What game universe would you spend a lifetime in once you can connect your brain to a perfect virtual reality version...

What game universe would you spend a lifetime in once you can connect your brain to a perfect virtual reality version of it where a hundred years translates to one hour of real time?

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Probably something with big anime titties.

Depends on if I can be a girl or not.

Don't you think you'd get tired of big anime titties if exposed to them for decades when you're already tired of real life after 20 years?


I'm tempted to say the pokemon world if I could achieve the same shit as a protagonist, but even then, the world portrayed seems idyllic enough for a regular ass person.
>start your journey as a young kid
>go through the motions of challenging gyms but also an adventure throughout whatever region as you catch pokemon and train them to get stronger
>go from some random nobody to a champion, earning the respect of everyone
>even without the whole becoming champion or becoming the best, there's still an entire world to see and explore
>general quality of life appears to be really good, albeit with exceptions here and there

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If the brain is still producing virtual hormones that shouldn't be possible

A JoJo game.

Gay. but true

This. Pokemon is probably the best world for a hundred years virtual simulation. If it has hot anime girls and sex mechanics, even better

one with cute and funny girls

All this neural interface technology will be used by governments and corporations to enslave people. only a massive, worldwide EMP can save us from tyranny.

Alternatively I'd go create my own fucking universe because that sounds like a fun idea.

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Zooming around as immortal space ninja would be pretty cool.

World of Warcraft. Fuck the haters.

Jesus Christ. Only if it really is a "perfect" version of it in the sense that it captures some of the spirit of the world while also being a pleasant experience for those involved. The world of Azeroth itself seems like a horrible place to live, it's basically disaster after disaster everywhere.

Xenoblade. Shulk's homeland seems comfy.

i want a stand too user.

death stranding. i dont wanna die.

I'm tempted to say something akin to Second Life or VRChat, AKA an attempt to create a virtual world based on our own.

Mostly I'm just worried about how experiencing and getting used to living a life for a hundred years in any scenario, then returning for either another "play session" or to go to bed for your job the next day wouldn't fuck with anyone's head.

No worse than a fellow user that said Fallout. But imagine the interface if we're talking perfect translation, the scent of Moonglade, the haze and mist of Feralas on your face. There are too many fantastic things to enjoy in such a thing to pass up. I mean we aren't dealing with the monkey paw version where you go into the world without the abilities of a character you make, so you aren't entirely defenseless.

battle network and just shitpost like I do now

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Posts like these will haunt us some day, sooner than we'd like.

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What's not great to have a walking tank that can talk to you.

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a pure and nice world

Do I get to be one of the characters of the universe?

Spyro assuming I get to be an elder dragon.

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I'd just spend 100 years getting fatter.

Ive thought of this "live in a video game world" scenario plenty of times and always come to the conclusion that pokemon world is best. And Im not even a fan of the series.

Only if you can respawn after death.

Dragon Quest so I can fulfill my fantasy of making a living by being a monster slayer in a relatively cozy world

Doa beach volley ball 2 id just be fappan in the background

ffxiv so I can give in to Lakshmi

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>a JoJofag calling someone else a faggot
Your post doesn't stand by itself.

Wouldn't being inside a game for a lifetime absolutely fuck with your mind when you eventually came out?

i just want an argonian/khajiit waifu

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Besides the whole monkey and getting AIDS thing I'd love to just chill on DK Island being a lazy shit.

City of Heroes

Since you didn't say it had to be vidya, Culture.

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Monster Girl Quest

Planescape: Torment

It obviously wouldn't. people overusing porn fuck their brain chemistry.

None, mr social engineer.

>you will never be hypnotized by a mermaid song

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Read again


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