
I also wish they added transport that is bigger than a box, like a bigger boat or even an air baloon/zeppelin. Then air mobs would make more sense to have.

and the other 10% wanted herobrine removed, only to realize that he already had

people thought its a stingray and voted for it, but it turned out its a space bird

True, the sea mob area is lacking a little, and the drowned just seemed like lazy redesign. The game could also use a cave update with new ores and shit, but knowing Mojang they'll just listen the autistic children that make up much of their fanbase and add something retarded.
Also, I wouldn't call ocean monuments pointless. Ocean monuments are literally the only way you can get sponges in survival. You could also farm exp. and get new decorative blocks.

Supposedly, the next update is going to focus on caves, whether or not they actually improve the way they're generated or just add another stone type remains to be seen.
No, people knew it was a flying enemy.

They added shipwrecks, but no means to build an actual fully functional ship in-game.

Attached: 1560376498094.png (645x773, 11K)

Several years back there was a mod(Or even several) that let you do that, but it was bit clunky.

>democracy manifest

I swear if it's another stone type, or something retarded like Blue-stone or Green-stone.

inb4 coarse gravel

it's not the cave update guys, but maybe 1.16

Did they announce what it was yet?


If you are autist enough, you can make moving house, I guess that count as a Ship

Thats more of a creative way of using pistons and game mechanics than an actual vehicle like the minecart, boat or horse

kids should not be able to vote ever

Attached: hmm.jpg (164x176, 11K)

why not just implement all 3?
Literally how long could it take to make mob for Minecraft at the studio?
Especially the squid, you already have the rig and animations, just make it bigger/smaller, make the model spikier and add a different texture. If you are feeling productive you could even make a new animation or two

>it's the original gravel texture

waiting for actual gameplay content to be added to caverns, caves and mining instead of constantly waiting 18 months for a few block retextures and shit we already had in mods.

the only person actually doing something at mojang is jeb, and he is a massive retard
the rest are """""artists""""" or diversity managers

and it's funny how one person can make a mod with literally hundreds of new mobs with interesting and unique mechanics, while mojang "developers", with all the funding and tools, take YEARS to implement one mob that does nothing (panda)
and some mobs are just handicapped rips from mo'creatures (horse, dolphin, bat) with less features and mechanics

To spook you