I've been searching for a man

I've been searching for a man
All across Japan.
Just to find, to find my Samurai
Someone who's strong
But still a little shy.
Yes I need, I need my Samurai

xiv thread

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Sastasha is a special place.

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Is the first set of delayed flares supposed to participate in the delayed stack at all? I almost always eat shit if i get in because healers couldn't top me off in 5 seconds, but i don't know if staying out will kill the stack

>tfw literally to intelligent too tank

It doesn't really matter at that level honestly. They could fix this in a minute if they limited such stuff to DoMs.

>50 rathalos scales for the mount

There goes Sunday, I guess.

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I'm pretty sure the mount itself can drop too so maybe it won't come to farming 50x if you're lucky

Who cares. Come back when you get a healer running the aery with a level 30 weapon.

>Adventurer in Need is Tank for everything
Please stop I need my healer bonus

>don't greed, we're progging
>just dodge and be safe so we can see more of the fight
>every mechanic one dps kills themselves

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What do you get from killing sleeping dragons in eureka? Are they the hardest enemies?

They give good light drops for your weapon (in Pagos) or stat rerolls (in Pyros)
Does anyone even do Eureka now?

Sometimes. I have pretty much been farming NMs in Pyros all day today with a small group and went from level 38 to 46. NMs can be farmed and killed with only 3-5 people you don't need an entire instance.

Well, I only ask because as a level 40 or 55 mob the dragons aren't going to be fun to take down alone.

How do you feel about WoW stealing level sync?
What other features should they take from XIV?

>When you heal more then 3 times the amount that your WHM co-healer does during savage because he wants his purple parse
God dammit, stop just using your Abilities to heal and actually cast a regen for once.

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I thought they're not allow to talk about FFXIV in their company?

Generally you team up with whoever is in the instance to help. If I'm the only one I will do bunny fates(guarenteed bunny if you solo the fate) and kill mutation mobs. With the 300% exp buff and nerfed fates Eureka is much better than it was at release.

>getting a level 50 dungeon as WHM
unlocking all those hard mode dungeons was a mistake, getting them in roulette is probably the less fun I could have

Rescue him into an aoe and don't res him for half a minute to ensure his parse is fucked.

>How do you feel about WoW stealing level sync?
Indifference, I don't care what WoW does because I don't play it.

I have no idea what you're talking about but FFXIV should do the opposite and add "timewalking" so that I can use my full 80 rotation instead of losing half my abilities. Just significantly neuter them in power, obviously.

>We’re also relaxing level restrictions on queueing for instanced content with your friends. This allows lower-level players to queue for content in their level range, and higher-level players can choose to join them by having their level scaled down while they’re in the instance. This feature will be available for dungeon instances for PTR Week 1, with PvP instances being flagged in the following weeks. Please note that unlike Timewalking, when your level is scaled down via Party Sync you will temporarily lose access to abilities and powers (such as Azerite traits) with requirements that exceed your reduced level.

It still falls short my not having unified roulettes that keep low level content active but they're finally working to fix how dead sub-120 content is.

XIV still has level sync, so it's more like they pirated it.

>lose access to abilities
What abilities?

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I want to take this moment to say how much I appreciate the minimal pruning of XIV and when they did go too far with Hagakure and Energy Drain they actually listened to the players and just added them back.
God Blizzard is way to severe with their pruning.
"You like this ability? Fuck you, you think you do, but you don't."

>Load into trial
>Pop tank stance
>The other tank pops tank stance right after
Fuck off.

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oh it's just a newbi-
>the fae touched

>First time ever tanking a trial
>Don't know about this courtesy
>Go in with tank stance
>Overtake the other tank and just start tanking
>Nothing goes wrong
>At the end of the fight he tells me what I did wrong
I felt like an idiot but I'd say all's well that ends well.

>second lieutenant

>Queue into expert roulette for fun and quick tomestones for crafting shit
>As soon as the roulette starts, one of the party members says "brb a few minutes"

What would you do in this situation, Yea Forums? Get pissed off and tell the guy off, no matter his role? Just wait for his return? Would you queue for a roulette and then immediately go AFK?

>load into a alliance roulette
>none of the other tanks have tank stance on, so put mine on
>as soon as I pull the boss, they both pop tank stance and use provoke
>they continue to fight for aggro with each other

If you wanted to tank, you should have said something. Dipshits.

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alt tab to youtube, immidately initiate votekick if it reaches 5 minutes elapsed

As expected from a jojo fag.

> Would you queue for a roulette and then immediately go AFK?
Western MMO players are all socially maladjusted spoiled dipshits that have no concept of respecting other peoples' time.

I did Ridorana for the first time and am ashamed how many times I died against Construct 7.
I’m a fucking brainlet who cannot into math apparently.

>it's world of darkness
>they keep spinning the first fucking eyeball boss around, wiping the raid
Five minutes later the raid group disbanded. That was the last time I tried to tank an alliance raid.

Report them, they can get banned for that quite easily. Just take the take to report it.

Does the math part even kill you? I think it just nerfs your damage if you fail.

>finally killed e2s in pf
I’d rather blow my brains out than raid with literal apes ever again, holy FUCK

Vote kick them?

The 2 stacks reduce your damage and defense so it's basically vuln too. If your healers are awake you can survive the raid damage that comes right after but if they are sloppy you'll die if you didn't solve any simple arithmetic in time.

5.1 when?

Can't votekick until 5 minutes have elapsed and can't votekick while loot is being rolled on which people take advantage of too.

>not retaining aggro by out-dpsing them
Oh look it's another "shitter who normally gets carried complains when nobody can carry him" episode.

Whenever Blizzard releases patch 8.3

No you don't understand, my failures are always my TEAM's fault. It's not my fault I have a shitty team 100% of the time.

Why did you do it to begin with? Or don't tell me that you are just now finding out how awful pugging is.

Are you not aware how provoke works? Also obviously having three people fight over the aggro is much better than two. Dumbass.

I've done that fight so much it has effectively erased my memory of every other fight in the game

>Are you not aware how provoke works?
Are you? If you provoke after their provoke then you would have top aggro, retard.

Read provokes tooltip before talking shit.

>one of the tanks charges right in
>just faces the eye towards the group and proceeds to die to doom
Took that as my cue to take over. It sucked because my healers were busy watching netflix.

>Lieutenant has sub 50 iq

As expected from Flamers

This post is fucking incredible. That well timed plot twist at the end where you realize he was the retarded tank the whole time.
Amazing delivery.

I would marry her

Anyone have the official Shadowbringer theme that SE keeps taking down?

>be DRG in weeping city
>try to hit my positions for big dic dps
>cant because three tanks play ping pong with the boss


Good argument.


It would still make the boss flip between the two because they'd be about even then, so if the retard is facing towards the party the boss could spin around and blast them.
>muh DPS
It's level 50 tanks have one fucking combo.

>See launcher
>"Theme available for download!"
>Oh cool
>Follow link
>"Theme available for purchase!"
Fuck you.

>He didn't download it the moment it was posted on youtube.

>alliance roulette
>one tank is on the boss, other two aren't grabbing a single add

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One short flip every 30s shouldn't hurt unless it's really bad timing.
>It's level 50 tanks have one fucking combo.
They also have dps cooldowns and ogcds/dps buttons. Git gud.

Meh give me a call when blizz try to steal multiple classes on one character and the class - job systems those are much more unique

>tanks don't perform common courtesy and drop tank stance when one dude pulls the boss (only putting it back on when they got to deal with adds)
>instead 3 retards fight for aggro on one dude because they need to stroke their dick over being the one being punched in the face
This is why everyone should just play a DPS instead. DPSchads cooperate with each other.

>Potato is literally a potato

Did George Lucas write this ?

Too bad it does trash DPS relative to other jobs in its role (while having no utility at all), has 4 absolutely useless skills, has become unfun since they stripped all of its flexibility and has some clunk here and there (looking at you, tsubame gaeshi fixed 2.5s GCD)

It's currently still picked over nin in savage pfs lmaooooooo

Just cleared E2S tonight in a pug with a buddy of mine and got my BiS tank boots, I'm pretty pleased with myself today. We're gonna start grinding out Levi tomorrow.

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Because ninja is the worst DPS in the game right now.

Honestly, why bring a SAM over a MNK? Have you seen statistics? MNK is wiping the floor with SAM.

>Find a healer for my static
>She stand still and cast a heal every now and then
>Check her logs
>Every single parse since creator is grey
>Between 35 and 40 clears of every savage fight except the final ones of which she hasn't cleared a single one
>Every single one of them is fucking grey
I don't understand how a person is literally and physically incapable of improving after so many attempts, you already know we kicker her the fuck out

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They overbuffed MNK. It didn't need a DPS increase at all.
Hell, it's overtaking BLM too.

Melee utility doesn't exist for drg, sam, nin anymore when they all translate into damage
damage + damage buff
""damage"" + damage buff
And then you have output rivaling blm plus aoe nature's minne because why the fuck not?

Exactly why I'm asking user

Some healers just want to get carried. Had a healer like that for an attempt on Titania EX back during release. Never DPSed, never benedictioned the DRK after he took 3 tethers. Never even used assize or her lillies. Just cure 1 3.

Why didnt you check these things before inviting her?

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Because believe it or not, I've never had any issues with people I've recruited ever since Midas. Usually people that look for savage statics already know how to play. I guess I got too comfortable

Only one I found is this. youtube.com/watch?v=ikvV-cxs5dQ

>Get in Qitana Ravel as healer
>Sweet pld tank and its lvl 79 too
>Tank takes shitloads of dmg on the big pack after the first dreamer
>Shit am I doing something wrong, I cant even get in a fucking swiftcast holy before tank is at 30%
>Spam cure 2 and ogcds,tank still dies
>Get to the first boss, tank takes 5 fucking stacks of weakness and drops from 100% hp to 1% after the buster
>Tank dies again to the fruitbat packs after the boss, maybe I am just bad
>Notice that the tank dosent use arms reach, sentinel, hallowed or fucking sheltron
>Check the tanks gear, its fucking 360 lvl gear from the second ally raid, "lol i dont gear for offclass"
I might be retarded at times but this time I feel like the tank was the bigger mong.

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This is why leveling dungeons need a minimal ilevel requirement.

>swiftcast holy
This is probably something I should be doing. I always just hold onto swiftcast because if someone manages to die I like to bring them back immediately

It's really nice on Holy because of the stun. You stun them outright and then since they're all stunned the tank will take only a tiny (if any at all) bit of damage, letting you cast ANOTHER Holy and stunning them for a little longer.

Probably the only reason why I'm not doing them

As a whm holy is your best heal imo, stunned monsters dont deal any dmg.

Was hoping someone had the file to share honestly but I appreciate it user

SC > holy > holy clips the stun giving negative returns.

Obviously, but having them stunned right away means you won't have to heal for a bit and by the time you need to you'll have gotten like 5-7 Holys out.


Got my E1S clear this week with a PUG after like 3 hours with the last group I joined. A lot of sloppy deaths but we pulled through in the end. While mechanically it's very simple, you really do need to know your proper rotation to beat the enrage timer. Overall 7/10.

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>you really do need to know your proper rotation to beat the enrage timer

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We can't all be in crafted perfectly melded and bis gear now can we?


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I'm still with you user.

>content done
>nothing new for a while
>Classic coming out soon
>"Please say.. here's a fantasia"
What a fucking pathetic attempt.
Looks like I'm going home instead.

See you in 5.1 bros.

Not him, but my group cleared E1S with just goetia, regular food you could buy from the dwarves, and three weeks worth of normal Eden gear. Now E2S on the other hard broke mr so hard I splurged on HQ crafted, HQ food, and HQ tinctures. I hate this fight so fucking much

Not like we have a choice. We do it or we die.

What's the meme with Quietus? I see people having fucking fits about it.

King's honor friend

>content done
Post E4S clear.

What Materia should AST have, DH?

>Do the same fights but with added autism
Hahaha no thanks.

Literally doesn't matter. Your personal DPS is absolutely worthless and you exist only for cards. Probably crit by process of elimination but no stat particularly helps AST since their card buffs depend on the target's gear instead.

lmao you WoWfags just can't stop outing yourself

I'm not a WoWfag, I'm an MMOfag, I'll play whatever is best at the time. Having loyalty to any MMO or company is fucking retarded buddy. I don't do savage raids for the same reason I don't do Mythic+20 dungeons in WoW. It's non-content to appeal to the weird boys who just can't quit the game when they've consumed all the current content.

Quietus itself demands healers to actually not DPS and apply shields every time it goes out because it gets stronger every time it's cast. The circle of chaos amd retribution I'm between quietus are just the guillotine, slicer, and cleave attacks in rapid succession and in different patterns. Problem is that people ALWAYS panic during this part and one death is basically grounds for a wipe along with retard party members accumulating vuln and damage down debuffs from all the adds. It's an absolute shitshow. You can have a flawless run up to Quietus but then everything falls apart and you wasted 9 minutes and two tinctures because of your retard party members

>I'm an MMOfag
No, you're a casual.

If you were a MMOfag you'd raid like every other MMOfags.

>content is non-content if I dont feel like doing it

>Quietus itself demands healers to actually not DPS and apply shields every time
We need more mechanics like this that force healers to heal like that one attack Cid does where he dooms everyone below 100% HP.

Ah right so I never did all the content in Legion because I never grinding for the trillions of AP required to upgrade my arefact to the unreachable max level. God, Blizzard are the masters at providing "content", I get to log in every day and hope for a titanforge! It's literally endless content!

Call me what you want, I'm having fun. I'll play this game again when it's fun again.

That sounds fucking awful even with comms.

>comparing rng to raids
Ok retard

Holy shit my sides, this isn't even his first tank job.

>I don't like it so its not content

I see, so the thing I need to improve the most is card giving.
I only played AST for around 2 weeks and the group I'm with basically put me into the role of Main/mostly solo Healer so I'm having a hard time giving the right cards to the right class, when the fight becomes too hectic I just start giving the highest DPS cards even if it's not the right card, need to really work on that one.

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Threads would have died off if /vg/ was usable in any form and if threads on Yea Forums didn't get deleted all the time which causes people to make more threads out od spite