What the fuck happened to Tekken 7?

The character models look atrocious in this game.
I love Tekken but why the fuck do they bother changing the models if they're going to fuck it up?
Tekken 6 models are light years ahead they just have shit textures.

Tekken 5 Lili
>Easily identifiable face among roster
>Makeup unique to her
>Looks young (like she's meant to be)
>Captures little bitch vibe
>Looks better than a game two gens later
>Set what Lili should look like

Tekken 7 Lili
>Cant do expressions
>Looks like literally every other girl in the game
>In weird age limbo with awkward features
>No personality
>Looks worse than a game two gens behind
>Ignores what Lili should like

It applies to all the other characters too, the guys didn't get it as bad typically speaking but damn does Lars look fucking dumpster trash levels of fucking gross now. All the girls look like complete soulless same face too. I almost miss trans Nina from TAG2, at least she didn't look like everyone else.

Why can't they just enhance the old models are at least make the models faithful? Tekken 7 maps look alright but the characters are super fucking atrocious.

>Tekken 5 was on PS3

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Other urls found in this thread:


still best girl

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This guy seemed to have made some makeup that makes Lili resemble Tekken 5 a bit more.

I really fucking hate t7 lili's triangle face

>Not a condom in her mouth

Unreal Engine 4.

You can thank Tim Sweeney for this.

Unreal Engine 4 is trash.

she looks more and more asian

game resembles a ue4 student project: what look like stock models slightly customised; retarded over the top moisture and wind effects; every stage looks dark. none of the stages look good. the best are merely okay. and yet everybody seemingly talks it up as having amazing visuals. looks worse than tag 2, which was bright and colourful and crisp.

>what the heck-en happened to tekken?

Bamco sucks at Unreal Engine 4, SC6 looks goofy as well. Also we got a general downgrade from arcade to home release too.

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Unironically prefer the way TTT2 looks to T7. is pretty much correct though I don't think it's that bad.

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The game looked so beautiful in arcades

what the fuck were they thinking?

Oh dear God this. Unreal ruined soul calibur and I pray they go back to the arcade engine next time.

Tekken is always downgraded when porting the game from arcades. This has been a thing since Tekken 3. I don't really know the reason why they do this, but I hope that Namco can improve going forward with Unreal Engine, especially regarding the hair.

Actual popular characters look great though

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they focused on framerate

Asuka's nice but she'll never truly replace my true main.

I just want to get Mama Kazama back, bros...

>Tekken is always downgraded when porting the game from arcades

Except for TTT1 where it was actually improved.

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I love long narrow faces, so if anything T7 Lili looks better

God I hate T7. The graphics are fine even if some characters look like generic UE4 models but the gameplay is such bullshit compared to older entries. This game is basically unplayable to anyone that isn't a top level player due to how instant armored one-button comeback supers work. It has stripped Tekken of all enjoyment playing with friends when there's that bullshit button you can pull. I miss older Tekken when you mainly used your fists and kicks in old fashioned way to beat your opponent. The grounded fighting is also why I'd like to believe the series was so popular too. Now it's just so absurd. The game can't even take itself seriously anymore in narrative.

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absolutely not.

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tekken was never serious or grounded

ie. kangaroos, raptors, devils, bears

Literally only Lili looks worse and even then Lili always looked like a pedo-bait down syndrome retard

Lili is beautiful, you fucking moron. You clearly have shit taste.

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>This game is basically unplayable to anyone that isn't a top level player due to how instant armored one-button comeback supers work

What the fuck are you talking about? I have been playing Tekken online since 2007 and have dropped 600+ hours into T7 and it is without a doubt the best playing, peforming and fastest Tekken to date. This rivals the T5:DRO days

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These characters in their PS2 format look way more recognizable and unique than the game that released near 20 years later on a high-end engine using a high-end console.


Don't talk to me you fucking embarrassment, just go back to /fgg/with all the other weeaboo jizzbrains

It had comic elements but the gameplay was always just a no-bullshit fists and kicks game. Now they've added all those comeback mechanics and other bullshit, it has stripped the game of its essence, making it a 3D anime fighter.

It's probably the best out of a balance perspective if you're a top player but I don't think these changes make the game better for scrubs or old casual Tekken players.

Lili is gorgeous and my hapa waifu, fuck off

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On the flipside, didn't the console version perform worse than the arcade version? It was outright slower or something I think?

>It had comic elements but the gameplay was always just a no-bullshit fists and kicks game.

Devil Kazuya/Devil Jin lasers
Jinpachi force push and fireballs
a fucking kangaroo
a robot that does jackhammer style gun punches(Gun jack)

face it, tekken was always anime as fuck

also kazuya is literally vegeta and jin is literally hiei from yu yu hakusho

Wow, I've played Tekken Tag 1 in both arcade and ps2 when I was little. I never noticed how drastic the difference was

I actually like how T7 looks for the most part. Too many post processing effects like film grain going on and some weird model and texture choices here and there. But I like the look a lot and think they did even better in SCVI despite again some odd decisions here and there like blurring the entire background of some stages then there are some low quality assets. And I'm not sure if it's just your screenshot but lili looked weird in T5.

Like I said those comic elements existed but never were so invasive to the entire game as now.

Now characters have armored moves. They have 1 button comeback supers. They have other Rage mechanics. Tekken reached to me a peak in gameplay with Tekken 5. After that Bamco just went more and more out of bounds in their incompetence.

Tekken females look better than the trash in SHIT Calibur 6. All of them look like fucking low rent whores from rap viideos, especially Ivy and Taki. I fucking hate Taki and Ivy so goddamn much, fucking fat hentai looking porn whores.

Thats nostalgia talking. No. Kazuya looks no better here than he does in T7, in fact, T7 Kaz's default outfit is FROM the TTT1 intro FMV.

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Tekken 7 has better graphics and character models than games like Sekiro and DMC 5. Lili>>>>>>Trish in dmc 5 and Emma in Sekiro

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>It's probably the best out of a balance perspective if you're a top player

It has literally never been EASIER to rank up in a tekken game for all involved. I have NEVER been an orange in any other game

>Complaining about rage arts
Just bait it bro

how come the men didn't look all roided out in tekken games pre tekken 6

You realize this is supposed to be a given right? There was a time where fighting games (especially Tekken/Soul Calibur) were graphical benchmarks for the consoles they were on. These days are gone now. Both series look mediocre on consoles now. They rely on 3rd-party engines and they do the absolute minimum amount of work to make it look good.

Gone are the days when people bought fighting games just to see how powerful the consoles they owned actually were.

No? The updated TTT1 cabinet basically became a PS2 inside. TTT1 was tailor made for PS2 and in fact the first PS2 game ever developed


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It ruins the pacing of the game when the opponent is given a one button nuclear bomb just for losing. I think V-trigger is a way better mechanic because instead of just dealing massive damage, it instead renders a few unsafe moves as safe and opens up the move set a bit further. It's a way better comeback mechanic than LOL I PRESSED L1 AND NOW YOUR DAMAGE IS 70% GONE.

Yes you can bait, yes you can block it. But that's not the point. The point being that one hit comeback supers are a lazy mechanic and also ruin the gameplay flow.

That's not the best comparison. The character models are practically the same. It's the lighting effects that ended up with the biggest change.

Textures are downgraded in spots, upgraded in other spots.



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Because of limitations?? These traps and delts look natural to you? Do you even know what traps and delts are?

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Bull fucking shit, DMC 5 and Sekiro look way way better than any modern fighting game.

This is because fighting games don't sell well and the developers don't give a shit anyway about visuals since the FGC doesn't.

And of course I forgot the fighting game that pushed consoles the most. A game that still looks great to this day.

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My main gripe with the game is everyone has broad fucking shoulders. DoA5LR is still the most visually appealing fighter to me (where 3D models are concerned)

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They are trying to be more realistic with face models and although they are achieving it they are also moving into uncanny valley and looking worse.

I noticed the lighting got made more bland on console, that sunset roof stage got turned into some generic daytime shit

>The character models are practically the same. It's the lighting effects that ended up with the biggest change.
I know, it's still a downgrade though.

Cum happen

>giant sound effect when opponent is rage capable
>multiple on screen indicators
>like any game with a super, throwing it out raw will make you eat shit,
>like any game with supers you know better than to throw raw slow moves at those who have their supers ready
>you can even KO an opponent before their rage activates anyway
unironically get good.

Console looks better

now DOA 6 looks as bad as tekken and shit calibur lol

Fighting games sell well enough to atleast they should look better than they do. SC6 for instance looks so bad that it downright looks like a fan made UE4 project than a studio-made game by professional experienced devs.

Also the best looking fighting games are the ones that sell the least. Such as Guilty Gear Xrd and UNIST.

Team Ninja lost its cutting-edge presence with the departure of Itagaki.

I don't even like DOA (or it's character designs for the most parts, everyone looks like weird dolls to me) but that's not true. DOA6 came out a few years later and it's obvious by looking at it. As far as graphics are concerned DOA generally has been one of the better fighting games.

>My main gripe with the game is everyone has

They are athletes retard. This has been a thing in fighters for 30 years. Go play your fap shit.

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Look man, I just want to play old fashioned Tekken. I don't want to play nu-SF4. Stop with all these comeback supers shit. It doesn't belong in Tekken. Tekken should have its own character.

But SC6 sold like garbage, of course namco isn't gonna invest in that. Best looking fighter on a technical level is MK 11 which also sold the best. Too bad their art direction is fucking hideous.

>fap shit
>posts chun li
>who went from simply muscular in old games to looking like nicki minaj as a bodybuilder in SF 4 and 5

T7 is too popular. Its gonna stay most likely. Also Harada is besties and drink buddies with Ono.

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Bamco's saying that SC6 met sales expectations for what it's worth (which wasn't the case for SC5). It's never sold as well as Tekken (SC2 was pushed immensely hard at the time, moreso than most Tekken games are, and still only had total sales equivalent to around 1/4th of Tekken 5) so naturally they won't focus on it as much.

Nigger what. When I first saw Tekken 7 the first thing I thought was how improved the female faces look. Asuka, Lili, and especially Xiaoyu look the best they ever have. Lili's so goddamn pretty my gamer can barely focus.

I feel like a lot of what T7's done is testing the waters for TxSF. Dhalsim will probably end up functionally playing sort of like Noctis for example.

>le chun li was never big meme

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>But SC6 sold like garbage
It exceeded Namco's expecations, paid for itself and made money. There should even be a DLC announcement today.

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Fucking mobile


TTT1 was the pinnacle of gaming

I guess it's just a new wordfilter. Fucking gay.

I don't understand why she suddenly looks Asian in T7

shut up person who does not play Tekken

It used to be but Dead or Alive 6 looks worse than Soul Calibur 6 and Tekken 7. It's serviceable but not great. The textures are still low resolution in most of the stages and the lighting isn't as good Tekken or Soul Calibur. It has a weird, over bloomed lighting system you can't turn off or adjust. It's an awkward, bad looking game.


This stage is worse in game. It's way too bright and the other arena level is the same.

Dead or Alive 4 even has stages that push more polygons, better lighting, more effects, and has a much better art direction.


You're fucking retarded m8.

god that looks so fucking bad

Its not real

such a shame

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The bottom looks more like Miharu to me

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Miharu was just beta Asuka. If it were not for the uniform you would think this was Asuka concept art.

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Eat shit, closet homosexual.

>post girl

You only like the masculine features.

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Nope Chun has a great face and tits too, fail harder.

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>that big Dragonball Z-esque fight between Heihachi and Kazuya
I know this series has always been sorta wacky but I feel like it's getting too over the top honestly

That was the best part!

DoA4 looked absolutely incredible for a launch 360 game. While every other game looked like an upscaled Xbox game at launch, there was DoA4 that looked a gen ahead.

That rivalry has been going on longer than most people on Yea Forums have been alive, it makes sense they'd go for a climax like that

There is a face mod that makes T7 faces look more similar to tag 2 on PC.
I have been using it for my boy Lee since day 1 it came out.

Fkn retard. Rage art drive and armor crush are the literall button masher panic buttons for noobs like you


If anything they just give noobs shit habits. Such as wake up Ultras from SF4. They just restrict growth within players because they just default to that one button nuke button to spam against friends.

I agree but he also has a point.
The range of expressions has decreased.

I'm on phone right now. Check deviant art street mods tekken 7
Then search under character mods or other.

So what. They will drop these habits once they see that they don't work anymore. Just as I did when I started out.

Why even give scrubs those shit habits then? Older Tekken games sold fine without giving new players comeback Ultras. I can promise you more scrubs find the Ultras offputting than rewarding. It's just Harada pressing the panic button because Tekken was losing in sales to other fighting games.

The aesthetic designs of T7 females is angular anime same face. But since I like that style I’m perfectly fine with it. I wanna play as hit perfect people with little to no features that would tale that away.

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Reminder that Tekken aesthetically peaked with 4

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I think the models are basically the same as always but the lightning makes them look worse

T7 is unironically pretty

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Very underrated game. Visually gorgeous and it was a ton of fun to play with friends. Only thing against it was the small roster.

Most people seem to agree that it got everything except the actual gameplay right.

You can promise shit.
I loved that stuff when I started out and other noobs started rushing me down. And now its double rewarding when you use it properly at higher level. Stay mad.

Absolutely. It's my favorite Tekken, personally. I get the complaints about wall hits and jank, but I'm always disappointed when I think about how the series progressed from here. Instead of tweaking the interesting stages and environments, Namco gave up and made everything a boring circle going forward. T4 had so much identity and soul and all of it was thrown away to appease pro players. I really hope T8 considers at least borrowing the aesthetic, but I'd also like to see these dynamic stages come back with the more balanced, tight gameplay that we have now.

Attached: tekken-4-gallery.jpg (470x353, 29K)

Can we agree that even tho SC6, DOA6, T7 designs got trashed the worst eye cancer is Mortal Burka 11?

>stages with fucking railings blocking the players
Who the fuck wanted shit like this in a fighting game

People who get a kick out of a game that offers a gritty, real-ish "street fight" feel. These were like real places, real locations where a fight could break out. I thought that shit was really cool.
Worst case scenario, there's stage select for the no fun allowed crowd.

You can make the characters look good through customisation in that game at least

>the no fun allowed crowd
I feel like most of the people who say this don't even play these games for more than 10 minutes. It's like some of the DOA games where you don't have to play it 'competitively' to notice the jank and bad gameplay design, and it gets un-fun really, really quickly.

>a gritty, real-ish "street fight" feel
I don't feel Tekken 4 had this either honestly.

The "dude just turn your brain off bro" guys are especially delusional when it comes to fighting games for some reason. If it were a DMC-style action game or a platformer that had bad gameplay it'd rightfully get criticised, with fighting games if you do that you get people on Yea Forums saying "no fun allowed!" and so on every single time.

MK's art production is top tier though, I'll give them that.

Wow it's almost like people have different ideas on what good gameplay is. Just read the thread discussion on comeback Ultras. Everyone wants good gameplay you retard just not in the same way.

>I feel like most of the people who say this don't even play these games for more than 10 minutes.
Maybe, but not me. T4 was a regular with my fightan and non-fightan friends alike back in the day. We eventually switched to T5:DR for the roster, but still.
>I don't feel Tekken 4 had this either honestly.
Not all of them, sure, but a couple of them hit it on the money. Parking Lot, Building, Shinjuku, Fight Club, all that shit.

Except you're not reading at all what I'm saying. T4's stages didn't work because they didn't work, they worked because they were a huge change that the series wasn't ready for. The game wasn't balanced properly and it didn't take into account a lot of the properties of these stages. Now that the gameplay itself has undergone a lot of changes, experimenting with these types of stages isn't impossible. I don't want Tekken to abandon all the progress to build off of T4, I want Tekken to build off of what they have now with inspirations from T4 because I believe it can offer some much needed character to the series.

>T4's stages didn't work because they didn't work, they worked
That's *they didn't work
My bad.

Japanesse game going for the Kawaii look. Nothing worng .

Tekken 7 looks way better the fuck are you taking about especially the lighting which looks flat as fuck on the previous games.

Eliza, Anna, Lilli and Kazumi looks like clone of the same character.
Also manly arms don't help female character models.

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That's why I'm still a Ninafag afterr all these years

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The sweat function is pretty nice.

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yeah, but small head on buffed body looks retarded.

it sold like shit but budget was of an indie game almost. Small amount of stages, lack of cutscenes and early PS3 upscaled textures in many places show's that.

Its Soul, Soulless all over again.
Its probably UE4.

>Tekken 7 render

it's a drawing, you idiot.

Still fucking hot

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The game looks fine to me, but I do agree that on some stages the lightning is god-awful, mainly on the lava stages. However after 2000 hours the past two years, graphics aren't the things I'm focused on. The game is from 2013 after all. What they really need to do is fix the fucking crashes and folder size of the game.

It is a game of its time. A time capsule just like bloodlines for example. These are soulless and corporate times. Get used to it since it is only going to get worse.

Damn, that Diva bikini is the best

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stop pushing buttons and get better internet retard

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>Tekken being lewder then DoA
Fuck this clown world .

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Make sure you don't get PTSD now.

Tekken 8's Devil Kazuya vs Devil Jin is going to be even crazier. Claudio will probably get some sort of Angel mode or something too I bet.

It was more pronounced in TTT2

Nobody cares about Tekken story anymore. It needs a reboot so they can unfuck everything. But I don't think Harada cares now since he's turned more than half the roster into blatant comic relief.

>and yet everybody seemingly talks it up as having amazing visuals
Fucking what
Even the subreddit says T7 and especially its stages are terrible

bamco running out of money. just look at SCVI. shit actually looks worse than SCV

>This game is basically unplayable to anyone that isn't a top level player due to how instant armored one-button comeback supers work.
Confirmed retard

They're not running out of money, Bamco's literally one of the richest companies in this entire industry. They're just jews.

This. When fucking ASW can make fighting games that are prettier and also comes with more features than your multi-million selling IPs, you know there's something fucked going on behind the scenes. Tekken 7 is so hilariously barebones for being delayed for several years after arcade release. It lacked features that were present in Tekken 2. And the online barely worked, lobbies were a joke and then they had the audacity of making Tekken Bowl DLC and Jukebox PS4 exclusive.

The worst part isn't that though. The worst part is how they constantly treat fans like it's their fault if there isn't enough features or new installment

>w-well if this game doesn't sell five billion copies, say goodbye to your DLC and sequel goy

The fighting game genre is partly still a niche because the devs behind the most popular games have let their franchises stagnate due to cowardly business methods and cheap funding.

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Shut the fuck up, Arcsys cuck. All the shit you complain about (lacking features, online barely works and have shit ton of usless DLCs) happens in those games too.
>The worst part is how they constantly treat fans like it's their fault if there isn't enough features or new installment
>Not realizing it applies to GG fanbase as well
Frenchbread somehow made their game way better then whatever your company shat out in the past 4-5 years. Don't forget that BlazBlue is their most profitable IP in arcades and yet they keep shitting out overly expensive updates. Keep complaining about your "muh artstyle", because it doesn't matter if the games are dead

You shut the fuck up fag. ASW has a reason having DLC since their games max sell 100k copies. And the netcode is still way better than the jokes that are Tekken and SC. Tekken 7 has sold 4 million copies and the game STILL DOES NOT HAVE TEAM BATTLE

And they haven't offered shit for free via patches. They just sell you more and more overpriced characters that are also a joke to Tekken with obvious paid promos like Noctis and Negan. For a title that sells 4 million copies, Bamco have no excuse treating it as if it was one dollar away from its deathbed. They make millions every year on it and still treat it like shit.