The World Of Warcraft

WoW is better than it has ever been. Having more fun on WoW than any of the 50 shitty Steam games I own. Fuck you GabeN. I'm a Blizzard boy again.

Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall

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I wish I could remain as deluded as you

your taste is shit

game snobs are the worst

>WoW is better than it has ever been.
what was the point of this thread? Is Blizzard shilling at 3:23AM?
Everyone knows WoW is garbage

>Playing an MMORPG that banned all MMO and RPG elements nearly a decade ago
>Playing a game called World of Warcraft that banned leaving two cities to explore the World and fighting PVP Warcraft nearly a decade ago

can't wait for the inevitable death of your country
your people ruined gaming

i have no idea what you're talking about. I have pvp enabled.

the (((ones))) who ruined gaming aren't 'people'


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>wait noo I'm a good goy, pls master, pls

WoW's quality went down because they catered to entitled casuals.

I too enjoy having to run the same dungeon over and over for the titanforged gear.

Pity Blizzard are a SJW shitshow, mind you so are Square Enix these days so whatever I guess.

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somebody is still playing this Stockhole syndrome of a game?

Legion was enjoyable to play casually near the end, I can't fathom touching BfA though.

>only 50 games of steam
weak, you better have a big physical collection of vidya


Shut the fuck up you dick sucking retarded faggot the only way wow would be passable right now if AP was account wide so you could actually enjoy alts.

I really wish blizzard would just remove bfas faction war from the story.

I agree.

im going to resub for the 15th aniversary event and probably to 8.3 aswell since the last patch of an expansion is always good
after that i will wait for the next expansion and play it for 1-2 months again and wait for the X.3 patch then resub again

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The demoralization process has reached its final stage with this person.

BFA is a literal slot machine with timegates.