Tell me, Yea Forums. How can anyone unironically not be hyped for Death Stranding? This is the first time we can see Kojimas full genius at work with no restrictions whatsoever. The original Metal gear solid stands amongst other video game legends like ocarina of time, mario 64 and doom. I'm really stoked to see what he can achieve when he puts his mind to it. I'm sure DS will join the ranks of those legendary video games and bring forth a new chapter in this hobby.
Tell me, Yea Forums. How can anyone unironically not be hyped for Death Stranding...
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By receiving a big fat yakuza check from Konami. For the konami shills: I have a surprise picture for you.
>The original Metal gear solid stands amongst other video game legends
>doom map
Because from what we've seen so far i'm not convinced it'll be a game i'll enjoy.
Real talk: It's just... Not my thing. Some people just aren't interested in some stuff, you know what I'm saying? For example, some people love capeshit, but I hate it. I hate it with a passion.
Your contrarism can't take away the influence MGS had on the industry nor the place it has in peoples hearts.
2019.... I am forgotten....
Memes-aside, what are you honestly expecting from Death Stranding, Yea Forums?
I'm basically thinking it'll be a 2deep4u sci-fi MGSV with some spooky leanings.
I wasn't that bothered about it but recently I've become super hyped
That's what happens when your only post-KojiPro credits are on minor Japan Studio games.
I mean, I like Freedom Wars, but it was hardly a huge deal.
Is that HP Lovecraft?
I just want a new delivery game other than truck simulator.
Because Kojima's genius is still debatable after his latest games and because it looks really fucking weird. We'll see what it is all about when it's out but I have no clue when that is.
>can't take away the influence MGS had on the industry
Don't remind me. I wish I could wipe away all movie games.
Not 2deep4u sci-fi MGSV mixed with BOTW exploration and at times the comfyness of RDR2's hunting/fishing, with a really interesting and unique story. And then I have no clue what to expect for the social strand system stuff, other than it's probably kino.
I have it preordered but have literally zero interest in it especially when I remember how MGSV turned out.
Could be good aside from the inevitable endless cutscene-nigging.
>we can see Kojimas full genius at work with no restrictions whatsoever
restrictions are not a bad thing
>implying Movie Gear Solid and Movie of Time ever stood amongst Doom and Mario64
because MGSV was absolute dogshit besides gameplay?
Which is not kojimas fault, but konamis?
interesting ideas executed poorly
did konami do the fucking awful writing?
Everything revealed about the actual game looks retarded. Could it be innovative and fun? Maybe. But it looks retarded. Not hype whatsoever.
>Your contrarism can't take away the influence MGS had on the industry
MGS is dead and movie shit would still be around even if Kojima never existed
No, but they forced it with budget and time restraints.
>By receiving a big fat yakuza check from Konami.
Go outside.
Sleeping Game
and the proof of this is?
The game not being finished?
so no proof then
> Kojimas full genius at work with no restrictions whatsoever.
So we will see fucking nothing
Why are you even asking if you didn't want an answer in the first place?
Partly this.
The short "gameplay" shown in the videos look really clunky. Somehow I am still a bit hyped about the story and I hope the gameplay has some tricks up in its sleeve.
I also hope the story can be understood and isn't so deep4u that u have to google explanations. But then again, I may be a brainlet when it comes to 2deep4u stories.
you still haven't posted proof that it was Konami's fault the game turned out that way.
Why are you answering when you have no answer?
Also not that guy.
Go outside onto your suicide net, chink.
>empty open world with absolutely nothing to do besides collect 80's tapes
>story is garbage
>unfinished and the only redeemable quality is the gameplay
Can't wait for DS to also be overrated to oblivion because pretentious hack's name is on the cover
>muh strand game new genre me first
I used to like him but now i'm fed up with his shit
>death stranding
>POSSIBLY "empty" world, has wild-life at the very least, along with rival delivery factions who try to steal your shit and perhaps interesting locations
>story is 100% guaranteed to be kino, even if game itself is shit
>going to be finished because blank check, no time restrictions other than ones set by himself, and game has fastest development pace sony has seen because kojima has been brainstorming the game since at least before MGSV started
Can't wait for DS to also be underrated to oblivion by Yea Forums because "pretentious hack's" name is on the cover.
>story is 100% guaranteed to be kino
when was the last time Kojima wrote a good story?
Cause the gameplay shown might as well been any walking simulator they focuses entirely on story. It's banking on big names from Hollywood when it should be banking on looking fun and not looking like a movie.
MGS3, if you count "alright" then 4.
inb4 >muh random codec writer
>empty open world shooting game
man, looking back at 4 hurts like hell. The story is absolute trash
>using the word kino aka bad thing good
The gameplay looks extremely fun though?
whether or not you are wanting to play this game, or see it crash and burn is irrelevant. the truth is deep down, everyone on this board is curious what will happen when its released.
>death stranding
Just walking is fun? I guess I should get in on this market fast
I liked the atmosphere, though. I never actually got around to playing it because i've never owned a playstation but wasn't the gameplay decent as well? Been a long time since i've seen a playthrough.
>unreleased thing bad
Can you post this on every DS thread from now on?
Because it's a walking simulator
i hope a character does the funny toot
In the trailer.
Fighting weird shadow creatures looks fun as fuck, it's not my fault you have the attention span of a 3 year old ADHD child.
>three months to release
>not a single person seen playing the game
>just trailers of characters and screenshots of the main character standing around an empty open world
So Final Fantasy XIV logic
>Our WoW clone is good cause it has a single player story
How about you support Kojima by convincing him to become a movie director instead?
>how can anyone not be hyped?
By realising that we haven't seen shit and the game is supposed to be out in 3 months.
>sasaki and Meryl plotline
>octopus corps/squad/troop whatever ""backstories""
>that asspull after the first credits
He can creat memorable characters I'll give him that but damn the quality did take a dive
Then post a webm of said gameplay user. Or are you saying if I make a game based on The Hidden where you can only walk that I would have a "Kino" hit on my hands?
>boredom makes it keeeno
How can people say we've seen no gameplay if we've seen plenty?
I agree, but honestly I think i'll prefer running on a ladder bridge while having a bunch of taser spears thrown at me.
I'm not going to download a publicly available trailer to condense it in a webm for you. I don't give a fuck if you buy the game or not.
The quality definitely took a dive because he stopped giving a shit about MGS, in my opinion.
There's no way he's had all this time to brainstorm Death Stranding otherwise.
>people think Kino is a positive term to describe a game
Why would equating a hand to a movie be a good thing? This is what strikes me as odd. People bitch if you call their game a movie but then turn around and use an alternate form of the weird to describe it.
kino has always been an ironic bad thing good word
It just looks like an indie game with a fat old guy in it.
Doom is fucking garbage.
There are no repercussions in this life for shittaste, but I hope to god that god will judge you accordingly for it.
He's talking about this, this happens in the Japanese trailer right after Sam gets caught by the ghosts.
I have no idea what this game is about? am I just a fedex man running away from black people?
>Kojimas full genius at work with no restrictions whatsoever
Damn that actually looks sick. Why wasn't it in the western trailer?
Not sure, maybe because the Japanese trailer used the version of the song Path with lyrics instead of the instrumental version and the timing was off? A lot of people missed this short TGS trailer too.
This is a comfy Death Stranding thread?
I find Kojimas writing to be pretty cringe. Having all these renowned actors say absolutely embarrasing lines written by the sperglord kojima is something i can not stomach. The gameplay doesn't look very interesting neither.
I don't like Metal Gear so I don't give a shit about this one
that massive clipping
>the contrarian thinks this is a hallway
Stop giving the thief autist replies.