Literally why don't nintendies have a board? I don't want to share a board with them

Literally why don't nintendies have a board? I don't want to share a board with them.

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*stomps onto the ps4, crushing it into a million pieces*

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What's the point? You Snoys would be there all the time, shitposting.

And nintendies wonder the same thing about snoys.



Based Chadrio

Are people who post Wojak incapable of not shitposting?

>le wojak bad
hello r*ddit

Nintendo doesn't censor their games, they're fine with me.

>so cucked by reddit he can't even find the courage to say the name

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Or if you are a PC bro who is too much of a faggot to also own a Nintendo system, just chill in the Doom/Thief /vr/ threads or the M&B general. Nintendo is the only company who releases non indie games (no Ubisoft heightmap files and Square Enix VNs don't count as games) anymore and not enough people play each new good indie game to have regular threads. What else would there be to talk about, without Nintendo, other than BANNERLORD WHEN!? and making fun of kiddy, shovelware, moviegames like Red Dead and Devil May Cry for the millionth time.


>What else would there be to talk about, without Nintendo, other than BANNERLORD WHEN!?
How about the thousands of games not marketed directly at children?

Yea Forums needs to be split into /pcg/ - PC Gaming and /cg/ - Console Gaming. Would improve site quality immensely.

such as?

>nintendie does not even know games not for children
HAHAHAHAH couldn't make this shit up

But all games are for children.

Literally why don't wojak posters have a board? I don't want to share a board with them.

you still haven't listed any games

This is already a Nintendo board. We merely allow you snoyboys here. Never forget this.

Why can't snoybois post on their own board, Yea Forums?

>does not even know games not for children
And neither do you since you didn't list any either.

this would actually be much more useful than /vg/, /vr/ and /vp/ ever were

I'm not answering your dumbass question. Maybe it's the games not written on a kindergarten reading level like nintendo games.

Nintendo fans are talking about video games, you're shitposting with wojaks. Who is really contributing to the shit quality of this board?

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>dodging the question because he can't think of any games worth talking about

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>Oh boy, I can't wait to watc- I mean play Gears of War 5™
If you start a thread for a good upcoming game like Sakuna or Killer Queen, it will get ignored because Yea Forums is now filled with normalfags that only know about widely marketed childrens games like Gears of War and people who have become to jaded to follow upcoming releases. Literally what would we practically have left, other than shitposting, without Nintendo?

>bUt wHaT gAmEs aRe oRaNgE?????
still not answering your dumbass question
what are some games literally only adults can understand there you go

>he STILL can't list any games
The absolute state of snoy

I don't own a console

Oh so that's why you got no games

I've got enough

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