World of Warhammer

think about it

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>Blizzard should aquire something good and make it horrible

no thanks

what was the last good warhammer game?
what warhammer game does the world building of its lore justice?

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Total War Warhammer 2

You think blizzard could or would do either of those? They've been ripping off GW for 20 years and look at the garbage they have now.

Where's my Bethesda style MTG RPG MMO with combat by platinum games

excuse me, warhammer 40k
no one gives a fuck about plain warhammer

40k is the worse setting

today's blizzard?
for the love of God no

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>40k is the worse setting

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Both Blizzard n WH40k are SHIT

You mean a company that went on record to say that their consumers didn't enjoy vanilla wow because they don't know what they want?

Where have you been living last few years? GWS has ruined WH40k, Spaces Marines and Imperial Guard aren't even called that anymore.

Warhammer online tier 2 pvp was the best pvp around, the only solid thing about that mmo.

At the risk of sounding like a zoomer, I'm honestly baffled Games workshop hasn't made a 40k Autochess yet. They honestly have everything they need to do it already between the actual tabletop and the DoW framework

It's true. 40k is boring in comparison

Games Workshop doesn't make vidya, it licences out it's IP.

What are you talking about? The latest edition has revitalised the game. And it actually moved the story along.

Fuck no. Warcraft was already a Warhammer knockoff and they fucked that up. Keep them far away from actual Warhammer.

one of the worst fucking games made ever, literally cookie cliker tier
no wonder it's so popular in china, every single chinese with phone i saw played this piece of shit

starcraft is literally figuratively warhammer 40k
just like warcraft is warhammer

Except not as good

>Incelpie having a bad opinion.
No surprise here.

See And also the fact that GW sees all the vidya they license out as advertisements for their minis.

Spacehulk Deathwing

Again what do you think blizzard would do better? Roll out the transmarines and make the Eldar the main faction to hide from le facist imperium?

Fucking die cunt, die painfully.

That game looked cool but I heard they fucked it up

>making yet another horrid WH game
No thanks


Fuck that. Give me the 40k Planetside game that was supposed to come out but instead became something else and died quietly. Or give us a Warhammer Fantasy MMO.

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The only thing Blizzard should acquire is bankruptcy.

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mechanicus you twat

If anyone ever wanted to make a Warhammer 40,000 MMORPG, it would be a VRMMORPG, zetabyte sized servers and its actually just really a VRSIM with all senses fully functional.

Every time you log off, you remember ALL the horrors of the 41st millennium full shellshock tier PTSD times trillion, JUST for spending ten minutes in the game.

Would you guys play it knowing this would happen?


Long as I get to pilot a Crisis Suit I'm game


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Fucking no, that dumpster fire of a company should never get hold of warhammer

I don't like Games Workshop's current model of how they do Warhammer 40K games, but I wouldn't want Blizzard to take the reigns.

Give it to Valve, Lord GabeN needs an MMO to finish his gaming gauntlet

>t. Zoomer
Blizzard already tried to get the Warhammer license years ago.

starcraft is a ripoff of 40k

user have you been in coma since 2008? Blizzard is shit.

Your setting is fucking dead, bro

Vermintide 2

And yet it still has the best Warhammer video game around


Good job op you managed to make the stupidest thread of the day

I would honestly like to see what Valve could bring to the MMO genre, even though I know it would be microtransaction cancer.

Blizzard couldn't even make an MMO after spending 8 years on it, why they fuck do you think they could implement 40k into an MMO and do it justice?

How does it feel to have such trash taste

Battlefleet Gothic

instead of dawn of war 3 they should had made dawn of war 1 remake

it's very gratifying but there isnt much of a hook to the gameplay.

>Warhammer MMO

2019 blizzard cannot program a game at all.

Right now the company is on life support, they're using their remaining IPs and cache of money to milk as much as possible from their drones because none of their projects that have come out in the past 10 years has maintained popularity, the only games people actively still play are from over 15 years ago, which is why they started their classic games team to 'update' old games and repackage them to sell, which is why they've been doing remasters. There of course is Overwatch, but that game isn't as popular as people might think, even whales run out of things to get from lootboxes and the OWL sponsorship deals is a money black hole.

and 40k is a ripoff of starcraft. the two have been sucking each others dicks for ideas for a long, long time.

What exactly has 40k stolen from Starcraft?

Fuck off pedo

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Nothing but the art style of Tyranids post forth edition did trend toward the look of the Zerg.

>leftist who can't make good game should develop mainly right-leaning material that is shallow and they already make a satire of that material anyway

There haven't been any because GW sees videogames as a threat to their tabletop games even if they're using their IP, so they give the IP to shitty devs to make bargain bin titles. The only real exception to this has been with TWWH and DoW.

Warhammer fantasy battle would obviously be a better choice...

>games workshop letting the company that ripped off their IP make any of their games
Retard OP

Blizzard doesn't have money to buy 40k

If you don't believe that go look at GW's stock value over last 5 years

The license to make 40k games has got to be dirt cheap though, considering some of the trash that keeps coming out

Blizzard doesn't even have to acquire them. Games Workshop lets anyone make Warhammer games.

>he doesn't know

GW just recently deleted every single fantasy army from warhammer. and then in the same day announced more primaris marines.

Nah, instead
>Developed by Valve
>After absorbing the art team from blizzard
>Icefrog as the gameplay designer
>And Jorb and Loftar as lead designers

>today's blizzard?

but I honestly don't know whose worse.

>GW just recently deleted every single fantasy army from warhammer
What are you talking about? Even if I wanted to play the shitpile that is Age of Sigmar, I'm pretty sure I can still get dwarves or lizards

GW used to only want a select few people developing games for them, namely relic, but since relic died they haven't had a studio worth a fuck to make games for them, including new relic, so they're in "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' mode for games, which is why they've been hit or miss, mostly clones of popular games using their IPs.

>I'm pretty sure I can still get dwarves or lizards
lizards yes.

dwarves, elves, empire

>Developed by Valve
Dear god no

What happened to the AoS dwarves? Last I looked they had their own dumb dimension or whatever.

Valve can't develop their own games, however they can assimilate popular indieshit into popular new games.

>What happened to the AoS dwarves?

Just got discontinued yesterday.

>Fucking Wewzard
>S H O U L D
>M A K E
A MMO for 40k
>MMO for a setting where you can't fucking even balance classes because it is supposed to be unbalanced

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I assume you mean models for Fantasy then. Which while I don't like it, it's fair enough for them to stop making models for a game they no longer support

>a fucking MMO
All MMO all terrible now because MMO players are terrible.
I don't wan a second job.
I want Battlefield: 40000

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I wouldn't worry, they'll still be in total war warhammer 3

>doing anything good when they lost most of their talent already
Get over it, blizzard is no longer that company that could not do anything wrong. They were bought by Activision and they are dying since then

Space Marine or Dawn of War 1

user, they're not in total warhammer 3 unless you buy the first one.

Also jesus christ, I hope the next one doesn't have AoS shit. Apparently GW is really mad they're not putting AoS in their games.

I would have have a roguelike:roguetrader game.
Like FTL but my graphixs

>user, they're not in total warhammer 3 unless you buy the first one.
Except Chaos Dwarves are definitely going to be in 3
>wanting to buy total warhammer 3 without already owning the first two

Blizzard haven't made a good game since Diablo 2

>doing anything good when they lost most of their talent already
wonder where they went.

Oh I just remembered. What the hell is going on with that necromunda game?

Blizzard should die and sell all their IPs. How about that?

due sometime this year apparently.

blizzard hire this man

he's literally a millionaire and has a tradwife

>tfw no stock exchange trader wife

Mass Effect 40k

Warhammer Fantasy was done dirty.

>9 years ago

Never had I been more hyped bros

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Forgot link

>covered in tattoos

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>tfw I had a warrior priest named heldenhammer
I'll never get a better character in an mmo ever.

I'm still waiting for World of Lovecraft

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>company that made decent games and currently shits on its existing franchises (especially WarCraft)
>give it something to ruin it further

Also there was Warhammer Age of Reckoning.

No, she is a used up slut but she wants to be look after now. See

Wait was that the fucking game that everuone was excited For? And like BRs were supposed to play orks?

That was 9 years ago?

Worse than TW Rome 2 by far and worse than the 40k original line of RTS games even with Winter Assault being half baked and Soulstorm having fucked air units.

They made it, it's called the secret world

A news article promoted on a DoW1 title had developers talking about DoW3 and the desire to create such extensive army painting and customization no one army looks alike. Then the game came out.

No, the one you mention is Eternal Crusade,
which turned out to be shit and was supposed to be 40k planetside. I don't remember when that was announced.

Dark Millenium was a 40k MMORPG which was announced 9 years ago and then cancelled

Where have you been? Blizzard has ruined literally every IP they have


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I just like a good strategy game that doesn't get dumbed down in the sequels rather than seeing a greater demand on the player since they should have more experience by the time they've bought a couple TW's. Rome 1 was best, then it all began to try to appeal to a broader audience.

>I just like a good comfy strategy game where you throw a thousand spearmen against the enemy's thousand spearmen

>40k in Blizzard "art" style
>With Blizzard ideas
>And Blizzard design
>AND the fucking creaturas that is Blizzard fans

No fucking thank you, even if this was before Blizzard went to shit, EVEN if Jesus himself rode into their headquarters on a majestic white horse and told them he'd stab them in their pee-pee holes with a cross full of splinters if they did anything resembling a fucking WoW clone.

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Activision Blizzard don't have the money to acquire anything of significance, their only successful franchise right now is Call of Duty, literally every single other game in their catalogue is either under-performing compared to previous years or downright failing. Also: it's rumored that Disney wants to acquire Activision.

Absolutely play as black Templar’s so I can scream at noobs then die in a battle only to be resurrected into a dreadnought so I can use my bass boosted speakers to scream even louder at the noobs

I don't think GW would agree to licensing out the IP to Blizzard. I think they know that Blizzard would slime their way to buying the IP.

Dow 1 (maybe with soul storm) with ultimate apoc mod but made with eu4 engine

Mmos are for insectoids.
Also nu blizzard would turn warhammer into a sanitized so(y)boy franchise. They don't have the testosterone to make this even mediocre.

Blizzard should die as a company. Activision should also probably die as a company. Bethesda should die as a company. Ubisoft should die as a company. Gaming needs an AAA crash.

>Blizzard is slowly dying
>Games Workshop is making crazy sales and beating their records year after year
Yeah, how about no.

Total Warhammer 2
Vermintide 2
Battlefleet Armada 2

All released very recently.

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First of all
Shit thread you fucking zoomer filth

Second of all
Blizzard would fuck it up so bad that gw would file bankruptcy out of pure shame for what they have enabled

Nah WH40K is way too un-PC for Blizzard nowadays. Games with bloody violence aren't allowed anymore (see cancelled SC2 FPS), only cartoony garbage like Overwatch.

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Id genuinely rather blizzard make a warcraft 4 RTS that caps off whatever storyline WoW is doing right now and then starts something new. Then a couple years later make a WoW2. But honestly we all know a wow2 would be extra streamlined

>blizzard making something good in 2019

Were you in cryosleep until yesterday?

>Games with bloody violence aren't allowed anymore (see cancelled SC2 FPS)

Are you retarded

>used up slut because she has some tattoos
>been dating pewds for like 10 years

shitzard should just die already

It was called Age of Reckoning you fucking zoomer cunt.

and EA killed it.

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>Current Blizzard
>Trusting them with a new MMO
no thanks

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>7000+ 40k games released
>Only about one Warhammer Fantasy game released every couple of years

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EVERYFUCKING warhammer 40k thread your here fishing for (you)'s do us all a favor and off yourself nobody loves you or wants you here

have you heard of return of reckoning

I you talking about modern ActiBlizzard then you can go straight to hell.

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Two words:

Activision Blizzard

the one for flip phones where you had like 3 guys was pretty fun

Jesus fucking christ no.

Age of Reckoning showed some promise in development but they ended up dropping the ball in and failed to deliver on a lot of content, such as the 4 out of 6 major cities that they didn't finish.